Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 181 ·Invite you into the trap

"I suspect that the 'Lancelot' we are facing is not a real vampire duke - or to be more accurate, he is called a vampire duke in this world and is indeed stronger than other vampire marquises. Much better. But in the Lord God’s evaluation system, it may not yet conflict with the next realm of power of the Blood Marquis.”

"...What?" Zheng Zha blinked.

He looked at the place where Lancelot died suddenly, and then looked at himself. Finally, his eyes were placed on Jiang Yu's large adamantine storm shield that was obviously damaged.

"You mean... we were almost beaten to pieces. But in the end, we were still dealing with an opponent of the same level?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Chu Xuan turned his gaze and looked at the golden cup in front of him. "Perhaps, this Lancelot has reached a truly higher level in terms of physique and energy pool. However, I feel that it still lacks one thing."

"Difference." Chu Xuan gently rubbed the inscription on the golden cup. The small and delicate etching marks circled the golden cup week after week.

"D-level vampires basically only increase their physical fitness. A small amount of blood energy is accumulated in the body, but it is basically unable to mobilize. Just like most D-level bloodlines, except for the fact that Qigong is the exchange of energy circulation. , at the price of D, it basically doesn’t involve the use of energy.”

"The C-level Vampires have a complete blood energy circulation. The B-level goes a step further. Not only does it have a more complete energy cycle, but it also has the ability to transform your body, allowing you to release your wings. And the A level above level, it provides you with the ability to transform energy and body at the same time."

He paused.

"And this logic can be applied to most of the Lord God's strengthening systems - Cheng Xiao's dragon-human transformation and Jiao-chi transformation, Jiang Yu's Little Zhoutian and Great Zhoutian, and Zhan Lan's angel advancement, etc. Wait... So in the end, I came to a conclusion. That is, in the Lord God's judgment system, the improvement of the exchange level must not only increase the energy pool and physical fitness, but also a symbolic progress."

"And this vampire duke..." Zhan Lan rubbed his forehead and cut into the topic in a strange tone. "...Under normal conditions, apart from being a little faster, a little stronger, and having a bigger energy has not changed much from other vampire marquises, even Zheng Zha."

"Even if you practice qi to a thousand levels, if you don't condense the Dao foundation, you can't cast a golden elixir." Cheng Xiao said in a deep tone.

Then the prototype was revealed - "Uh... cultivation should be like this, right? All the novels I read before seemed to be set like this?"

"That's understandable." But Chu Xuan nodded. "This 'Lancelot' didn't show new abilities that were different from the bloodthirsty demonization of the Marquis until he finally used the golden cup. And it lost its mind at that time, which can prove the depth of the unfolding story. The red domain is the basic ability that the Marquis should have at the next level. Before that, it was just a senior vampire Marquis with a very deep accumulation and strong enough to be regarded as another level, but the essence has not reached that level. .”

It sounds like it makes sense.


"So?" Zheng Zha scratched his head.

"It is of the same level as you." Chu Xuan turned his attention to Zheng Zha this time. "It can rely on the blood in this golden cup to reach the next level. Moreover, when it is used, it should already know the cost and results... But it is a vampire, and we are reincarnations. In essence, we have never same."

"So." Chu Xuan slightly emphasized his tone. "Do you want to save the exchange resources to become a vampire duke... and the price is just to cooperate with me to do some research?"


- He was lying to him.

When Chu Xuan's eyes shifted away from Zheng Zha, but he still spoke to Zheng Zha. Such a corresponding conclusion emerged in Jiang Yu's mind. Because he knew the setting and had read the plot, he knew that every time Chu Xuan deceived Zheng Zha, his eyes would slightly shift outward from the gaze.

It's not an unintentional move, but a deliberate move - for Chu Xuan, this may be a clear statement to those who agree, "I'm lying to you." However, if you want to understand the behind-the-scenes meaning of this move, first of all, you have to be horribly tricked.

The Illuminati does not need to go through this process - and the Illuminati will not be foolish enough to expose it. In the second moment, he thought that this was Chu Xuan's revenge for Zheng Zha's remarks that 'you have no previous life'. If we extend our thinking a little further, it might be because Li Shuaixi, as a ‘research assistant’, is no longer able to meet the requirements?

Possibly both, maybe both. And the theory put forward by Chu Xuan... seems to sound right.

Because Jiang Yu thought of something.

——In the exchange list of the main seems that the next level of marquis is really not a duke?

Thinking, Jiang Yu checked the memory contents in his mind. In the original world line, Zheng Zha's vampire enhancement only stayed at B level. And he could see the bloodline of the S-level blood emperor. Apart from him, the only other people who had brought the vampires to full strength were the two Reinhardts from the Demon Team and the West Sea Team. However, they seemed to be unable to see the strengthening of the S-class vampires, so they stopped at AA and claimed to have arrived at the Prince. Rank.

Prince, not Duke. Whether in the East or the West, a prince is a category higher than a duke. It usually refers to the title of enfeoffment for the emperor's heirs. Of course, the husband of the queen can also obtain the title of prince.

The next level up from Earl is indeed Marquis, and the next level up from B is indeed A instead of BB. In the original world line, Zheng Zha was deceived by Chu Xuan when he was planning to redeem the blood of the blood marquis to increase his energy pool. Exchanged it for A-level Hunyuan Yi Qigong. And this means that in the judgment system of the Lord God, Lancelot, the vampire duke, may really be at the same level as Zheng Zha...

——What a ghost!

——This item is not bought from the Lord God in exchange. It must be counted by the Lord God according to its absolute strength! No matter how much we pull it, it almost beats us to pieces. If there is no Yagami to protect them, and they succeed in taking the lead or reorganizing their front. No matter how we look at it, we can only escape under the siege of these knights!

--and! What Chu Xuan is so special about is that he recorded all the Lord God’s exchange forms! Just say that the next level exchanged by the Lord God is the blood prince instead of the duke. Why do you use the term "senior marquis"! ?

——This guy is seeking personal revenge!

Jiang Yu roared in his heart.

But a roar is a roar, and it is completely unnecessary to actually roar. Anyway...

"Oh." Zheng Zha nodded stupidly. "Then when do we start?"

Very good, there is no need to save people who are seeking death.

Chu Xuan just pushed up his glasses, but his eyes were on the remaining two sacred artifacts.

"Alondette, and the bone harp." Jiang Yu then spoke and continued the previous topic. "From the perspective of maximizing its effect, Alondette can only be used by melee personnel with energy circulation in their bodies... But Zheng Zha and I don't seem to be able to use it."

He really didn't have much use for it, and Zheng Zha had a devil's ax in his hand. At present, the power does not seem to be very bad. Therefore, his eyes first turned to Cheng Xiao, and then to Zhao Yingkong.

Choose one of the two, Li Shuaixi, who is also a melee fighter, cannot use this weapon at all because he does not have energy circulation. As for Zhan Lan, Zhang Jie and Mou Gang, taking it is just a waste of treasure.

"I'll forget it." Cheng Xiao waved his hands, his hands transformed into dragons and then disappeared quietly. "I practice boxing. I don't know much about weapons and have little interest in them. Also, I may need dragon-type weapons to exert the most suitable power."

It seems he plans to pay for the equipment himself...probably.

So, Zhao Yingkong.

"Alondette has the power to ignore defenses, for an assassin. Perhaps its flaw is just that it is too large?" Jiang Yu stretched out her hand and pushed this treasure, which she didn't know whether it was a holy sword or a magic sword, to Zhao Ying's unprecedented height. Fang——Heavy armored assassins are not popular at this time, but Zhao Yingkong can indeed use a two-handed sword.

But Zhao Yingkong grabbed the sword without hesitation.

"Assassins... are not so particular." She said softly, spreading from her palm to the end of Arondette, the red and black flow of destined death exuded some kind of threatening power.

Jiang Yu was sure that the storm shield could not stop this composite force.

But whether the shield of the Round Table can withstand it is probably another matter.

He nodded, and finally, his eyes fell on the last trophy.

Bone Harp, the sacred weapon of Blood Knight Tristan. One of the famous vampire holy weapons, one of its functions is to control the field, and the second function that cannot be verified is to complete the armoring on the holder.

"This is equipment that can only be used by those in the back row...Chu Xuan?"

Chu Xuan waved his hand, he had more noteworthy things to pay attention to.

"Zhan Lan?"

"I'll give it a try." Zhan Lan frowned slightly. She didn't really like this gloomy evil equipment. But it is necessary to realize the spoils of war.

So Jiang Yu pushed the bone piano towards her. And she reached out her hand and took the blood clan's secret treasure. And the next moment...

‘Zila——’ a crisp sound.

Even a small amount of the sacred power injected into the bone harp collided violently with the darkness contained in the secret treasure itself. Zhan Lan's fingers suddenly flicked outward, and the bone piano almost fell to the ground.

Zhang Jie grabbed it with telekinesis.

"This treasure is different from the other two Knights of the Round Table weapons whose usage conditions are relatively loose." He glanced at the golden cup in Chu Xuan's hand and said slowly. "Perhaps, it can only be used if negative energy is filled inside."

Zhang Jie’s words are the instructions for the main god card. Among the members present, only two had dark attribute power.

"Give it to Zhao Yingkong." Zheng Zha patted his chest. Made of nano-biochemical fiber material, it makes a crackling sound. "My defense is pretty good so far, and Chu Xuan, you also said before that you would help me improve my armor. I'm a grown man, and I can't even hold a piano, so I might as well leave it in the hands of the right person. "

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