Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 187 ·Darkness (two in one)

The moment the Spear of Judgment was thrown, even the sturdy Luna titanium alloy armor disintegrated like snow in the sun. From top to bottom, extending from the neck to the fragile abdomen, a huge penetrating crack suddenly formed. Even though the pilot inside tried his best to control the war weapon to maneuver and avoid it, the trajectory of the spear also passed through the cockpit.

The monkey is dead.

Zheng Zha, who had been warned in advance, avoided it lightly and allowed the spear of judgment to pass through at least five meters away from him and hit the broken wasteland hard. Immediately following, was the heat and light escaping from the energy-infused spear.

Explodes and flames shine.

Even if most of the energy is consumed in penetrating the Gundam's body, the remaining escaped energy has an equivalent of at least one thousand tons. Large tracts of sand were rolled up, thrown away, and thrown into all directions of the earth. And this god-forged high-tech weapon, which had been penetrated through the cockpit, was silent in the sea of ​​​​fire rolled up by the Spear of Judgment.

The battle is over—maybe.

Jiang Yu stretched out her hand, and the rolling biological force field absorbed the spear of judgment that had plunged into the center of the sea of ​​​​fire and guided it back to her hand. He breathed softly, feeling the rapid refilling of his physical strength and energy pool and the weakening of the heart of darkness deep within the pyramid. After the Gundam under his feet was successfully annihilated, the still-unawakened heart obviously had a slight but discernible drop in activity.

The challenge difficulty of the final battle has dropped a bit.

Will the main god correct the group benefits of the next stage of the main line for this reason?

I don’t know, maybe, maybe not. But no matter what, the probability of everyone returning safely is increasing - although from the beginning, Jiang Yu believed that she could do it.

Strength is gradually returning to its peak stage. The cooling buffer of the conveyor after continuous use is also being eliminated bit by bit.

Zheng Zha flapped his wings and flew up, landing lightly on the other shoulder of Silence Tower opposite Jiang Yu. The metal structure torn apart by the throwing spear opened a huge gap in the chest and neck of the prototype Gundam, just enough for the two to see each other.

"I really just said it casually." Zheng Zha still subconsciously spoke out his defense. "Who knew these monkeys could really drive a Gundam."

"It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Yu originally wanted to have a casual conversation with him, but the fatigue caused by the long battle still made him lack interest. After all, he is still just a mortal. Even if his body is not weakened and his energy is not exhausted, he will still feel a certain amount of fatigue on the spiritual level. "This is the realm of Anubis, and these are the creations of Anubis's divine power. It was Anubis's decision to make monkeys who drive Gundam, and even if there is no prototype Gundam, these jungle guardians will assemble it than other powers of the same specifications.”

It's a fact, the rule is the more you kill, the stronger the Jungle Guardians become. It would be better to say that it is the Origin Gundam that appears here instead of some weird magic stick machine, which is already a huge benefit to the reincarnations. Because humanoid war weapons have their own flaws, and Jiang Yu relied on grasping this flaw to successfully kill its driver with Zheng Zha's cooperation.

——Chu Xuan should be interested in this.

Jiang Yu thought - when other reincarnations were gaining combat experience in the sea of ​​guardians, Chu Xuan was observing and calculating the technological iteration speed and direction of the jungle guardians. He was looking forward to a key technical point, and at that technical point, the equipment and technology in the hands of the guardians could be directly applied to the technology tree entries he currently mastered.

That point is the point for the bombardment, the point agreed upon by the reincarnators. Specialized artillery fire will maximize the damage to the jungle guardians without causing excessive damage to the equipment they carry. In fact, the battle should have ended in that round of shelling, but I didn't expect that there was still a dead remnant left, and it quickly iterated into the original Gundam.

Will this be the last one?

Jiang Yu thought that his perception was in tune with the Scorpion King's sleeping heart of darkness. He did not find that besides the reincarnators, there were more active life breaths remaining here. Zhan Lan, who should have been scanning, did not report anything unusual.

This might be the last one - Jiang Yu thought.

But even if he thought this way, there was always a slight uneasiness lingering in Jiang Yu's heart, making him unable to completely put down his vigilance.

"It makes sense." - He thought for just a moment. And the person who responded was some guy who felt like he had no responsibility.

"That's right." Zheng Zha scratched his head and laughed. "The Gundam created by Anubis is none of my business. But this so-called Original Gundam doesn't seem to be that good either. It was taken down by us so easily... If there were a few more of it, it might be a little more troublesome. A few—"

Thoughts, extremely accelerated.

From the blind spot of Jiang Yu's sight, from the side and back of the brain. The weak tingling sensation was rapidly increasing towards the level of severe pain. The heart contracts suddenly. The blood rushing in the limbs and bones is like a countercurrent.

A few more.

What if... there really are a few more?

What will these extra Gundams do...?

Didn't see it though. But the corresponding drawing has already appeared in the cognition. Several huge robots with blurred appearances gathered in a lurking position in the distance. They adjusted their weapons and set their angles. The equipped anti-battleship beam cannon was aimed at the enemy who was located on the wreckage of the same model and had already achieved victory.

It is aligned with itself, they are aligned with themselves. Although I don’t know why neither my mental power nor my own vibration perception was able to detect their whereabouts. But they’ve been ready long enough!

——Why...why can't I see it! ?

The feeling of severe pain is increasing, and the trigger of the opponent's artillery may have been pulled. So now, at this moment, at this moment, what should I do most?

Teleport? Avoid?

Indeed, now. The transmission was indeed in time. Set the impact point one thousand meters above the ground, which is definitely not within the scope of the first round of long-range strikes.


Directly in front of his sight, an aerial fighter plane carrying his companions was approaching. If the shooting angle is to the side of your head, it doesn't matter whether you dodge the blow or not. Everyone else will be covered by artillery. And this idiot next to him who only knows how to speak crow's mouth will be overwhelmed by artillery fire at the first contact!

--No! wrong! Not a crow's mouth!

——The reason why Zheng Zha mentioned Gundam twice in a row is because his third-level gene lock worked! His intuition helped him deduce the real information in his vague consciousness, but he didn't understand it, and I didn't understand it!

——I didn’t do well enough... It’s me!

Thoughts are running rapidly. As time passed in milliseconds, Zheng Zha seemed to sense the crisis and turned around, as if he wanted to look behind him. And the huge sense of crisis is still growing.

There is only one thing to do now.

Something that only Jiang Yu can do.

——That much as possible, make sure that all the firepower is only directed at myself!

The hand is holding a shield, the Shield of the Round Table. Now, only this shield can correctly function as a large-scale defense.

The biological vibration belonging to Jiang Yu is seeping into the inside of this sacred object at an extremely fast speed.

——Give me...resonance!

The Shield of the Round Table is not yet a part of him.

The Shield of the Round Table must immediately become a part of him.

Because only in this way can we do it——

——Thor's weapons, partially deployed!

In Jiang Yu's field of vision, a large complex and delicate rune structure flashed rapidly. He didn't recognize any of the rune structures, but at this moment, he knew how their power was mixed - and how it flowed out!

The true name is liberated, the immortal city!

A giant thunder arm with only one arm suddenly appeared behind Jiang Yu. The shield of the round table that has completed the resonance is enlarged proportionally in the form of thunder plasma like the previous storm shield, and is tightly held and supported by the giant arm. And the very next moment——

A laser beam as thick as a train struck.

The total number is... thirteen!

'boom--! ! ! ’

Explosion is no longer enough to describe the impact.

Dazzling white light, accompanied by distortion of vision and body shape. At the moment when the shelling and the shield collided, Jiang Yu heard the sound of the bones inside the left arm breaking. And after that, the shock waves that spread simultaneously surged along his limbs and deep into his body!

Bones are shattering, flesh is disintegrating. And what came with it was unparalleled anxiety and heat. The sound of destruction spread to half of his body in just an instant.

It's expensive, but it's enough.

Jiang Yu didn't know whether Zheng Zha could survive this blow, and he didn't know to what extent Chu Xuan must have retained the backhand to reduce the damage. He only knew that he should do this, and... he had successfully blocked it!

The giant shield and Thunder's left arm broke together.

However, the ambushers located several kilometers away also revealed their outlines together with the fading beam bombardment of the entire column.

The lower part is a giant tank chassis, and the upper part is a humanoid mechanical weapon carrying two beam cannons and two sets of quadruple rocket nests. RX-75, mass-produced steel tank.

The main color is red, a huge robot carrying two heavy beam cannons and holding a pair of beam swords. RX=77, mass-produced steel cannon.

There are three of each type, and... located in the center, the shielding force field is converging towards the V-shaped antenna above its head, which is equivalent to the size of the Original Gundam. However, it is equipped with a huge white machine suit equipped with a gun and shield - RX-78-2, the prototype Gundam, the second machine!

The biggest difference between it and Unit 1 was that it was operated by the most powerful pilot of that era.

Protagonist machine!

Jiang Yu finally understood why these jungle guardians still used sneak attack tactics - because Anubis's magical operation mechanism had already iterated the technology to the limit. So going one step further, naturally we can only focus on combat skills.

as well as……

——I kind of know what that V-shaped antenna is used for...

Jiang Yu thought sadly in her heart.

The severe pain and darkness could not overwhelm him, even if at this moment he could not feel a small part of his body or the hand on his left side.

"Go!" His will echoed in the communication network.

He held the war spear and rushed forward.


Zheng Zha's thoughts resumed flow only after the bombardment ended. However, even so, he could clearly sense that Jiang Yu's fire of life suddenly dimmed by nearly one-third before the teleportation.

Bloodthirsty perception, detecting the strength of living beings. This ability has long been present in him.

His will wavered for a moment.

——Why is there really a second round of raids? Why do the monkeys who drive Gundam really appear in the plural?

——Why did the Gundam really appear on the battlefield when I mentioned it at the beginning?

——Is it my fault? Because of my crow's mouth, Jiang Yu still wants to fight even if he is seriously injured?

——Is it because of me that everyone who was supposed to be celebrating victory fell into crisis again?


Puzzled, confused, self-blame.

Huge negative emotions poured out from the depths of Zheng Zha's mind. However, the dark wave of emotion only appeared for a moment, but was completely swallowed up by the darker and deeper fire of hatred.

If at this time, I still have to find out whose fault it is. Then the person who did that kind of thing really made the biggest and deepest mistake.

And at this moment, what I need to do most is to wipe out all the last guardians of the jungle!

The will is gathered and concentrated.


Zheng Zha's vision changes as his abilities drive him. What caught his field of vision was a gray-black world composed of outlined lines. What caught his eyes was black, and a darker black that could reduce the former to gray. And he raised his feet and took a quick and decisive step forward.

Shadow transformation ability is an ability he uses to make up for his own shortcomings. Once he learned this skill, he was able to roam the world of shadows.

This is also teleportation. This teleportation ability should be more flexible than Jiang Yu's. Of course he can transform into a shadow and move at high speeds against the ground without any resistance. However, if he can explore this power more deeply, then he can naturally jump and teleport between shadows.

He couldn't do this in the past because he felt he still had time and could make steady progress. Therefore, when he faced the Gundam prototype before, he slid at high speed without any resistance, but he was one step behind Jiang Yu in the end.

But now he can succeed!

His body shape changed, and he took a step based on intuition, and he already appeared in the ambush position of a group of seven Gundams. Jiang Yu's arrival was unable to be teleported immediately due to serious injuries, thus delaying him by more than one step. Almost at the same time, all the giant machines took action.

They want to spread out, they want to fly into the sky. They wanted to use their own mobility to take away the moment of opportunity that Jiang Yu had finally won.

--no way.

This is Zheng Zha's answer.

And the huge fire of hatred transformed from all the emotions gathered into a ball at the end of the swinging battle ax.

This was his new technique when he was studying the nature of fire hatred. Homemade technology that witnessed the operation of gravity bombs. The violent erosion of the sea of ​​emotions by the fire of hatred will cause gravitational changes on the reality level. Because the ‘something’ that is burned always needs to be filled with something! long as the hatred fire is compressed to a small enough size and the burning is concentrated enough to be contained——

The giant ax swings, and the small black ball is released with the slash, and then it starts to work. An unparalleled attraction was generated. Except for Zheng Zha, all substances in the regional space seemed to be elongated and deformed paintings, converging towards the center of the dark ball!

This is his hatred, his 'hatred of fire and darkness'!

There is only one section today_(:з ∠)_

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