Chapter 300 ·Empty

--who I am?

——What do I want to do?

From the depths of Zhao Yingkong's heart, there were echoing ripples of whispers.

She simulated herself.

When crossing the third-level gene lock, the simplest, most reliable, and simple route is to simulate yourself. Because in Gene Lock, a combat system that emphasizes control, the thing that reincarnators are most familiar with is naturally their own body.

However, Zhao Yingkong's situation is not quite like others - she has actually walked the road that others have not walked. However, this road she has walked once before is shallower and even more frivolous than a serious gene lock opener.

Because she is not a normal person.

She is a member of the Sora Project, a monster transformed from day to day.

And when she simulated herself, scenes from the distant past emerged in her cognition.

——I know about the ‘empty’ plan.

Zhao Yingkong opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was a lonely island offshore. Dozens of teenagers, or young men and women, fought with each other on the island, sparred, fought with ferocious beasts, and received various special trainings. And each of them showed abilities far beyond their peers, or far beyond others. The combat effectiveness of the human species.

Speed, power, reflexes.

Teenagers and girls can easily catch up with flying birds, smash the entire body of a rhinoceros with one punch without breaking any skin, dodge pistol bullets at a slightly further distance, and hide their bodies in the gap between light and shadow.

In the outside world, such soldiers can easily penetrate a special operations company, provided of course that they use the same weapons and receive special training. Their bodies are strong enough to allow them to fire anti-material sniper rifles in precise bursts as if using a micro-charge and maintain high-speed maneuvers to dodge. The more complex the battlefield, the more they can display their combat effectiveness.

They know what they are - they are the elite of the "Kong" generation in the Eastern Assassin family. They are destined to become the sharpest daggers in the family when they reach adulthood, killing all foreign enemies that interfere with the family.

——And among them, I am the strongest one.

Memories become clear and specific. Zhao Yingkong saw that he effortlessly knocked down all his brothers and sisters in the competition, until they all convinced that he was the first.

This is something to be proud of.

Because the assassin girl has been staying with her brothers and sisters for as long as she can remember. Occasionally, very kind elders in the family will come to express condolences and bring delicious medicine to everyone. After taking it, you can always feel that your body and mind are stronger and clearer.

The elders did not say what that medicine was. But they told the girl’s companions that the power inspired by taking the medicine is called ‘gene lock’. This will make their bodies, which are naturally far superior to those of ordinary people, more powerful, and they will be able to use various combat techniques more easily, accurately, and save energy.

The elders... all look so weak.

Zhao Yingkong asked them once, and the answer he received was that the growth of the "Kong" generation was a highly anticipated plan, so they became powerful because they used precious treasures that their elders were reluctant to use. The family's future hopes are all placed on them, and I hope they will not disappoint the family's expectations.

Everyone was very moved, so they devoted themselves more diligently to training and practice. Even if you are unfortunately seriously injured, you still have to grit your teeth. Anyway, the broken body will be able to heal itself soon.

——And I am still the strongest one.

Zhao Yingkong thought that this memory was very clear in her mind - all the details were vividly displayed in her mind. Especially the combat skills she had mastered in this memory were particularly easy to use. Unlike some of the subsequent techniques, when she tried to reproduce them, she always felt as if there was a layer of separation.

She is still the strongest at this time.

As for the strongest, she quickly obtained permission to go to the outside world to cooperate with family members in carrying out some relatively simple tasks. The elders took her very lightly, and the colorful world outside was indeed somewhat glamorous and fascinating, but she only gave up all those wonderful enjoyments after briefly trying them out without remembering them at all.

She doesn't need these pleasures.

She preferred to stay on the island and be with her brothers and sisters.

Because the people outside looked weak and slow, as long as I exerted a little force, they might explode into pieces with a 'bang' sound like the mission target, which would make my clothes dirty.

So she didn't stay long - but quickly returned to the island to share her knowledge and fun with her true kind. As time goes by, everyone's bodies gradually develop, and the changes in physique bring about the development of strength, and they are gradually no longer the most powerful one among their kind, no longer the first.

——I... am no longer the strongest one...?

The memory became a little unstable, as if it could only be seen clearly through a layer of frosted glass. Zhao Yingkong was not sure what the reason for this was, but she knew that the skills she learned after her body developed were always a little imprecise when reproducing them now.

Not precise enough.

For assassins, for openers of gene locks. Precision is the most important parameter. If you are not precise enough, you can basically regard it as half-knowledge. You have not mastered that power, and you are no longer outstanding among the same kind.

The memory became more blurry and confusing.

Zhao Yingkong felt that after becoming weak, he seemed to have been immersed in the island for a long time. The same kind of people went out to work in the field one by one and brought back wonderful experiences. Only I could only hide in a corner and practice hard.

is this real?

The assassin girl felt a little confused - she would only have such thoughts when she obtained the cognitive premise that "there is a problem with my inner memory".

She was unsure, and this uncertainty even extended to the scene that should have been the most unforgettable in her memory. After development, the same kind gradually grew into the final appearance in the memory. And one of them made her particularly concerned.

It was a young man with a frivolous smile on his lips, but his eyes were as cold as ice. His name is Zhao Zhukong, one of his own kind.

And he... destroyed everything he cherished.

Fuzzy memories jump quickly. The assassin girl's thoughts were quickly approaching the night that changed her life. It was a very ordinary night, when I usually collapsed due to excessive exercise, and when I woke up, the smell of blood hit my nose.

All dead.

Everyone died.

Brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters. Those who cared about themselves, loved themselves, encouraged themselves, cared about themselves, all of them were left with miserable and hideous corpses.

They were killed.

The person who killed them was someone they knew well.

Among the corpses scattered throughout the island, only the remnants of Zhao Zukong were missing.

It was him.

Why did he do this?

Zhao Yingkong didn't know, she only knew that she was inexplicably sad at that time.

She left the island and found her family's headquarters. However, they found that the elders had also been slaughtered by Zhao Zukong, leaving only an empty shell of the entire Eastern Assassin family. And in every killing scene, Zhao Zukong is indispensable.

After that, she frantically searched for traces of Zhao Zhuukong all over the world. Not only for revenge, but also to ask for myself the question ‘Why? ’. However, she tried many times and looked for all the help she could possibly use, but the final result was completely unsatisfactory.

He couldn't find her at all.

Even if he found him, he wouldn't have the slightest chance of winning.

Because he is no longer the strongest one, and he no longer has the strength to make him lower his head.

The feeling of despair may have emerged from the bottom of my heart from that moment on.

And in this helpless whirlpool of despair, he accidentally touched a display screen, and an invitation from the Lord God appeared on it.

The memory recall ends here.

The two inquiries directed at him may have received responses at this moment.

--who I am?

I am Zhao Yingkong, a member of the Eastern Assassin family, one of the last remnants of the Kong plan.

——What do I want to do?

I want to find Zhao Zukong, defeat him, then ask ‘why’ personally, and then end his life.

The answer became extremely clear in my own understanding. And he only needs to take a step forward, firmly believe in it, and then practice it, and he will be able to complete the thinking simulation of the third-level gene lock and gain a firm foothold at this level. His brain will be liberated, his computing power will be greatly increased to a terrifying figure, he will be qualified to enter the first echelon of Central Continent, and he will be able to complete his journey of revenge.

Everything you desire is at your fingertips. The only price you need to pay is to firmly believe in your past and then fulfill your purpose.


"This is not my past."

Deep in her heart, the cold assassin girl raised her head. Her vision went back and was fixed on the blood-stained island. She stood in the third-person perspective and watched herself fall into grief at that time.

The sadness and pain were so clear. When she looked at 'herself', there was no doubt that she 'felt the same'.

"This is not me, at least, not completely me."

Everything went quiet.

The memory is fixed here, and everything falls into silence. The girl stared at herself who was kneeling and wailing until that 'self' turned into a pale bursting bubble.

"Theoretically, there is no possibility of Ruikong's memory disguise being broken. I have to admit that you had enough adventures while I was sleeping."

A voice suddenly came over, and it was exactly the same voice as his own.

Zhao Yingkong's eyes immediately turned away, and as expected, she saw another version of herself.

"Another me." She stared at the figure with the same appearance as herself - the other one had a gentle smile on her lips, but her eyes were as cold as ice. The Zhao Zukong in his memory had the same smile, but with a little comparison, he would find that the Zhao Zukong in his memory seemed to be a poor imitation of the person in front of him.

"Maybe." Another Zhao Yingkong walked past her, walking in an arc, looking at her from head to toe. "I originally planned to sleep for a long time until I am completely dead and until this body is completely handed over to you... But now it seems that my understanding of gene locks is still too shallow, and you are destined to reach this stage. The time has come to wake me up, and I still have to resist waking up.”

The assassin girl tried hard to recall the name 'Ruikong', but what appeared in her mind was a vague figure. She seemed to be a slender and timid little girl who did not occupy many gaps in her memory.

"My false?" It was a question, but in a positive tone.

"Knowing the truth is not necessarily a good thing." The other Zhao Yingkong gently twirled the ends of her hair, his movements frivolous and casual. "How about living with hatred for Zhao Zukong? Although that guy is not a useful person, he is still very useful as a target for training. Killing him or being killed by him is quite interesting. I really want to know. His expression during that scene.”

She is crazy.

The assassin girl was so convinced.

"Well, I'm crazy." The other Zhao Yingkong did not deny his thoughts. "Although it is false to you, everyone is indeed almost dead... Your memory disguise actually only covers the moment you leave the island. The family has indeed been destroyed, and those who want to destroy the family True knowledge requires more than ordinary force... After all, after you left the island, others worked together to capture the family headquarters. And the reason why you didn't encounter any of them after that was because except for Except for the most useless Zhao Zukong, everyone else died on the battlefield of the attack on the headquarters."

Screen switching.

Zhao Yingkong arrived at the scene where she visited the family headquarters.

The nameless corpses that originally fell to the ground casually took on a new look at this moment. They were the brothers and sisters she originally thought died on the island. Each of their deaths was very tragic, but there was a look on their faces. With a relieved smile.

The assassin girl opened her mouth slightly. She didn't know what she should say at this moment.

"This is where I went completely crazy." Another Zhao Yingkong held her chin and made an indifferent voice. Her eyes swept over all the dead bodies, but she didn't pay any attention to them.

And in the assassin girl's mind, a new memory suddenly appeared.

She never fell behind.

She has always been the strongest and number one.

She quickly opened the gene lock to the fourth level, and then discovered the secrets hidden deep in the genes and in the hands of the elders.

The empty plan is actually a plan to strengthen people. His generation should not have existed, just because the elders obtained the body of a fourth-level reincarnation and the information to use it. Because of this, he and his kind were created, and he and others were born with imperfections. Even if they could quickly reach the fourth level without much training, they were destined to lose control due to inner demons at the end of the fourth level, and eventually burned away everything. Thoughts turn into powerful puppets that can only mechanically execute instructions.

All the elders wanted was a puppet, so they allowed themselves and others to fall into their inner demons. However, among her kind, there was a girl named Zhao Ruikong who was gifted with mental power. When everything was about to collapse, she forcibly suppressed her body and weaved false sealed memories for everyone.

Zhao Ruikong died because she could not suppress her inner demons.

Her handling method is not perfect, because the family is still strong, and the elders are not willing to give up this huge investment that has taken more than ten years.

Therefore, when Zhao Yingkong was sealed by a key point and even his physical fitness was reduced to his childhood, he was alone and confused at sea. Her brothers and sisters had broken free from Zhao Ruikong's suppression and went to the headquarters to fight to the death with the elders. And the final result was that in the entire Eastern Assassin family, only one person...or two people were left alive.

"Zhao Zukong, the weakest one, became the last person to survive. And thanks to him and Ruikong, I couldn't do anything when everyone needed me most."

"Tell me, should I go crazy? Should I hate him? Hate him and her?" The other Zhao Yingkong looked at her with a smile and blinked gently.

"What do you think?"


Can't be divided into chapters, one update today

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