Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 310 Breakthrough

A thought arises.

Zhu Wen clearly felt that the calamity energy was surging on her body due to her thoughts.

There is no doubt that this action of yours will have a slight crisis - it is not strong in terms of the concentration of the calamity, but this also means that you will definitely be able to obtain some results at your destination.

Maybe it’s a useful outcome—maybe it’s not.

And this is really a perfect opportunity to take one step further towards what you want.

——It’s time to take medicine.

Taking out the container, the golden solution was particularly bright at this moment. She didn't hesitate any longer, but drank it down decisively. The liquid that had been there for a long time but was still warm poured into the throat, penetrated the digestive system in an instant, and flowed to every corner of the body along with the blood circulation.

She felt the change, felt the strength.

The strength of the body is increasing sharply, and the spirit and will also seem to become more transparent. A very obvious feeling called 'growth' stirred back and forth within his body. As a result, his energy became unprecedentedly strong, and a certain kind of strong self-confidence surged within his heart.

——I should be fine.

She threw the used container aside carelessly. Although it was a bit reckless, she felt that she was now worthy of such a heroic move. The first-level gene lock entered the open state silently and maintained it effortlessly for a long time. She felt that she could maintain the first-level open state until the effect of the drug ended, and the depth of the open state increased every minute. The seconds are increasing.

The calamity seemed to be getting stronger, but she felt she could handle it.

The road to growth cannot always be under the protection of the powerful, and now, her intuition tells her that Jiang Yu and Xia may not have the time to protect her at this moment.

This is an adventure, an adventure in which only you are involved.

This is your own trial, and at the end of the trial, even if it is not the second-level gene lock, you should still be satisfied.

She took a deep breath and summoned her magic crystal ball as a substitute for the staff. When the miraculous fire was poured into it, a blurry scene appeared inside the crystal ball.

As an idealistic classical school, witches should use crystal balls instead of overly advanced and fashionable staffs.

As she stared at the amorphous scene, impromptu spellcasting chants came from her throat.

"I will reveal that the name of the deceased is Jacob."

"I will know, and the work of knowing is the reason for his death."

“I will bear witness, and the place of witness is where its deeds are.”

The blurry scene became clear. First there was Jacob's body. In the last moment before his death, he still maintained his human form.

The scene changed immediately. Before he died, he injected something into a giant crystal with a twisted double helix shape. The latter immediately calcified, disintegrated, and the last force before destruction burst out, severely injuring him. After he finally died of injuries, a while later, the last victim of the divine mark was twisted into a corpse. body shape.

Finally, the perspective in the scene lengthened and extended, turning into an overhead view of the entire huge base. A lower research area blocked by collapsed ruins and man-made explosions came into Zhu Wen's field of vision.

Reveal, know, witness.

Things seemed to be spliced ​​and reorganized in Zhu Wen's eyes. She saw the researcher named Jacob leaving the laboratory carrying a force field generator and a secret weapon. She saw the man using the generator to bravely face and bypass several necromorphs. She saw the warrior arriving right in front of the giant crystal and injecting the unknown object towards the target. She saw that the hero gave up escaping when he was seriously injured, but struggled to reach the emergency switch in the lower experimental area, trying to pull down the incineration gate that would turn the entire lower experimental area into ashes along with himself.

He failed to do so, and the remnants of the Seal's radiation killed him before he could pull the handbrake.

And this is the reason why he can still appear in front of him after becoming a corpse. Perhaps, this is also where the biggest crisis he encountered in this operation gathered.

The self-destruct gate, if you unfortunately activate it when you are close to the lower experimental area. Then I will probably enjoy the incineration mechanism that is regarded as a "powerful disinfection method" by an interstellar company. And not only that, where Jacob successfully destroyed the divine seal, there was the last and strongest pulse of divine seal pollution, and if there were other living or dead people nearby at that time, then it should be what he wanted for this trip. The physical adversary faced.

It's a challenge.

But I am confident.

The crystal ball floats quietly on his shoulder, and a burning miracle fire can be easily gathered in the palm of his hand.

"Turn it into a blade to bear witness to the hero's great deeds. To make up for the warrior's last wish, these good thoughts, good words and good deeds will burn like the scorching sun, and they will surely kill all evil spirits."

The flame turned into a long and narrow scimitar, which an idealistic person could wield freely even if he didn't know how to fight. Zhu Wen took steps forward. She didn't clearly identify the direction, but as long as she followed her feelings, she would reach where she wanted to go.


Keep moving forward.

The complex and broken terrain was easily bypassed, and even the narrow gaps that seemed like only the zombies could pass through were easily left behind. The calamity energy on her body became stronger and stronger as she moved forward, and the enemy she faced was already present in her perception due to the calamity energy perception at this moment.

She saw a huge thing, a huge ball of flesh.

Created by the destroyed divine seal when the last pollution pulse was released, it is the only polymer in this base. It has a very strong body and can also release poisonous breath and heavy projectiles.

Powerful monster.

——But I am stronger.

Confidence is the perfect armor at this moment. It protected her and allowed her to reach the first point of crisis without triggering any hostile target's actions.

"Sleep." She said to the switch connected to the self-destruct device.

This is something she couldn't do before drinking the dragon's blood potion, because the power of idealism ultimately has scale and limits.

But now, her will is carried out into dead things. The flow of miraculous fire permeates this precise and secure self-destruct device. Even though she had no idea how the device worked, she effectively shut it down to the point where it was impossible to restart without a senior engineer to carefully fix it. And she immediately crossed it and came to another place where the crisis converged.

Her flesh and blood were about to move. Before meeting the monster who was already in the premonition of calamity, she felt as if her skin and flesh had become somewhat involuntary. This was the sign when the medicine penetrated deep into the cells and forcibly opened the second level of the gene lock for her. Even if it seems a bit out of control, it still represents progress in strength.

——I will not lose control.

She believed it.

So she stopped caring.

The monster as revealed in the premonition appeared in her field of vision, and when she raised her hand, she heard the monster's roar.

'boom--! ! ! ’

The monster may not have roared.

Perhaps what she heard was an illusion, or perhaps it was actually the pain that overflowed from the monster's vocal organ when the miraculous flame ball hit the monster's body surface.

And she didn't hesitate, just threw another miracle fireball. Golden-red flames filled her field of vision in an instant, and the flames suddenly separated at the next moment, and several burning huge deformed arms and legs were revealed from them, and they were smashed towards her head!

‘Cha——! ’

She doesn't know how to fight with weapons, because the ideal blade doesn't need to be wielded with both hands. The Yao Yan scimitar that had been shaped in advance was swept forward driven by her will, and under the restraint of its attributes, the arms and legs protruding from the divine seal creation turned into broken objects.

She took a step forward.

The flame blade shaped according to her will, turning into a huge and sharp giant lance. Her hand climbed onto the handle of the lance, and she drove the invisible horse forward.

Mind is stronger than matter.

If the mind believes that this gun will kill, then what it hits must be a vital point.

‘Poof—boom! ! ! ’

First it penetrates, then it explodes.

Golden-red flames covered the deformed body. And the winner reaps the rewards.

——[Kill the unstable polymerization aberration, the reincarnator Zhu Wen, and obtain a D-level branch plot, with 700 reward points. 】

The Lord God declared her victory.

And because of this, she heard the shackles in her body being broken.

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