Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 316 Yesterday reappears

Chapter 316 ·Yesterday reappears


The essence of light is a highly concentrated flow of energy, wrapped in the fluctuations of space.

It penetrates the dark void, and it points to the coordinates that call it. The girl with broken limbs was where it landed, and when it hit her, Jiang Yu also touched her.

Space moves and opens.

The transmission project is over.

Out of the pure darkness, Jiang Yu opened her eyes. He wanted to hold the girl's hand, but the girl who no longer had a hand just stared at him blankly.

——It’s so miserable.

Only at this moment did he realize that Zhu Wen had ended up like this during the short time he had left the field. Although he, like Zhao Yingkong, could not understand why Zhu Wen, a mere newcomer who relied on dragon blood potion to open the second level, was bold enough to face a fully equipped fourth level expert. But this matter cannot be said to be very important in this current situation.

——It seems that she still needs my protection.

My mentality has generally been adjusted, and the self-pitying thinking mode has been abandoned. But the style of conduct has not changed. Since Zhu Wen was the companion he brought back, he naturally wanted to bring her back intact... alive and well, not just her, but also the out-of-control Zhao Yingkong above.

Stretching out his hand, he lightly hugged Zhu Wen's physically 'soft and boneless' waist. He didn't hesitate much, the biological force field flowing out directly penetrated into Zhu Wen's body and stabilized her spine. And this is a necessary move, because if not, Zhu Wen, whose bones are almost broken all over her body, will drip down her arms like liquid.

"Sorry." Sorry is a polite way of saying it. "A little late."

"But there is still a battle to come. Can you hold on for a while?" It was still a polite question, because even if Zhu Wen, who was seriously injured, said "no" at this moment, he would not respect her idea.

The huge computing power in his mind calculated various possibilities at this moment, and deduced various corresponding prevarication or coping techniques. However, the reality was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Zhu Wen did not answer.

Zhu Wen just looked at him blankly.

Those pure white eyes gradually turned red, and mist appeared on the irises. Then……

'Wow-' she cried.

Tears fell in large tracts, accompanied by vague plaintive mutterings.

"I...I will never...wuwuwuwu...never run around again next time..."

It's a bit of a non-answer.

But it may be a disorder that is difficult to control due to mood swings. Jiang Yu nodded, and the ethereal palm transformed from the biological force field gently patted her back. One resonance wave after another penetrated into her body, piecing together the broken bones and internal organs in her body. And when Zhao Yingkong's will dropped in the distance, Jiang Yu said in her ear what she wanted to hear most at this moment.

"You are already safe, just leave it to me." He said, feeling that the girl's mind was once again enveloped in a sense of security. And at the next moment, he felt Zhu Wen's heart beat suddenly!

‘Bang——! ! ! ’

The gun turned around in response. The spatial fluctuations mixed with the biological force field, together with his own will, swept violently behind him. The undead slash struck silently from a tricky angle hit the trajectory of the spear blade's swing. And the moment before the light of annihilation touched the gun body, the spatial fluctuations focused on the gun detonated first!

The sword did not hit the gun blade, but the roar of the collision of weapons still echoed between heaven and earth.

Zhao Yingkong came through the air and drew an arc at the corner of his mouth. After one missed hit, he followed up with a second slash!

"It seems that you really enjoy the feeling of a hero saving a beautiful woman. Jiang Yu, your stubborn brain has finally come to its senses?"

The second knife was also blocked. Stepping on the broken space fault, Jiang Yu opened a distance of several hundred meters from Zhao Yingkong without hesitation. Crimson thunder exploded in all directions due to his will, blocking every blind spot where the assassin could sneak in and assassinate.

A hero saves a beauty—Jiang Yu does not deny it.

Enjoy - he didn't feel the need to contradict her on this matter either.

His philosophy has not changed. In his thinking, unlocking the fourth-level gene lock as soon as possible is still the top priority. However, when the weak and helpless girl was held in his arms and put all her expectations on him, it was undeniable that he felt a little joy in his heart.

This feels...good.

Even if it is not the object that he actively pursues.

And at the moment when swords and guns met for the third time, his response was also accompanied by turbulent air waves caused by the air explosion.

"So?" A very simple question.

In his memory, this method is very suitable for those who have a bad mouth and need to be beaten.

And sure enough, at the moment when the sound waves were correctly transmitted, he seemed to sense Zhao Yingkong's momentary change in mood.

"If you are half-hearted, I will kill you." Zhao Yingkong was still laughing. The blade of the Immortal Slash is wrapped in the heart light of annihilation. However, at the moment when the guns and blades collided for the third time, Arondette, hiding in the shadows, suddenly burst out with a dazzling light!

Hidden swordsmanship.

Dual wielding trick.

The charged holy sword released a powerful sword energy light cannon. However, Jiang Yu, who captured a trace of Zhao Yingkong's thoughts, knew that this was still just a disguise.

The ultimate move is still the Immortal Slash.

The brilliant brilliance on the light cannon is just a ploy to attract attention.

But even so, it cannot be ignored.

Because Zhu Wen's heart is still contracting - she has already played the greatest role she can, which is to sense the calamity energy and deliver this information to the people who should know it as soon as possible. Although Jiang Yu, whose vibration waves had spread throughout her body, could not see the specific changes in the calamity energy, she could already predict the specific direction of the calamity energy gathering through empathy.

——The Immortal Slash is fake.

——The light of annihilation wrapped around the Immortal Slash is the best disguise.

——And the real Immortal Slash is hidden in...


The twisted space fault at the end of the gun collided with the illusion wrapped in the light of annihilation. Jiang Yu could not free his third hand, but his will shaped and released the biological force field. Just like he had soothed Zhu Wen's mood before, he placed this invisible palm manifested out of thin air into the glow released by Alondette. Light saber energy wave on!

Zhao Yingkong is right, half-heartedness is indeed prone to problems.

So...turn it around!

The warping of space caused the sword energy wave to deflect, and it hit a narrow angle of nothingness. Illuminating everything hidden in that void. A black knife assassin summoned by the Death Bracelet was shattered by the light cannon bombardment, and the True Immortal Slash, which contained deadly power, also fell from its hand!

This is the correct answer.

At the moment when the kill was achieved, Jiang Yu could clearly capture the surprise in Zhao Yingkong's eyes.

"I should thank you, Zhao Yingkong." He did not say it out loud, his will was only based on this glance. "Only those who cannot win head-on on the battlefield will pin their hopes on words. You talk too much and are too purposeful. And this allows me to confirm that the so-called strength in you is just an illusion. It has its appearance.”

"You actually can't defeat me. There is actually only a slight difference between your real combat power and mine. Although the light of annihilation is the most effective trump card at your disposal, an overly powerful trump card exposes your weaknesses in other areas. "

"What if... I can break through your annihilation heart light?"

Gun, released from hand.

However, Kasumi, who has unlocked the second level, has the power to still exert most of her combat power after getting rid of it due to the increase in resonance. The power of the cutting spear forcibly 'cut' the connection between the false immortal slash and Zhao Yingkong's palm. And even if it can only last for a moment, it is enough for Jiang Yu to make this crucial blow!

The crimson thunders gathered together, but they did not have the effect of blocking the assassin, because that was not the exact direction they were given after being summoned. Their goal from the beginning was to return to Jiang Yu again after expanding to a large enough scale!

Thor's weapon, dark red form.

One of Jiang Yu's favorite colors is red. The crimson form of Thor's armament does not expand the body.

He just attached the thunder to his hand.

He just pointed his fingers together into a knife, and the end of the knife restrained his will and strength.

Zhao Yingkong's assassin battle uniform made of dense flesh and blood collapsed like mist. And the knife transformed from her five fingers stabbed her chest, which was protected by the light of her heart.

A moment.

Thunder, dispelling most of it.

The palm blade penetrated the chest.

The girl's heart fell into his hand.

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