Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 351 An unexpected person

Chapter 351 ·The unexpected person

How to describe the scene in front of me?

The sky was dark and the air was stale and smelled unbearable. You and your fellow tribesmen travel together, aiming for your distant hometown. You thought the journey was long but safe, but you didn't expect a group of filthy and twisted orcs to attack you. And what's even more unexpected is that these orcs, who are just a bunch of loose sand in your memory, show strength beyond expectations at this moment.

You think of some bad rumors - it seems that in other places, there is news that an entire migration team has disappeared. The fellow tribesmen only found traces of the battle, the broken bodies of Orcs, and a few elven corpses that died in such miserable conditions that their complete outlines could not be pieced together. But there should be at least dozens of elves in a migration team, and this means that their destination may be very bad.

You are not afraid of death, and even elves are not afraid of death. Because death is just the beginning of another journey. Some members of the same clan also tried to track down the traces of the remaining Ork wreckage, and they wiped out several large Ork camps, but the harvest was just that. And with the westward migration imminent, some things that are hard to find answers to may need to be given up for the time being.

But now, you think you guessed why. And you find that the opponent's offensive has exceeded the carrying capacity of your fellow tribesmen - failure may have become inevitable. But there is actually not much difference between dying here in battle and returning westward. You are ready to face your end, but you still want to save your fellow humans if you can, because you still have doubts about something.

You suspect that those missing members of your race may not all be dead.

Although elves are not afraid of death, if they are immortal, it will not be a friendly ending.

So you fight, and you are ready to fight with all your might. However, at this time, something appeared on the battlefield that had never appeared even in your long elf memory.

There seemed to be a sound of flapping wings in the air, but you couldn't hear it. But it can be felt. But the dirty Orks in front of them trembled in the invisible flapping of wings, became manic, and became confused. Their speed slowed down and their movements were no longer smooth. And you immediately seized this opportunity, commanded a volley, and reduced them by a considerable number.

But this may not be a good thing - because you feel some kind of omen. The next moment, a dark meteor from the distance slammed into the edge of the battlefield. Ork at the core of the bombardment was killed and injured in an instant, and you also briefly lost your vision because of the too blazing bright light, and even Both feet that were stable were shaking.

You see it.

In the center of the explosion, at the core of destruction. A humanoid individual wrapped in dark armor stood there. You don't know what it is, but you are sure that it is definitely not a human being, let alone an elf. A certain aura of power that surpasses the two of them spreads out rapidly with the footsteps of the unknown individual. For a moment, you seem to see the source that is too ancient even for an elf born a thousand years ago. The power of the War of the Gods since the First Age.

But that feeling quickly dissipated - as a new feeling overlaid it. You saw the piles of corpses, and the piles of countless strange heads that you had never seen even in your nightmares. And they hate it so much and fear it. The resentment of tens of thousands of dead people surrounded it, but they were unable to damage it in the slightest.

How many people did it kill? How many monsters were killed?

And this extremely huge killing has such a fresh fragrance. It's as if it all happened last month, or even last week.

Orks fell like straw before its eyes - turning into pieces, turning into mud, turning into debris that was clearly alive but not as good as dead. Even if you firmly believe that these filthy and blasphemous things deserve death. But being swallowed up by such a terrifying and twisted thing also subconsciously makes you feel a little intolerable and even pityful.

You've wasted too much time.

Just when you turned away from this idea, there were only less than a hundred of the thousands of Orks left - fear and despair swallowed them up, causing them to make frightened sounds and run away in all directions. However, their feet seemed to be bound by invisible shackles. Even if they tried their best to move forward, they would only stay in place. And the next moment, you saw a red lightning.

You have never seen such ominous thunder, deep red, sharp, but as if restrained by an invisible hand, drawing a series of geometric fold lines in the air. And its trajectory is so precise and neat. It passed through the chests of all the remaining Orks in an instant, and except for a few who seemed to have been left alive on purpose, all of them were roasted into mature slag from the inside out.

Most elves don't have the habit of eating meat, but at this moment, the tempting aroma and the desire to vomit fill your mind. All the Orks are dead, and you and your kind are the only living creatures in this area.

You see it walking towards you. The war spear in its hand is made of gold, but the patterns on it seem to come from a distant foreign land that even the most knowledgeable elves have never seen. And when you cast your gaze on the war spear, the ruthless eyes hidden under the octopus-like mask, which were slightly more blazing than the previous crimson thunder, collided with your gaze in the air.

You once again saw mountains of corpses and seas of blood, white bones covering the fields, and countless deaths. Unexpectedly, you wonderfully felt that the other party did not seem to have any ill intentions, and the darkness was even far away. it. You couldn't help but doubt whether your mental state was normal, and the next moment, you escaped from that brief illusion.

Your fellow tribesmen are looking at you nervously. Even though the battle is over, they are holding their weapons harder in their hands.

It's coming to you.


Jiang Yu felt a little strange.

He felt that he had just beaten a monster in an ordinary way and cleared out a few Orks. And during the whole process, he restrained himself very carefully and controlled the power in his hands to ensure that there would be no additional accidental injuries. However... the current situation seems to be somewhat different from what was imagined.

The posture of my divine weapon descending from the sky should be very standard.

I should have ensured the lives of these wood elves and not let them be killed by the orc raiders from Isengard.

I should have been very neat when I did it, and didn't make the scene a bloody mess - at least it was better than when I faced the zombies on Fiora, and every time I got broken bones, flesh and organs. Much more... And even if it was so messy, didn't Zhu Wen, who was traveling with him, adapt to that battlefield? But why...

——These elves all look like they have seen the Balrog?

Jiang Yu was confused. The group of wood elves in front of him were holding weapons tightly and looking at him nervously and with determination. It was as if he would rush up and die with him if he disagreed, but he obviously should be on the side of good people and good deeds.

He didn't even dare to say the opening remarks that he had prepared in advance - he was really afraid that as soon as he opened his mouth, the wood elves would shout and greet him with bows, arrows and daggers. It certainly wouldn't hurt him, but it would be very embarrassing.

No, that's not right. It seems that they are not completely invulnerable - there is a subtle sense of order in the positions of these wood elves. Like a sharp cone, all the sharp edges are focused on one of them. And if the opponent can successfully draw the bow and fire the arrow in front of him, then the arrow he shoots may injure himself.

He was silent for two seconds.

In the spiritual network, Zhan Lan's gloating ridicule seemed to be heard.

"These Orks come from Isengard." Jiang Yu decided to omit the opening remarks. His voice seemed a little hoarse due to depression.

Like steel rubbing against bones.

"The strong ones among them are called strong orcs, which are different from the other weak Orcs... There must be a reason why you were attacked by them. You'd better stay cautious."

This seems to be shocking information.

The faces of the wood elves first showed expressions of disbelief, then anger and doubt. Among them, the elf who first looked at Jiang Yu, who seemed to be the leader of the migration team, subconsciously refuted him.

"This is impossible! Isengard has always been on good terms with the elves. Saruman the White is a distinguished guest of the lords, and there is no way he would collude with these evil and depraved things!"

"The dark power of Mordor is rising, and these Orcs must have a source. They are equipped with complete armor, and some of them are stronger than expected."

"You can think about it."

Jiang Yu did not intend to convince them, because there was no need - the Samsaras' target was Orc, and when the existence of the strong orcs was confirmed, they had the intelligence source in their hands. Saving this wood elf migration team was an easy thing to do. After all, the life and death of elves are different from that of mortals.


He nodded, maybe because he had spoken properly. The spirits of the elves seemed not as nervous as before. And he immediately turned around and wanted to leave here and return to the battlefield where he should be.

--"Wait a moment."

Zhan Lan's voice suddenly echoed in his ears.

——"There seems to be one among these wood elves who is different from the others."

Jiang Yu turned his gaze and looked at the target Zhan Lan was pointing at. After Zhan Lan pointed it out, he discovered that there was indeed a misfit behind the group of wood elves. She blended in with the crowd, looking lifeless. Her hood obscured her appearance, but she still had a strand of long, light red hair flowing down from her cloak.

This is close to the midpoint of the line between Essinger and Wind Cloud Summit, and there is actually another Ork lair closest to here.

That is the Mines of Moria, where the Balrog dwells. An ownerless orc country is there, and the ruins of the dwarf mines are naturally indispensable for various small weapons and weapons.

The female elf suddenly raised her head and looked at where Jiang Yu was amid the surprised eyes of her fellow humans.

"But they may also come from Moria - I heard that the dwarves once made an expedition to the Orks who were entrenched there some years ago, but the news gradually disappeared. Compared with Isengard, there is a possibility of problems there Bigger.”

The Lord God's announcement suddenly echoed in Jiang Yu's mind.

——[Trigger side mission—Bring the wood elf Tauriel to the mines of Moria before the meeting of Rivendell to witness the destruction of the dwarf expedition. If you succeed, you will get a C-level branch plot and 3,000 reward points. 】

And Jiang Yu's eyes immediately stared at her.

"You think I care about Ork."

"You want to go to the Mines of Moria," he said.

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