Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 361 Building Divine Resonance

Chapter 361·Construction·Divine Resonance

——I already know.

——I have seen it with my own eyes.

——I have attained enlightenment.

This is not the first time Jiang Yu has connected with heaven and earth.

As early as the return trip to World 3, when he fought with the Scorpion Emperor Momoyus, he had already mastered the art of resonance with the world in all directions and made preliminary attempts.

He has been on this road for a long time and has traveled a long way.

He learned to resonate, assimilate, and share his own realm of power with other creatures.

He learned to resonate with his armor until the weapons and armor became a part of him, forming his body and making him stronger.

He learned to resonate with the observed spatial structures, gaining an untouchable shield and unparalleled mobility. The power of construction is in his hands, and he can drive it to shape various structural entities that meet his needs.

He has been walking this road for a long time - how he should go on this road has already been reflected in his heart.

It is nothing more than expanding its scale and strengthening its depth - resonating with, uniting with, and becoming one with the entire world. This kind of thing has long been in his planning agenda to continue moving forward. In fact, this is not the first time he has done this. Even with the current scale of world resonance, he has tried it more than once before. In fact, the depth and breadth of his private attempts were much greater than they are now.

Larger scale and higher precision.

However, this time was completely different from the previous ones.

Because the goal is different, what he wants is different - in the past, he resonated and expected the power of the world. He resonates to use the power of the world to launch an overwhelming offensive, or to transfer the trauma he has suffered to the entire world. It was exactly the same as when he was fighting the ancient flame demon in front of him.

But this time...

——What I long for is thinking about the world.

No longer hungry for power, but hungry for ideas. Even if the mountains, rivers, and trees are not intellectual at all, if you can concentrate your mind, you can read the chapter of the earth made of layers of rocks.

He saw it.

He saw how this underground mountain that had stood here since the dawn of time had turned into a cold pool over the long years.

He saw how the clear water soaked the ancient mineral veins in the earth and polished the stones into sand.

He saw how the first Turin dwarves who arrived in the mines of Moria in the distant years dug out the thick rock with hammer and pickaxe. See them cheer when they touch the bottom of Moria, see them gather on the island in the middle of the cold pool, and build the magnificent Tower of Turin.

This was all many years ago - many, many years ago.

The dwarves visit this place and defend it. Take root here and thrive here. Exploration party, colonial party, settlement, kingdom. The dwarves arose, prospered, and then were driven out of their homeland by Balrogs and Orcs, leaving behind an ancient legacy.

There may be no dwarves alive at that time. However, the earth records everything, and the rocks engraved everything. The entire history of the Kingdom of Moria is just a small part of the memory of this mountain range, and at this moment, they all came into Jiang Yu's sight.

It is said that the dwarves of Turin went to the Lonely Mountain after being forced to leave Moria. They obtained a gem there. Although the gem did not have any powerful power, it symbolized the royal power of the dwarves - and that gem was called the Arken Diamond, the Heart of the Lonely Mountain.

Moria also has such a gem.

It was buried deeper, much deeper than the one in Gushan. And it has not been discovered by the dwarves. Instead, it sleeps at the bottom of the mountain, in a cold pool that is deeper than the isolated island where the Tower of Turin is located. It lies quietly inside a deep cave, and perhaps no one will dig it out in another ten thousand years.

But Jiang Yu saw it, saw this heart of Moria that should not have been born. But now, his heart has achieved a distant resonance with the heart of the mountain.

——I am the mountains.

he thinks.

——And the mountains will not be lonely, painful, confused, or lost.

He got such feelings.

Mountains don’t hurt…but mountains can hurt. The mountain cannot be angry, but the mountain can be angry. The long rise and fall of the dwarves was reduced to an insignificant fraction of the time the mountains experienced. And now, they are also a small part of Jiang Yu's life. Because he is the embodiment of the mountains, all the rise and fall of everything is insignificant to it.

He finally understood - the difference between mortal things and gods is that gods don't care. God doesn't have to care.

Because God has experienced so much, he does not attach too much importance to anything. Maybe there is still some obsession to anchor myself. But apart from this obsession, all the chaos in the world is just worthless dust.

If you live for a long time, you will naturally lose sight of it, and this is the heart of immortality.

The short-lived species can get rid of it overnight, but it will also lead to the subversion of the old personality due to the rapid changes in mental state.


Jiang Yu asked, he asked himself.

——But am I really a mountain?

Without thinking, the answer is no. The mountains are the mountains of the dwarves, the country of the mountains is the country of the dwarves, and the heart of the mountains is also the authority of the dwarves of Turin. Unless he wants to be the King of the Turin Dwarves, otherwise, he should not be these vast mountains.

He could become King of the Dwarves - but he had no intention of doing so. The memory deep in the mountains is the memory of rocks and earth, but Mr. Jiang does not intend to become a god of rocks and earth.

He is Thunder.

Deep in his soul, the ancient lost thunder skeleton sleeps.

The heart of the mountains is not his heart, but his springboard. But now, he finally has a suitable enough personality to be able to resonate with the inner thunder deep in his body.

This is the moment, this is the moment. It's right here, right here.

He called out to the world, and the world responded. And he, who owns the world, is asking about his inner self.

What is the difference between gods and mortal things? The solution to this problem was actually placed in front of him very early. Because from the moment he exchanged the power of the God of Thunder under the Lord God's ball of light, the Lord God had clearly told him that he had reached a resonance with an unknown God of Thunder.

God is within Jiang Yu, but God has long been lost and dead.

The wreckage of God awaits his call, and the wreckage will surely answer him.

Thus, the temporary son of the mountains drives the real heart of the mountains. In the midst of lightning and stone fire, he used the character of a god to awaken the power of the god that resonated deep in his soul.

- respond to me.

The springboard has been consumed. And Jiang Yu finally arrived at his destination.

Deep in his heart, deep in his soul. At that moment, the dead thunder tree was as dazzling as gold under the water of the King's Rune. And his palms were already lightly pressing on the roots of the thunder tree.

——Accept me.

He couldn't see Lei Shu's past, but he could clearly perceive Lei Shu's true inner makeup and analyze it in detail. The springboard of the mountains still exists at this moment, and since he is still the son of the mountains, he can use the power of the mountains at this moment.

The precision of the operation exceeded a certain level that was originally insurmountable at this moment. He clearly saw the most detailed structure of the divine body cells inside the thunder tree, and saw every piece of gene that was chimeric with each other. His genes and Thunder Tree's genes can be easily verified and compared with each other at this moment, and even have the ability to adjust on the fly.

The power of subtlety can be achieved. From then on, the interference power of this body can reach the microscopic level.

Use resonance to connect heaven and earth, use the elevated status after connecting heaven and earth, and once again resonate with the thunder divinity deep in your heart that may or may not exist here - through this method, you can acquire otherworldly abilities. This is the first practical and effective branch capability developed by Jiang Yu based on the 'construct' prefix. And he named it——

‘Construction·Divine Resonance’

And he held his heart.

- Be me.

He became the mountains. And the Thunder became it.

The Golden Thunder Tree no longer resides in the depths of his soul, but is forcibly revealed in the real world under his will.

‘Crack-! ! ! ’

The huge tree rose up from the ground, and the flaming sword that fell down stopped at the top of the tree with golden thunder overflowing. For divine power ceases at the majesty of another god. And flames never restrain thunder!

"Another Maia!?" Balrog's mouth spat out surprise. Yan Ling had the opposite effect at this moment. Because its divine power can limit the enemy, it can also limit itself. It couldn't influence another god, but it subconsciously used its own spiritual laws to make its body recognize the new power possessed by Jiang Yu!

The flaming sword that stopped on the crown of the thunder tree became dim in an instant. Its body believed it was fighting a Maia in her prime. And it has long since changed with the defeat of Morgoth and the construction of the great barrier of Ilúvatar, and it is no longer as strong as before!

If it is not strong enough, it will weaken. It didn't have time to make any amends, and the golden tree system transformed by the thunder tightly entangled it in the form of spreading branches!

It is bound and restricted. The golden thunder turned into crimson, and as it struggled, it unscrupulously absorbed every bit of power it wanted to release.

-I can kill it.

Jiang Yu watched the opponent's struggle in front of him. He knew that he now had the power to bring about the complete demise of this fallen god. Whether it is lowering the Spear of Judgment or constructing a space-shattering fist, he has a high degree of confidence in completely erasing the enemy in his hands from before his eyes. Maybe one shot is not enough, but a few more shots will definitely kill it.

——But, that’s not necessary. It doesn't need to be that complicated.

——This battle is not my stage. There is no need for me to take away the long-awaited glory from my well-prepared companions.

He didn't take action.

He has obtained the greatest treasure in this battle.

He didn't know if he had unlocked the genetic lock of the fourth level - but he knew that the sign of entering the fourth level was the power of subtlety, and the need to face the constraints of inner demons once he entered. But now, he has been able to gain subtle power in any place with a 'world' through 'Constructing Divine Resonance', and until now, he doesn't know where his inner demon is.

——Perhaps the manifestation of my inner demons is that my inner activities are too abundant?

He thought, but he wasn't sure. The inexplicable fullness in the body has faded to almost no trace. Even if he only mastered a technique to obtain subtle power at this moment, in the next short period of time, he will also increase the power level of the gene lock.

Enough is enough.

Next... just leave it to others.

From the very beginning, the plan was for Zheng Zha to be the main attacker. Others assisted him in winning this battle. Although he was injured and repelled due to his rashness, he quickly recovered the strength to fight in a simple adjustment.

And before he arrived——


Shadows fell.

In the light and shadow covered by the Thunder Tree, the complete Death Rune was shaped into a dark death sword at this moment. It moved silently under the envelope of the void. It crossed over the overgrown branches and thunder, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the heart of the Balrog!

Destined death, delivered.

Zheng Zha's previous sudden blow damaged the essence of the Balrog and tore a gap deep in its soul. And now, the power of death entrusted in the Immortal Slash has penetrated into its heart!

Immortality, abolished. Even if it is a Maya god, at least at this moment, it has completely lost the power of resurrection. Its authority fell together with its status, and when it was about to die, it finally let out a horrified roar.

"This is impossible!"

"You...can't defeat a Maia!"

The spirit of words is no longer effective.

It has lost its authority, it has lost its glory. At the same moment, Zheng Zha, who had regrouped, already held the battle ax in his hand.

"Give - labor - capital - death!"

Death arrives with the call sign.

Zheng Zha, who was galloping with his wings, crossed the giant thunder tree and chopped down the giant ax filled with his anger and resentment.

Nothing can save this Balrog at this moment.

There are no variables entering this battlefield at this moment.

There are no more orcs left in the Morel mines. And the unknown ancient monster lurking deep in the cold pool underground is now being forced to face another, more terrifying force.

The ax blade hit his neck. Then, passed through it. The collapsing flames shattered several square kilometers of lake surface. The huge black flaming crescent moon fell in the distance, rubbing against the remains of the Tower of Turin.

‘Plop—’ A petrified Balrog head fell on top of the remains of the Tower of Turin.

And this is the place where this ancient and fallen Maiya should be buried.

Then, the Lord God announced.

——[Complete the side mission and kill the ancient Balrog sleeping here before Gandalf enters the Morel Mine—Participate with all members and get 1 B-level side story and 5500 reward points...]

It's pretty worthy of the price.

Jiang Yu released the construction state, turned into a human form and fell towards the top of the Turin Tower. He vaguely remembered that in the original world line, a Balrog with one third of the strength had a worth of A+8000. But that's limited to the income of a single entity. After it is converted into a group branch line, it will be reduced by one level... which is not bad at all.

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