Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 383 East, North

Chapter 383 ·To the east, to the north

The covenant was thus established.

Zhongzhou, Nanyan, the two reincarnation teams merged.

In addition, he also signed an agreement with the Central Continent Team before and became the Arctic Team to support in this world. This seemingly completely changed world of the Lord of the Rings actually turned back to the early situation of the original Lord of the Rings - three teams against one or two teams, but the war was still at the preparation stage.

There are enough occasions for reincarnations.

And then, the world and time will function as they should.

About half an hour later, Gandalf and Treebeard arrived at Isengard - the tree people witnessed the tragic situation their compatriots suffered under Saruman's felling. And witnessed the end of this fallen white-robed wizard. As expected by the reincarnations, it only took Gandalf a short time to convince the tree people who were supposed to go back to their homes after the war - many tree people stayed, and they decided to go back to their homes in the next few days. Time has reshaped Isengard from a wasteland into a green space. The king of the tree people decided to go forward with the reincarnations and participate in the meeting in Rivendell.

"The sky shouldn't be black until now. This is not okay. We Ents need sunlight. Sauron took it away. Now, this is also the battle of the Ents." - This is what Treebeard said. The reason for the decision convinced itself. And what the reincarnations didn't expect was that, like Gandalf, it directly blamed Sauron for the fall of darkness.

As a result, a new reinforcement army was added to the reincarnations.

And soon, another team - those wood elves migrating teams that had been favored by the Central Continent team rushed over. Their number actually reached a considerable number of nearly ten thousand. They also saw the destruction of Isengard, and met in the shadow of the Obsidian Tower with those compatriots who were kidnapped by Saruman and used to transform into orcs. After that, the elves rarely The true feelings are revealed, as well as the common hatred and hatred.

The wood elves gave up their journey westward.

They decided to stay in Middle-earth and settle the ledger with Sauron before leaving. They quickly elected a temporary commander, and this commander was Gandalf, who had many friends - after all, this guy had the elf name 'Mithrandil', and Maia's identity was enough to The elves respect and agree with him.

And the morale-boosting effect of the Ring of Fire is also very useful.

So, this way. What appeared in Isengard was an alliance army that was a mixture of treants and elves, with a total number of more than 10,000, and a quality far exceeding that of Saruman's White Palm Army. And of course, some humans are also mixed in.

Some Rohirrim.

Hofer of the Southern Yanzhou team led an elite group of Rohan warriors to participate in the battle against the East American Samsaras - although there were some casualties, half of the members still survived and survived until the time of the healing spell. After the alliance between the reincarnations was established, he naturally joined the coalition.

"I have never seen such an army. Humans, elves, Ents... three completely different forces unite together. And this power is enough to make the slaves of Mordor tremble." Gandalf stared at the army in front of him. , couldn't help but sigh. "But we can't go back. If such a large army is mobilized west of the Misty Mountains, it will be of no benefit to the overall situation... I suggest that we cross the Eisen River, pass through Rohan, and then go all the way north until we reach Rivendell... I I'm a little worried about my old friend Théoden, Saruman seems to have some plot against him."

Saruman is dead.

The curse spell set by Saruman will naturally be broken automatically.

But even if the spell is broken, the sequelae of the interference will still exist. And the clown who stirred up a lot of trouble in the original work may not have some new negative effects.

This should have been what the Samsaras of the Nanyanzhou team expected to do, but unfortunately the situation of the Samsaras was too complex and changeable, so Nios had to settle for the next best thing - he arranged all the battles of the Nanyanzhou team. At the same time, he managed to persuade the rescued prince Siyod to station himself somewhere not near but not far from the palace with his bodyguards. Once the situation changed, it was the short-lived prince in the original work who set things right. when.

He may have succeeded.

But even if it succeeds, the 'power' that the Nanyanzhou team can take into their hands will naturally not be as much as in the optimal state.


——The Battle of Helm's Deep will no longer happen anyway. What a shame, the Lord God didn’t even reward us for this matter.

someone thought.

And Nios has already signaled Hofer to go over and make a guarantee.

"King Théoden will definitely welcome your arrival. Human beings are also unable to survive in the long-term darkness. Fighting against evil is a necessary and important act of justice." Hofer repeated the wise man under the synchronization of Neos's mind. if.

Gandalf glanced at him and smoked his pipe - this wisest Maia always had a thorough view on issues that did not involve the Valar. His eyes moved from Hofer to Nyos. He already knew the special nature of the Samsaras and the alliance between them. He could also see that the new warrior of Rohan in front of him belonged to the secret hand set by the Samsaras.

"King Théoden hates deception." The old wizard took a puff of his pipe. "But he is also very hospitable. White lies from friends are acceptable to him. But subordinates with evil intentions, even if they are motivated by justice, will not be very comfortable for him."

"I think Prince Thyod is probably very interested in attending the Rivendell meeting." Hofer shrugged, still repeating what Neos told him in his mind. "And the prince can't go alone. Although Rohan is not full of waste, it is also very short of manpower. It lacks loyal and reliable manpower."

The reincarnator whose identity is exposed is naturally not a loyal and reliable person. Anyway, the Nanyanzhou team is not inferior to the Rohan fighting strength - after all, there are no cavalry among them, and the Rohan warriors can only display the true strength of the Torrent Iron Cavalry after they mount war horses and have a large scale.

So, a small oversight was erased.

The surviving Rohan warriors looked at each other, obviously unable to understand the exchange between their superiors and the noble white-robed wizard. But this actually doesn't matter. Anyway, there is a high probability that they will all be among the prince's escort heading north to Rivendell.


"It's indeed a good idea to take a detour to Rohan." Jiang Yu nodded. He didn't really mind whether to go east or west. He stared at the sky, and the sense of crisis in his heart was always there, but not much. And he knew the facts and realized that "even if the sky falls, it won't happen in the near future."

——The Lord God has not changed our main mission.

——The Fellowship of the Ring will definitely be established according to the procedures...even if it's not, it will definitely be established in Rivendell. Because it is the refuge of elves, the safest place in all of Middle-earth. It is physically difficult for Sauron's soldiers to reach there immediately. And there is a powerful elf lord there.

There are three elven lords, and the other two are east of the Misty Mountains.

Jiang Yu has arranged for Tauriel to go to the Black Forest to contact Thranduil, who lives farthest among the three lords. Galadriel, the most powerful of the three lords, is on the only way north from Rohan to Rivendell - and having such an army passing near her territory will inevitably alert her.

Gandalf thought that this was why he came - he might trust the Central-Continent team, believe in the tokens and righteous behavior of the reincarnations. But he must also hope that this justice can be verified by a more reliable force. And with Saruman's remains and an army from the Light side, with a large number of elves participating, perhaps he could convince the strongest elven lord to come out of the woodland and attack Sauron in a more active way instead of just like Yuan Dian usually left some gifts before heading west.

Well, maybe the appearance and war methods of the Central-Continent team are also one of the reasons why Gandalf, who has always been cautious, made such a decision.

It's really a plan that kills multiple birds with one stone, is completely reasonable, and greatly improves efficiency.

As for the Zhongzhou team, which had no dissident intentions and decided to fight for light and justice from the very beginning. Its decision is of course——

"I have no objection to this, so, let's go now?" Jiang Yu, the spokesperson and nominal captain of the Zhongzhou Team, said.


The sky was still dark. Even though the time reached noon, there was not a single halo of light coming through the gaps in the clouds. If not for the fact that all the coalition forces summoned by the Samsaras were elite soldiers and strong generals, there would have been a lot of commotion within them.

This is inevitable, because the living creatures on the earth's surface always yearn for light.

The reincarnators will naturally take this into consideration and try to solve this problem. Because without elite soldiers and generals, we have to march with unnecessary loss of morale.

The person who solved it was Chu Xuan. He was much faster than Nios and created a fixed light source floating above the heads of the coalition forces. It was a set of twelve magical Eden artifacts. They appear to be suspended over the coalition forces in the form of golden apples. While providing ample lighting, they also construct a large-scale acceleration circle - thus increasing the speed of an army of ten thousand people, even if they have miserable mobility. The tree man can also make his steps run like a horse at this moment.

The journey that might have taken three or four days to complete was shortened exponentially to the point where it would not delay the Rivendell meeting. The wise men of the Nanyanzhou team were obviously not willing to be at a disadvantage. After losing for a while, they changed hands and removed another obstacle that might hinder the coalition's advance from the path to Rohan.

They froze the Eisen River - it was frozen so hard that the tree people striding under the magic did not have to worry about their huge weight when crossing it. After the Eisen River, many hills and canyons that hindered the coalition's operations were also flattened by spells.

There are actually not many mountains in the land of Rohan. Therefore, Nios's behavior of competing for performance actually used up the responsibilities in the covenant with minimal losses. Strictly speaking, this little trick is boring and even childish. However, for wise people, this kind of behavior that shows their own naivety is not a type of weakness.

The probability is not low.

But it's a pity that the decision-makers in Zhongzhou decided to ignore it - Jiang Yu was too lazy to waste time on the intrigues of the wise men. He believed that Chu Xuan could handle these unimportant issues very properly.

After all, he had other things to deal with.

"King Théoden has regained his consciousness. Then... the jester Grimmer died. The result of my divination was because of the establishment of power, because this sudden night made the people of Rohan panic. The king who wakes up needs a powerful force. A powerful signal to demonstrate its authority and successfully restore the confidence of the people under its rule."

Zhu Wen flipped the tarot cards with her fingertips - although she was better at using coins and calculations, in the world view of Xihuan, she naturally chose to do as the locals do. Of course, this information is not very important, so she can naturally relax her attitude.

"The situation in the royal family of Rohan is very good." Her prediction reached the next step. "There was no boring change of power. The awakened king immediately readmitted his children and nephews. The sense of crisis brought by the darkness, as well as the arrangements prepared in advance by the Nanyanzhou team, made Rohan who was originally exiled The hussars were able to gather quickly, and now, there is an army of nearly ten thousand people near the royal capital of Rohan."

The situation is good.

The world drives the gathering of light forces.

Isengard's early fall...or recovery allowed the Rohan warriors who would have died under Saruman's army to continue serving the royal banner of Rohan. And this means that rushing to rescue Gondor from Rohan will be much easier than in the original book.

After all, the dark canopy would certainly depress Gondor's morale. But Gondor has already been covered by dark clouds at this point in time, and Osgillis, the gateway fortress, is most likely still in the hands of the Gondorians. The legions of Mordor still need to assemble, and even if Sauron wants to launch a surprise attack, he will most likely be unable to do so.

very good.

Jiang Yu nodded.

"What's our situation?" He asked about the calamity of the members of the Zhongzhou Team.

"It's okay." Zhu Wen responded to him. "The crisis is approaching us, but it is not as serious as expected. The calamity energy in each of us is steadily increasing, and the current amount is probably the level that an ordinary person would choke to death by drinking cold water."

Reincarnators will not choke to death when drinking cold water. What is fatal to ordinary people is naturally acceptable to the Zhongzhou team. Jiang Yu immediately reached out and patted Zhu Wen's shoulder to encourage him, without considering that his cognitive age was about the same as Zhu Wen's.

He passed her, who rolled her eyes, and arrived behind her. Naturally, the reincarnations of the Central Continent team did not walk on the ground with the coalition forces. Instead, he sat in the light curtain woven by the Magical Eden Sacred Artifact, replacing the original poor-looking Sand Storm, and moved together with another set of golden apples that provided lighting.

Zheng Zha was still sulking in the corner, and Jiang Yu didn't quite know how to comfort this guy.

Zhang Jie has a low sense of existence in daily life, and Li Shuaixi is still a salty fish.

Therefore, the interlocutor Jiang Yu expected was another person who was busy in his spare time.

It was Zhan Lan who put his hand on the head of the 'included gift'. And the bonus Hydrant who was deprived of the power to wake up.

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