Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 390 So, it was begun

"So that's how it all started."

When the sky burst, no matter who was preparing for the war, the big stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground. The worst expected future has become a reality, and from now on, all that needs to be considered is the amount of blood that will be shed by those who are waiting.

The blood of your enemies, your own blood.

Jiang Yu's eyes stared at the broken sky, and his perception spread rapidly with the break of the great barrier. He felt the liberation of his functions and the improvement of his strength. The collapse of Ilúvatar's rules naturally meant that the restrictions on all supernatural powers were rapidly weakening. In just an instant, he clearly calculated that the destructive effect he could cause had increased by one-third and was still continuing. Increase!

The scanning area of ​​mental power users is expanding. The psychic link from Zhan Lan instantly identified all terrain changes with a radius of more than three hundred kilometers. And at the same time, the darkness and turbidity emerging from the cracks in the high sky revealed its true appearance.

That is a beast, a worm. They come from outside the Great Barrier, from the void of nothingness. Their appearance is ferocious and twisted, and their malice is unconcealed. The moment they appear, an undoubted fact is clearly conveyed to all witnesses present.

Valinor no longer exists, and Aman is no longer a pure land.

The land of the gods outside the barrier must have become ruins at this moment. And if not, it means the arrival of these endless malicious predators, under the will of the gods.

The gods were unable to help, and the gods unleashed their wrath. Two possibilities, one must be chosen. All the participants in the Council of the Ring were smart enough to make such a deductive judgment. No matter what the truth is, it is enough to make them despair.

"How is it possible..." They were scared and sluggish because of this, so they were unable to make a decision in the first place.

While their hearts were clenched by fear and consternation, the spiritual power users among the reincarnations had already obtained the initial information.

——"Height, twelve kilometers and nine hundred and sixty meters. Currently, the total number of hostile individuals that can be determined is more than three million. It increases upwards in units of one hundred thousand per second."

Intelligence communication, from Zhan Lan. Time, one second passed.

——"The visual inspection range of the crack is 6.66 square kilometers, and the expansion range is 13% in one second. An obvious decrease in speed is observed."

Intelligence communication, from Ye Zi. The scope of the rift has limits, but the scope of expansion is not infinite. The phenomenon of decline means that although Ilúvatar's great barrier has begun to collapse, it can still sustain it for a short period of time. This won't last long, but at least it means that the entire Middle Earth will not be destroyed by disaster in an instant.

——"The second rift could not be retrieved, and there are no abnormalities within a straight line of 600 kilometers. It is estimated that the rift is only above Rivendell. However, the emergence of a second main attack direction cannot be ruled out."

Intelligence Communications, from Nyos. There is currently only one crack in the sky, which is a supplement to the previous piece of information. And if the deterioration of the Great Barrier continues, then perhaps this Glen Fortress will soon become an island of survivors.

That's not good, and no one wants that to happen. But now, the situation has not worsened.

——"Scan...scanned a spider monster! There is a strange optical camouflage on its surface...distortion phenomenon! Its energy probably less than the second level!"

Xue Ling'er finally came in handy. Although he didn't have any expectations for her, Jiang Yu still handed over a small part of the responsibility for assessing the battlefield to her. Being able to detect the attacker's energy level is also one of the gains. Of course, it would be better if she could get more samples...

——"The number of hostile individuals scanned is 1,737, more than 90% are first-order individuals, and nearly 9% are second-order individuals. Six third-order individual units were captured in the sample, more than 1,000% Four probability and obvious photophobia and fire fear effects were detected... During the mental power structure test, no significant mental power resistance and clustering effects were detected..."

——"Preparing for wide-area psychic interference... No abnormal humanoid individuals or hostile psychic shielding areas have been detected..."

Zhan Lan added her.

Zhan Lan's eyes turned pure white, and the True Knowledge Crystal was dyed to the same color as her eyes. Her mental power fluctuations were almost revealed in the world as vibrations that shook the physical foundation. And the time has not yet reached the second second when the sky collapsed.

Above the sky, predators from the void poured down like waterfalls. In Zhan Lan's test, they are not a cluster structure united into one, but the scale and malice they display themselves are a terrifying combination. Like a grinning ghost face, like a hungry claw. Their appearance is symptomatic but has no reason, but anyone who sees it will know that they are the embodiment of extraterritorial greed.

They have arrived.

In Jiang Yu's mind, two options appeared - if nothing could be done, then just take advantage of this most suitable opportunity to seize the Supreme Lord of the Rings and ensure its safety. This of course means that all the potential previously laid out by the Central Continent team has become scraps, but at least it is certain that the initiative is still in their hands.

But Jiang Yu made another judgment.

Although the intelligence is not comprehensive, the current situation has not deteriorated to an unimaginable level. It is far from the time to retreat and retreat. There is obviously still a lot of room for fighting in the next battle.

You can keep it.

Then, it is necessary for the Supreme Ring to remain in the hands of the ring bearer. The indigenous forces are still a force that can be fought for and put to use. It is Jiang Yu's decision to ensure their trust and maintain the current front.


The second after the sky burst, it finally arrived.


Space is no longer an obstacle. Jiang Yu's form disappeared and materialized directly above Rivendell. His actions naturally represent the will of the Zhongzhou team. And he immediately reached up, stretched out a hand, and spread his fingers. Power and perception, released together.

Construct·divine resonance, unfold.

The will spreads in all directions until it fills the world. The principle of divine resonance is to force resonance with heaven and earth, and use its huge size to activate the divinity in the body to awaken the subtle power. In other words, a side effect is hearing the sounds of the world.

Jiang Yu heard the voice of the world. He heard the world tremble, even fear. And this intense fear allowed him to plan in his mind a figure that was like a frightened hedgehog, erecting needles of resistance in all directions.

Needle, needle of resistance.

The world turned into a fearful hedgehog in Jiang Yu's perception. The numerous and fine thorns are just enough to cope with the shower of berries.

So... put the needle up.

The sky became sharp due to the resonance of Jiang Yu, not a single thorn, but a cluster of 'needles'! Driven by the power of subtlety, inspiration is transformed into practical skills at an unexpected speed. The area it interferes with is directly above Jiang Yu, and the sky area of ​​more than one hundred square kilometers reflected by his stretched five fingers!

Construct · Divine Resonance · Thorny Needles

The name was chosen casually, but millions of invisible needles, sharp and sharp, built out of the atmosphere and spatial structure have risen out of thin air. Its range is wide and its speed is fast. In an instant, it fills the entire airspace where the invading beasts want to descend!

‘Peng—! ! ! ’ Thousands of acupuncture sounds blended into one.

Thousands... no, more than half a million predator herds all received the same treatment at this moment!

The cluster of construction needles generated out of thin air is indestructible and inescapable, and gravity and thrust exert their powerful effects at the same moment!

Destruction and killing followed. In the sky that was obscured by the strange monster, only traces of dirty blood remained at this moment. The number of pierced beasts exceeds one hundred thousand, and the number of minced beasts exceeds three hundred thousand. All this happened in the third second when the sky cracked, and in the fourth second, the blazing rain of blood was about to fall all over the sky.

First-order individuals, killing hundreds of thousands. Second level individuals, killed thousands. Of the 359 third-level individuals that were targeted, 14 sensed the crisis in time and managed to escape. However, this is just a drop in the bucket compared to the total number of predators in the void.

But that's enough. After taking the first step, Mr. Jiang will naturally not need to continue walking alone for the remaining steps. After all, he didn't arrive here alone!

——Zheng Zha.

The jet-black flowing fire rose from the surface, and he crossed over the natives who were still in a state of shock at the fifth second. The arm that brushed past Jiang Yu touched the sky. The sea of ​​blood and rain that was about to fall and the corpses of thousands of evil beasts surrounded it, and in an instant, they were all assimilated under the dark flames.

The river of death opens here, and in the river of the dead, thousands of dead souls sing in unison. It covered the sky, absorbing the endless flow of corpses and blood. The beasts killed by Jiang Yu instantly became a newly built garrison in the Dead River. They were all commanded by the Death Shadow of the Blood Lord, and then devoted themselves to the crazy killing of their own kind!

Dead River is a very powerful move.

Its strength lies not in facing the strong, but in sweeping away the weak. Because it is still possible for a strong person to kill thousands of dead souls in the river of death and face the Lord who commands the souls. But no matter how many weak people there are, they can only play a role in replenishing the strength of the Dead River.

The number of predators is huge, but the mass of the predators does not exceed the carrying limit of the reincarnations. Zheng Zha didn't even need to use the Violent Flame here, he could easily create thousands of deaths at an altitude of 10,000 meters. The awakened beasts surged out of the dead river without hesitation in an immortal manner, and fought hard to bite their predators. For every one of them dying for the second time, there were at least three or even three of them. Four of the same kind who were dragged into the river of death became the forces protecting the earth.

The two sides of the scale are not equal.

However, even with such a powerful cleaning technique, there are still certain constraints. One is that the greater the number of dead rivers, the greater the mental strength required of the operator. Secondly, the speed of expansion of the dead river may not be able to keep up with the wings of flight!

Speed, speed is a difference that most Dead River holders will not consider. And this also means that once the holder's enemy has excellent maneuverability. So even if the Dead River is pushed forward, it may not be able to erase them all in the first time.

There is no doubt that the predator herd with excellent mobility, in such a huge number, can naturally obtain the status of "yes".

Yes, and yes. They may wave their wings, they may jump in the void, or even worse, they may be able to walk directly in the space fault. And their number can even be called numerous. In just the blink of an eye, at least thousands of void predators bypassed the Dead River and the secondary defense line of thorns and arrived directly above Rivendell!

Time, six seconds in the past.

The golden apple array deployed by Chu Xuan in Rivendell can be activated at any time. The True Knowledge Crystal in Zhan Lan's hand also contains a psychic shock wave that is enough to interfere with the current battle situation. These are all cards that the Central Continent team can play, and they are far from even an alternative trump card. However, neither Chu Xuan nor Zhan Lan intends to put them into use immediately.

Because it's not the time yet.

Also because... there is no need.

The sky was broken, and the great barrier of Ilúvatar was no longer stable for the seventh second. Gandalf, who was shocked by realizing the current situation in Valinor, was finally no longer in a state of hindrance - he realized the fact that his sealed power of Maia had been released the moment he raised his staff. . So at the next moment, blazing light poured out from his staff and from between him like a torrent in all directions.

The Ring of Fire, one of the three elven rings. The power it possesses is not simply the manipulation of fire. Boosting morale and giving people encouragement and courage are its most commonly used functions.

It allows lost warriors to take up arms and fight. And the soldiers must also muster the courage to fight.

"Take up arms! Defend your home! Rivendell is at your feet!" The wizard's voice resounded in all directions.

The courage brought by the wizard arrives on the current battlefield. All the confused elves woke up from a dream at this moment, and the members of the envoys in the Lord of the Rings Council also drew their weapons to protect Frodo, the ring bearer.

Sauron must be up to something! It has to be it!

It covets the power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and for this reason even destabilizes the order of all things!

The envoys' eyes reached a consensus in the collision. This may be based on limited vision, or it may be based on lucky thinking. Even if the facts are before their eyes, no one dares to believe that something has really happened to the gods in Valinor and even acquiesced to this force from outside the territory. They could only try hard to convince themselves that everything was Sauron's problem. And as long as Sauron is dealt with, everything can return to its original appearance.

"Let's go!" The elf lord who presided over the meeting waved his long knife, and his magic guided a secret passage. "Escort the Ringbearer before Mordor gets it!"

He had already made up his mind to die, even though he was already faintly afraid of death in his heart at this moment.

But at this moment——

'boom----! ! ! ’

A huge thing fell from the sky. Several powerful predatory beasts with extraordinary combat capabilities suddenly arrived on the battlefield around the meeting.

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