Aragorn had a dream, a dream in the White City.

He dreamed that the white city that was still bright and clean was burning in flames, and he saw a huge shadow pressing down on the sky.

He saw meteors like heavy rain, continuous and continuous. He saw countless air roots in the void hanging down, tearing at the earth and uprooting all the rocks and soil together with the humans and animals on them. The silver moonlight hung high in the sky beyond the shadows, looking indifferently at the land that was about to be destroyed.

The end is near.

The sword in his hand was weak.

Between the boiling and spreading sea of ​​fire and the screaming and wailing dying corpses, he hesitantly moved forward towards the depths of Baicheng. All his companions were missing, and he could only move towards a determined destiny.

A fate with no other way out than death.

But until then...

He came to a temple - a temple that Jiang Yu had seen once before. And the prayers in the temple have thousands of faces.

Aragorn did not see the thousand faces. What appeared in front of him was a sad and desperate face.

The face of his lover, Arwen.

His Arwen had long since died in Rivendell - everything was destroyed by the Creator's divine light. No magic, no armor can withstand even a moment.

But Arwen is here.

"Can you wear this crown for this world?" She held a crown in her hand. It was made of thorns, and the outer outline was somewhat cracked. And from between the sharp thorns of the thorns, red blood continued to flow.

That was the power, the power of the world of Arda. As long as it can be worn, the whole world will be controlled by the wearer. And this may also be the last struggling hope of the world of Arda.

"Arwen." The human ranger stared at the form in front of him, and he stretched his hand to the ring of the crown.

Utensils must have an owner to exert their power. But unlike the Demonic Sword of Calamity, which was born with a mission, Arda is not so convenient that he can contain his power in any container he chooses. The figure with Arwen's face looked expectantly at Aragorn's outstretched hand, but the little hope he finally managed to muster turned into despair in the next moment.

He couldn't do it, even if his hands were dripping with blood, he couldn't lift the crown.

I can't lift it, even if I try my best, I can't lift it.

The flesh and blood were peeled off, revealing Bai Sen's muscles and bones, but he couldn't even lift them. Pain filled the ranger's mind at this moment, and more than pain, there was regret for his own weakness.

"Ahhhhhh-" He could only roar madly in the end.

"You can't wear it." The crown left his hand. The woman's voice was as hollow as rust. "No one can wear this crown anymore, no one can save this world."

Dead silence.

Outside the White City, the screams were gradually covered by explosions and sucking.

"...Gandalf can do it." The ranger gritted his teeth.

"It can't." However, Arwen's form denied him. "It is Maia, and its power comes from the gods. And now it is the creator of the gods who wants to destroy everything."

"Gandalf will not betray us." The man said firmly.

But the phantom of the world only stared at him sadly.


"Then the others..." He remembered some other figures.

However, the negative result remains the same.

"What can a warrior without reason do, no matter how powerful he is?"

‘Boom—! ’ There was an explosion, like a huge meteor hitting the outer wall of Baicheng. Dust and gravel suddenly fell from the top of the temple. And everything in front of Aragorn also faded away rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Yawen in front of him. However, Alda's phantom only looked at him sadly.

"This world is hopeless, and nothing can prevent our destruction. But you still have hope, and mankind still has hope... Run away from here, Aragorn, maybe you can still..."

Its form fell apart.

The dream it constructed also collapsed.

The ranger from Dundan opened his eyes suddenly. He was lying in the common room of real-life Millis Tirith.

There was still pain in his hands, and there were traces of injuries as the flesh and blood were torn apart by the thorns.

However, before he could take a breath, the sense of crisis in his heart expanded to an incomparable level! It was as if a mountain was about to fall on him, and his life was at stake!

'boom--! ! ! ’

The roof in front of me was shattered in an instant, and the huge root system hanging from the sky came into view. It was a huge tree rooted in the void. And its roots are preying on the earth!

A new tree is a living creature without intelligence. It will instinctively send its roots to the land with the most nutrients. And as the temporary capital of Gondor that brings together a large population, Milis Tirith will definitely become the first destination for instinctive prey!


The ranger's body bounced deftly, avoiding a thick root that looked like a water tower. The stone building under his feet was shattered in an instant by the roots of the trees, accompanied by the sound of the mountains that the city relied on breaking.

Why now! ?

Why now? !

The ranger's heart was full of shock and anger. He had obviously organized an army. He has clearly used the legacy left by the man named Jiang Yu to integrate the last forces that can be used to fight on this land.

But why are the roots of giant trees falling from the sky? ?

"Aragorn!" A voice came from far away, a voice full of urgency. Another huge air root hangs down from the sky, and the ranger has no way to avoid it now!

'boom--! ! ’

A ball of flame exploded at the end of the air root, and a dozen things called 'talismans' briefly restrained the root system. A soft but powerful wind caught the ranger and dragged him away from the dangerous area.

"Let's go!"

It’s the cross-dressing woman with fox ears. Her name is Ye Zi, and she is one of the legacies of ‘Zhongzhou’. ‘Middle-earth’ saved their lives before it was destroyed by the Creator’s light, and they vowed to avenge ‘Middle-earth’, and before that, they became the help of Aragorn and his party.

‘Boom—! ! ! ’ The huge wolf shadow appeared there, and the Dengdan ranger rolled and crawled away. Because he knew that this strong man from the "Arctic" had lost the ability to control himself. Once he starts fighting, except for Ye Zi, all living or dead creatures will be shattered under his claws!

‘Tear--’ The roots of the tree were torn apart, and silvery white sap splashed out like blood. The giant wolf's body was comparable to a mountain at this moment, and more air roots rushed toward it, and were torn apart by its sharp claws.


The ranger stood firm, and a white glow immediately healed some of the wounds on his body. Gandalf, riding a white horse, jumped closer among the crumbling ruins of the city, and several horses of the same steed followed him closely, accompanied by the shouts of the white-robed wizards.

"Aragorn! Evacuate the people!"

The White City is collapsing.

Even if the giant wolf of the Arctic holds up the drooping roots of the sky, the city built on the mountains is irreversibly collapsing. Gandalf's Ring of Fire can only arouse people's courage, but it cannot prevent the crisis of city collapse.

"Go! People of Gondor! Follow the light!"

The ranger leapt onto his horse, followed by several of his companions. His voice was loud and persuasive, and the Gondor troops and citizens who had been in panic due to the collapse of the city immediately regained order.

Follow the light.

Follow the guide in the light.

The crowd gathered into a dark tide. They should have been chaotic and noisy, but now they instinctively followed the man in the light who had touched the royal power of Arda and fled towards the outside of the collapsed city.

They just want to live, just like the world of Arda also just wants to live.

However, even such simple and simple needs are not easy to satisfy.

'Crack--' Lightning flashed and thunder roared.

The cumulonimbus clouds in the sky were violently torn open, and more giant tree roots pierced the area where the fleeing people were. The silver moonlight flows and rotates inside the air root, and the direction it points to is exactly the area where the crowd wants to escape!

‘Drink——! ’ The white-robed wizard waved his staff, but the invincible pure white holy light was completely unable to compete with the roots of the flowing silver light. The radiance of the Creator completely overwhelmed Maiya's power, and the wizard waved his staff in vain, with only surprise in his eyes.

"Ilúvatar!!!" - he was surprised by the ranger's roar.

He watched that mortal being furious, driving his horse towards the moonlight hanging from the tree in the sky. The knight-errant was alone, and there was no army behind him. He held high the cold sword forged by a mortal blacksmith and rushed toward his fate and death.

'boom--! ! ! ’

His death did not arrive immediately.

The hail of glowing arrows from the distance pierced the sky and struck heavily on the roots hanging from the sky. The rain of arrows undoubtedly contained extremely pure elf skills, and it even knocked down the thick aura root.

It's an elf! An army of elves from the dark forest.

Gandalf's sight even caught a familiar figure from the elven army—that was Tauriel among the Sylvain elves. She once participated in the expedition to the Lonely Mountain and also went to the mining area where Moria is located.

She came with the army of Sylvain elves, and she came here because of the entrustment of 'Jiang Yu'.

And since it is the legacy of 'Jiang Yu', more 'legacy' will also come here with the will of the world of Alda.

The white-robed wizard had already seen them.

He saw the flood of dwarves and the iron hooves of Rohan. He saw the remaining coalition forces that had not all joined the Rivendell meeting arrived here at this moment.

The final battle in the world of Arda may also be here. And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but just now, he seemed to have seen a certain little hobbit who had already disappeared in the battle of Rivendell also appear here!

He didn't have time to verify.

Because the next moment, the attack of roots hanging down from the sky suddenly stopped. A crimson radiance erupted from afar, and Mordor, which had been shrouded in ominous darkness a few days ago, was being filled with the light of destruction!

The Doomsday volcano erupted.

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