Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 437 Completion

Chapter 437 ·Complete

"Ruikong is not that smart. She can't figure out the detailed plan in her little mind. She will only make decisions that she thinks are appropriate in a hot head, and she doesn't care about other people's thoughts and emotions."

Zhao Yingkong sat down at the tea seat and noticed three tea sets on the table. The two people in front of him are obviously inseparable, so this third position is obviously reserved for himself.

The secondary personality Zhao Yingkong has already appeared there. She is holding the tea cup and sucking it. She has no intention of paying any attention to the main personality. I don’t intend to interact with the mixture in front of me.

Obviously, the main personality forcibly controlled her body and her actions during the past few days made her very dissatisfied. She was no longer interested in Zhao Zukong's life and death. She just wanted to find Jiang Yu, whose whereabouts were unknown but was definitely still alive.

What a childish temper.

The dominant Zhao Yingkong shook his head slightly, looked at the complex in front of him and sighed.

"Zhao Ruikong will feel sad because her favorite sister Yingkong actually commented on her like this." There was more gold in the hair of the mixture, and she elegantly held up a cup of black tea and sipped it gently.

"It's a shame that I didn't clean her up after she made so many messy things." The protagonist did not accept this kind of inexplicable opening remarks: "Tell me your purpose, you come here to see me, What is it for?"

"I didn't come to see you, but you came to see me." However, the hybrid just shook his head slightly. "The Central Continent team's action strategy is abnormal. Through Sauron, I already know the battle situation in Rivendell. You are obviously left as a bait on the surface, but you are not just here as a bait. Although I I can’t understand the layout of the wise man in Central Continent, but he obviously knows that I am here, and he holds some secrets that he can use. And when I know the complicated relationship between you group of artificial humans, I roughly You can guess what he wants."

Her black hair turned completely into gold, and sitting at the tea party now was the perfect Alexandra. She stretched out her hand, and two gift boxes appeared beside the tea seat. Each gift box contained important secrets.

"The forging method of the Supreme Lord of the Rings is based on the Celebrimbor inheritance that I obtained through Talion. And the one below is Zhao Ruikong's. It is a skill that is only useful to you people."

Zhao Yingkong looked at the two gift boxes, and her contents were already known to her as soon as they came into view. She raised her eyebrows and accepted the gift. She sensed the restless mood of the sub-personality.

"what do you want?"

"I want to live." Alexandra snorted softly. "But it's impossible to think about it. Our East American team has already lost too many points. Apart from me, the only one who must have survived is the innocent wretch Hedlund. I am confident that she can withstand the loss of the main god. There is no hope for this matter, and neither can I. If the East American team wants to survive, it can only rely on Zhao Zukong's life. I can only do this kind of thing."

She knows too much. She also talks too much.

"...You plotted against Sauron. You controlled it." The tone was affirmative.

"It's just a slight influence. This body belongs to me after all, and Zhao Ruikong is just the phantom of the dead attached to my body and soul. She is just a blessing and a curse. She cannot improve my abilities too much. You can't completely dominate me. It's a pity that it was too late when I realized this, otherwise you... forget it, we won't lose so easily."

She shook her head slightly.

"Sauron deceived Zhao Zukong. One person left and the other returned. It was just a lie. He was essentially using my life to reappear in the form of a ring spirit. He was not resurrected at all. Sauron could only have his own Only after it obtains the Lord of the Rings can it have the power of Vera. And once it really obtains the Lord of the Rings, it will have a way to turn Zhao Zukong into a more loyal slave."

"So I can only play this secret trick and let Zhao Zukong cut off my head. Let Sauron seal me in a sarcophagus to maintain the most basic and weak life. In this way, my threat to it will be reduced. will drop to the lowest level - but I only have one advantage, and this advantage is my ability as a spiritual power user. As long as the nutrition is sufficient, it is harmless and beneficial to me to have only one head, and I can naturally The earth affects Sauron, a Maia with major flaws, because I am close enough to it."

She made a relaxing gesture. He sounded very proud.

"Little by little, subtle. With such a small chip, I can only gamble my life. Fortunately, Zhao Zukong is active enough, and the changes in the battle situation in Rivendell are strange enough. Sauron was scared to death by Ilúvatar. It’s a mouse with a tail, and I can naturally gradually infiltrate it, share its vision, and even influence it to make some seemingly harmless decisions that don’t conflict with its vigilance.”

She raised her hand, and the golden ring was right there.

The Tenth Ring, the second Supreme Ring. Alexandra wore it and was under Sauron's 'harsh' control. The ring of power left on the upper floor of the tower was an imitation made by Sauron to prevent Zhao Zukong from losing control and rebelling. And it successfully deceived Liuli.

"After all, Zhao Zukong is so strong and active. And I am so weak, and I only have half a breath left and need a sarcophagus to continue my life. This is the most classic way of attacking in the east and attacking in the west, and now. I have successfully saved Zhao Zukong from death. Resurrection, and win freedom for him. Then as long as I hand over this body to him and use my soul as raw material, he will wake up again."

The pride in Alexandra's eyes gradually faded.

"I have been busy for so long and ended up making wedding clothes for others. I am really unwilling to do so...I also don't like using so many oriental idioms and catchphrases when speaking."

The tips of the golden hair turned black, and now, Zhao Ruikong was sitting here.

"But this is the only way to continue the East American team, and this is also my mission. I separated from the main body in order to find a suitable spiritual carrier and transform it to be able to complete the void. Brother’s soul. And now, I am about to complete my vocation. I only need a little help from you, Sister Yingkong.”

The protagonist lowered his eyes slightly.

"What can I help you with? Can you persuade Zhao Zukong to face reality?" There was relief in her voice, as well as a little bit of unwillingness. "I thought it would be me in the end..."

Ruikong's hand held her arm.

"I hope, Sister Yingkong, you can live happily. And, tell Brother Zukong that I will always be with him."

She raised her head and glanced at the sub-personality who was hesitant to speak. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I also hope you will be safe and happy."

The second magic ring in the palm released its light. Zhao Ruikong and Alexandra, who had reached a consensus, sacrificed their souls and bodies for this.


Zhao Zukong opened his eyes.

He felt the power return to his body. The madness hidden deep in my heart disappeared without a trace at this moment, but a certain hollow feeling of losing something precious surged in my heart.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand and pushed away the heavy shield in front of him. And the reason why he pushed away instead of tearing apart was because he clearly sensed that a familiar individual was here.

He saw Zhao Yingkong and the doomsday lava filling his vision. He saw the sarcophagus pushed away by him, and saw a golden ring that had lost its color and was disintegrating between his fingers.

Ying Kong was looking at herself blankly. When he spoke, you could almost hear his heart trembling.

"...Where is Ruikong?" He knew very well that this was Ruikong's sarcophagus. He just doesn't want to believe the truth and the ending.

"Ruikong said," Yingkong's voice was dry and relieved. "She's always with you."

Pain filled his heart, and he already knew Ruikong's fate. Now, even if she uses the Lord God's authority and ability, Ruikong will not get a second life.

"Then..." He wanted to say something else. For the first time, he hated his calm heart so much.

"Ruikong has left. And it's time for me to go to the fate I should face. Brother Zuikong, from now on... live freely. Neither I nor Ruikong need you anymore."

she left.

Her temperament changes as she leaves. The soul of the sub-personality has completely replaced her.

Zhao Zukong opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

In the end, he could only cover his face and say nothing.

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