"It seems we came at the wrong time, aren't we already awake?"

When Rogando opened his eyes, what came into his eyes was a rough and hearty Slavic man—Kampavsky from the Arctic, approaching him with good intentions and holding fists as big as clay pots. Maybe in a few minutes... ...In a few seconds, this fist will become an alarm clock to wake you up.

Of course, it could also be a signal to start war.

And I can't beat him yet - I couldn't beat him before.

And now...

Luo Gandao smiled at Beibing's captain. He could feel that the other party and he were at the same power node. Both sides have overcome their inner demons and condensed their inner light into subtle progress. They are only one opportunity away from taking a crucial step forward. Unlike Luo Gandao himself, who had the opportunity to fight Shifangyuan, what Kampavsky needs may be another battle.

"Thank you for your concern." He nodded to Kampavsky and extended a friendly hand.

The two fists touched in the air, and a consensus was established between the men.

"Sorry, everyone, it took a little time." He said apologetically to his teammates.

"Just come back." Xiao Honglu gently rubbed his forehead. "There are still a lot of things in the backlog, and I have to spend a lot of time on them. By the way, this is Kampavski from the Arctic. You may need a meeting. If some consensus is reached, remember to The memo was promptly sent to me.”

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiao Honglu."

"Hmph." Donghai's spiritual master and strategist left immediately. Beside him, the human bodies of Pretty Cure and Ultraman also nodded to Luo Gandao. Some greetings and words of comfort flowed towards him from the spiritual network, expressing concern for him as the captain in various ways that were inconvenient to show in front of outsiders.

Park Jinxi was a bit arrogant and awkward, while Yamanaka was a bit apologetic. Perhaps he thought Luo Gandao's autism had something to do with what he said.

Although this is indeed an opportunity.

Luo Gandao watched his friends leave, and then turned his eyes to the Slav in front of him. He could feel the sincerity and passion in the other person's thoughts, and instantly knew what the other person wanted and wanted.

"...Save the world?" Luo Gandao expressed his guess.

"The world doesn't need our saving." Kampavsky's eyes were sincere. "But we can try to avoid casualties as much as possible. The affairs of the reincarnators will be solved by the reincarnators. Don't hurt innocent people in the war."

"Can your words be understood as intending to be enemies with all reincarnations?" Luo Gandao twitched the corner of his mouth. "The reincarnator starts to hit the head, but he doesn't care whether there are unlucky people around him who are involved. If the twelve teams fight in a team battle, if they don't try their best, then everyone may die, including you and me."

"There is always something to do." The Slav smiled, he didn't really care. “And there are always people who share our interests.”


A word with a definite tendency.

The way Overlord talks to Rogando is different from when talking to Nyos.

"...I failed once." Luo Gandao lowered his eyes. "More than a billion people have died because of my failure."

"Yeah." Overlord did not deny it. "I really wanted to punch you hard in the face at first. And..."

He suddenly took a step forward, his huge fist aimed at Luo Gandao's head.

"Forget it, I'll give you a good beating first."

But Luo Gandao did not move to dodge.



High-level reincarnators all understand what death is.

They know that the dead can be resurrected and that death has depth.

For powerful beings, being shattered to pieces or even completely destroyed can be classified as minor or serious injuries rather than complete removal of existence. And in the eyes of powerful beings, the death recognized by weak beings is not irreversible.

Especially EVA. Especially world shock.

No matter which version it is, EVA's World Impact has a record of destroying the world and killing everyone, and can still restore the bodies of all the dead by opening the soul door again - because the soul door has its own special characteristics. It preserves and stores the souls of all intellectual bodies that have been interfered with by the shocks of the world. On the premise that the soul is intact, reshaping or even replacing a more suitable body is easy for high-level reincarnators with power.

Ah...one thing needs correction. It doesn’t have to be a high-level ‘reincarnator’. The protection of the Lord God does not have a very big advantage in this field. And as long as the information is sufficient, it will be enough. Even the strong natives can achieve the corresponding results after hard work.

Alice is such a strong indigenous person.

Living Saint Alice.

She broke with the East China Sea Alliance on the sandbank, and after the world impact dissolved billions of bodies, she did not participate in the battle of the reincarnations anymore. She ordered the Holy See to focus on protecting the people and not to conflict with these murderous extraterrestrial visitors. And she herself went deep into the newly built Holy Miracle Cathedral in South America and prayed quietly in front of the remains of the Messiah statue.

Prayers - many people prayed with her.

Many people in America, many people in the world. They may have been protected by the Holy See, or they may have believed in the Holy See's path since childhood. Maybe it's unbearable to live in this turbulent and chaotic world, or maybe you just want to find the most reliable spiritual sustenance.

Their prayers have different directions.

Some point to God, some point to Christ, some point to the side of God that was driven out of the Middle East by Zoroastrianism, and some point to the living saint herself, because she is regarded as the Holy Mother of the world.

Their prayers were not useless - thousands of prayers turned into an invisible trickle surrounding Alice. They gather, they circle, they surround, and they push the living saint to higher and farther places.

After several days, this huge driving force finally allowed Alice to speak her voice to a name that only she knew.

[Zhan Lan, help me, help this world. 】

There is only one person in the world who knows the true name of the Messiah. She was the only one who had ever heard that whisper that sounded like someone murmuring in sleep. The members of the mercenary team who went to the hive together had forgotten all the former members of the Central Continent team for unknown reasons. Only Matthew seems to remember that there is a person named Jiang, and these scattered memory fragments have long been buried deep in the memory of the mercenary captain.

And God cannot be called by his name.

Because those who call him by his name will surely attract the eyes of God.

When Alice pointedly said the name that was equivalent to the Messiah from the bottom of her heart, her efforts finally achieved the corresponding results at this moment.

The door opened in her knowledge, and the saint entered the kingdom of heaven. What catches the eye is an endless ocean of light, and the stars in the sky are surging in the sea of ​​brilliance.

She saw her—saw the sleeping Messiah. The vortex of light formed by the sea of ​​stars is like a miniature but still extremely vast Milky Way. And the sleeping goddess embraces the sacred galaxy in her arms.

"Zhan Lan." Alice felt that maybe she should lower her head, but she couldn't find her body and didn't know how her body should be constructed.

【I am listening. 】——She heard Zhan Lan's voice, and the voice was extremely familiar the moment she heard it. However, the voice had thousands of different levels, and each level revealed a path she wanted to know.

The Messiah already knew the purpose of her coming.

Her prayers were fulfilled by the Messiah in a thousand ways.

She saw all the dead resurrected in light, as if nothing had ever happened.

She saw all the dead people raising their wings in an instant, rising from their wandering souls into the kingdom of heaven.

She saw brilliant streams of light falling from the abyss of the sky, the world-destroying flood reappearing, the ecological surface of the earth being reshaped and all external variables erased.

She saw the holy army born from the flames and radiance pouring out endlessly with herself as the door, until the order on earth could be completely controlled by the kingdom of heaven.

She saw...

There are thousands of paths, each of which can lead to a beautiful outcome. But all results come at a cost, and the Messiah does not appreciate unearned gains from his worshipers.

The resurrected person will be different from the one who was alive, with memories, but will be washed away by the Holy Light and will be left with only the inner urge to worship the Messiah.

The ascended angels will retain their sanity to the maximum extent and be able to obtain all the promised enjoyments. But all souls will be judged at the door of heaven. They may be annihilated, or they may be able to stay, but return will not be allowed. All souls will be dissolved into the ocean of holy light as time goes by.

And if the power of praying for the Messiah is reduced, then when the prayers are exhausted, the price will be paid by living creatures and the world. Perhaps the heavenly armies and the great flood will not be enough to cleanse the world and will be reduced to nothing due to the lack of successors. Perhaps, life and the world will be exhausted, and if there are survivors, they will only be able to obtain a dead planet.

The Messiah is not omnipotent.

There is no generous and convenient complete salvation from the highest heaven.

Endless prayers of believers whisper, pray, and supplicate in the ears of the living saint. Trying to claim a superior blessing. But in the end, it all comes together.

Want to fight.

Want to protect.

Want revenge.

The living want to be the living's protection, and the living want to avenge the enemies of the dead. Because the Supreme Heaven has requirements for its believers. Since it is your own world, you should naturally protect it.

After all, reincarnations are a group of outsiders.

Why not rely on your own efforts when counting on the mercy of outsiders?

Even if it is the Messiah...but if you only pray for the means to realize your efforts. Then the protection of the Messiah can be accepted.

Praying to unite into one, the ocean of souls resonates with it.

The living saint surrenders the will of all living beings to God, and the covenant between man and God is successful.

"We...expect the power to protect ourselves. To protect our lives, to protect our souls."

God already knows.

God has promised.

A teardrop fell from the corner of the sleeping goddess's eye. Amidst the roar that shook the world, the ocean of souls that had been opened surged wildly.

God’s mercy has arrived. The living saint was able to witness the birth of the archangel. It was a six-winged person born from the ocean of souls. She was dressed in white gauze and had a girl-like appearance, with a golden halo appearing above her head. And she is the collection of souls of all the innocent dead since the arrival of the Beihai Team. She protects them all, and will also protect every lost soul after them.

The prayers of the living are her strength, and the souls of the dead are her foundation. She is without a doubt the 'Seraph'. And she opened her pure eyes and bowed her head slightly to the living saint who made the covenant between humans and gods.

"My name is Raven, the guide and protector of souls. You who established all things, please guide the way forward for all souls."

Alice responded with equal respect.

She extended her guiding hand to the newly born archangel.

"Come with me, Lord of Souls," she said.

So, when the Arctic and the East China Sea reached an agreement. When Nan Yan apologized, he gained Shazhou's forgiveness. When the misunderstandings between the reincarnations were solved and some valuable information was able to flow to each other. In America, where no reincarnation was paying attention, the messenger from heaven landed immediately.

Holy pure light covered the entire sky in an instant. The reincarnators of West America who transformed into 'Typhons' were suppressed, and all the out-of-control visions on the surface of the earth were also drowned in light. One church after another rises up on the ground, and every piece of pure faith can provide a slight increase in power for the archangel who guides the souls.

The human voice therefore needs to be taken seriously.

Although the alliance of the reunited Samsaras was not as strong as usual, they finally reached a consensus and did not directly conflict with Archangel Raven. Both sides... no, all four parties restrained their actions. Put all your energy into post-disaster reconstruction and suppression of solar disasters.

Humanity has ushered in an era of recuperation. This period may be short, but it is more precious than gold. Because the reincarnations know that the next reincarnation team will arrive on December 9th. And under the premise that the Celestials are destined to be the enemy of the world and the demons and gods are in opposition. Even with the information from Nanyan and Beibing, Dongmei's position is worthy of consideration.

It's not going to be an easy battle.

But, before that——

On November 13, the unimpaired extraterrestrial solar behemoth arrived on Earth for the first time. It is called the "Strong Four" in the evaluation of the reincarnators. The landing point was Oceania, causing approximately 150,000 casualties before being repelled by Archangel Raven.

On November 17, a total of 3 sun beasts and a total of 125 extraterrestrial sun gods descended on Western Europe, South Asia, and North America at the same time. Nearly 6 million people were damaged, and tens of millions of people were affected and missing. Several reincarnations were injured, and Archangel Raven's combat power increased by 15%, successfully defeating the discrete behemoth that lacked combat wisdom.

On November 23, the sad news came. The space observation system shows that an army of sun beasts with a total number of more than 100 and tens of thousands of servants of gods has appeared at the edge of the solar system. It is expected... to arrive on Earth in a few minutes at the earliest and within a week at the latest!

as well as……

Tianjin Team, Main God Square.

Looking at the messy remains of the square. Lovi breathed out softly.

The inner demons and civil strife were finally suppressed without loss of life. But it consumes a lot of money.

It seems...

What can be done next is limited.

But not entirely.

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