——The contract was broken for two.

In the sky, around the moon skeleton barrier.

Song Tian's eyes fell directly downward.

He had just sensed that the contract connected to him was broken. The unofficial reincarnators belonging to the Celestial Team camp had killed two people and even the resurrection items had been eliminated. And this is obviously not in line with the battle situation below.

Light pours from the other side of the earth.

From the depths of the South American land, several pure white light feathers piercing the sky extended. Endless holiness and destruction surround it, and it is sweeping the surrounding area.

It is the highest heaven.

The light from the highest heaven is flowing from the depths of South America, and it shows an influence that is more superior to other heavens.

——Is this the reason why Shifangyuan couldn’t come?

Thoughts flashed in the mind of the captain of the Celestial Team. He realized that he had to make up his mind immediately - the current war situation was already becoming increasingly opaque. But now there is no one to guide him.

"You go and assist Shifangyuan. Delay the battle below."

He gave orders to his followers. Immediately, several reincarnations from the Celestial Team descended from the sky. Heading to Zhoujin, which is close to the South American continent - they will contact Ishiboin Ruka as soon as possible, and the subsequent course of action depends on the instructions of the Tenjin Team's second-in-command.

The Moon Skeleton Barrier is still ahead.

It is still strong, complicated, and difficult to break through water grinding or excessive output. Some kind of invisible restlessness kept swirling deep in Song Tian's heart, making an indifferent and cold voice.

[If you can't do it, just take my place. container. 】

The voice of one of the Twelve Golden Immortals echoed deep in his mind. Cold, but not directly seizing the dominant power he held. At this moment, he was still Song Tian rather than Jade Cauldron, but he knew very well that this time would not last long.

He must win this war.

He must complete the mission given by heaven.

Capture the reincarnators of other teams as much as possible, as well as the conceptual core of the current world view. Thereby establishing a stable and strong beacon that can disrupt the shielding mechanism of the Lord God. Then, welcome the coming of the heavens.

Upon completion, or on the premise of completing this purpose. The heavens allow vessels to enjoy a certain degree of self. And if you can successfully complete the mission given by the gods without breaking the seal of the container, then you are allowed to do some small actions, make your own decisions, turn against the guests, and even swallow up a trace of the will of the descendants to promote yourself, etc., are all allowed. .

——I can’t stop here yet.

Song Tian breathed out gently. Around the knife, the space-time structure gradually became unstable.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

After slashing out with three swords, he was just an ordinary top four. If you want to go further, you need a more suitable opportunity.

These three swords were originally the swords he used to prove his own path.

If you can wield a charged sword in a bloody battle with a strong enough opponent on a fierce enough battlefield. No matter whether he wins or loses, he is expected to make further progress in the ultimate display of his self-will. However, if you want to succeed, it is absolutely impossible to fight against the dying objects and natural disasters that are far beyond the concept of "opponent".

And now...

——I want to witness with my own eyes the ultimate in the art of swordsmanship.

He wanted to see it.

He wants to understand.

If there is no other choice, then it is not impossible to burn yourself as a martyr. But if there was even the slightest chance, he still wanted to do it all with his own hands.

"That's fine."

The knife is out of its sheath.

After all, he still failed to swing the third sword.

But the knife is out of its sheath.

And all the energy and soul in his body were gathering towards the tip of the knife.


Xiao Honglu looked to the sky. Looking at the space barriers covering all directions - until now, he still didn't understand the purpose of the reincarnations of the East American team to throw him and others into this remote corner. And this does not prevent him from extracting most of the existing computing power from his thinking and analyzing all obstacles in front of him.

'Boom - boom -'

Kampavski of the Arctic showed the posture of a wolf god, and together with the EVA controlled by Rogandao, punch after punch hit the blocking area that seemed to be flawless from any direction. Their punches caused ripples to appear in the entire space. Perhaps, soon the leaks would appear in the observations of those skilled in calculation.

Kampavsky, the Overlord.

For some reason, Xiao Honglu always had a very subtle feeling when he saw the Nordic man. It's like they're destined to be together, but also like there's some kind of debt. He felt that if Kampavsky asked him for anything that was not too excessive, it might be difficult for him to refuse. The strange thing is that Kampavsky seems to have similar thoughts. While showing kindness and closeness to him, he maintains a subtle distance.

Maybe the two were brothers in a previous life?

It's possible, but there may be other reasons as well. It's a bit difficult to get to the bottom of it, and now is not the right time.


There seemed to be a soft sound. An inspiration.

A flaw in the barrier appeared in his eyes amid the shock.

"Found it!" Xiao Honglu waved his scepter, and a burst of light immediately marked the designated space node. "That's it! Ye Zi, do it with me!"

The power was released, and hundreds of talismans poured out from the fox witch's sleeves, locking onto a slightly shiny area of ​​space. And the main combatants all had their eyes lit up, and they concentrated their power towards the locked area!

Great, the flaw is just ahead, right there.

Then, all that is needed next is——

——"I think we need to be a little more cautious."

A voice sounded in his head. It was a woman's voice.

Arminius, a West American vampire, a wise man, and an individual with spiritual power.

——"The arrival point of the Celestial Team has arrived, and we cannot rule out the possibility that Dongmei and Celestial Being are having a fight outside. And I just analyzed the nature of this barrier. It is almost immovable, and it is even difficult to open it from the outside. The one who interfered - its nature as a safe house is higher than its nature as a cage. Perhaps, we should delay until the Demon Team arrives and wait for the opportunity amid more variables."

Her analysis may not be unreasonable.

There was sincerity in her voice, too.

Even now, Xiao Honglu does not rule out the possibility that there is a hostile Samsara team attacking the Moon Skeleton Barrier outside, hoping to annihilate all the Samsara coalition forces.


One person from the Donghai team died.

He did not hide this information, and he also carefully observed the movements of other teams. He soon learned that only the Donghai team had experienced attrition.

Miyamoto should be the one who died.

He should have the most powerful combat power among the lost coalition members. Xiao Honglu knew him well and knew that he was at odds with the new order led by Luo Gandao. But he had great respect for Shiboin Liuge, and the time of his death happened to be later than the arrival of the Tenjin Team.

If the person who killed him is a member of the Tenjin Team, it means that Ishiboin Liuge has a less than ideal situation in the Tenjin Team. And if it was another team that had nothing to do with Tenjin, the Tome Samsara who had the chance to wipe out all the coalition forces only killed him. Maybe they also have a close relationship with the Tenjin team that has Shiboin Ruka. .

Either possibility is not good news.

No matter which possibility it is, it will make the senior members of the Donghai team, except Xiao Honglu, full of anxiety.

At most, he could stop one Park Jinxi, but he was powerless against Luo Gandao.

Therefore... it is imperative to escape from this barrier as soon as possible.

——"We must seize this opportunity."

He responded to Arminius and continued to maintain stability in the lockdown area.

——"Now is the time when the fighting power of our Samsara coalition is most concentrated and the morale is stable. If we fail to grasp a certain amount of initiative now, then if Tianshen and Dongmei decide the winner, we will face an unsatisfactory situation. treatment.”

——"We should use a proactive posture to maintain stability within the coalition."

Arminius fell silent.

And Xiao Honglu stopped paying attention to her.

He knew that she was an applied mathematician who only thought about gains and losses. And people like this will always be afraid to move forward at critical moments and cherish their lives - after all, she is also a breeder, and working with her is already the limit for Xiao Honglu and everyone in the East China Sea Team. Even Xiao Honglu himself didn't believe how much a breeder would care about the interests of the coalition's team.

She can't be trusted.

as well as……

Confusion and dissatisfaction are still building up in my heart. No matter what, the Donghai team is currently the team that has suffered the most serious damage. The only team that has seriously lost its main combat strength is currently the Donghai Team, and I don't even remember the name of the person who died in the battle.

That person... who is it?


There are indeed many memories in my mind. The individual named Luo Wei should have made a lot of achievements in the East China Sea Team. There are indeed many blank gaps in his memory, and a strong fighter is needed to fill in those lost areas. But whether the lost person was really named Luo Wei still made him hesitate.

Something feels... wrong.

The only one who can think of the name 'Luo Wei' is herself. Although his other companions confirmed that there was a main combat force in the memory blank who played a big role, they felt that that person seemed more likely to be a male. The evidence is that Luo Gandao felt that the person he lost was a best friend who had the same interests and hobbies as him, but Park Jinxi did not feel that he had an extra best friend.

It's male.

But... why?

More and more confusion kept gathering in my mind. Vaguely, an incredible possibility seemed to emerge in the depths of Xiao Honglu's mind.

Only he knows the name Luo Wei.

She is supposed to be a female but behaves like a male.

She is also a wise person and will tell some truths that are very helpful to her. According to the rules of the Lord God that I have summed up, the profession of wise man has always been filled in the reincarnation team. It is basically impossible for the second one to appear before the first one dies, which will cause confusion in the team's brain and even cause Collective weakening.


"Seize the chance! It's almost——"

He heard Luo Gandao's excited voice, and he felt that power was gathering.

The space-time structure within the surrounding barrier has exposed its most vulnerable nodes. And a huge amount of AT force fields have already taken shape in the palm of EVA!

"Give me--"

The Samsara coalition forces were in position, with the warlocks setting up defenses and the warriors moving forward to cover and attack. Whatever awaits outside, they are more than ready.

Force ball, shot.


Explode, destroy, shatter. Then--

A flash of sword light!

EVA suddenly cracked open—even if Luo Gandao had been prepared, it suddenly cracked open. The sharp sword light carried the blood evil energy machine that should not be absorbed due to its purity, and directly cut off the body of the giant divine skeleton machine!

The worst possibility has become a reality, but since a powerful enemy is at hand, doing anything is better than waiting for death. The first one to rush to cover Rogando was Kampavsky. And the thousands of buffing charms originating from Ye Zi are also gathered together like a school of fish!

Can block it!

Luo Gandao's roar burst out from the broken giant, and the EVA, which was cut by the blood evil knife, quickly converged towards its intact state under the action of internal stress. Arminius also raised a large amount of blood mist around him, facing the secondary combat force behind the attacker.

That's a man.

An oriental man who looks slender but is as sharp as a knife. The energy and blood in his body was extremely deficient, even at the fourth level, which could be described as such. And he obviously lacks the ability to fight for a long time!

Can fight!

As long as there is no more follow-up hostile support, at least a draw can be delayed!

Xiao Honglu clenched the scepter in his hand, all kinds of magic lingering on his fingertips, and there was a tacit understanding among the coalition forces that belonged to him. He raised his hand, and countless exquisite spells would fill the gap left for him, making the entire defense line almost perfect in the battlefield below the fourth height.

However, the moment he took action, the moment he should take action, the vague inferences that had previously appeared in his mind were consolidated into the exact finished product at this moment.

——Only I know.

——female yet masculine.

——The Lord God will not let a second wise man come in the same team.


A flash of starlight quietly appeared in his eyes.

——Lovi...is actually my half, my creation, even...my clone?

——I... am Luo Wei?

His eyes met the eyes of the sword wielder of the Celestial Team in the air.

His support spell was delayed by an instant.

The flawless wall breaks.

The light of the sword is coming.



The Antarctic barrier is collapsing.

The descending body named Yinglong crashed into the earth's crust and tore out a huge crack.

The fusion who called himself Zhao Wuming raised his hand. In his hand, he held a broken head of blond hair standing on end.

"Don't you seem as strong as you claim to be?"

"This is heaven?"

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