Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 671: Build a tower to reach the sky

Chapter 671 · Casting a tower to reach the sky

Jiang Yu watched.

No thinking, no action, just watching.

His sight was drooping, and the entire multiverse that was constantly expanding and shrinking at the end of the expansion was reflected in his eyes. He witnessed the changes of eras, the decline and rise of civilizations, and witnessed one familiar person after another, one after another with the same face as himself, born in one universe after another, and then died.

He just watched.

He could only watch.

He saw the will of the Silver Snake circling on the surface and inside of the multiverse, and saw the Great Heavenly Venerable entrenched in the center of the infinite multiverse. He saw the changes of one era and witnessed the changes of another era, and saw the shadow of the snake wipe out the struggles of the rebels.

He was powerless to think, and he didn't even have a body.

His soul had long been shattered, his spiritual light had long been disintegrated and shattered, and even his true spirit that could occupy a considerable depth of death had no residue in the killing intent of the Silver Snake.

He was dead.

He himself didn't know why he was still here.

Ah, correction. He who is here has no ability to think. He can only observe, watch, record, and act as a machine. And a machine without a structural carrier. Perhaps it is more accurate to describe it as a "phenomenon".

Where exactly is this place? ——If he can still think, then he will definitely give priority to this question.

How can I improve my situation? ——If he still has the ability to act, then he will definitely move in this direction.

Unfortunately, he doesn't.

And not having it is actually a good thing.

Because time has no meaning, but he has recorded enough time. He saw the creation and destruction of the infinite multiverse, and saw all the details from the origin to the end. He saw every grain of sand in every world, and saw the whole process of each grain of sand from birth to destruction, and remembered it all in his heart.

No living thing can carry such a huge memory. Only forgetting can allow living things to remain active after such a long time, even dead things can't do it. Because even if the entire multiverse is exhausted, it can only create a carrier that barely records the changes in the universe of an era.

However, Jiang Yu has been here.

He has been watching until the Silver Snake pushed the multiverse to execute three restart updates. He watched and remembered for three whole eras until the Silver Snake left at the end of the third era.

And now, it is the fourth cycle, the fourth era of the era. Another "Jiang Yu" in the multiverse is about to face a repeated fate. And such a fate may be repeated a million times, or even more, until the infinite multiverse reaches the end of the cycle, or the Silver Snake has completed its purpose all along.

Jiang Yu knows what its purpose is.

He can see it, he knows that it has been entrenched on the outside of the infinite multiverse, biting and struggling to swallow the glorious human figure with a big hole in its chest.

The snake has always been there.

Even if it has promoted the three births and deaths of the multiverse, it has always been there.

Because it is the power of the Great Heavenly Venerable that truly executes the creation and destruction of the world. And all the Silver Snake had done, except for the one time when it killed someone, was to give orders to the Great Heavenly Venerable from afar.

The snake shadows throughout the multiverse were just its eyes, which were infinite power beyond infinity. Perhaps even in the battle of the Creation of Heaven in the past, the Cosmic Snake that visited the multiverse and defeated everything was just another deeper eye, and it was because of this that Gu, who fought hard, was able to cut off several snake scales in the end.

But were those really snake scales?

Were they really cut off?

Jiang Yu didn't know, he had no ability to think. He only knew that the emperors of the human race regarded this hidden scale as the last hope. But in the end, this hope was annihilated by the falling snake shadow before any achievement.

The emperors failed, and all their calculations failed to stir up even a wave.

The absolute gap in power made the infinite multiverse have no ability to resist this foreign Silver Snake. Even the most powerful wisdom must be effective when it has the corresponding specifications of power.

Infinite multiverses must have a guardian.

And this guardian, perhaps...

Jiang Yu has no ability to think. If he had, he might be able to infer that the light figure pierced by the flying stone is the guardian of this multiverse. Of course, it is also possible that it is just an ordinary passer-by who was hit by the flying stone and then captured by the silver snake as food.


Perhaps there are many possibilities.

Jiang Yu cannot think and has no ability to verify. He can only watch quietly until the truth is revealed clearly in front of him.


The body of the silver snake is withdrawn.

It withdraws from the infinite multiverse, not just because he feels satisfied. But in addition to this, there is another reason.

The shining human figure tightly wrapped by the snake body trembled slightly for a moment.

Its body is trembling.

Its "all" is trembling.

The silver snake therefore withdraws its attention and turns it back.

And the synchronized ringing also turns into a reminder bell ringing beside Jiang Yu.


The feeling of immersion appears in perception, and the endless abyss of water appears in cognition.

'Dingle bell, ringing - ringing -'

The thought that no longer functions gains the first impetus, and from the depths of eternal sleep, thoughts burst out with sparks.

'Dingle bell, ringing - dinging, ringing -'

Jiang Yu's eyes trembled.

Jiang Yu picked up the phone.

He has no hands, no ears, no head, no body.

But he still picked up the phone.

"Hello." he said, he asked. "Who are you?"

Thoughts become fluid, but the emotional system is not yet online. Because it has no meaning. What we have to do now is to respond to the caller.

He heard the response.

"I am the Alpha, I am the Omega, I am the beginning, I am the end, I am the thing beyond all things."

The voices make it difficult to distinguish between male and female, or even ethnic groups. But the human form, which was undoubtedly derived from the radiance, still had the power to move, so it was not yet completely dead.

"It's still a thing." Jiang Yu responded.

"It's still a thing," the figure repeated. "You killed me."

"I hit you." 'Imagination' began to appear in Jiang Yu's mind. He evolved the scene in his mind of flying rocks hitting the radiant figure. "I was sent here by an unknown force and then killed you. You were eaten by a snake again and fell into this fate."

"Wrong." The humanoid denied. "I called you, I called the trial. I wanted to move towards a higher realm. And the flying rocks arrived here as a disaster."

Imagination constructed another scene - Jiang Yu saw a human form made of light walking on the border of the multiverse. It reaches the top and it wants to keep going. It didn't know how to move forward, so it spoke outside the multiverse.

Maybe it's a provocation, maybe an invitation, maybe a declaration, maybe a plea.

Jiang Yu turned her eyes. In the distance beyond the infinite multiverse, there was endless misty blue. Distance is meaningless because there is no possibility of crossing it. Therefore, the glorious human form of the past made a sound to the outside.

Its voice brought a response - it ushered in the arrival of flying rocks. It called for a test but failed to overcome it, so flying rocks penetrated its chest, destroying its core that had been optimized long ago but was still traced back to the test.

Then, the human form of light hoped to resurrect, but did not expect that while calling for a trial, it also summoned a greedy sneaking snake shadow.

The deceased is dead and there is no point in holding people accountable.

"Are you a guardian?" Jiang Yu asked. "The guardian of this multiverse?"

"I don't know." The figure replied. "I am dead, I have lost all my destiny."

"Do you know my origin?" Jiang Yu continued to ask.

"I don't know." The figure answered again. "You are the flying stone on the other side, and I cannot touch the green on the other side."

"Do you want me to help you?" Jiang Yu asked again and again. "Or, by helping you, I am helping myself?"

He still received an immediate response.

"I am dead, and I can no longer come back here. The snake will devour my remaining body after countless epochs. It cannot leave, otherwise my remaining body will fall into the void, and there will be no more remnants."

"The snake can't give up swallowing you." Jiang Yu nodded. "It destroyed and wiped out the infinite multiverse just to prepare a suitable enough dining environment for itself."


"And if someone strong enough emerges from the diversity to rival it, then it can only retreat, or fight to the end with the enemy in order to defend its food."


"It used my body as a material to shape the guard, thereby eliminating this possibility. And this also means that it is afraid of that fate. It knows that there is potential in this multiverse, enough for a strong person to emerge to rival it."


"How should I win?" Jiang Yu asked. "How can I avoid its eyes and ears and grow to such a state?"

"I have forgotten." The humanoid sighed, but it no longer had emotions. "But I know that I have reached such a situation. Use my flesh and blood as a reference imitation, or use the ability of your body."

Jiang Yu looked at the mobile phone in his hand - it was the material and the secret book. And he knew what he was capable of.

He waited for a moment, but there was no sound from the other side of the phone. The silver snake strangled the body of the wreckage, and used its vigilant eyes to inspect every area around it.

Jiang Yu still didn't know where this was.

But he felt that this might be another multiverse border different from where the Silver Snake swallowed it. He can watch everything here, but if he causes any interference with Infinite Diversity or the Silver Snake itself, then his whereabouts will be exposed.

It may be precisely because of this reason that the Silver Snake was able to sneak attack the remains of the glorious human form. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the radiant human form cannot transcend the infinite blue beyond the plurality.

Because it does not exist—it transcends the multiverse and does not exist as a carrier of any meaning at all. As long as there is no interference, they will not appear in the field of vision of even the same kind. And precisely because of this, if we can't find a way to interfere, we will never be able to cross the border beyond diversity, reach new areas, or contact new neighbors.

The snake does not exist, so the snake can block its resurrection and devour its remains.

The human form does not exist, so the snake must bind it tightly to make the remains of the body an object that can be devoured.

The Great Celestial Venerable also does not exist, so the snake must place it in the infinite multiverse with entities. Everything it supervises is actually its prison. Only by maintaining interaction can this flying stone be stable.

And Jiang Yu does not exist either, so the snake cannot find himself close at hand.

"And because of this, even if it is close at hand, you can't find this mobile phone." Jiang Yu took a breath gently. This is his habit, which makes him a little human. Then, he crushed the mobile phone in his hand.

This is material, this is the foundation of things that transcend everything. And its best use in Jiang Yu's eyes is as the foundation of a building.

"I can't have a carrier." Jiang Yu waved the stone hammer. As long as he thinks there is one, the hammer is here. "Because I have observed and recorded all the secrets of the three eras, as long as I have a carrier, I will collapse because I can't bear it."

"I must transfer this record, I want to place a carrier for this record. And this carrier is my instrument of proof."

The stone hammer fell, and the stone group was piled on the foundation. The material is infinite because the material does not exist. Only 【】 can contain infinity. So let 【】 lay the foundation for this instrument.

A tall tower gradually rises.

It is extremely majestic, containing all the details and secrets of an era. It is still growing, and soon, it will contain more secrets than one era.

And it does not exist.

The silver snake's vigilant eyes looked back and forth above the multiverse, but it never found the tower and Jiang Yu close at hand. But Jiang Yu could see him, because Jiang Yu also existed in the eyes of the Great Heavenly Venerable.

They were originally one.

But the Great Heavenly Venerable did not have the ability to act independently, nor did he obtain the power to conquer outside the multiverse. So the Great Heavenly Venerable also looked at him, but the Great Heavenly Venerable did not move.

"I will build a tower to the sky." Jiang Yu waved the stone hammer and declared the fate to himself and the tower he built. "And this tower will span the sky. Until the fate of the enemy is ended."

"This is the tower that reaches the sky, and it is also a tool of transcendence."

"And I should know."

"Because everything will be carried out by me."


Jiang Yu shuddered. As a college student, he woke up from a vague dream.

He dreamed that he was floating in the water, and a tower that reached the sky rose from nothingness. It emitted a golden halo.

And the moment he woke up, he forgot everything.

He only remembered that he had a mission and that he would execute it immediately.

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