Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1020: Escape is useless

As the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun.

Zhao Wenrui felt that what he encountered this time, in essence, was nothing more than wanting him to act as a dead ghost.

Is just the specific ins and outs, and how the other party plans to set him up, so that he is so interested.

Of course, just a little.

After all, until now, the other party's rhetoric is the level of the junior high school students on the earth, and it is still the kind of stage play, which is exaggerated for people to watch.

This interest is not enough to support him plunging into the quagmire, so he directly refused: "Thank you for your attention, my life goal is to travel and enjoy food."

"Hah! That's a pity." The man in black robe said the topic: "So, please be sure to accept the hospitality of the lord's palace, stay here for a few days, and taste the food."

Zhao Wenrui didn't answer this sentence, but asked the reporter and asked: "I'm a demon hunter, called Matt Damon, sir?"

"Kaxiu, the housekeeper of the lord's house in Hewan Town."

"I think it's a very polite thing to disturb your house now when you are vacant in the lord's position. Goodbye!" Said the person with a flash of light, spending more mana and occupying a higher level of magic. At the price, the "Cat Elegance" was instantaneously silenced, and then flew away.

However, Ka Xiu's movement was not slow. He raised his right hand, and Zhao Wenrui, who had just turned into an alley, faced the big hand sticking out of the dirt.

Kaxiu also said insincerely polite: "If you just let you go, it will not be conducive to our reputation for hospitable hospitality."

At the same time, Zhao Wenrui did not evade or flinch in the face of the big hand that was caught like a bird clip, but rushed straight over, and the moment the big hand clasped him on the ground, he jumped into the shadow plane.

Kaxiu touched the trimmed short jaw short beard, and wondered: "Shadow is close, which is rare and a bit interesting."

The leader of the guard who was kneeling and licking had stood up at this time, and put on a completely different face. He said in a whisper: "I saw that I was about to succeed in fishing, but it was destroyed by a horizontal bar. This I will truthfully tell the Holy Envoy. "

Kaxiu's yin and yang stupid way: "I really hope you make an oath to make the incident objectively stated, without any subjective colors or sensational elements, do you dare?"

At this time, the mother who took food from the little girl walked with her head upright: "Everyone ran away, what else is controversial, really want to talk about succession, that is also our first success, you are one by one Later destroyed. "

Leader of the leader guard whispered: "Come on, your man farts."

The woman retorted: "Is it very different from what you want to achieve by kneeling and licking? As long as you can make some heads and let it stay here for a period of time, is it okay? We have more follow-up methods, enough to take him one step Step into the trap. It ’s all you who jumped out impatiently and made up a bunch of crappy rhetoric that made it suspicious. "

At this time, the little girl next to the woman snatched the dried jerky from the woman and chewed it.

The woman changed hands and slap on the little girl's head: "Eat, eat! You know to eat! Sooner or later, you will be sacrificed."

"Go away! Waste!" The little girl opened her eyes and made a weird male-female chorus, reminiscent of a big-footed man + a cute girl. Just throwing it away, the woman was pumped out a few meters like a sandbag, fell to the ground, opened her mouth and vomited two blood, and stood out against the snow on the ground.

"You are a waste!" The little girl refused to stop pointing at the woman and scolded: "After eating a few bites, I didn't realize the speciality of this dried meat in cooking methods."

Turning back, the little girl pointed at the leader of the guard and Ka Xiu: "You two are also waste. You failed to detect the anomaly from the other's wording habits in time. They still pride themselves on knowing people all day long."

The leader of the guard and Ka Xiu accosted, and gave gifts successively, known as the Holy Envoy.

The little girl revealed evil temperament that was not in accordance with her age, and hummed: "This is a first-class product. Contact other hunting stations. Once you find it, try your best to catch it."


The little girl wanted to say something, suddenly frowned, cursing: "This **** broken body, vitality is really low!"

Speaking of the end, an invisible air burst out, blowing up the clothes, flying the dry hair, and then the little girl's eyes rolled up, and then fell down, and then black blood flowed from the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. Now ...

Zhao Wenrui didn't see this. After he entered the shadow plane, he greeted his family and quickly evacuated.

This withdrawal, withdrew hundreds of miles.

During, of course, it is inevitable to sigh. Nothing else happened, exposing the ability to escape into the shadows, but it made him very unhappy.

As a person who grew up in the age of confidence, has a military background, and has a lot of practical experience, he values ​​information and intelligence very much. He knows about his own information, and the more leaked, the lower the security.

After all, this is a world of gods. Through prophecy and the like, it is possible to systematically summarize the technical skills he has shown in front of people, unless he wipes out the witnesses and properly treats them.

So it is not easy for him to lighten up the battle, but if he wants to do it, he will clean it up and down.

It's more depressing to encounter an emergency like today that is no longer under his control. Although he felt careful, he still revealed an important message.

"I just want to enjoy some of the basic conveniences that a civilized society can provide. How difficult is it? Is this world more severe than a modern society full of cameras and big data?"

After expressing a useless complaint, Zhao Wenrui continued his indulgence plan. Unconsciously, he entered a mode of gas setting. The more obstacles, the more he wanted to achieve. Especially when he wanted to come up with a very simple thing, but the result was not repeated twice, which made him very suffocated.

This time, Zhao Wenrui was cruel, and he made a temporary guest robber and squatted on the road leading to the coal mine.

Said in his heart: "I still don't believe in evil. Such a chaotic frontier that escapes celebrity celebrities, can the monitoring system be sharper than the border lines in modern sensitive areas?"

Kungfu does not pay attention to people, he was really waiting for the right target.

Specifically speaking, it is a coal fleet that takes land.

The vehicle is quite unique. It is not driven by animal power, but a mixed force. It requires two foot powers. It pedals like a tandem bicycle. The wheels drive a mechanical power generator, which constantly releases current and detonates the magic crystal. The powder then realizes the reciprocating movement of the internal combustion engine-like chamber piston, thus giving the vehicle power.

The load is not bad, the visual observation is more than 20 tons, and the speed is less than 60 points. Zhao Wenrui felt that it was already in use, so the road conditions in this place made it easy to cause accidents soon.

For Zhao Wenrui, it is simple to get on the car, but it is not so easy to get through.

Mainly because humans in this world generally need to deal with all kinds of strange threats. Over time, naturally there is a whole set of special countermeasures for going out, including rune-type pendants.

These consumable magical artifacts from the mysterious or holy methods can monitor extraordinary anomalies, such as the invasion of spirits or something. Once the situation is really out, only relatively expensive extraordinary items will be activated for prevention and confrontation.

The biggest problem for Zhao Wenrui is that he is not familiar with this system and is not sure whether the invasion can succeed.

So he patiently spent some time to test, and collected some information before choosing this team.

I don't know if it was human negligence or to save money. In short, there are omissions in the preventive measures of a car in this fleet, which greatly improves the success rate of hidden invasion.

So Zhao Wenrui got on the bus.

Pulls some daily necessities in the car, this aspect is similar to the team operation he is familiar with, in short, it will not run empty.

And after he got on the car successfully, he had enough time to deceive the seal of the extraordinary power warning function, and then make a series of preparations for the disappearance of vital signs, so as to pass through.

After, the experience afterwards was lackluster, and the town level failed to detect the anomaly. While he was unloading, he sneaked out of the car. Start looking for a starting target.

The target was quickly found. In addition to daily necessities, the convoy would occasionally transport some illegal goods, including fugitives. Get on the vehicle in the name of **** escort, and go to the local area to obtain a free citizen status slightly lower than that of the citizen (without the right to vote, etc.) on the ground of voluntary stay in the development of Youton.

Zhao Wenrui picked such a person.

Is burly, strong, with thick bones, a bit of heavy hair, and a public face. His eyes are full of melancholy, and he looks like an honest man.

However, with Zhao Wenrui's ability to recognize people, this kind of appearance is linked to the "escaped criminal", and most of the problems are not small. The honest exterior is more deceptive. It's awkward to say that a dog that bites does not bark.

Sure enough, after using Soul Search, it was found that this guy was a perverted killer. He chose a young woman to start, and had a twisted desire to cut the skin on the inside of the thigh and make a leather coat.

The illegitimate girl who got into a certain lord because of bad luck was found by the holy law of the church, so she wore a man's leather vest with a pair of sleeves and fled.

For such scum, there is naturally no good to palliate, and it directly frustrates and extinguishes souls.

But Zhao Wenrui also paid some price.

Because this guy's will is strong enough, and Soul Search is a dark technique he has conceived himself under the background of obtaining the Soul of Pain. It is not perfect and the proficiency is poor. The result is carelessness. .

Although you can recover after ten days and eight days, but it dilutes the joy of imposter success.

Even he can feel that his biggest problem now is that he wants to do something that seems not difficult, but he is restricted everywhere, or he or she produces such variables, which makes him always unhappy and full of heart. Evil fire is difficult to express.

The more unhappy in my heart, the harder it is to calm down, and the more I want to find something refreshing to do, even distorted temperament, regardless of it.

This is not a good thing. It's just like the legendary bad luck and the devil was stunned.

Sometimes, the truth is clear, but there is not enough self-control to not die.

In Zhao Wenrui's cognition, he was eager to find a way to release negative emotions because he knew how high his self-control limit was.

Seemed to have done it this time. At least he did have a drink in a bar, and then returned to the guest room with the help of the dancer. Hu Tianhu took a rest and fell asleep until he fell asleep.

He hasn't slept so relaxed for a long time.

As a result, this kind of good mood lasted only until the evening, and was destroyed by new things.

It was not that his impostor was discovered, but that he came to the wrong place at the wrong time, and unfortunately became a tool available to others.

"Grant? Doyle, your brain is worth 300 gold in Arnack." The person who said this was a special consultant with an official background. The silver badge attached to the left chest is proof.

Zhao Wenrui could not care about these details, he was angry, the evil fire above, his hands were shaking.

Snarled loudly in his heart: "But it's just a few days of slutty days to find happiness and get drunk. How difficult is it? How difficult is it!"

The consultant was obviously wrong, thinking that Zhao Wenrui was shaking because his identity was revealed. He scorned in his heart: "It's just a scum who secretly put a black hand on a woman, and white blinds this strong body ..."

However, the next moment he realized that he was afraid of Zhao Wenrui's misunderstanding.

Because he met Zhao Wenrui's eyes, they were a pair of human eyes that did not belong to human eyes. The white eyes turned black, the iris glowed scarlet, and the pupils were golden. Representing darkness, destruction, and divinity, respectively.

Seemingly simple things, repeatedly frustrated and unable to reach, Zhao Wenrui's mentality finally collapsed.

The consciousness of the dark side, under the stimulation of extremely negative emotions, directly broke through the lower limit matched with the power of shadow, and fell to the darkness.

Is so natural that there are traces, not only because of his outraged anger and his brain full of vengeance and destruction of all tyrannical thoughts, but also because of his exposure to such forces in his past experience.

For example, the so-called open cosmic energy of the black vortex is biased towards this type. As another example, the extraordinary power that C Kane used to replace the power of the black vortex once applied by golden fingers is also of this type.

The causes of the past, the fruits of today, and intense negative emotions helped Zhao Wenrui to open the door to the dark realm.

The problem of ideology inconsistent with the druid ’s path was solved by chance, but this was just a side effect of blackening.

The real problem is that the solution is too rough. It can be called the next one. This kind of solution, which is equivalent to the wayward Hulai, will inevitably cause serious harm.

Therefore, he didn't like the protagonists of the explosions, slay all directions and sweep through everything in the next time. Instead, he twitched and bleeds like a fire.

And the consultant who had met Zhao Wenrui barely recovered from the excessive state of shock at the moment, and jumped aside like a rabbit, and then realized his own embarrassment, especially under the large public, and suddenly became annoyed and pointed at Zhao Wenrui. A sharp octave voice announced: "I suspect this person is being eroded by evil spirits!"

The bar was silent for the first time, and almost everyone's eyes turned to Zhao Wenrui with the consultant's finger.

In the dark, C Kane, who was concerned about all this, was also a little nervous. He verified his judgment through the high-precision monitoring of the salary, he felt right, and the human avatar was now transforming to the devil at a high speed.

"That's it, um, it could be such a situation, I really didn't expect it, it's very good, it's very valuable, continue, continue to stimulate!"

C Kane deliberately worked on the consultant to make it more in line with the image of a wicked man for evil, and further persecuted Zhao Wenrui, thereby playing a stimulating role in fueling the fire.

But after thinking about it, I still did it. He doesn't understand the operation of everything, especially the special rules of destiny. If you hurriedly act, it will make nature deliberate and the data obtained will be inaccurate.

C Kane's thoughts flashed at the same time, the opportunity to intervene was so quietly slipped away.

After the people in the bar just completed a collective attention ceremony of less than 2 seconds, they completely lost interest, what should they do.

This kind of collective behavior is like an old **** saying: Isn't it just to catch a bad luck and buckle your hat? This kind of thing is commonplace. If it's not a special period now, you as a consultant are also a bit forced, even this collective attention ceremony You can't reap ...

No one cared, no one came forward for Zhao Wenrui, and many people were even prepared to watch a one-off, blood-splattered beating and struggling.

And the consultant faced this kind of group reaction, it was quite embarrassing and boring when it peaked.

"Come here, send this guy into the dungeon, remember to pay special attention!" The consultant said while correcting the state, so that he could restore his original calm and calm appearance and style.

He did n’t know that he actually danced in a circle in front of the **** of death. As long as he stimulated Zhao Wenrui for a while, Zhao Wenrui ’s soul would slide to the darkness more quickly. Even this town, he would become a depraved one Offerings.

However, now that the external stimulus is less than the bad influence brought about by the defection of the apostasy, Zhao Wenrui can only compete with a series of bad things that have happened inside.

Followed the advisor's guard hula to come up, dragged Zhao Wenrui out, and dragged him out. One of the small bosses also asked the advisor: "Adult, do you particularly care about the activation of magical imprisonment devices?"

The advisor roared in his heart: "Just you TM loves shaking, love and dazzling, magic imprisonment is burning money, is this bad stuff?"

Turned his head and said: "Confiscate all the property of this guy and close his wine account."

This time, it is the turn of the little boss to malign the MMP.

As everyone knows ~ ~ There are fugitives who fled to Youton, even if they have money, they will not be carried on the body, but hidden somewhere. And the money is a bite for interrogators, and they have to be respected.

And these people's appetite for arresting the **** is the valuables of the arrested person. Now that the consultant is breaking the public, it is disgusting them and is pulling money from their pockets.

Especially when the little boss searched and found that the money carried by Zhao Wenrui was not enough to pay the bill, he became more depressed.

"TM's, it's too ugly, it's still a king meal!"

Actually, Zhao Wenrui didn't really have that plan, but his money was robbed by the dancing girl, and he planned to deduct it from the room money first, and then make up. Anyway, here is a meal and housing, and he prepaid a week's money.

Without oil and water fishing, the guards were naturally in a bad mood, and some small means were exhibited to let Zhao Wenrui taste the pain.

And this helped Zhao Wenrui.

He seemed to be confused with a high fever, and the pain applied from the outside stimulated him like an ice towel and made him wake up.

With this sobriety, he can try his best to resist the deterioration of the situation, unlike the previous trance and let it go. Of course, he did not appreciate the guards. On the contrary, Qiu had already settled, and this time, Zhao Wenrui was not afraid of trouble and did not plan to hide ...

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