Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1028: Only 1 principle

Zhao Wenrui, who escaped after committing evil, did not think of an embarrassed wild dog, but planned retreat, or rather, turned in.

One by one tentacle, he was left in the wilderness as the ultimate signal tower.

Quig and the Mage of the High Tower soon became aware of it and roughly guessed its purpose. But besides being disgusted, nothing can happen.

The reason why felt sick was naturally because Zhao Wenrui always had a rough judgment about their whereabouts through the tentacles.

This gave them some bad associations. In the words of a mage, "Maybe from the very beginning, this Hannibal was a chess piece that caused the incident. Behind it represented a huge force and a long-planned plan of destruction. We are now being killed by this Han because of hatred. Nibbles attracted his eyes firmly, could it be what the enemy wanted to see? "

If Zhao Wenrui is on the scene, he may admit that this analysis is partly correct.

Is indeed digging a pit, but he is not a chess piece, but a chess player who plucked his sleeves off in person.

Brigitte is the chess piece, and this piece has been taken to the tower town by him.

Yes, Brigitte went back. As a sacrificial user, go back and accept Gaota Town.

Just as Quige and they chased Zhao Wenrui and traveled more than a thousand kilometers, Bridget returned to Gaota Town.

Gaota Town can now be called Huata Town, and is developing towards Heita Town.

This sacrifice is not destruction, but energy erosion, just like the proliferation of cancer cells, successfully transforming the original functional organs into a piece of meat that has no function except absorption of nutrients.

The immune system naturally has to fight, after all, this is not the kind of regular sacrifice that is first made into sacrifices and turned into fish meat that is randomly handled on the cutting board, and then the ritual is performed, but through a name, a trigger, a stir Forced and destroyed series of operations.

For the sacrificed people, the most unfortunate thing is that they go wrong one after another, and Zhao Wenrui, who is in trouble, succeeds one after another.

But after all, there are still stubborn resistance, such as Quig and the Mage regiment. Although they were labeled as sacrifices, they held the regiment to keep warm, and even thought about anti-killing.

This made C Kane, who was watching, think of the branded warrior, except that Quig and the Mage Corps were neither a group of eagles nor a Ges except for the sacrifice of the brand.

As for Zhao Wenrui, there is no comparability in other respects except that Grievous became unscrupulous after becoming the hand of the Fifth God, especially the heart and experience, which are very pale. To a certain extent, it is just a confused bear child.

Of course, for this reason, he has to bear a considerable part of the pot.

When Brigitte arrived in Gaota Town, although Gaota Town had burned into a **** bonfire, inside, the huge and high-end magic array system was still resisting.

Then Brigitte rushed straight inward.

The black fire in the town raged, but in fact it was not a flame, but the power of darkness was carrying out retorting-like coking. After finishing the treatment, all of them have become a dark coke-like existence, just like an alternative craft, still in the original position.

There was no one on the street, but this did not mean that Brigitte did not encounter resistance.

Since there are alchemy creations in the life department, there are naturally also combat departments.

In fact, the reason why the town of Gaota was able to hold the banner of freedom in Baibosa was largely due to the development of alchemy.

It is said that Quig was also a tomb digger and got alchemy technology and a lot of precious special materials from the tomb of a certain craftsman god.

After ten years of research and ten years of entrepreneurship, a group of alchemists was created, which officially brought out the ancestral powers and ancestors of his own family.

Zhao Wenrui also heard this legend.

But he didn't care.

Anyway, he just has force and strength, and Quig has a story, but it's just a few punches. If there is still a strong card, then avoid it. The dream team of the digging treasure project will not provoke it, but it will not be stunned. It is really tearing up. As long as he does not die, who will slip and who is not good to say? .

This time, playing the tigers away from the mountains, violently attacking the west, and sending Brigitte to capture the tower town, it was also the worst plan.

Zhao Wenrui can see clearly that Brigitte's piece is a bomb, either bomb the enemy, bomb him, or bomb. Anyway, it can't stay long.

Is mainly because the formation process is too distorted. The proper way is to create an uncontrollable evil spirit. This kind of thing can not be expected to obtain short-term benefits by relying on it, but it can also be cultivated into a capable master in the long-term. Otherwise, it will most likely stage a drama that will not end up and then be repulsed.

Since it is so, then a violent wave, and addiction to die!

C Kane saw Zhao Wenrui's thoughts in secret, and felt that Zhao Wenrui could already call himself "cheeky brother". The real thing is that the stripe is unconcerned, and it is unambiguous to sell people. Even if you don't take yourself seriously, you are a pioneer and a deadly expert.

But aside from the thick black gameplay, now Zhao Wenrui is indeed more dominant, even making C Kane more or less taste the DC universe clown. Zhao Wenrui is making great strides towards the evil of chaos, and obeying any principle is his only principle.

Brigitte is principled, because Zhao Wenrui wants to transform Gaota Town into a black nest for living.

So Brigitte did not wanton destruction, but kept it all the time, and then she inevitably encountered the alchemy guard.

These puppets with alchemy and punk style have their own furnaces and the parts that make up their bodies are always in a kind of heating state.

Flames are their weapons, flames are their lives, flames are not extinguished, they are eternal.

It's somewhat bragging to say that, Brigitte proved it with facts. Black streamers, like swaying water plants, like dancing long whips, they are virtual or they can be entities. When they are wrapped around any part of the alchemy guard, the black roots will spread and erode, The original properties of the substance are changed and the function is abolished.

Alchemy Guard also tried to put these eroded parts back into the furnace. But obviously the efficiency of re-casting and recasting is much lower than the efficiency of infection and erosion.

So after just fighting for a while, the ground was full of iron ball furnaces, which were the body of the alchemy guard. Although they could resist erosion for a while and a half, even the head was infected, just like the brain was dead, but The body also has vitality, which means that it can exist for a while, and it becomes meaningless.

In fact, strictly speaking, it cannot be called a fight, but a unilateral abuse.

Because Brigitte is like a yak that plays every hair with a chaotic cloak and sword technique, the alchemy guard can't get into her body at all, and a black light tentacle can't handle it, let alone never encountered one. That's a good thing, so in fact the number of rounds is that Bridget is crushing a group of alchemy guards with absolute superiority.

Alchemy guards certainly have long-range strike capabilities. They even have powerful magic cannons, as well as Kagusha rockets, and even RPG rocket launchers.

But even if the alchemy guard has the consciousness of firing at me, while carrying out the so-called tangle, while allowing the rear to cover the area, what can I do about Brigitte.

Know that those black light tentacles are both energy and matter, and they are both virtual and energetically real. A large number of chaotic cloak swordsmanship cannot splash water, and neither energy nor fragments can penetrate.

Energy intensity, output power. With these two concepts, Bridget threw the alchemy guards ten streets, which meant that the alchemy guards were just a bunch of babies facing adults.

The commander behind the alchemy guard saw the situation, and the puppets withdrew. After all, arranging it in certain positions can at least play the role of smart tools.

At the same time, Brigitte went through successive barriers, neither heavy metal gates nor fierce magical guns could block her footsteps.

The mages guarding the core of the tower's spells asked Quige for help.

Quig suddenly fell into a dilemma.

After some contemplation, he gritted his teeth and issued a new order: "Go, go back to the tower town, I do n’t believe it. With the function of the magic array, the accumulation of years, plus us, that monster can really eat the tower town!"

In the eyes of Quig and the senior teachers, as long as the core is not lost, Gaota Town can be brought back to life at any time.

But Quaig ’s latest did not make it.

He described the high-end magic circle, years of power savings, and the three-in-one magician group. It is indeed strong and long-lasting, but it is not fierce enough.

At least fierce but the big explosion of the water element orb.

Zhao Wenrui has already released himself, there is no most Sao, only the more elemental orb is precious, how about using it as a bomb?

Encountering such a madman who does not take bean bags as dry food, Quigg and his magisters kneel directly.

The pure and majestic power of the water element is like gathering the water of the four seas into a sea eye, and then spraying by the high pressure of the total tonnage.

Super pure waterjet!

What kind of magic circle, mage group, was directly killed by a knife.

A huge amount of water elemental energy rises into the sky, forming a water blue light column connecting the sky dome and the earth, and then spreading an umbrella-shaped element cloud in the sky. From a distance, it looks like a translucent super water blue mushroom. Looking at it from a distance, it feels that some kind of power makes the ocean hang in the sky. In other words, hundreds of square kilometers of land in and around Gaota Town have been turned into the seabed.

Even C Kane was a little surprised.

The reason is naturally not this magnificent and magnificent superb scenery, but the spewing of water elements and the apparent overflow is abnormal.

It can be said that the main value of the water element orb is really revealed at this moment.

And it is not how magnificent water elemental power it contains, but it has extraordinary control over such a huge amount of water elemental power.

Can even be understood as such, the scene in front of him is just another form of the water element orb.

Is as light as weight, vast dust, and the technical force shown by the water element orb, C Kane gave a full score.

"I want to reach out for everything I do." He whispered to himself.

In fact, he is not so ugly. But it must be said that it is also a god-level treasure, and the difference is quite big. Zhao Wenrui's involvement this time is obviously the best level of appearance.

And this level of treasure, there is now a Raiders by the Scarlet Legion.

That is where the outer space of the Great Star Realm universe intersects the Star Realm, a huge kingdom of God, with an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

From the outside, it can be described as a majestic treasure. Many art-grade buildings are bathed in holy brilliance. There are powerful towers of divine light, and the top is a dazzling light arc, like a long cone stuck on a big Carat diamonds. Closer, you can even see a large number of prayers living and working in an orderly manner.

However, C Kane knew that the most central **** in the kingdom of God had already fallen, and the play in front of him was nothing more than a secret trick.

Those central Holy Spirits are also counting on the resurrection of the dead, but I wonder if there is a way to do so, how could it be destroyed? It is easy to judge whether it is difficult to drag undead or resurrect.

In addition, there are a few princes who try to compete for inheritance.

This is also ridiculous in the eyes of C Kane.

Becomes a god, of course, ‘contention’ is a must, but ‘contention’ is by no means the key, the key is sufficient accumulation.

Especially in this universe, the resistance is arrogant and beyond imagination. I think that some resources can be used, so I think it is an opportunity, too naive.

Of course, for him, naive is better.

Easy to use.

As the so-called fortress is often broken from the inside.

There is no leading party, the cost will be much higher, and the dividend will also fall, the bigger the poorer, but it is not the correct empire style.

So although C Kane is very confident about the swarm, he still pays more attention to the method.

Goes up and down, and the Scarlet Legion will not engage in the brainless war of the sea, so now there is a scene where the door should be opened now, and the army commander drives straight into it.

Holy spirits and guards sang hymns to fight heroically.

Prayers also took up arms to fight desperately.

Shenguang Tower and other heavy equipment continue to launch fatal blows, and the swarms die in pieces.

However, the most important part is missing from the puzzle. The power of faith cannot be transformed into divine power. The defensive strength at the moment is only the last decent for the rapid consumption of related reserves ~ ~ Soon, the Holy Spirit It was necessary to organize the prayers to make sacrifices to gain the power of battle.

Frankly speaking, this is to use the power of the souls.

Is higher in purity and lower in repulsion due to belief, so it is barely usable.

But this is like a good car, using inferior fuel, expensive.

Even more crucially, even doing so does not help, it is just a self-fulfillment of vows and beliefs.

Scarlet Legion warfare like a flood, drowning everything. On singles fighting alone, they can be abused by the Holy Spirit for 10,000 tricks, but more than ten can constitute a threat, and one hundred will be an opponent who can play at least three rounds, and the Swarm has always been one hundred thousand against the Holy Spirit Just start!

The leading party looked at the tragic state of the kingdom of God's destruction in the blood and fire, and the inner fear was like a trembling state.

After personal experience, he discovered that there were too many things that scared him, including the possibility of killing donkeys.

However, the Scarlet Legion ’s brain worm comforts it through one of the adventurous forms of the adventurous body, which probably means that as long as the knee is soft and obedient, remember that there is a father on it, and it is not a problem to become a god.

Unknowingly, C Kane already has the gods to control God's fate ...

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