Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1033: Chasing power

Human avatar Zhao Wenrui's trouble-making talent makes C Kane look in his eyes and enjoy in his heart.

This time the harvest is very good, just a gentle push at a critical moment, you get the technique of dimensionality reduction.

From a technical point of view, dimensionality reduction strikes are just like C Kane's eyes, he does not lack means. Especially after having the supreme gemstone, the complex is reduced to simplicity, which fully reflects the characteristics of simplicity and practicality and few flaws, which is very appetizing to him.

But from the most technical point of view, dimensionality reduction strikes are very, very valuable. Dimensionality reduction and dimensionality improvement are a system.

Could only be obtained by analyzing old technology.

It is a pity that the old support system is perfect and high-end, there is no entry-level technology demonstration, and it is very unfriendly to low-end parsers who try to grasp the principle of technology.

Did not expect to get it in this deformed universe, which was a pleasant surprise.

C Kane was generous once he was happy, and he also hoped that Zhao Wenrui could return soon and make new achievements, so the time for Zhao Wenrui to re-consolidate consciousness was greatly shortened.

Is actually influenced by his deity, Zhao Wenrui is also a person who is better than planning.

Came out and mixed, it is inevitable that there is a time when the horse is high, and as a lone wolf type extraordinary person, Zhao Wenrui knows that once he falls into the pit, he may be irretrievable because of lack of assistance.

Therefore, he needs to leave a way for himself more than other superhumans.

Black Lich can be said to be his way.

Explore the knowledge in the bloodline to let him know that even God can't crush him once, especially in the main material plane.

Don't look at him as a demigod, but he has a stronger recovery ability than the rebirth of blood, and the general true gods are not necessarily comparable.

Premise must have the wisdom to know how to operate and willing to run for him.

Is similar to the relationship between God and his diehards.

Of course, not easy to die is not a reason to die at will, even if this level of destruction is resurrected, it will inevitably have to pay a high price.

Is mainly the loss of memory.

Even if he gradually had the idea of ​​not seeking long-term, only living in the moment, he didn't care what kind of person he became, and he didn't want to be afraid of abandoning his memory. After all, he just wanted to be confused for comfort, not to hope he was really confused.

But the blow he suffered this time, even his self-righteous back-office arrangement basically failed.

'S condition is not simply broken into slag, but turned into millions of small pieces of scrap, and each piece of scrap is equivalent to a god-level strong seal.

So even if you want to recover, a super jigsaw puzzle is the most basic, the body can be reshaped, but the soul, but it has to be recovered a little bit, and every leak of the grain represents incompleteness, loopholes, and hidden dangers.

And dimensionality reduction strikes him in a strange space, neither reality nor illusion.

Because of this, the black lich can only help very little. It can only provide the necessary nutrients through the sacrifice to ensure that his soul is not completely invaded by the force, or because of other changes.

Against such a background, C Kane's shot is particularly valuable. Otherwise, it will take an unimaginable long time for ordinary people to reunite enough particles to a certain number to wake up memory.

Zhao Wenrui recovered from an accident.

He is now called Marquis ?? Zhao, Marquis means the ruler, combined with the surname, it is very suitable for expressing the sect of "Zhao family", Zhao Wenrui thinks it is interesting, so he does not plan to change it.

As far as blood is concerned, Marquis Zhao is a mixed-race, only a quarter of the Celestial lineage, inherited from his grandfather, his grandmother is French, and his mother is German.

What is interesting is that it is precisely because of a quarter of the descent of the heavenly dynasty that his life received many social favors superior to others. Because in this world, Tianchao is a positive concept globally recognized, neither satire nor self-deprecation.

Zhao Wenrui read Marquis ?? Zhao's memory and found out that he was awakened by an excessive injection of washing powder. Without the super high nerve stimulation brought by washing powder, there is no such wake up.

But he did n’t need to thank anyone for this, because Marquis was murdered. He was a federal police detective, and he was not clean. He was involved in bad things and was killed.

Zhao Wenrui is not interested in Marquez's black police career. His biggest interest is to complete the Soul Puzzle.

However, he had to go to the life of Marquis at the age of 32. The main reason was not that he was incapable now and the black forces wanted him to die, but that his own memory was incomplete and inevitably absorbed Marquis Part of it.

'S external manifestation is confusion in thinking.

He knows who he is and what he wants, but Marquez ’s memory is not a third-party story or audiovisual material for him, but an uncontrolled video segment, which emerges from time to time. Continuity of thinking causes interference.

Simply put, it is like an illusion of fine division, and I do n’t know when it will be triggered, which makes people feel half-dreamy and unconscious.

"Hi, my dear, how are you?"

Zhao Wenrui glanced at the thirty-year-old woman who was concerned, and said impatiently: "Very bad, Cathy, over-injection caused permanent damage to my brain. Compared to physical discomfort, the intermittent spirit Scattering and hallucinations not only upset me, but also brought various hidden dangers, such as driving the car into the river because of distractions, or seeing someone as a monster in a nightmare ... "

"Oh dear, don't be discouraged, I will accompany you, we will pass this difficulty." Cathy just wrote the words "Hello pity" on her face.

Zhao Wenrui rolled his eyes: "Is it interesting? Cathy! You must fall into the rock when I am in the most difficult time, humiliate and retaliate in this way? I have a problem with my brain, but am I not good for me?"

Cathie changed her face into another indifferent expression, and said, "Why, like this face?" ...

Influenced by the culture of heaven, in this world, divorce is regarded as a manifestation of incompetence (Xiu Qi Zhiping).

Of course, for modern people, this argument can't keep up with the times, and even the people of Tianchao don't care much, but in foreign countries, there is a kind of blind **** that is more than the **** of other places. Sought after.

Therefore, 'marriage is not only sacred, but also a manifestation of ability. Unsatisfactory marriage means a mess in life and management. A person who messes up his life is difficult to believe that he can have a good performance and stable performance in his career.' It is not difficult to understand that the theory is followed by the whole society.

After all, it makes people treat marriage more cautiously and try to manage business seriously.

And Marquis Zhao and Cathy are an example of a couple who failed in business but had a practical need to continue to maintain a legal perspective.

Marquez covets the sheriff's position, and Cathy, who works in the bank, has to prove that she has the ability to serve as a VIP customer service manager.

Therefore, the two not only can't divorce, but also show love from time to time at some banquets and other activities with a certain working nature, expressing the harmony of the piano and the celestial being. They are the model couples who envy others.

Zhao Wenrui is naturally very insensitive to this kind of face project. If he is not aware of his status as a ‘Federal Detective’, it will help him complete his soul puzzle.

So in answering Cathy ’s question, he naturally entered the attack mode: “You can think more. Since you ’re like someone who shows a good wife in front of you, do n’t let the husband just walk in front of the ghost gate. And spend more than three hours dressing up. "

Cathy immediately sneered: "You have a brain, and you lie here."

"But I have at least some bottom line, try to carry the trouble, but failed. So, you better perform in person, take advantage of this opportunity to divorce me, otherwise you have to worry more about your personal safety."

"Shit!" Cathy yelled: "You idiot, I was killed by you!"

Zhao Wenrui hummed, closed his eyes, felt the dizziness like a roller coaster, too lazy to take care of Cathy.

Cathy made a fire, and her emotions gradually calmed down, trying to calm her tone, and asked, "Is the situation really so bad?"

"Long-term business involving tens of millions, can send high-ranking officials into jail, and now tears his face, do you think they will give up?

‘Pappa! 'As the ward door opened, applause rang. "Marquis, escape from death makes you smarter."

Cathie saw her, opened her eyes wide, and she was shocked in wonder: "Mike !?"

"Hi, Cathy, you are so beautiful today!" Mike, who closed the door, greeted Cathy with a smile, and then said to Zhao Wenrui: "The boss's attitude is very firm, but for the sake of our friends for many years, I decided Let me go, if Cathy Ken makes some sacrifices and comforts me. "

Mike's words clearly exceeded Cathy's expectations once again, and it can be said that Mike's image in her mind has been completely destroyed in the past years.

Zhao Wenrui, who was half lying on the hospital bed, said lightly: "I thought you had put Cathy on the bed long ago, but now it doesn't seem to be. I always said that I was so charming that I couldn't compare with Cathy's. Pig head boss. "

One round of teasing caused Mike a crit damage, and his spouted shyly: "The head is green and oily, are you quite proud?"

"We've been famous for a long time. We only talk about rules, not feelings. You don't know it." Zhao Wenrui also said this to Cathy.

He didn't want Cathy to have any unrealistic illusions about him. After all, Cathy was a stranger to him.

Here, the stranger is not a derogatory term, but means that Zhao Wenrui feels that there is no hatred and no complaint, and does not necessarily involve the other party. After all, he writes down and must open the unique model.

Civilization, society, class, morality, these intangible shackles that exist at all times, he does not buy it. He wants to lift the table, whoever blocks his way, he will directly overthrow, and those close to him will be affected.

"Okay, just talk nonsense here, I'm all ready, what are you waiting for? Could you put the silencer in the car? It doesn't matter, the sound insulation of this senior ward is really good."

Mike looked dazed, and after a while thought of a self-consistent reason, he gritted his teeth and said: "You play me?"

Zhao Wenrui raised his hand expressionlessly, a black light the size of a jujube nucleus, flew out quickly, and then flashed, and disappeared into Mike's forehead. The distraught Cathy didn't even see what happened.

Mike's eyes were made of porcelain, as if she had been immobilized, followed by slipping up her eyes, turning her eyes white, and shaking her head up and down, convulsing like a seizure.

Cathy looked at Mike, then Zhao Wenrui, and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with him?"

Zhao Wenrui said: "It's really a stupid woman. Is this a question of your relationship in the current situation?"

"Nothing, he is thinking about life."

Kathy saw that Zhao Wenrui was so perfunctory, finally realized that the situation was not good now, and no matter whether Zhao Wenrui was in a good mood, he grumbled and asked a lot of questions.

Summarized in one sentence is that she is very worried now, longing for a hard thigh, and hold the sky that is about to collapse.

Zhao Wenrui recovered from the weakness of the spellcasting, his face was pale, and he sneered at himself, then said to Mike who had stopped convulsing: "cut off the tail and find a safe house."

Mike seemed to have changed a person at this time, squinting his eyes half, expressionless, if he looked carefully at his eyes, he would find that his pupils had spread.

Quick, short version of black figurines, Mike is already a head puppet.

Heard the order, Mike nodded and went out to do business.

And Zhao Wenrui was thinking that the situation had deteriorated to this point, and his detective identity abacus was afraid to be defeated.

Of course, the main reason is his own. He is like a wealthy man who has gone from extravagance to thrift. He has become accustomed to everything that is solved by fists, defying the order of laws and regulations, and does not care about the feelings of others. , I really can't hold my face.

Even knowing the identity of a detective, you can achieve your goals more securely and easily, but you ca n’t bear to be a small person.

Just now, his biggest problem now is that the soul is incomplete ~ ~ will involuntarily emerge intermittent illusions, and the inability to concentrate his thoughts, so what he tells Cathy is basically truth, not alarmist.

Under such circumstances, it is taboo to cast a spell. Because the spell will inevitably consume mental power, he is even worse for the incomplete spirit.

But he still chose a simple and rude way, casting a Mike into a simple black figurine.

After this, he could also understand why he could not integrate into a civilized society. No matter what the specific reason is, in short, he has dressed himself as a wolf, the life of the dog group, looks wonderful, really let him live, he can't live.

So if you can't integrate into a civilized society, you must complain, you must first complain to yourself.

Cathy's six gods had no master, and Zhao Wenrui was too lazy to comfort her, so she complained and cursed there. The lack of security made her dare not speak loudly, and she could not think of any good way to deal with it. Do, even if he is just a patient lying on the bed.

Zhao Wenrui is sad for her, this is the mortal, can not stand a little wind and rain, too much helplessness and too much suffering, which is why he pursues strength.

Says that money can solve 90% of the problems. For most modern people, money is the name of power. Therefore, those who love money, in essence, want to grasp the power, and there is not much power!

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