Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1069: Profitable cause

Although Zhao Wenrui seemed to come to tear down the people at all, the up and down of the mechanical and police maintenance center of the hall was shocked by Zhao Wenrui's Wang Bazhi. Finally, ceo Donald didn't welcome him personally. Donald fell.

More than ten minutes later, when Donald personally sent Zhao Wenrui out respectfully, those guards who were just a little uncomfortable because they did not do their due diligence began to applaud for their wise decision.

That's right, it is indeed a big offense!

As for who it is and what it does, is it important for these people who get paid for their lives?

Not at all important!

The guards said that their work, looking at leisure, was actually not easy to do. Now that the social unemployment rate is so high, how can I support my family if I lose my job? So, thankfully ...

For Zhao Wenrui, when Donald is a thief, many things become easier to handle, such as shipping a batch of goods that are suspicious for normal processes. There is no clear direction, and there is no indication of what it is. What kind of plane is this?

Can you control it? Do you know business secrets? Do you still want to do it? No more bb, get out now!

Donald was very arrogant.

Well, the county magistrate is out of control, you are a pro-dad.

Some people have endured it, but others have been very vocal about Donald's scolding management and made a small report to the peak.

The Mechanical Military Police Maintenance Center is part of Basel Industries. Unlike ordinary companies, the company also has a supervisory team composed of official personnel.

This team is currently controlled by Kohegen. Donald's arrogance was quickly learned and pressured on Basel Industries. The head office called for accountability.

At the same time, in the mechanical military police maintenance center, with the intervention of Zhao Wenrui, the new industry started rapidly.

These industries include a nanoworm production line.

It also includes adding some automated links to the mechanical military police maintenance production line.

The mechanical military police from this production line belong to the First Order, not the Commonwealth.

Faced with blame, Donald said confidently that there must be performance.

Facts have proved that Donald did not brag. Under his leadership, the Philemon Mechanical Military Police Maintenance Center solved the old maintenance production line in one fell swoop, so that the maintenance of the military military alarms has increased. The problem.

Well, the winner is not to blame.

Of course, the real winner is actually Nanoworm, or the first order with Zhao Wenrui at the core.

The First Order adheres to the style of the sc universe, and will only produce quality products that exceed the general standard, and is not interested in the production of tatters.

The production line system of the maintenance center has been optimized, some optimization links have been deliberately hidden, and some have been displayed, intentionally made people discover. Became part of ceo's performance.

Donald has a strong performance base, a more stable position, and heavier discourse power, and soon made drastic adjustments in personnel appointments and removals.

There is still some gossip about this at the head office, but he is willing to watch his performance.

Facts also prove that with Donald's reorganization, the entire team is indeed more efficient, and Kehegan's supervision team has nothing to say. The head office also said that Donald is expected to receive double dividends by the end of this year ...

The completion of the mechanical military police maintenance center means that as time goes on, the mechanical military police of the entire colony will be put under the first order.

Speaking of which, we have to expand on the situation of this world colony.

The existence of the ladder has enabled the British Commonwealth and Australia to achieve straight-line navigation through the earth's center. The shuttle time is about 17 minutes.

The other background is chemical warfare + nuclear warfare, so that Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South America are all over. Even Madagascar and the South Asian Islands Pacific Island chain are all finished.

The only place in the world where there are civilizations, apart from the Commonwealth, is Australia and New Zealand.

For the time being, it is a manifestation of some extreme eroticism of the British people.

Anyway, in this world, the officials of Australia and New Zealand are quite weak, and they cannot afford a normal country by themselves. This may also be caused by the loss of large amounts of assets and population during the war.

After the disaster, Australia became a gathering place for refugees, and to some extent, England, mainly their cousin of the lighthouse and distant relatives of Europe.

Of course, it is mainly based on capital and middle class.

Therefore, even if Britain is a refugee pool, it is also an elite refugee, a rich refugee, and after learning that the survival of the outside world is impossible, it has restored social order every minute and second, and vigorously promoted the development of science and technology to make civilization higher.

With the development of space, there is also a ladder through the earth's center. In the 2012 version of the comprehensive memory, there is a small detail. The protagonist talks with Hao Jiyou in the factory locker room and raises a mouthful of Mars.

It can be inferred from this mouth that the large project of human conquest of Mars has been open for some time, and the progress is not bad. So false memories about what the King of Mars is is a fashionable way of playing.

This also means that the British Commonwealth, which represents human civilization again, is actively trying to find ways to expand the living space of human beings.

But even the colonial strategy of Mars, a distant land that has come and gone for several years, has been put into action, but it is not trying to solve the chemical and nuclear pollution problems of several continents of the earth. Worth investing.

Let's not discuss this near-bug setting, and turn back to the relationship between the Commonwealth and its colonial Australia.

The Commonwealth has quickly stepped out of the scourge of catastrophe and reproduced the dawn of civilized order.

On the other hand, Australia is still in a mess like a refugee camp in the Middle East.

After the opening of the ladder, in theory, the British Commonwealth should take this big refugee camp?

No way! Because Britain has white left, white left is benevolent, mainly promoting civilization and cultural diversity, everyone is brothers and sisters. So treat the colony with love, not barbarism.

But in fact, the capitals still faithfully achieved their purpose, that is, they exerted influence and control on the colonies through economic means, and they became more and more cruel.

Therefore, in the colony, the external manifestation is that everything is developed around the passage of the ladder. The periphery of the ladder is the most prosperous area, which was developed from the initial cargo distribution center.

The farther away from the ladder, the more obvious the effect of the refugee camp.

Of course, there is another aspect. Although the total proportion of arable land in Australia is not particularly large, it can still support modern agriculture and modern animal husbandry. .

However, the good development of farms and pastures cannot replace the city. Humans are social animals, and large and intensive social activities are carried out in cities.

Therefore, the colonies mentioned by the federals and even the colonial population are actually metropolises that exist around the ladder, just like the metropolitan group of the Greater Los Angeles area of ​​the lighthouse country.

The Karan district and the Fremont district are actually small cities with their own characteristics. Of course, it can also be regarded as the urban area of ​​New York's Queens and Manhattan.

From an administrative point of view, because the economy of this metropolitan area is too dependent on the Commonwealth, although it has a government, it is weak. On the contrary, some so-called co-management functions of the Federation are often stiff.

These functional departments followed the federal immigration plan into the colony.

Like the protagonist, federal citizenship, also works in a federal company, but lives in a colony and runs commute every day.

There are quite a lot of nationals like this who live abroad and enter and exit the customs every day. They need the management and services of official functional institutions, so they have created a regional and quasi-government agency that is essentially a concession. Later, the boundaries were unclear, and the management of the regions was gradually replaced.

The most representative one is the military police used for public security management. Several large regions with huge consumption driven by federal immigrants do need a strong security management team. Eventually, this strange phenomenon of armed forces in other countries engaging in police and even military affairs on their land was born.

Zhao Wenrui's plan must also be based on this background, it is impossible to run to the farm ranch to play some excellent sheriff, and then the spark can be ignited, but directly attacked by the military and police.

Order is the prerequisite for the healthy operation of society and the guarantee for the existence of civilization. It was this cornerstone that Zhao Wenrui pried.

After the mechanical military police maintenance center, Zhao Wenrui's goal is the ladder.

Locking one end of the passage between the Commonwealth and the colonies, he will have very great practical authority.

The importance of the ladder does not need to be repeated, so the Federation has a special department to manage the ladder, including the deployment of a very luxurious security force.

Recently, due to the continuous release of the wind from Kehegen, which caused the false impression that the Masaias rebels are engaged in terrorist incidents, the authorities are relatively nervous. police.

Zhao Wenrui started from this aspect.

Since the police station in the Karan district has completely fallen into his pocket, it is normal for him to enter and leave the police station in the Filmont district for some official duties in the name of his colleagues. For example, to jointly arrest some criminals or something.

So although the federal monitoring system is very three-dimensional, Zhao Wenrui quickly and effectively began to infiltrate the Philemon Police Station.

Blood slaves, blood slaves, or blood slaves, although limited by the production of blood quality and controlling the consumption of blood slaves to mental energy, Zhao Wenrui could not efficiently produce blood slaves, but only one or two people thousands and eight hundred The regional police station has not become a heavy burden.

Of course, the psychological burden of murder still has to bear some. After all, being a blood slave means only two years of life. And these police officers, in addition to representing each and every life, also represent a family.

But conversely, it is normal for the military and police to carry the **** bowl of rice with a knife head. It is normal for people to be chopped and chopped. Even if there is the name of the largest and most powerful society, it cannot change the nature of the industry.

Therefore, apart from those grandiose, humanistic, and decorative things, this business is not so tall, at least in the colonies, the corrupt behavior of the military and police is a shocking one, one by one, there is absolutely a leak.

Now that the good, the bad, the good and the bad are all transformed, Zhao Wenrui should trigger a **** internal cleanup by him. The police force is very hurt, but it benefits the people in the jurisdiction.

This is not just to say, after Karan District, Zhao Wenrui really intends to take a big action against the Philemon District.

If the Karan district is the scar of the colonial metropolitan area, the most striking label is the slum, then the Filmont district is the commercial district of the colonial city, and the most striking is the low-grade, but numerous, bright and green.

From the point of view of the military and police, the difficulty in the governance of the Karan district lies in the people who are deceived and ensnared by drug dealers and loan sharks.

The Philemon District is a black society and consumer place that has a large number of human-shaped evil dogs, possesses hot weapons, and has unclear relations with certain big figures and large companies.

Including the local military police, the interests make the forces here form a very complicated and delicate balance, even if it is dumping, it is also received, and it will basically not affect the prosperity of the surface, and if the rules are broken, it will become Public enemy.

Therefore, the military and police usually dare not disturb this muddy water. Even if there is a requirement above, it is mainly to deal with errands, but this time it is different. This time it is an iron-blooded team, cutting the mountain and breaking the temple.

At this time, some black and evil forces only found out that following the true military-police ratio, the gang power they thought was not bad was actually a fart!

With intelligence advantages, equipment advantages, and well-trained military and police officers, a set of combined punches can kill the lives of these scumbags who are fighting hard and fighting hard with personal bravery.

Especially the first order of Zhao Wenrui, that is the enemy killing ability that has just been trained on the front of the Zerg. It was perfectly organized by Milano in the form of big data and instilled in the current military police. There is no rule in the team battle. If the black and evil forces like wolves and tigers and headwinds and snakes and mice are capable, then they will see the ghost.

Zhao Wenrui said that if you give me a hard time, I will tell him not to see tomorrow's sun.

The result was less than 24 hours, thousands of people evaporated, and some people saw that the military and police hired a black tent boat and spread dust in the river for several hours ...

My God, who is crazy! ? How can this be done? People's livelihood withers! Look, what happened to the bustling night market overnight?

Naturally, the pressure on it started, and the officer asked the police chief, what kind of aircraft are you doing? Rebel?

The Secretary said: "You come, I will tell you why in person?"

Does Shangfeng feel the chill in his back? The ominous shadow shrouded like a dark cloud in my heart, what a special thing, it seemed to be a big deal! That's the Fremont area, where the ladder is located, the military and police are about to explode?

Dismissal? Since the chief of the police station in the Filmont district dared to pretend that comparison, he was afraid that he would not be afraid of dismissal at all. With a simple order, who was responsible for the detonation?

Mom, do you want to apply for troops to take over as a whole?

Will it fight?

And as soon as he fights, he is definitely going to leave. The impact is too great, whether it is economic or political, when the time comes, the loss may be calculated in 100 million yuan!

Why did you suddenly get here?

Are the dead people monitoring the system?

The officer of the department suffered from losses, and then began to call, use all the channels he can use to obtain information, and at the same time discuss with some people how to deal with this crisis.

The information quickly came back. The chief of the Filmont police station is now the king of the Super Mountain. The one who shouted in the end, no one violated it. This is the main reason why it can quickly and efficiently sweep all the stalls in the Filmont district. .

Now, no matter which way the entire Fremont district is, it gave its knees to the director, and the slowness of offering has evaporated. Therefore, it is totally impossible to ignite the enthusiasm of some people and rebel against the Secretary by means of interests or political promises. Even if weapons were smuggled in the past, they dared not do it.

This time, the chief led the military and police. The shot was too ruthless. It is said that there are several people who are scared crazy on the spot. They are gangsters. They have never seen any **** scenes. terror.

The office official had a headache and said: "For so many years, why haven't I found that this guy is such a sharp person? Mistake!"

Well, I have to admit that the Fremont district has been ruled by him. At this time, if you want to dismiss, it is a joke, and it will burst its power in an instant, maybe something big happens.

Then compromise and appease, and then find the opportunity to stretch the moment and slowly chant?

Most people approve of this strategy and point out that the key now is that the Secretary and his people do not take the evil path. If they have always been so correct, they can do it at the very least. Come to coax the people happy.

But if they want to be dissatisfied and start to play evil, that is a black hole that no one can fill, they have to tear their faces, then the secretary of the department is certainly dead, and the team of office officials may also be able to quit collectively. Too.

So the official of the office sent someone who was better at negotiation, while acting reasonably to help analyze it, and at the same time knowing how to play emotional cards with love. Our wives would eat, drink, and chat with children every year. ,Am I right?

The Secretary said that in fact my appeal is very simple, the Fremont area is very prosperous, I am the rule!

Okay, uncle, it turned out to be greedy for money. Have you been hungry for so many years, so ugly? I was scared to death, and I thought you suddenly went straight to the anti-social and anti-human path with the enthusiasts!

This series of things happened very quickly, just two or three days. After a few rounds of confrontation, the dust was settled. The director is the uncrowned king of the Filmont district, and the father of all stalls.

Of course, this is not the end. It offends some big people, big forces, and let the officials and others suffer huge losses. It is strange to be able to meet each other with a smile.

But Zhao Wenrui is not worried. He is the black hand behind the scenes, the kind of evacuation to the point, which is behind the floods?

In this way, the Karan district and the Fremont district fell apart within 30 hours. The military and police means the one-and-a-kind Wang Fa, whoever jumps will be evaporated.

In the Fremont area, a series of new iron rules have been introduced. For the sake of long-term prosperity, it is not allowed to kill customers or run some fast knife business, such as a few knives to cut off the guest's purse, or even people who are in debt.

Who dares to violate the new regulations of the military and police, then disappear collectively, and no longer have to appear in the Fremont area, the dust of the river is the home.

The Fremont district became lively in a flash, and it was really more prosperous than in the past. Many guests said that their money suddenly became valuable here. In the past, it was only enough to consume once, but now it can be consumed three times, so enjoyable!

Of course, these are only incidental effects for Zhao Wenrui. The key is that the military and police say nothing, completely isolating the Tianti system.

Do n’t think that the ladder is very clean, the transportation industry has never been clean, especially the ladder is so tight, all kinds of entrainment of private transport are unusually rampant, there are many ways of saying, the forces and individuals involved can also be called small society, intricate .

But now the military and police are the king. I said that there is no one here. If XX does n’t work, then it really wo n’t work. If it ’s shipped, it must be returned as it is. Otherwise, you ca n’t get the goods. This threshold.

As long as the ladder is for dinner, you have to ask the director to discuss it and give it a way of living. If you do this, it will be too difficult for us to do, and we will die!

The Secretary stated that there must be a way. As long as we have a tap, we will not prevent you from making money too much, but in some ways, we have to be fathers. For example, personnel control.

All the time, the fugitives, black households, etc. have been repeatedly banned because your seemingly strict inspection system is actually stupid.

In this respect, our military and police have the final say, we say no, just a fly, and don't want to go to the Federation to colonize.

The ladder is relieved. Although some strongmen are difficult, it is not too difficult to accept. The big deal is that we will stop doing population business in the future. Or, if you have a special population business, you can make peace with the police station and allocate some money to go out.

With the conclusion of the new agreement, the security system of Tianti has been monitored throughout the military and the police, and the security system itself has also been adjusted and post-monitored by the technical personnel of the military police, and there is no equipment trouble.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this is equivalent to controlling the access to a considerable extent.

This time, Zhao Wenrui did not use the blood slave method to move the people of the Tianti line. It was too sensitive. After blood slavery, it soon showed the characteristics of the first order. This will be discovered after a long time.

Therefore, the police station in the Fremont district exposed itself for this purpose, while attracting attention. In this way, the Karan district can be hidden longer.

It ’s impossible not to expose. It involves so many people and such a large jurisdiction. At most, others are a few shots slow due to the incredible situation, but they are neither stupid nor blind. How can they not find it?

So instead of being discovered, it is better to detonate as planned, which is an indirect psychological precaution against the federal government, but it is not easy to take excessive measures because of the backlog and collapse.

After all, Zhao Wenrui has no intention of confronting the federal officials of this world. The issue of people's livelihood is not the pot he intends to bear. He does not have that sense of responsibility.

Therefore, some things can be done, and some can't go too far, and directly made the First Order vs. the Commonwealth, what is the benefit for him? Obviously not.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, the total time of the advent has passed 100 hours. The ruling power of the Filmont district has basically settled. Zhao Wenrui ’s ‘eyes’ observed that the triggering event of the protagonist Dougquig began.

Today, while at work, he was investigated by the Kehegan management team, signed a document proving that he was not a terrorist, and was assigned by the foreman to work overtime to teach the newcomer, and the newcomer gave back his instructions at work and told him the memory code The company was not as alarmist as his good friend Harry said, but the experience was very good, and he was given a card to allow him to enjoy the treatment of regular customers.

In other words, just tonight, Doug Quig will go to the memory code company's venue in the Fremont district, and then open the road to super agents, first kill a vote of the military and police, and then stage a torture war with the fake wife and Parkour chase.

Finally, through a back road arranged at the beginning, I went to the New Asia First Bank and got the key information for the subsequent puzzle solving. This night was quite substantial.

"New Asia First Bank, this arrangement of eroticism is also okay!" Zhao Wenrui defamated the concept.

He is now sitting in a room on the top floor of the tallest building in the Fremont district.

It belongs to a hotel. This room is made of tempered glass including the dome. For some people, it is a little empty and panic. It is dizzy to stand at the edge and look underneath. It seems that if you accidentally fall off, you will fall off and fall apart. .

But he likes this feeling. It is tea time now, and he is also very rare in his busy schedule. In fact, he hasn't had a meal since the advent.

So it ’s refreshing to eat some snacks and drink hot cocoa, especially when the rainy season in this area is upright, the clouds are overcast, and there is a drizzle after a few hours, and the sky is not clear at all. In this context, dry, warm, and delicious foods, together with hot drinks, can bring a good soothing effect, make people relax, make people feel calm, make people feel tired and come out, and are fully recovering.

Zhao Wenrui intends to enjoy this feeling and ease the busyness these days.

Of course, there are those ruthless killings.

That is necessary, but it does not make him happy.

He is in a good state now. In addition to paying a few hundred drops of blood, he has hundreds of blood slaves. His own blood quality is maintained in a healthy state, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

This is obviously very necessary, after all, maybe when it is possible to tear the enemy reincarnation.

Although his plan has been going smoothly, it seems not too far away from success. But it is not suitable for underestimating the hostile samsara.

After all, he is the leader of everything, let alone killing him, as long as he is seriously injured, he will lose control of the blood slaves, and then be counterattacked, and soon be defeated.

Therefore, don't want to overturn the gutter, just be more vigilant and don't underestimate anyone.

But on the other hand, he really has nothing to do now.

When his plan is advanced to a certain extent, he can deepen his own operations. Even if he is adding fuel to it, the speed will not be accelerated too much. After all, there are many things that require a certain time to follow the process. This time is generally Can't save.

According to plan, he will take the last ladder to the Confederation tonight.

That is to say, when the protagonist Dougquid came home and found that the beautiful wife left a message on the refrigerator, she was too tired and had gone to bed early, so she felt nowhere to vent, went to drink with a good friend, and then patronized the memory code company.

He has already begun to act on the federal land.

He believes that there is a high probability that the hostile reincarnation will be attracted by the protagonist's series of adventurous behaviors that turn on Super Agent mode. Not to mention the protagonist's fake wives Lori and Ke Heigen.

Tonight, the protagonist Doug Quaid is the most handsome boy on the stage, which will attract everyone's attention.

This is very good, just convenient for him to do things, such as the placement of Milano's doppelganger, and the invasion of Kehegen's private army warehouse.

If there is still time, he will also go to the assembly plant of mechanical military police.

That was the last blow. Once completed, even if Ke Heigen had a way to set up a factory to start producing mechanical military police, time would not be in a hurry.

Without the mechanical military police, with his direct manpower, it would be a joke to want to come up with a big event such as an attack on the colony ~ ~ Not to mention the level of the Filmont District Military Police It was all his people, and the soldiers armed with the package of the First Order, he was confident that the army would fight Ke Heigen and his direct men in doubt.

Don't look at Ke Heigen as a serious and capable military commander during the past global wars. Compared with the command system of the first order army big data, he still belongs to pediatrics.

Of course, he also considered that the reincarnations jumped out as sharp knives and killed the Quartet.

But if they do n’t jump out, they will be pleasantly surprised.

He has always had a preference for nuclear mushrooms. After experiencing the sc universe, the technology of micro-nuclear mushrooms has also completely matured. Individual nuclear bombs, reincarnations will enjoy the warm light and heat of the small sun, I believe it will be very enjoyable.

Ten thousand steps back, he is not on the scene anyway, if one doesn't work, there are many, and if it's not good, it's bigger. There is always a suitable one. As for the Fremont area and even the ladder is destroyed, the destruction will be destroyed. When the war starts, there must be an evacuation alarm. If you refuse to go or walk too slowly, there is no way to get injured or killed ...

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