Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1081: Army preparation

Beacon Country, the current president is from the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is the spokesperson of large enterprises and large groups, and the presidents of this line are basically supporters of hegemonism. They are biased in using force to solve problems and have a tough style. Of course, this leader did not repair the wall between the United States and Mexico.

In terms of the current situation, **** leaders are indeed more suitable.

Therefore, the gang of white left on the west coast, the gang of people who regarded Heiminggui and Mominggui as politically correct, were immediately picked up. The leader of the beacon country almost immediately let the red necks fly directly and fully, but they also shouted the slogan of the country's survival first, and everything must be compromised.

To put it bluntly, it is who pretends to die, whoever messes up and who dies, who jumps and dies, who refuses to accept bb and dies.

After this set comes down, the **** smell is very strong, second only to the foot basin and sticks that are directly killed.

Then in a few days, Chicago was sacrificed. First, thousands of black uncles who were involved in the incident were shot and killed. Uncle black said he was dissatisfied and engaged in a big battle. More than ten thousand people died.

Chicago said that the population ratio of the city has been deflected. And smelled the air with a safe smell.

The lighthouse country has already completed its withdrawal from the Middle East and other countries. In the face of the human crisis, it is meaningless to overtake oil. Even in the eyes of many lighthouse politicians, the humans in those places are as if they are already dead, dying in the hands of g-stars.

The army that has seen blood is different, more brutal than any national guard. The Negro of Beacon State said that such a thing has never been seen. This is a massacre. Many people also said that this is no longer a free country.

The President stated that we need Chicago because he is one of the heavy industrial cities in the Great Lakes region. We are responsible for the survival of mankind. It is time for us to unite and survive the crisis under the banner of the leader. Anyone who opposes the state ’s actions, or does not implement state orders, is regarded as automatically giving up the status of a member of this group, and wanting freedom? In the Middle East, Afghanistan is very free. Go, please do n’t come back.

People heard a strong taste of abandoning some people and even exile some people.

The Lighthouse State is indeed prepared to do so.

After a new round of evaluation, think tanks are not very optimistic about the progress of the next stage of the Great War with the g-stars. They think that all human countries, at least the social system on the surface, will basically collapse and collapse.

Humans will become like ditch rats like the rebels in {Future Warrior} against Skynet, and then, in the context of no advantage of torn frontally, will carry out long-term resistance in the form of guerrillas.

The g-stars are in need of the earth and will not cause too much environmental damage. Their population also determines that it is difficult to conduct a comprehensive and thorough sweep.

Therefore, after their occupation, they will use the ocean as the core, and then dot the control points to form a network that supports each other, and then use heavy weapons to cooperate with the patrol to clear the remaining human forces. .

It's just that this time it will be humans who play guerrillas. The number of g-star soldiers may be less, and the shortcomings are caused by automated weapons.

This is the long-term war model that the think tank promoted.

The g-stars will be like opening cans, and every time they find a large human underground stronghold, they will come out and destroy them.

At the time, the best situation for humans was that a fleet that threatened the g-stars was still active. Taking a heavy punch with Lengzi can also make the g-stars hurt.

Only when there is such a fleet, relying on each other with the guerrillas, can humans see a little hope, and it is difficult for the g-stars to release their hands and feet and completely clear them.

Anyway, the surface must have been smashed. The current statistics of the lighthouse country, including the construction completed in a period of time in the future, ca n’t count on the fact that it ca n’t feed all the people at all, and one-third ca n’t do it, but one-tenth, which is 20-30 million. Too. What about the remaining nearly 300 million people? This is a cruel topic.

It is conceivable that 300 million will die in desperation in the future, and now those who are not convinced of discipline and even do it against him.

Moreover, the officials privately promised troops, especially some trump card troops, to be loyal to the country and loyal to the regime, and there will be quotas. It is so realistic that you consider it yourself.

This is also a major reason why the troops pulled back from the front line dared to carry out tens of thousands of massacres in Chicago.

They vaguely knew how miserable the future would be, and now it is almost time to buy tickets, which is not enough. After all, is it time to choose mom or dad or wife? This really tests people.

Then, in order to obtain tickets, competition is necessary. This is to fight for the chance of life for the people you care about.

Zhao Wenrui naturally sees all these things.

To be honest, it is not far from what he expected. This is the eighth month of his arrival. Now after a new round of serious calculations, the arrival of the g star fleet should be 23 months, that is to say, there are 15 more In the next month, there will be a new stage after another, more and more cruel, if the human group is a giant, then now in order to survive, he is already unburdened, cleaned from top to bottom, what hair beard, shave should be shaved , Even fat, the cut must be cut, of course, the specific operation may be liposuction. Anyway, try to make yourself able to be capable and armed.

The specific and most intuitive is the dead, not because you can survive this round or several rounds of screening. Luck is also very important. Just like Indonesia and the third, they certainly do, but they are basically no chance.

There are many opportunities in this kind of business, but there are many in the world. South America, the alliance headed by the lighthouse country, are not oblivious. You can play for yourself.

Africa, North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, and even South Africa have basically given up, because these places can't come up with anything decent to exchange. Diamonds are now a fart. Luxury goods are basically over, even the rich do not sell luxury goods, they have a little money to sell boat tickets. So expensive.

Those who can't afford a boat ticket think of themselves as a refuge or something, and even some people hire a survivor, pay money, make money, make technology, and make a series of survival games. But in fact, they all understand that simple Gou, the probability of survival is not big, must be protected by force, at least have enough advanced equipment to shield the g star from the investigation, Faraday cage works, maybe it is a bit useful, but I am afraid that it cannot be All count on this, so it is still the most official insurance. But the official ferry ticket is really too expensive.

Zhao Wenrui once thought that under the pressure of such a catastrophe, the human social system would collapse in advance, that is, no one is producing, no one is farming, everyone is rushing to dig holes, etc., and the whole mess is messed up.

But in fact, there is no time. The official has time to communicate management, and order can basically exist, because the reward and punishment system can be flexibly applied.

How much food represents a ticket, and what kind of production pays represents a ticket, at least have the opportunity to participate in the screening. And at this stage, you can get corresponding protection, including family members.

So hard work, even with unprecedented professionalism. It has become the best choice among many people.

So those who jumped, thought they were smart, and messed up, in fact, to a certain extent, it was equivalent to giving up this round of screening, then the next step really depends on yourself. And reality will teach them to be humans, and by then they will understand how low the ratio of real survival is.

Against this background, more and more organizations, forces, and even individuals have laid down their dignity and found ways to find a way out. Of course, they naturally bowed down and asked Zhao Wenrui.

In the words of the fat girl in {King of Comedy}: The preferences of rich people are often very strange, what if?

When the fat girl entered the door, she was kicked in the face, and basically came to Zhao Wenrui for the same treatment.

But I have to say that, in the context of the sad atmosphere, he experienced a series of ridiculous but hilarious farce.

It's really only you can't think of, nothing you can't see, the Eight Immortals cross the sea, there are all kinds of tricks, giving away women, selling miserable, preaching, reasoning, swearing, suicide and protecting others. Attitude, but please have mercy, and then people will die without asking if you agree or disagree.

The representative of Sweden ran over and asked, "Do you want to clear the field and not dirty your hands?"

Zhao Wenrui thought about it and said, "Forget it."

Think again, and ask: "You are doing bitter tricks to show the pitiful humanity, right?"

The representative cold sweat came down, "Make you think so, my fault, or should I commit suicide?"

Zhao Wenrui suddenly felt disgusted, and waved his hand away. Even if it's fake, it's quite something to say this kind of thing, but whoever is willing to be cheap like this?

So now it is really sad, from top to bottom, it is difficult for everyone, and the delegates may not have earned enough tickets.

In the 13th month of the countdown, the foot basin began to play a big migration, and the life chance of the foot basin family was too low. Their plan was to go to Mongolia to open up a living space. In fact, it has already been done.

Because Mongolia is only a mine buyer, and there is no way to become a member of the Union, they also want to live, but simply drilling mines is useless. They need to report the thighs of those who have technology and productivity. The foot basin is a good one. Choice, the two sides are almost a hit.

The sticks are also uneasy about the coast. After moving the center of gravity to the north, as they cross the border, they are also an island country instead of a peninsula country without the background of the three provinces in the east, so their goal is also Mongolia. In the province of Tor, the supreme dimension is too high for Siberia to survive.

In addition, the mountain of the stick family can also be stretched, and the altitude is not low, so they are actually preparing for both ends. Try to keep it.

Others like Indonesia, Malay, and the Philippines have basically given up resistance.

What's interesting is that they didn't make the society even more chaotic because the g-stars were coming, and they didn't even smell the things outside the window. Maybe they feel that they are already in hell, and it will not be worse if the g-stars come.

A Sanjia, too, what most people are supposed to do, a little calm, Zhao Wenrui thinks that what may be the most painful are those who think there is still some hope, but they are the ones who never report any hope, the most calm face. For this bad news.

The Middle East is naturally buying tickets from top to bottom, and the Middle Eastern princes are also confident, and they came to him very arrogantly and told him, give an indicator, you make a price.

In addition, the Arab beauties also sent directly, usually wrapped in black gauze, as if they would lose their chastity at a glance, and now they are also doing this? It seems that such a decent thing is also a very vague thing.

Now people all over the world know that the thighs of the First Order are the thickest.

After all, Xinggang and the rapidly developing space industrial base are the best proof.

Unfortunately, no one in this world can climb relatives with Zhao Wenrui. Then we can only use secular might. All kinds of rare and rare things, including beautiful women who consciously fall into the country, say good feminism and equality, this time it becomes a commodity, and there is no personal squeak.

Zhao Wenrui knows how many people in the world are staring at him, waiting for the one, and then there are two, there are n.

What a temptation! Zhao Wenrui felt that the people who exercised quite a bit during this period were a little careless and lost in self-expansion.

In the end, these gift-grants didn't get what they wanted, but it wasn't a bit of a gain, at least they saw t880.

At this time, a lot of t880 had been liberated from the production line, so it became a guard.

So the Alliance knew that the First Order had no shortage of soldiers, and it was probably the most capable soldier.

In fact, the Alliance really wanted to borrow the fat man carrier at this time, but they saw that the carrier was busy and never stopped. They were afraid to affect the progress of Zhao Wenrui, so they dared not open their mouths.

In fact, Zhao Wenrui was just looking at Hongyuan who wanted to watch the human death and injury in this world, but this does not mean that he was really neglecting his work and slowly building.

This dare not pretend to be more than him, he would rather look for the g-stars who are sure to play, but he doesn't choose so much. Nor will he trust Dazhen to build only a little ship, so that he can't ensure that he can pass through low altitude.

So his big construction is actually full of horsepower that he does his best.

So what he can finally drive before the war is definitely not a fleet.

Expect to burn glass, and from now on, if the g star has no home, it is not just thinking.

And this means that although his industrial level is not enough, he will use Nanoworms to make a jump engine, so that the fleet can jump over the nuclear wash planet.

With the jump engine, the entire battle situation will be different. I skipped over, I skipped over, I skipped over again, I skipped over again ... The g-star fleet faced this kind of rogue attack and harassment, I'm afraid it will be very helpless?

In fact, even without the jump engine, his fleet has a great chance to hang the g star fleet.

Because the mid-axis naval guns installed in his fleet are neutron beam guns with au as the range unit.

1au is 149.6 million kilometers, which is the distance from the earth's orbit to the sun.

From Mars to Earth, it is about 55 million kilometers recently, and the farthest exceeds 400 million.

This means that, most of the time, his fleet's main gun can shoot Martian targets from the earth.

This description is quite intuitive. It takes about 3 or 4 years for modern human spacecraft to go to Mars, so the advanced level of such naval guns is definitely not low, and the range is really terrible. Zhao Wenrui didn't quite believe that the star ship of the g star had such a long-range strike capability.

So he took it seriously, before the g-star enters the earth circle, he is afraid that he will taste the artillery fire. lost heavily.

The only problem now is that the neutron beam gun itself is beyond the current industrial grade gadgets, basically piled up by nanoworms.

Therefore, the output is definitely not up.

This led to the fact that 12-16 neutron beam cannons could not be arranged normally on the front. It could only mean 3-4, and the remaining space was filled with plasma cannons.

The principle of the plasma gun is simply to use a laser bar to heat heavy hydrogen to more than one million degrees, and then use electromagnetic technology to wrap the patterned charged particles into a spherical shape and launch it.

If there is any similar phenomenon in nature, the spherical lightning is similar.

But after the blessing of technology, this can be more pure and more powerful.

And this plasma ball has some understanding of the image, you can take a part of the nuclear explosion fireball and shoot it out.

So this technology is mature relative to the current industrial grade. After all, Zhao Wenrui didn't pretend to shoot a big one, two small mushrooms to scare people, and this is actually a series of products.

The fusion technology mastered by Zhao Wenrui has been nuclear explosion control technology, which is actually electromagnetic binding. Of course, Zhao Wenrui has a more advanced technology than this, but such a thing as technology is not necessarily simply high, it must be combined with reality, and appropriateness is the key.

Just like now, the starting point is low, you must see performance in a short time, and you ca n’t wait to push up the industrial grade, you have to take out the dry goods. This has to be accounted for, plan for what level of industrial grade is appropriate for a limited time, and then start creating.

After various trade-offs, the series with electromagnetic confinement fusion technology as the main body came into view. This technology is very mature and the price / performance ratio is very high. The demand for industrial grade is low, and its overall effectiveness is not bad.

Of course, this can't be wishful thinking, you have to refer to the g star. If it is beaten, then the cost-effectiveness is meaningless. It is like taking a mature third-generation machine and tearing it off with the cutting-edge fifth-generation machine. So if you can't hold it, you can reduce your teeth and reduce the production, and push back the ex-factory delivery period. You must not allow him to fall behind without production.

In the end, there will be a high-low configuration, a certain amount of nanoworms will be put in, and a few neutron beam guns will be produced in the nature of black technology. And the matching detection system and computing system.

The rest is the plasma cannon.

The difference between the two feels like a 350mm naval gun and a 35mm Vulcan machine gun, but in terms of power, the plasma gun is not bad. It is not a weak miniature sun out of porcelain. It is not weak if you think about it, but the range is different. There are actually more.

In general, this kind of warship designed and manufactured by Zhao Wenrui is suitable for the frontal space in the array mode, a typical space opera style. If he was attacked from the side, he cried. There is basically no decent ability to fight back, that is, to launch some missiles or something.

This battleship has a slender hull with a length of more than 700 meters. All the essence is concentrated on the central axis. The work of the propulsion engine is used to offset the reverse thrust caused by the frontal bombardment, so its bombardment effect is quite stable. And precise. This is also the basis for a range above 1au.

For the main weapon system of the central axis, all facilities have to give way, and the most spacious and safest area is reserved for them, so the internal structure of the ship is slightly strange compared to other ships. Even if additional armor is installed in key parts for protection, it is still easy to cause martyrdom, because the missile compartment is more affixed to everything, rather than being best protected at the innermost, and the bridge is also affixed, which is also Weakness.

In general, this is a weird gunship. It is like an artillery and is suitable for long-range shots of a group of guns, not just in the first line, but its plasma gun can only be at a relatively close distance. It ’s here that weirdness is when speaking, and it can be said to be nondescript.

Zhao Wenrui did not want to do this. He once considered whether it was more singular and pure. He simply divided the ships with weapons. Plasma gunships were a class, and neutron beam gunships were a class. Then, after the war, the latter came as a group Using it, firing from a distance, the plasma gunboat in front entangled with the enemy.

He thinks this idea is also okay, but the actual operation found that if you want a full neutron beam gun, then the energy supply and even the engine system must be upgraded, otherwise the current energy supply efficiency will not reach the normal frequency involved, greatly reducing The overall power of the neutron beam gun.

The upgrade of energy supply and engine system, the related supporting facilities must also be upgraded, after all, it is a system.

Once again, the Nano Worm is seriously insufficient, and the energy system of that level cannot be achieved by the current industrial level. Therefore, Zhao Wenrui is also quite helpless, all kinds of trade-offs, can only be so.

Of course, he can also hope that the g star ’s military technology does not match the primary interstellar navigation technology, so even the plasma gun is farther than the attack range of its ship ’s main weapon.

Really like that, Zhao Wenrui can laugh, because it can flow kites, I can hit you, but you can't reach me, are you angry? Chasing desperately, right? Then I ran the shot, ran out of rhythm, shot out the joy, the g star fleet corpses all the way, and finally ended up ok ~ ~ Of course, this is also an ideal brain hole, as long as the g star people are not stupid, take a look If the weapon system is not dominant, you should take advantage of the quantity, go directly to the earth, concentrate on threatening the enemy's nest, the earth is finished, and it doesn't make much sense to fly the kite well.

The number of enemies is also an important point that Zhao Wenrui needs to consider.

Will the fleet leave the solar system to fight in interstellar space, or will it fight after it enters the solar system?

In short, there must be a suitable entry point.

In particular, he has no plans to change his original intention until now, that is, to make the earth people of this world very hurt, rather than suffering from his own various kinds, and the enemies of the big package are far away.

In this way, it's even better to count it, after all, it's a mess to make g star people burn glass in anger, that is to pretend to be a silly.

How to hold the scene is the most difficult. This is similar to the reason that catching is more difficult than killing.

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