Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1127: The Law of True Fragrance

30 hours after the reunification, Zhao Wenrui received the summary report from Milano.

The construction progress of the fortress starship is 35%, which can be said to be very smooth.

The mysterious element collection team, which has a mixed element as the basic unit, has more than 10,000 members.

Of course, this amount is not worth mentioning compared to the vast astral space of the supernatural version of space, but it still makes Zhao Wenrui very satisfied.

This growth rate also proves that the deconstruction of the astral world is indeed more compact and the matter is more substantial than the universe.

Meteorite shells centered on the sleepy Ozach, there is no wave, Milano simulates the creation of an elemental explosion, thus launching them into a distant foreign land.

As pathfinders, their journey may be as long as millions or tens of millions of years, or they may be captured by the gravity of huge celestial bodies before they leave the astral realm.

Whatever it is, it represents hope, the future, and a new beginning.

The main material level is oriented, the hydrographic survey and species survey of the Jiandao World are also progressing.

Ship Island World is very unfriendly to powerful transcendent individuals, especially outsiders, the rules are quite restrictive.

So Milano sent ‘Nami’ to investigate and explore the ocean.

Although it has the same name as the soldiers prepared for the Allies of the Reincarnation of the Immortal Dao in the late world of {Alien: Contract}, the difference between the two is actually quite large.

The new Nano is an organic living body, not a golem mixed with metal flesh and blood.

They have extraordinary abilities like ‘Ocean Druids’ and can be called ocean scavengers. They can effectively deal with pollution and purify seawater.

In this way, we obtain the approval of this world law, or heaven and earth.

They can transform like wild Druids, switching between humans, sperm whales, swordfish, and king squid. Among them, the king squid is used for deep water activities, and the sailfish is for speed. The sperm whale is used as a strong diver in free access to deep water, diving, and the sea. It is used for excessive transition in different depths. Case.

Although the humanoids of Ship Island World are not like the humans on earth, they are the absolute overlords of the world, but they are also important members. If you want to move freely in Jiandao World, you can't get around this group, so disguising adults is also a necessary skill.

Up to now, the Americans have roughly explored more than two million square kilometers of sea area, and the collected species information exceeds 2000, and the efficiency is still very good.

As for the exploration of the world hosted by Zhao Wenrui, it was unsatisfactory.

The first round of data collection and sample collection through the erosion of evil viruses has been completed.

It confirmed some of his previous speculations, but it was basically bad news.

The essence of the world is still a mystery.

It seems to merge the extraordinary realms such as negative plane, shadow plane, spirit world, and underworld, so it has complex and strange basic laws.

And the ability to carry and tolerate these many sharp laws and achieve a certain stability and balance seems to be because there is the main material plane?

He was n’t quite sure, it was just a bold guess based on his knowledge and the information already collected.

He suspected that the real world is the real main material plane. If the main material plane of the crystal wall system is regarded as a strong power of the fairy system, then the Jiandao World is likely to be the good corpse it cut out.

Immortal Dao cut three corpses into sanctification, namely good thoughts, evil thoughts, and obsessions.

As for whether the inner world is a corpse, there is no deeper world, or a core world where the three corpses have disappeared, he is not very clear.

It can only be said that I hope that his luck is not bad enough to just come back and encounter such an existence (using the protoss {planet will} as the fundamental self, cutting out the three corpses and achieving the great cause of the saint, just like someone ’s father is the richest man in the world , He is a super genius, and has also made brilliant achievements of the unprecedented and the uncommon), otherwise ...

At night, the erosion of the sea spear has already exceeded 70%, but the remaining 30%, if according to the current situation, I am afraid it will not be completed in a week.

They are all tough bones, and as soon as they are fast, they will be discovered by the extraordinary.

For him, these on the Sea Spear are just some insects that can be exterminated by raising their hands. The force behind them is what he cares about.

Before getting enough information, he did not intend to be reckless and unworthy.

Using the evil spirit cell medium to cross the mile of the sea, Zhao Wenrui appeared deep in the ghost ship island.

He is no different than fighting for Muska, even if there are mysterious elements, as long as the amount does not reach a certain standard, he will not start.

After all, there are some mysterious elements that can be a candy to attract children. Masca is the kid. When he opened the sugar box, he couldn't see the candy. The persevering Masca, who was tuned by the main god, might think he was unlucky, but the main **** might be suspicious.

He also wants to rub people's convenient logistics and see more of the unknown universe. How can he be embarrassed to grab the candy of other children? It is possible to protect in secret. After all, let Masca harvest a lot, the motivation to open up wasteland is enough.

So he didn't go to the power cabin. He knew that if this ghost ship island is regarded as a copy, the power cabin is the location of the closed BOSS.

The reason why the ghost ship island is the ghost ship island is due to the changes that take place there.

A large probability is caused by the phenomenon of steam core + man-made transcendence, so that the souls of the entire ship island are buried with it, becoming a ghost that hates all living creatures.

The reason he knew it was not because he felt it.

He is also a formidable old supporter now, with a higher level of perception.

Some of the techniques of Fengshui and Qiqi like Immortal Dao only need to analyze the changes in the energy level. More specifically, the impact of the energy released by the target on the surrounding environment can be roughly inferred, and the accuracy is extremely high.

Therefore, unless there is the same detail as the existence of essays at the level of ‘qi-machine interaction’, he will not be able to detect his prying eyes. Not even the true God.

The ghost ship island has been enchanted, and the cold and cold death force concentration is extremely high, and the erosion of the ship body is completed through a long period of time. Therefore, the shape and style of the ghost ship island is obviously older than the Sea Spear. However, it maintained a new state of 70% at the time of transformation.

As for why there was no rapid aging due to environmental factors and lack of maintenance before the completion of the erosion, it was because when the conversion began, it was already wrapped in energy and isolated from the external environment.

After the erosion is completed, a kind of organic fusion of encapsulation is formed, and it is completely stabilized. Unless the enchantment is destroyed, it will be maintained for a long time. The general external force can not be destroyed, but will return to its original state after a certain period of time.

In this process, some special extraordinary materials will be born, such as ghost crystal.

The energy spilled by the ghost + the power of death + the silicon material (brought by water) eroded by the extraordinary power has the basis for the birth of the ghost crystal.

Zhao Wenrui came for them.

For its part, it is very similar to the natural crystal in the crystal cave, and it is of a higher quality, growing in clusters.

At the same time, it has the basic characteristics of extraordinary materials, self-luminous, cool aqua blue, cold beauty.

Self-luminescence is not the key point. The extraordinary material is characterized by the extraordinary power, and the extraordinary power usually exists in the form of energy. Once excessively aggregated, it will obviously emit light. Glow.

Zhao Wenrui only picks the best collection of color. In the crystal clusters that are not clear enough, contain impurities, or are not beautiful enough, there will often be one or two different types, like artificial crystal.

Seeing them, Zhao Wenrui will recall the {Superman} movies he watched that year. The Kryptonians were set up to store information through crystals or even use them directly as tools.

On the ever-frozen glaciers in the polar regions, crystals broke out of the ice, and the uneven, yet scattered, crystal palaces were organically integrated with ice and snow. .

There was no sound at all, and several ghost crystals of good quality were so swallowed by the darkness.

The nearby ghost also accidentally discovered that the most valuable part of the baby was gone. It was only after a scrutiny, but where could I find out? The gap between them and Zhao Wenrui is too big, especially technology and mind.

Zhao Wenrui masters these three laws, the upper law is dark, the variation law is blood quality, and the element law is wind.

Indiscriminate transformation is derived from the law of blood quality.

Silent drift is the law of wind.

Hidden without a trace is the law of darkness.

When there is no law, there are similar means, but with the law forced to go up, let alone ordinary people, even for the ordinary existence, it is also invisible.

Of course, in essence, it still stays at the level of using laws, but it is more efficient.

In a corner of the ghost ship island, the darkness is extremely deep, even if it has night vision ability, it cannot penetrate.

Zhao Wenrui is among them, processing ghost crystals.

He also failed to escape the law of true incense and chose to choose, or decided to use the method of lantern holder to obtain the basic qualifications to explore the world.

However, the specific operation is somewhat different.

He not only exposed the power of evil spirits.

Although doing this is equivalent to self-discipline and lowering his strength again, he is more concerned about the leakage of his intelligence than this grievance.

Don't even get the hair, and your own situation has been touched by others, that is really a loss.

As for face, he thinks it is more important to face.

Ghost crystals are transformed into liquids and shaped arbitrarily without affecting the molecular structure and energy structure. Soon, the specially constructed crystal lantern was born, just like the one made by the invisible hand, it is seamless and beautiful.

Zhao Wenrui did several things, big and small, in order to select the most suitable one.

The next thing is fuel, this is not difficult for him. The ghost here is the raw material used to make lantern fuel.

As he expected, after the night turned darker, the battle between Masca and the ghost of Ship Island began again.

Due to the foreshadowing of last night and the wave of farming in Masca in the day, this time the two sides fought to the point of fierce heat, and the powerful ghost individuals hidden deep in the ship island also appeared on the scene.

At this time, Zhao Wenrui was like a nightmare for ghosts, wandering around the periphery of the battlefield, and Mascara was not enough to perceive the area, looking for opportunities to capture powerful ghosts.

Once it meets the standards and orders are placed, the ghost will be swallowed by a cloud of darkness.

In addition, Zhao Wenrui is also collecting the energy of resentment and anger. Collecting these two special energies on this battlefield is undoubtedly more effective.

The ghost in the fierce battle, seeing that he could not take Masca for a long time, one and two were full of hatred and anger, and in Zhao Wenrui's eyes, they were all high-productive emotion-making machines.

Masca deserves to be a senior reincarnation under the veteran master god, playing stable, killing efficiency is first-class, and the ability to continue fighting and adaptability is really strong.

Occasionally, there were some twists and turns, which were quickly smoothed by him. Many powerful ghosts were destroyed by them in time before they had fully exerted their skills.

One night, Zhao Wenrui failed to count his mistakes.

When the dawn of the new day dawns, although the battle is still in full swing, in fact, the powerful ghost has already begun to exit.

The powerful main manifestation is the control of energy, which is more delicate, more energy-saving and more powerful.

And being able to control energy finely means having a brain.

After all, fine control requires IQ support. Or, emotion is also a kind of spiritual energy, which can also be controlled, except that some are better at controlling spiritual energy, and some are better at controlling extraordinary energy, but those who can control the latter finely, even if they are not good at controlling the former Not too bad.

So it was those ghosts who were still fighting Maska at this time, most of them were cannon fodder.

Even so, Masca, who has moderately reduced stress, still feels bitter.

The number of ghosts on this ghost ship island far exceeded his estimate.

The reason for this is that he missed a concept, that is, the attraction of the ghost ship island to adventurers, and how many humans are unlucky to be caught by it.

From a certain angle, the ghost ship island is a treasure + cornucopia.

Treasure refers to the extraordinary material produced in its special environment, such as ghost crystal.

Cornucopia naturally refers to the items left by adventurers and humanoids captured by them.

Especially adventurers who come to Ghost Ship Island to dig treasures or play conquest games naturally have a certain degree of confidence, and confidence comes from strength, and high-end equipment is part of strength.

Ghost Ship Island still exists well now, how many adventurers and bad luck has devoured, God knows!

Anyway, Masca had killed more than 50,000 in two days, but the ghosts showed no signs of the shortage of soldiers.

Musca even wondered if this ghost ship island had an entrance to the underworld with its own characteristics or a special terrace? Many ghosts are desperate!

You know, not all souls will be transformed into ghosts after death.

Generally, those who have big attachments have the opportunity.

Even if the environment of Ghost Ship Island is special, it can promote the generation of ghosts, and the conversion rate of 50% is already rare. So in this way, the spirit of wisdom devoured by the ghost ship island is really a bit exaggerated.

Of course, in reverse, if it is really a conversion rate of more than 50%, it means that there are treasures such as Nether Core.

The nether core can be like a water-proof bead and a wind-proof bead of the fairy road, allowing the carrier to swim through the underworld without hanging negative BUFF, and can even play the high-end characters of the underworld such as Bleach and Yan Luo; The place of the soul, that is, the system of the capitals of immortals, in some worlds with imperfect laws, doing so is of great merit and great interest.

So he rushed to obtain such treasures as Nether Core.

It's just that, after accounting, it will still be unhappy emotionally. After all, with his ability, he can deal with this long war more easily.

Playing is farming, the least fear is that the enemy is crowded.

In turn, there is no opportunity to farm, and you can only burn the start-up funds, which is also the most popular.

In addition to resentment, Masca's vigor was also aroused.

He said in his heart: "Lao Tzu really did not believe it, see who laughed to the end!"

As soon as he was cruel, he was ready to use the special reserves of the treasure.

It is said that the benefit of Yinger has not yet been seen, so first put the scarce collection into it. This should not happen to the old bird.

After all, when the reincarnations reach the later stage, there is no economic mind, and the road cannot continue. If the consumed hair stems are exhausted, the anti-risk ability will be greatly reduced, and it will not be far from the collapse.

But this time it was too suffocating, and there was a pioneering reward on the side of the main god. Masca was thinking about the possibility of losing money, so he thought about whether to go back and forth in the morning, maybe endless. Europe, just take this transit?

At this moment, finally unable to control.

The heart said: "Bet!"

One night, Zhao Wenrui made a lot of money here, and was about to leave, sensing the special operation on the side of Muska.

The extraordinary power of the holy white, the magnificent light, rises into the sky, and it will break through the sea fog outside the ghost ship island as you watch.

"Huh!" Zhao Wenrui lamented Masca's ignorance.

There is another world where the old forces are at work, using the power of the Holy Light. It seems that it is still the heavenly magic power after the combing. Is n’t this the old branch?

Basically, in all worlds, the **** of light is the enemy of the old branch, which is determined by the law. The gods are equivalent to the white blood cells of the universe. Among them, the gods who control the laws of light and order are the most effective ones.

"Alas, help me, otherwise it will be worse, and you will have to leave early ~ ~ So at the next moment, the sea fog on the ghost ship island suddenly turned from gray to black.

These black mists desperately absorb the holy light rising from the sky, merge into a rain of sewage, and fly across the sky.

Muska looked dumbfounded and said: "This ghost ship island is so greasy? Even the outer sea fog contains so much power of death and death? Is it really like I guessed, there is a deep entrance to the underworld , Or what kind of strange pattern like the Throat of the Underworld? "

After that, I was glad. Because the holy light rising from the sky is only a side effect, the key is to purify the domain of the holy light, so as to build the middle realm (enchantment). With such a pure land, he can better farm and build a bridgehead.

Zhao Wenrui did not continue to peep, and after a wave of operations, he quickly slipped away. So as not to be discovered by the Lord God and the like.

With this hand alone, even if the main **** is staring at Masca without blinking his eyes, he is at most curious about the intervention of the new unknown power, and it almost means away from doubt, not to mention bad association.

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