Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1168: Three levels of the mountains

In Caen calendar 35315, two years after the complete annihilation of the Warhammer universe, the Kane deity who completed information integration and resource digestion opened the second phase of the grand plan.

The concrete manifestation of the entire big plan is actually a core concept-annihilation.

From the point of view of mortals, extraordinary people, and even ordinary gods, no matter how magnificent and magnificent, the reasons for the destruction of the world are the most distraught, extremely evil, and none of them.

However, from Kane's point of view, this is just a reason, selfish.

Greed is a manifestation of selfishness, and so can survival.

Kane felt that he accounted for both, but he preferred the latter.

His fundamental desire was nothing more than to live freely, until he didn't want to live anymore.

In the past, he did not think that there would be such a day. He thought that the concept of ‘exploring never ending’ would be enough for him to maintain his spiritual eternity without the soul dying and not wanting to live.

But as his vision expanded, he began to question the correctness of this cognition, and until he acquired the legacy from Zhao Wenrui, the cognition had undergone earth-shaking changes.

He knew that from beginning to end, nothing is truly eternal.

In order to ‘eternity’, his most ambitious dream was to become a super high-end being unconstrained by the multiverse.

But now he knew that even then, he could not be eternal.


Because the multiverse is limited, the information it contains is also limited, and outward, it is an endless void.

So even if the greatest existence of the unprecedented and the non-comer comes, when he completes the information collection of the entire multiverse, he will inevitably come to an end, because his exploration is over, and there is nothing outward.

What about Gao Wei? As each dimension is increased, the scale of the increase in the amount of information is an imaginary astronomical figure. Even if it cannot be truly 'eternal', can it be extended indefinitely?

In fact, this is a whimsical assumption.

Not wrong, but there is an unsolvable trade-off problem here.

Due to the particularity of Zhao Wenrui's heritage and the particularity of divine memory, Kane remembers every bit of the information that Zhao Wenrui left him as if he had personally experienced it.

He remembers Zhao Wenrui's feelings in the world of God's Realm when he used high-dimensional perspective to informatize everything in heaven and earth.

Yes, feeling, not what conclusion is drawn, but how it feels to do that.

I didn't feel pride, greatness, excitement, but felt indifference, alienation, lingering, and some strange feelings beyond words.

Careful taste, a thousand words condensed into a concept, non-human!

Perhaps it was because the attention was attracted to the big event, or it was because of the lack of skills and lack of practice, and the failure to think carefully in time. Zhao Wenrui at the time did not clearly understand what this meant.

Later, naturally, he understood it.

This concept means that any existence has its limitations.

People are the same.

Using a relatively easy-to-understand analogy, computer software and hardware.

The body, which is the hardware, determines the software of the highest grade.

Thinking mode, which is software, determines what effect can be output to the maximum.

From the perspective of software, if non-intelligent creatures are DOS systems, then the intelligent creatures represented by people are windows systems. The system is characterized by windowing.

The concept of windowing was born in the simulation operation of DOS system. To put it bluntly, the DOS interface is not friendly enough, and then through the instruction set and programming, on the premise of complicating the background program and greatly increasing the amount of basic operations, a more friendly graphical text interface was born.

If such a system is regarded as a human being. So what system is the real God? Information integration cognitive connection system.

That is, any information including data is directly converted into brain wave signals that can be recognized by the brain, which is clear, and then human instructions are converted into corresponding information, which is recognized by the system and then executed.

There is no doubt that this has completely surpassed the structure of the windowed system, and even the DOS system is not enough to become the most basic system of the system, but it needs to replace more advanced and efficient computer languages, and even algorithms.

The problem now is that this smarter system exists, but it has nothing to do with the windows system.

Bringing this metaphor back to the real question is the thought that Zhao Wenrui produced after going through the ‘Great City of God ’s Great Event’—after dehumanization, does it mean that the person is dead?

The answer is basically yes.

Because this newly born intelligent body inherits the information mainly based on memory, the mode of thinking is no longer human.

This is not a problem with feelings, but the concept of 'feelings' is no longer suitable for the new intelligent body.

Therefore, the intelligent body has the opportunity to step up, but life has its end.

This also means that Zhao Wenrui from the origin world has become a reincarnation, and he has been reincarnated and reincarnated without losing his memory, and then divided into countless avatars. Wait, no matter how many tricks you play, you won't be able to escape the end.

Still the old saying: there is a beginning, there is an end.

The end may be a new beginning, but it is not Zhao Wenrui anymore.

When Kane deity understood all this, inexplicably recalled a song from the song "Reunion" of a singer Wu Qixian: the whole world, go all over, do not waste a circle around the world, dreams can be, far away, no storms change……

And a concept expressed in the movie {Three Kingdoms Dragon Disarmor}: starting from the beginning, and finally returning to the starting point, the world walks again and again, a circle of life, sorrow and joy, luck or misfortune, what can be put down, ca n’t put , After all, let go, like reincarnation ...

Zhao Wenrui's legacy not only made Kane understand the end of his life, but also made him understand another concept, the relative time in life.

The amount of food a ant eats is measured in ounces, and as a carnivore on the top of a meal for tens or even tens of days, Tyrannosaurus eats a perfect meal in one ton.

This concept can also be used for information throughput.

With the efficiency of mortal information throughput, the journey of exploration can indeed be infinitely close to eternity. After all, it is definitely a super long process to collect the information of the entire multiverse.

But the information throughput efficiency of the gods is far superior to mortals, and as he is the god, the throughput efficiency is far beyond the gods ...

Some people may say, you can take your time, why are you in a hurry!

That being said, it can be substituted into reality, and the intent of this operation needs to be understood.

The purpose of absorbing information is to avoid the silence of the soul.

That is to say, the ultimate ending of people who take "exploration and knowledge" as their core purpose can only rely on "exploration and knowledge".

Because life is reincarnation, the sense of freshness will be less and less, and the sense of sight will be stronger and stronger, just like the three-digit password, there are so many number combinations, the time is long, and what you see in life is the routine.

If you want not to be numb, bored, or tired of the world, you must find more new things, that is, new information.

And if it's just a little bit of information, it will quickly become crooked. Just like a tyrannosaurus, even if it keeps feeding on ant meal level, it will starve to death. There must be enough fresh information to let it invest and immerse to keep the consciousness fresh Not so silent.

Seeing mountains is mountains, not seeing mountains, seeing mountains or mountains. After experiencing a series of super legendary encounters, Kane has the feeling of completing these three steps and starting from the starting point and returning to the starting point.

It turns out that life has a long way to go. The so-called breakthrough of the upper limit is endless, but it is just a matter of course.

In this case, there is no need to worry too much about late and early death. There is only one thing to worry about.

Some people are very attached to the world and want to borrow 500 years from the sky. Some people feel that they have long seen the dirty and dirty world, and they are tired of living one day longer.

He is not the former, nor the latter. For him, a life without regret is enough.

He remembered many of the missed sceneries in his life, and he realized that what he missed by himself was the way to make up for regret.

But an interesting situation is that what he wants to taste has actually been done.

After all, the vast majority of life stories are nothing more than a group of different ways of combining information. Zhao Wenrui devoured the Yashan world, and he devoured the medieval Warhammer world.

Both Yashan and the Warhammer of the Middle Ages contain relevant ways of combining information. And as he has eaten and digested all this, he has all the memories in this respect. Countless personalities, countless angles, countless encounters, countless possibilities, all inclusive.

So Kane certainly enjoyed the joy of suddenly inheriting a huge legacy, but also fully tasted the taste of pulling seedlings to promote.

In this context, his plan for life is divided into two.

First, whether it is fresh or nostalgic, feel it by yourself, read information and master it, all of this is part of a life without regrets.

Second, for the first, he had to continue to make great strides on the inhuman road.

The first one does not need to say much, or at all, it is not clear at all. He now has too many related ideas, and these are the factors that avoid the silence of his soul, and also the factors that determine his life.

The second one can be summed up in one sentence-engulfing all the single universes that he left behind.

As Zhao Wenrui did to Yashan World, only after completing this swallowing and keeping the relevant information completely in his own hands, he will not be tampered with in the past, and now he will not be replaced by others.

For example, the ancient **** behind Yashan who could n’t even say his name easily so as not to be traced back to the source. If he jumped through time and space, he completely changed a certain period of his past that had a major relationship with him He is not what he is now.

As for what is considered to be a major link between the past and the present, the context is actually very clear.

He in the source world is undoubtedly very, very important.

However, if anyone wants to change his past in the source world, it is very, very difficult to do. Because relatively speaking, the time and information there are really valuable.

Every year there goes, the peripheral time zone is billions of years, and he has lived there for decades, how much information has been radiated out in these decades? After all, in the years when he was alive, he was part of the world, constantly interacting with the world and society, causing an uncountable butterfly effect.

Therefore, if he wants to completely erase him there, even if he exhausts all of the ancient god, he may not be able to do so.

Then there is the segment of reincarnation career.

It is also not difficult to completely erase this piece, because when he became the reincarnation, the soul was already in the main god, and the backup was completed in a special contract. If there is no word to complete the task of the main god, it will be recalled and will be performed once. Update of backup data.

This information was also obtained from Zhao Wenrui's legacy. Zhao Wenrui originally cooperated with another main **** of the Men's family because it was because the contract did not take the usual path, and there was a critical moment to pay a certain price as a prerequisite to break away from the self-confidence of the main god.

From this perspective, the soul backup operation of the main **** is not only the control of the reincarnation, but also the protection of the reincarnation.

This protection is naturally not because of the goodness of the Lord God, but the guardianship of the property, so as not to destroy other properties of the same goods.

Therefore, if the ancient **** wanted to completely destroy him during the reincarnation period, he had to kill the door family that he called the "Vientiane Door System".

As a born high-dimensional intelligence body, the door family is very difficult to kill because they have a very talented ability to shuttle through different time zones at a lower cost.

This information is also part of Zhao Wenrui's legacy.

Because Zhao Wenrui had an enmity with the two main gods, and later became a master, he retaliated. The two sides have been tearing for a long time, and they gradually figured out each other's skills and talents.

According to Zhao Wenrui, assuming that Zhao Wenrui is a **** with an information enrichment degree 1 and a mysterious element enrichment degree 1, the cost of sending it from the outer space and time into the inner time zone is 10,000, then the main **** will do the same operation at about 5.

If you need to add time back, for example, not only to point B, but also to point B 500 years ago, then the difference in cost ratio will be greater and exaggerated.

Therefore, from the perspective of the superpowers of the heavens and the world, the door family is not the strongest, but it has a super-first-class life-saving means. Even if it is super powerful, it is impossible to kill someone casually.

In this way, the ancient **** wants to start with him, a more reliable point of entry, from the rebirth of his start.

And after his rebirth, there are also trunks and branches.

For example, completely erasing Kane Zhao ’s encounter in the SC universe has little effect on him.

However, if he completely erases the dark HP universe, or the medieval Warhammer universe, then there must be no present him.

So he first completely solved the Warhammer universe.

Because this universe is a core point, he made a fortune here. He stayed here the longest. He received a lot of information wealth including Zhao Wenrui's legacy here.

Moreover, the chaotic forces of the Warhammer universe in the Middle Ages are extremely powerful and very unfriendly to the order. So he had to put this place in his pockets before the four peddlers became stronger with the vigorous development of life in the universe.

He did it.

This step means that it contains all the information of the universe, which means that all the possibilities of this universe are completely controlled by him. Unless it is to kill him now, even if we go back in time, we will not find the medieval Warhammer universe .

This is the advantage of swallowing the universe and collecting its information-the ancient and modern future will not exist forever.

Even the pan is served, and all changes in the dishes in the pan will have more control.

Correspondingly, Zhao Wenrui, who also possesses the power and awareness of Duan Guo, has a more sturdy life than he is. Since the beginning of Wushan World, he has kept the pot and kept a lot of mess. Of course, there are several hard bones left.

For example, the ancient god, he accepted the legacy of Zhao Wenrui, and at the same time took over the cause and effect of Zhao Wenrui and the ancient god.

Triggered and led by Kane Zhao, God Gao Ougen said that Gao Wei's death has actually fallen, actually referring to the history of Zhao Wenrui and the ancient **** torn apart.

Even if I look at this passage in the past, it is very circling, but it is not so difficult to understand.

Using the root of the tree as an analogy, he, who originated from the age of the world earth, is the main root.

At the stage of reincarnation, there are many forks on the main root, but these forks are all limited by the environment (the mission world, everything is done, but the **** is gone, the impact is limited, but it is indeed nutrition) Development through the wilderness.

In the dark HP universe, after being reborn as Kane Stanley, it is the thick root that continues directly under the main root.

Because of the special environment, this thick root has not only developed a lot of bifurcations, but its main part has also been rolled like coiled ropes, and has been backlogged and merged to form a nodular knot.

And now, this nodule has been completely controlled.

Then look for another key part, which is the junction of this nodule and the main root.

Substituted into reality is the dark HP universe.

With the dark HP universe done, unless you kill him now, it will be basically impossible to destroy him through time and space tracing.

There is also a more interesting message.

That is by absorbing Zhao Wenrui's legacy, Kane finally wanted to understand why he died in the dark HP universe more than 20 times!

It wasn't that the ancient **** had a problem with his brain, and he didn't expect time and space tracing to destroy him in his infancy. I tried it repeatedly, but failed to do it!

From this perspective, he has died more than 20 times in the HP universe. It is not that his personality is defective and he has a tendency to self-destruct, so he has died many times.

It was someone who took it as a breakthrough (using established facts as pressure, creating a corresponding environment as much as possible, instigating, stimulating, and amplifying his emotions in this area), which exerted an influence on him, causing him to fall emotionally and fall into a dead end. I don't know.

This gameplay is actually similar to Zhao Wenrui's encounter in the Yashan Universe.

It was because they could not look at the whole situation, and were played by opponents who were all bright on the map, so they fell down again and again.

The difference is that Zhao Wenrui broke the game with strength. Do not understand? It doesn't matter, I don't have to solve the mystery. I will directly destroy the riddle meeting, detain all the people who held this meeting, and then slowly interrogate.

But he didn't have this power at first. He escaped by admitting defeat, procrastinating the problem, instead of solving the problem. ~ ~ This delay dragged him out of the way of life, and finally understood the truth.

The Mao Darkness HP universe is not so flat. Old branches, ancient gods, and many powerful and powerful coffees are emerging one after another.

It was n’t the pervert of the world, but the ancient gods added play to it again and again.

Therefore, the dark HP universe is not only his cause, but also his results, both harming him and fulfilling him.

But in the end, if we want to put an end to this, we have to completely control Zhaoshanrui's treatment of Yashan World, that is, to destroy the world, collect all the information, and then control all the changes, which is tantamount to solidifying the past and freezing time and space.

Nothing is eternal, solidified, frozen, and temporary, but as long as he does not die, then the pause button will always work. Even if his life is over and becomes a real high-dimensional life, this pause button is still under control and will not be lifted to the grave. Of course, it depends on how he thinks of the high-dimensional state. With his thinking beyond humans, it is also very possible to make puzzling behaviors.

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