Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1234: Another table operation

There is waste, and there are waste.

In Kane's view, some people who are stubborn and have bad habits are considered abandoners.

This kind of person has been engraved with bad habits on his soul. Even with the rapid growth of brain cells and other medical methods, such as magnetic transcranial resection, there is no way to make him a qualified puppet.

Because the deep memory replication at the soul level tends to increase faster than physical brain cells. So there is a problem that the key information cannot be deleted completely. As time goes by, nature will emerge.

And as we all know, one of the most feared things of a strict group, such as the army, is that a piece of rotten meat has broken a pot of soup.

Therefore, since ancient times, if you want to train a strong army, you will not tolerate the soldiers, and your vices are difficult to change, so you will get out early, and even in the primary election, you will only accept a good family.

Over time, Kane had such a backlog of people on hand.

This is natural, after all, he is fishing for manpower from the bottom of the society, even if he claims to be skilled, he will inevitably encounter difficult residues.

Kane strengthened and packed the voter and sent the Sandworm.

Sandworm is the bait he arranged.

The bait must be fragrant and eye-catching to qualify.

With the addition of thin men who were code-named 'Wolf Destruction' by Kane, this dross team was completed.

The successful team quickly demonstrated their aggressiveness and robbed the caravan.

And they are not ordinary businessmen, they are robbing UA international transport vehicles.

UA International is a Konzern group. The Weining family is its leader.

Various models of computers manufactured by the company controlled by the Weining family, as well as power systems, are sold in the Manxing League, and even some members of UA International's close neighbors and major rivals, Societe Generale, are using Weining products. No way, good things, high credibility, gold signs.

But this time, this golden sign was successfully humiliated.

Unlike Ella Greenhill, Adele Weining, it was the golden branches and jade leaves of this era. It was a business card cultivated in accordance with the standards of the future mother from an early age. .

It has been more than ten days now that no one was born or no dead!

Only this one, this card has been basically stained.

Of course, this year, who has no stand-in?

Therefore, the character of 'Adele Weining' has not yet collapsed.

According to foreign sources, Adele originally intended to go to the disaster-mined town, but because of his body grievances, disaster relief, such as firefighting, could not be delayed, so the substitute came first.

As a result, the Masala was robbed.

Whether the Marsala was robbed or not, this is the main problem of the current confrontation between UA International and the public opinion forces.

What makes UA International passive is that there is no compelling reason to explain clearly how the Masala was robbed.

Although warship vehicles have had successful cases of jump gang tactics, this does not include the level of mobile fortresses. UA International ’s Ark class is even recognized as a mobile fortress class by Star Alliance, while the Maserati is the Ark class NO · 2, the first and third are the Ark and Noah, respectively.

The most crucial point of the mobile fortress level that cannot be robbed is that its information circulation performance is very powerful.

Even nuclear weapons with EMP attacks as the main method of attack are not enough to completely shield their communications.

One of the communication systems is a special laser light, which has a dedicated and independent energy supply system, which can project the laser into space tens of thousands of kilometers away, and communicate with space-based equipment in the form of a lamp.

And if it is not the EMP attack-based nuclear weapons to carry out strong regional communication blockade, then the mobile fortress level has at least four communication methods to choose from.

Against this background, it is unbelievable that people are robbed and cannot even send out signals. Even if it is inside and outside, it is impossible to capture all communication cabins in a short time. Could it be that most people have betrayed?

If this is the case, then the nature has changed, not a robbery, but a serious rebellion.

UA International will not admit that this is a rebellion, it is equivalent to shaking the internal foundations.

The reason for saying this is because the principle of ‘the strongest point is also the weakest point’.

In this world, in this era, the ruler ’s control of the subjects has almost reached the limit. It is a real “naked”, even the body of the body is managed, and it is provided by the company but bears most of the cultivation and maintenance costs. Prosthetics (including flesh-and-blood biochemical prostheses). These prostheses are all functional parts related to control, such as identification codes, positioning systems and so on.

Against this background, if there is rebellion, how much is this organization unpopular? What's the mess with internal management?

Therefore, UA International will definitely not admit that it has fallen into such a situation.

The rebellion did not admit it, and the robbery made no sense.

To know the size of the mobile fortress level, it takes a whole day for one person to go through all the cabins!

There is a big V of public opinion, and it is very mean to let UA International perform a similar robbery.

Moreover, the conditions have been relaxed again and again, and the number of heat detection, life detection, etc. are not turned on. The internal members are motionless for half an hour ...

Struggling hard, a nasty face.

The victory condition is always the one: during this time, the battleship vehicle can not use all means of communication.

UA International wants to cry without tears, can't do it!

In fact, it is not just them, all the power groups of Star Alliance can't do it!

As another famous mouth said: "I really want to have this skill, not to mention that there are no opponents in the Star Alliance, it is definitely the star of the military alliance of the Star Alliance. After all, the Maserati is the most used in this era. The mature and most versatile design and technology of ultra-large marine weapons. Its integrated frame can only be built in a vacuum environment ... "

Indeed, the battleship vehicle has a greater difficulty factor than the starship in terms of hull design and main structural strength. And there are only 11 Star Alliances that can produce mobile fortress-class battleship vehicles. They basically belong to the same echelon of powerful forces, and they have higher gold content than the powers of Kane's hometown.

Therefore, UA International cannot do this, nor can other forces.

Then there is no convincing account of the saying that the Maserah was robbed, so that the statement of "self-directed self-imposed bitterness" is very popular.

And the more this time, the more calm and various states of the show.

The UA caravan heading to the mine town is a disaster relief team with a strong show component.

UA International's subtext: Our love for the people in the jurisdiction will not be terminated by anything.

As a result, the caravan was not only large enough, but also had as many as six warship vehicles escorted.

Everyone felt that this was a tiger's butt, but the wolf extinction was aimed at him.

They almost repeated Kane's main method of capturing the Marsala, first stealthily waiting for the car.

Although the cruising speed of the caravan reached 100 kilometers per hour, it was still not enough to see in front of the aircraft.

The wolf extermination team uses deformable humanoid prostheses, and the limbs and even the body can be folded and unfolded. After opening, it can transform into a flying form with gliding wings.

Their mentality is more conducive to the use of aerodynamics, and cleverly uses the airflow and even flapping wings to fly, without the heat source generally sprayed into the backpack, and has advanced optical stealth technology.

It can be said that Kane applied the technical style of the NOD Brotherhood to a certain extent to create a wolf destruction team.

The protagonist of this operation is similar to the "Shadow Squad", a famous special combat arm of the Brotherhood.

After boarding the vehicle, it also used micro-technology to invade, but not the evil spirit cell, but the micron electron bug.

These slender units, like marching ants, can respond to various erosion by combining groups, such as turning into a line, or grouping into a ball, etc.

Once they invade successfully, they will forcefully restart the central computer system of the vehicle from a physical point of view, and take advantage of the opportunity to upload the virus and hack it.

Afterwards, they should cooperate with the intruders to make full use of or simply make omissions. The intruders can enter the key cabins without being noticed by the crew.

In this operation, the Wolf Destruction team also used tactics.

They have all ‘got the tickets’ and they can restart the central computer system at any time by cutting off the power, but they only used the technology to invade on a relatively old transport vehicle and it is more complicated.

First, the power system reported a failure, which caused the transport ship to stall and could no longer keep up with the unified pace of the fleet.

The team ’s captain was the leader of the six **** warships. After consulting with the business captain, he decided to slow down the entire team and wait for the transport ship to repair the fault.

As a result, the crew of each car rallied and strengthened their vigilance in a stern alarm and the captain's words.

Then the transport ship troubleshooted. The convoy resumed normal travel.

But in less than five hours, the power system of the two transport ships failed again. This time it was even more thorough, and the flame was simply turned off.

The captain of the operation still insisted on the previous handling method, and did not separate the transport ship from the convoy, and dispatched escorts of warships to form a squad, but the whole team stopped and waited for its repair, and even sent a technical repair team to support.

In fact, even if you are unknowingly guilty of greed and perfection, you don't want to have less, and the result is that none of them can run away.

The results of this technical repair inspection made the professionals feel ashamed. The power system of the transport ship, as reported by its captain, had undergone a comprehensive overhaul and maintenance before the operation, and it was indeed fine.

Why is there no problem twice?

The technical team said that it was probably a false positive.

The central computing system, like the human brain, sometimes gives false feedback on the biological electrical signals transmitted by the limbs. Although the probability is very low, it does.

Okay, the central computing system, UA International ’s vehicle, but the computer of the Weining family of the well-known Star Alliance. If you have to express your dissatisfaction in this regard, what does it mean? Especially this time now.

But the captain of the action is not as caring as the captain of the caravan. He is a military officer who fulfills his duties. The company ’s series of ‘security’ measures also prevent him from ignoring his duties.

So he reported the situation upwards in accordance with the relevant regulations.

In fact, UA International attaches great importance to this operation. There are geostationary satellites and specially mobilized ships in space.

Uninterrupted communication is also a major requirement for this operation.

The so-called interval-free communication means that the fleet will report to the logistics system regardless of major issues. Only this point, only a limited number of people such as the captain of the action know.

The captain of the operation was somewhat suspicious that the transport ship was "executed". After the central computer system was installed with the so-called "anti-theft patch", the water and soil were unacceptable, and it malfunctioned.

Naturally, he will not be okay, so he insists on dealing fairly and reporting upwards.

I just got back the sentence above, so I do n’t have the following.

It ’s not that the people at the peak are superfluous, corpse meals, and bureaucracy, but this kind of problem involves a huge amount of engineering. God knows which part of the program has a problem, which leads to incompatibility. Even if the relevant scientific research personnel are concentrated to form a team for public relations, it is not possible for a short time. Give a satisfactory answer.

So the same car went out for the third time, this time even more simply, the central computer system simply shut down.

This means that not only the in-vehicle AI built on it has stopped working, but even some other basic operations have stopped.

Such a huge giant artifact can't be controlled by a bunch of riders using a communicator.

The operating system of the various functional parts of the vehicle does not support this (intelligence, or foolification).

In addition, people do not have the ability to master the principle and be able to find and solve problems from the root cause.

The combination of the two, the central computer system is paralyzed, so the ship must be nested.

At this time, it was already in the middle of the night, not only the captain of the action team, but also the crew of the various ships were furious.

As soon as a problem occurs, the entire team is dragged down, and the entire team decelerates or stops, and naturally requires the crew to strengthen their guard to prevent accidents. After all, ships that stall or simply stop are more likely to be targeted.

The wolf came again and again, but the wolf never came. People are naturally upset, especially now that it is the middle of the night.

Undoubtedly, this is precisely the effect that the invader deliberately created and would like to see.

Next, at 4:30 in the morning, from the perspective of the human body clock, this time is the deepest period of sleep. After 5 o'clock, people who sleep early and wake up early should almost wake up naturally.

This time, the central computer system of the entire fleet was shut down.

The action team leader ’s first response to this was that ‘Is this time called‘ anti-theft ’,” a computer patch that is monitored in real time, sensitive to critical numbers or codes? ’

After a long thought, I thought there was another possibility-hacker attack, virus intrusion!

So for the fourth time, the entire team entered a state of emergency, and this time it was more alert than before, and everyone was awakened.

Without exception, the captain of the action also reflected the situation upwards.

Shangfeng also attached great importance this time.

Shangfeng also believes that this is a computer virus, and the problem is probably not the first line!

You should know that this time the team has implemented external communication silence, that is, it does not communicate with any unit other than the headquarters and other members of the team.

This greatly avoids the possibility of foreign communication signals containing viruses.

There is still a problem, I am afraid it is outside the team.

Of course, it is not necessarily the headquarters side.

The computer virus prevention and counterattack system of this era is very clever and perfect. The headquarters intelligence system is becoming more and more so. UA International is quite confident in its ability in this respect.

Then it can only be a transit, that is, a satellite in the sky.

In fact, compared to the atmosphere, the main stage of this era is indeed in space. Therefore, the hacking of signal relay equipment in space is the most logical explanation.

In any case, it was another round of chicken and dog jumping, and the time of the trouble was still the strongest and longest, and then again it seemed that I was scaring myself and not fart.

In fact, the fortune-telling of the convoy was hit like this.

When the intruder pretends to be the disciplinary supervisor of the vehicle group and knocks on the door of the driver ’s dormitory, demanding that, the crew ’s first reaction is not to confirm the identity of the person, but to be annoyed and helpless again. .

This gave the intruder an opportunity to take advantage of it. He was already shooting a gun and many crew members reacted to what happened.

All the crews, whether they are resting in the dormitory cabin, on the post or are relaxing, are all so trapped.

There is a central computer system for internal response. There is no such thing as a crew member who just escaped a big and dramatic disaster, then warned, and then successfully colluded with a voter to fight back.

When the intruder knocks on the door or breaks in, he knows the situation inside.

In this context, you still have to hoodwink each other, that is, add one more insurance.

Facts also prove that there is no destiny child in this caravan.

So it seems so miraculous, but it is inevitable after the means are in place.

As for what the checkpoint gains, let ’s be honest, with Kane ’s status and achievements today, let alone a million tons of supplies, it ’s a planet and a galaxy owned by him, and there wo n’t be much sense of accomplishment and excitement. sense.

Therefore, his focus is on the crisis public relations of UA International.

UA International ’s response was still very quick, and soon jumped out of the high-profile BB: "Look! You guys look at it! Another robbery incident happened! This is the entire team! My God!"

Interjection, exclamation mark, shock body. He made him amused, and said, "Recently, this UA International has been under pressure from all sides. How bitter is this in my heart? Even the pretentious operations of this kind are put on with a cheeky face."

This emotion is mainly due to the difference in the main characteristics of public opinion in this world, this era, and his hometown, and most of the world ’s human civilization that I have experienced in the past.

In a word, the capital here is no longer necessary to please the masses.

This does not need to please, compared to the oligarchs, invisible crocodiles in his hometown, and the elephants are invisible. The sentence says: Brother is no longer in the rivers and lakes, but there are brothers' legends everywhere in the rivers and lakes.

Under such a background, UA International puts on such a "grounding gas" posture, which is quite like the taste that came to the earth from the sky, but it turned out to be a world from the sky.

Kane also knows that UA International did this mainly because of the table-lifting problem represented by the destruction of the Hongqiao Tiange in the Rainbow City. The impact was too significant and far-reaching.

But this is the unspoken rule of the people in the circle, not the gossip food that ordinary people chew after tea and dinner, so that this matter is pushed down by coincidence, but it is mentioned in the media a little, but the Maserah robbed Ujin Mine, how much money was lost, etc., was widely reported by the media.

However, UA International can only express its apologies in a tickling way, and cannot respond to the question of lifting the table positively, so as not to get darker and darker, so the focus is on the thing itself, but on the expression of attitude.

The main attitude of UA International is still stating the fact that he was wronged.

Kane felt that UA International's thinking was problematic.

In other words, like the captain of the team action team who is ‘no one is too small’, it is too greedy.

Seeking perfection is also a kind of greed!

This is the case, and I want to clear myself, is it possible?

Usually there is no shortage of opponents.

It can be said that other forces at the same level who are eligible to share the capital cake on the table of the "Yazuo" are opponents. Anyone who loses this qualification is happy to hear from the others in the room. Not to mention that there are major competitors or enemies that do not distinguish themselves, such as the neighboring industry alliance.

Under such a background, such a big disaster happened, it can be said to give people a handle, but also want to clear it, this is not greed, what is it?

He originally laid out this game and used this too.

It depends on the core of UA International, whether there is enough sense of crisis.

The sense of crisis can overwhelm the instinct of greed and perfection, the strong man has his wrist broken, and there may be a chance to get out of this crisis at a lower cost. on the contrary……

Then the Weining family actually announced that Adele on the Marsala was a substitute.

Kane felt that this was the wind direction, and that it was a stupid wind direction.

UA International's intention to do this is probably: Laozi would have no opponent to jump out of the ring, the stronger the better, in order to wash away the suspicion of Laozi.

So, obviously it is genuine, but now it is said to be fake, and can bear the big price drop of white powder into cabbage? Not jumping out, roaring: ‘What ’s in our hands is the real thing? ’

Unfortunately, this is simply smart. And it is also the product of the core idea of ​​greed for perfection.

Man said that he couldn't judge according to common sense at all, but he used a typical spirit to act. He was determined to send the emperor's beautiful girl and noble girl to the custom industry to experience life.

Even if it's the normal logic of thinking in the ring, hiding behind the scenes and making wind and rain, watching the fierce beasts suspecting each other and fighting with each other, and taking the opportunity to touch the fish, is it not fragrant? Why did you pick up at the front desk in a hurry?

Have already shown such a powerful technology, means that relying on this technology is promising, and will care about the sale of the bond ransom, and the details of the value of a certain person who is tied?

Therefore, the point where UA International makes the mind faint is here.

A glimpse of the opponent who committed a series of evils this time.

And this is selective blindness.

What you don't want to see can disappear.

What's even more ridiculous is that those who do not want to believe, but need evil at the same time, are good enough to get themselves out.

I wish to blow it into the enemy of all mankind.

But the problem is, Kane can choose very comfortably, as long as he is loyal, not face-saving.

After UA International and even later public opinion found that the convoy was robbed, the convoy has already appeared in the mine town, and the dry goods have been secretly transferred by batches.

When the convoy arrived in the mine town, it was basically an empty shell.

Then, using this empty shell, another incident occurred.

The prelude is to put on a show. The father came and asked the local head and face to line up to win.

This of course violates the established regulations. It was originally intended to be a show for the people. This "people" mainly refers to the victims, who are not slaves. They are not civilians. Later, when the disaster relief meal is put on, those people can not With cooperation, this is enough to confuse public opinion.

The "people" here are local small capitals, or their own, and neutral, foreign-invested people who control the company's upstream and downstream industrial terminals.

Their loss in this disaster is not small, and it is what UA International mainly wants to appease, and it is solid dry goods support, including materials, equipment, contracts, not mouths and cakes.

As a result, I did not play the Jun Ming Chen Xian, Li Xian corporal's set, but secretly sent someone to say that the greeting must be grand. ‘Min’ has actually been disgusted.

But still promised. Who asked this to come from Dad, since this is a good one, then give yourself a face, and also a brain hole for self-strategy, saying that UA International is now difficult, so we need a lively scene to show the internal unity of the family. Considering the special circumstances, this face is sold!

As a result, the scene at the time was indeed lively, but it was not the lively kind that the "people" understood, but the lively killing. The convoy's **** warship car directly opened fire on the welcoming group!

Including local police force lined up as a ceremonial soldier, it has also become a target!

UA International ’s response was also very fast, with space-based weapons directly attacking.

In fact, UA International ’s space industry is very large, and it really needs to be dedicated to disaster relief and can be airdropped.

However, UA International claims that the space side reserves are insufficient, the transportation capacity is limited and the cost is high, and they can only talk about their hearts, mainly relying on ground transportation ...

But at this time, it was not enough to expose the powerful strength of the space side. Not only were space-based weapons attacked, but also air-space warships directly attacked, and many air-space fighters were also launched to participate in the war.

The team has a similar counterattack, and the two sides seem to be playing quite well.

In fact, Kane ’s sinister black hand reached the last possession of the mine town capitals that had suffered heavy losses.

Of course, it is still an exaggeration to say ‘point’, these capitals are still very dry.

In this day and age, capitals will not believe in any common currency, but will either invest in real estate or hoard real wealth, such as black gold and iron.

As a result, Kane was repairing the plank road to darken Chen Cang. The side of the convoy was killing and killing his mouth. He had even dug other people's coffins, and the word "black" was just one word.

And Kane also got a lot of living resources, but did not engage in the set of food relief.

The latter must have the consciousness of the latter.

The set of relief and food, said that it sounds good to the heart of the people suffering, said that the most unpleasant point is to invite people to buy, since ancient times have been tabooed by the government. And even if it does not turn from dark to bright, it is easy for opponents to find the "knife edge".

Oh, it turned out to be an urgent matter of pulling mud legs! understand! See how brother can use huge resources, the identity of a civilized master, and strong governance and military power to tune you ...

Therefore, slowly become king.

The final result of this incident ~ ~ is naturally that the team was defeated, but no one can live, no dead, no signs of death. Afterwards, there are various signs that prove that it is a fight with the alienated AI.

Very weird!

UA International is not only bitter but also bitter.

Because it is impossible to prove that this is not a self-directed drama.

evidence! What is the use of the smallpox? Evidence of godlike enemies? Do you say there is? Who can guarantee not to lie to another world for the sake of a lie?

In fact, according to conscience, other forces have basically believed in UA International at this time. After all, they concentrated small and large capitals on the upstream and downstream, and then one pot. This cliff is self-destructive, but anyone who is a little sensible can't do this.

But capital does not speak of conscience. Taking advantage of the opportunity to cut meat is the characteristic of capital.

Of course, there are also those who focus on finding out the truth, such as the iceberg beauty Ava ...

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