Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1273: Great power is not afraid of things

Kane's journey in deep space is not lonely.

It is not because the Zhoushan is a fortress ship, and its facilities are like a town.

Nor is it because the representatives of the various departments of the empire are willing to flatter and be obedient.

It is because the brain of the dark spirit clan named Maros contains a lot of interesting information.

I don't know when he started, so he rarely used Soul Search.

The reason is not benevolence. In fact, it is true that the passage of time makes him more cruel and even cruel.

No soul-searching technique is needed, just because this technique is too rude and can easily cause irreparable losses.

At the same time, Kane's view of time is unconsciously slowing down.

In the past, especially in the days when he was active in the multiverse as a reincarnation, he wished to break the ‘second’ into two halves, and he must improve efficiency when doing things, even to the point where inefficiency is unbearable.

Now he shows a lot of patience. It's been more than a month since I got Maros's brain. I still haven't officially started information collection. This is unthinkable when it comes to the age of samsara.

Now, why does Kane feel anxious? It’s good to be slow, work slowly, and have time to taste and enjoy. Even doing it when you are in a good mood is like a sudden greedy meat and wine, and then a carefully prepared barbecue, taking out the aging, large pieces of meat, a big bowl of wine, is it uncomfortable?

Sometimes Kane himself felt that with such an idea, he was really old.

But still that sentence, knowing mistakes, admit mistakes, not correct mistakes.

He no longer pursues perfection as he did.

After all, looking back at this time, the one who originally specified the standard answer for perfection is just a superficial thing. Using a lot of hearsay and information that I have never verified, I have come up with an ideal blueprint, and I think that is really a tall one. Is there an iron Han?

It’s unpleasant to say, even if it’s really a crystallization of wisdom, it’s a tall one, and it’s not his own tall one. It’s a perfect standard polymer made up by the wisdom of others or everyone, only suitable as A thought, not suitable for realizing it.

Of course, from another perspective, it can also be said that Kane is degenerating, questioning his original choice, and losing the motivation to become a great being...

Sometimes Kane himself asks himself why he always thinks of foolish, uninteresting philosophical stuff. Realistic, even trivial, is it not fragrant?

The answer is that when a life has a magnificent and ups and downs life experience that is ten million times that of an ordinary heroic protagonist, it is logical to think often.

What kind of drama has not been experienced? What kind of beauty villains have not encountered? After a thousand sails, let ordinary young people think about the so-called epic events, legendary stories, classic love, and timeless endings that are full of blood, how can they have some charm?

Just like this era of disputes, these warships of various races and shapes, this never-ending war, space opera, giant ship artillery, men's romance!

But when ordinary men struggle to become a captain or even a gunner, his warships have long been too lazy to be named...

What makes the son of destiny clenching his teeth, being pleasantly surprised, having trouble sleeping, invigorating, responsible, and fulfilled is not much different from the fact that he cannot add a cool potato shred today.

The philosophy is different.

Even if it is a god, research philosophy, still think it is awesome...

In the eyes of representatives of the major institutions of Tyra, Kane itself is a magic stick, a magic stick in the true sense.

He has a very strong inhuman character, and at the same time, he is like a child who is too spoiled.

The Holy Light has given his ordinary people an unimaginable power, so that he can easily solve the difficult and even impossible problems in the eyes of others. So he couldn't understand the incompetence, stupidity, and even bad morality that ordinary people show. Although he has tried very hard to be considerate of others, he still can't.

After all, compared with ordinary people, ordinary people are just like ants. Even if ants can lift their own heavy objects dozens of times, the so-called heavy objects are still not worth mentioning to humans. Even if this person is just a child.

This is what delegates, and even some of the bigwigs behind it, have to say about Kane.

If there is any original sin of Kane, it is definitely not a question of conduct, or a bad personality, but the power of being too powerful, and now adding a label of ‘too comprehensive’.

Not even the emperor, nor should he master such a powerful and comprehensive power!

Kane always asks the big brothers to meet frankly, and not to speak bluntly, because the big guys really want to be human.

However, they cannot do it, not even the emperor, let alone them. The reason is that their strength is largely due to the gift of duty.

It is for this reason that they have a strong feeling of envy, jealousy and hatred for Kane, whom Weili belongs to himself.

Of course, from the perspective of the two sides of the thing, they are also targeted at Kane's criticism. After all, the Horus Great Rebellion can be understood as the emperor's too centralized power, so that he did his own thing, took risks in national and racial events, and created an experimental body such as a genetic prototype as a holder of a racial gun, resulting in tragedy... …

But there is no such thing as an embarrassment when there is a monitoring system or something. Except for genetic primitives and interstellar warriors, human races have no good generals who can lead soldiers to fight? Sun Lord Macarius expressed his disapproval.

Makarius is a human race god, the defense army is undisputed NO.1, led his army, spent seven years, conquering thousands of worlds, and hit the edge of the galaxy, without defeating, and finally he is a proud soldier The warrior was tired of fighting because of too intensive wars, and then the troops were closed.

There is no doubt that this is Alexander the Great in the Warhammer 40K version. Finally, he died prematurely and died of disease, which is said to be jungle fever.

There are many details showing that Macarius' death was very problematic. Moreover, Makarius is not the arrival of a soldier like a soldier. He is ruthless and harsh, but he can always mobilize the fighting spirit and courage of his officers and soldiers. It is a military commander with special characteristics.

After his death, an event similar to that of Alexander’s successors also happened. Several senior generals divided the conquered world and then fought in civil war. Finally, the interstellar warriors intervened before putting it back into the control of the empire.

The original history, Macarius shined in the 41st millennium 356-400 years, and is not yet born.

But in any case, the human race does not lack excellent warriors and generals. When there is demand, even if genius cannot be born, there are still talents.

Therefore, the emperor's genetic primitive operation can't be said to be short of success and loss of wisdom. He tasted the sweetness on the road of genetic modification, and his self-confidence became arrogant, too dangerous...

The reason behind this is actually absolute power.

Absolute power and Weili have at least some similarities in their external performance.

Therefore, the gangsters' evaluation of Kane may not be all nonsense. After all, in his past performances, he almost said the subtext of ‘you are all ignorant of the so-called rice bucket’.

And people are willing to endure Kane, mainly because Kane is generous enough.

As time went on, the big brothers also discovered that Kane was indeed not malicious. Kane is not interested in their authority and interests. Although they disdain their ability and even the style of work, and they are aware of their internal dumping and various corruption issues, they are still willing to help them together. Subject's frame.

Of course, they gradually discovered that Kane is also counter-scale, that is, very, very disgusted with the hasty treatment of innocent people. For example, implicated massacre.

Not long ago, the big brothers had to hold a video conference with Kane urgently because of a special event in the dim star field, the Athena star zone.

The Athena star zone is adjacent to the Gothic star zone, and also to the star zone where the world of Mobingo nest capital is located. Because Kane represented the First Order and reached a series of cooperation proposals with Governor Mobingo, Kourner and Mobingo had relatively frequent exchanges. This became the background factor for the discovery of the First Order and its involvement in the massacre of the Athena Star Zone.

At that time, the ships of the First Order passed the Athena Star Zone to Mobingo and received a full-channel humanitarian distress signal. According to the signal, a governor of a colonial world in the Athena Star Zone launched in the name of producing a cult. Severe suffocation operations, while the armed forces that are specifically executed, operate in violation of the rules, and slaughter without distinction.

Naturally, someone gave the Governor an urgent feedback on the situation, and what the result was. According to a series of investigations with a clumsy nature, there is evidence that this massacre was not about killing fish and turtles, but simply going towards turtles. Yes, because the Governor wants to get the land where more than a dozen generations live and reproduce.

The First Order intervened and said to the Governor, you are not doing this right.

The governor was also not professional enough to deal with the massacre, and the world was known to the screaming and sympathetic people, so he was a little annoyed and said to the first order: "Which onion is your TM? Laozi ti The taxes have been paid enough. If you do things in your own home, the empire officials don’t care. Are you better than a dog?"

So the First Order removed the governor, all the main members involved, and their immediate family members, all of them peeled and filled with grass, and hung the street lights on their bodies!

At that time, most of the people who were peeled and **** were still alive, so they hung on the lampposts, and they could not be hung on the ten-mile long street. All men, women, children, adults and children were there. But the people were terrified, and even the suffering master regarded these unexpected benefactors as the devil.

The first order, in fact, is the implementation of Kane's decree, which was done in the Big Dipper District.

Than murder, cruel, or the old penalties have introspection! Let you also open your eyes.

As a result, the impact was naturally very bad. When things happened to Kane, Kane only admitted that when the First Order was enforcing the law, he failed to consider the local social environment at that time. As for the treatment of this kind of torture and lynching , But refused to admit their mistakes.

Then the emperor bigwigs understood.

As many masters as there are slaves, as many slaves as possible, the cruelty of the first order is rooted in Kane.

Then they gradually tasted some of what Kane said.

Kane said that light is born from darkness, and the other side of the Holy Light is the ultimate darkness...

To say that the ship life of the representatives of various agencies is a very pleasant and nourishing life.

Kane had such a petty bourgeois sentiment long ago. As long as the circumstances permit, he will never grieve himself, without conditions, and create conditions to achieve a good level of material enjoyment as much as possible.

This habit is naturally reflected in the Bu Zhoushan. To the delegates, in addition to not being bustling and lively, in other respects, it even surpassed the best comprehensive street of Tyra! Of course, the style is very different from Tyra, showing a strong sense of science fiction, and the high and cold elegance that does not eat the fireworks on earth.

Delegates don't spend less in the shops of their choice, not to give Kane a face, but things are really good. After discovering that they could video with their family and friends across thousands of light years, they even developed a purchasing service, and displayed delicious, fun, easy to use, and good-looking things in the mall of their choice, which became a great fun for them.

Kane occasionally appears at the end of the street, eating and drinking tea, just like the ordinary people living in a small town on the earth that is not fast-paced.

Corresponding to this leisurely life, Kane's work seemed a bit dark.

Dark Spirit Clan Malos finally collapsed. In a virtual world.

He used to think that the Comoros he lived in was hell, but after seeing the world of **** created by Miranda, he found that Comoros was far worse than that. No matter from what angle he could draw this conclusion .

Malos couldn't adapt to the life there, but he couldn't die anyway, so after being tortured, he finally collapsed and became a lunatic.

The biggest characteristic of a lunatic is runaway. What Kane wants is this. It can collect information without worrying about the interference of self-consciousness.

In addition to the matter of Malos, Kane’s work also includes dealing with some daily affairs, mainly from the Korna side of the Gothic Star District, which is regarded as ultra-remote office.

And the most troublesome thing in recent times is the chain reaction brought about by the cruel way of doing things in the first order.

In response to this situation, the First Order launched the'Mission Impossible Mission' under the direction of Kane.

The mission of Mission Impossible is ‘impossible mission. ’

In fact, these agents performing actions are called ghost agents. Its characteristics are just like the protagonist Essen Hunter in Mission Impossible, it is ever-changing, and it is very capable.

They are all a group of two to three, and their logistical support is the omnipresent Miranda.

And the main purpose of the action is to let this shut up shut, the world evaporates.

In Kane’s words: “The behavior of the First Order is outrageous, but if no one does something, it will not spread like this. Is there less bad things happening in the empire every day? Compared to a large number of innocent people The disappearance or death of such a person, even if the means is cruel, but what is it? I believe that most people at the bottom of the empire who know the truth will be dark in their hearts."

"As for the fear of St. Kane and the First Order over this, we admit it more than admiration and respect. However, if someone makes a false report, out of context, and deliberately discredits, we only do what we think is right, not The name of the picture, but it is not to let others deliberately discredit."

"Ordinary people have no way to deal with the so-called uncrowned king who has a special status such as a reporter and is nearly above the social IQ, but our first order is not ordinary. And it is very unusual, even if it cannot be compared with the court or the state religion. We have extraordinary execution and action, we don’t care about worldly comments and the so-called bottom line. We don’t even care if we make mistakes, but only if other people make mistakes that we care about. Then we will make mistakes. Wrong will be punished."

"So I warn people from all walks of life in the empire to either abide by the law or not to provoke the First Order or be targeted by the First Order, otherwise they will have to suffer more or less."

Kane's remarks were almost backhand, and they were publicly broadcast to the outside world without changing the first order. On the contrary, there was not much public opinion upsurge.

Because First Order also has its own media platform and is very powerful. Almost immediately after working with Luwansberg, it was established.

It was not famous before because the programs on this media platform were monotonous and serious, which made people feel bored.

Now, it is on fire because it broadcasts certain well-known anchors, journalists, distorts the facts, plays word games, discredits the evidence of the first order, including the video of my guilty plea.

These people have not been peeled and filled with grass, but have notified local law enforcement to deal with it.

But this does not mean that the First Order easily bypassed these people. They were given extraordinary punishments of varying degrees, ranging from loss of reproduction ability to nightmares every day.

The First Order has not concealed the death penalty for these, and it is all in the publicly broadcast content. And attach a note: We are not tolerating bad words, but telling you that everyone is responsible for their words and deeds. The pursuit of the first order is everywhere, whether you are hiding in Tyra, or hiding outside the range that the torch says can shine.

I have to say that the performance of the ghost agent really made the empire amazing from top to bottom.

The Trial Chamber and Assassin Court stated that they would also need to attach an additional shame, because of the haunting of the gods and the efficiency of their work, they were compared with the ghost agents by the highly regarded them. Of course, in fact, there are still some reasons behind this, that is, among the characters who discredited the First Order, there are so many people who are inextricably linked to them.

The tribunals thought that the first order approach was too problematic, so they took action.

The Tribunal divides demons, aliens (including aliens), and heretics. The organization is not bloated, but it is very complicated, it is not affiliated with each other, and there are loopholes in management. It has always had its own performance, rather than the general representative Augustus looking for Kane and The trouble with the first order.

As for the Assassin Court, in the eyes of many people, this department can be described as mixed.

They had successfully assassinated one of the genetic primitives who betrayed the emperor (the midnight Lords’ genetic primitive Koz said that he died in the hands of the imperial assassin according to his own prediction. As for what will follow, guess what !), as a colleague, they have done many evil things in the internal crumbling of the empire, including the death of the Sun Lord Macarius.

Their black first order is purely too arrogant to see their actions. It's not the big brother's advice, but they paid a heavy price for it.

Perhaps it is the reason that the peers are the enemy, Kane's performance of the Assassin Court is obviously more hostile than other institutions.

This kind of hostility was indifferent before, that is, it did not interact with the people in the assassin court, and the assassin court took the initiative to come up, and it did not take much care.

And this time pinching the handle, it came directly to the assassin court.

It is also an extraordinary means, but this time it is not a punishment for some involved parties, but a curse against almost all members of the assassin court.

This curse is much like Kane’s death statement in the dark HP world against public officials of the Magic State of the Lighthouse State.

It’s just not that serious, and the production of the Curse Seed is also said otherwise.

The Assassin's Court is a fairly secret organization. Even its supreme leader does not hold a list of all members. This is the organization's intention to set it up so as not to be caught by the enemy and hunted down by the enemy.

However, Kane did something extraordinary that the Supreme Leader could not do.

This is because the executives of the Assassin Court, that is, the Assassins, are all built according to the same training regulations and screening mechanism. Each has its own instructor and different training for their own characteristics and advantages, but the basic part is that set.

Because the Assassin Court needs to ensure the loyalty of its members, (usually the first) there will be a series of courses dedicated to the reserve reserve assassins.

And this becomes the ‘blade’ of curse implementation.

For Kane, as long as there are similarities, a curse can be imposed. So all of the assassins in the assassin court were marked overnight.

The First Order used a collective attack of angina to warn these people to be honest. Don’t be full of mind all day long and ‘everything is empty, everything is possible. ’Death is true and true. The first order will let you die in three days, and you will not survive in five days! If the first order is not allowed, you can't do it!

After the assassin's gangster learned about the didn't ask Kane to ask for an argument, but ran to meet with the gangsters in several departments with relatively good relations to discuss the matter.

Secret talk is nothing more than Kane's threat theory. After all, although he doesn’t know how Kane did it, since even the assassins in the assassin court are not safe, then Brother Astart is afraid that it will be even more insecure. Group kneeling?

And the bigwigs of these departments mentioned this when they also communicated with Kane.

Kane denied it. In fact, he can do it, but the price is relatively high, he thinks it is not worth it. And there is no good reason.

He explained to the big brothers: "The reason why the assassins can't escape my control is because the profession itself is dark."

The truth is true, but it has nothing to do with his curse. He really wants to launch a curse from the perspective of the dark attribute, but instead will be too moved and be noticed by the evil spirit.

Interestingly, after this incident, the empire's willingness to awaken the genetic primitive Robert Kiriman of the Legion of Extreme Warriors and the rescue of the emperor became in vain.

It can even be said that not only has consensus reached and unprecedented sincere cooperation, but it is not a competing and stumbling block.

After Kane learned, he laughed: "The guys finally realized that the power I had was too BUG, ​​and subverting their rule was almost a thought, which had seriously hindered their normal play. So even if I didn't show the hands on them Intention, they also have to try to limit me, and the best limit is to find some strong enough people to fight against me. Robert Kiriman + Extreme Warrior + 500 World, it’s almost like that. Meaning, plus God the Emperor, they think it's enough."...


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