Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1276: Choose a leader to be a horse

Compared with the truly elected mayor Spencer, who is also leading by example, Rodriguez of the IG independent group is not so stiff.

It is said that soldiers obey orders, but Kane feels that officials of profiteering agencies have a more intuitive understanding of the power of power, and therefore more awe.

Some administrative officials still maintain a certain book business spirit.

But Spencer's honesty showed up in Kane's eyes.

You can’t live on a dog when you are old, and Maysville is not a remote town. People in their fifties, who have no perfect wrists, can manage this need to be a father and a mother. ?

It's nothing more than wearing a ‘I’m so straight’ person who sets up his coat, playing thick and thin, and watching people serving dishes.

Kane doesn't like to interact with such people. He is too **** and brutal, and he seems to have no pattern and ability to deal with anyone.

He was polite and talked about it, and this kind of person was well-versed in the thick and black, and immediately took out a pair of old official oils to make a pie.

And this kind of person is often full of standard answers. If someone disagrees with him, he thinks that you are messing with playing the piano. If he uses his power or something to kick it off, he will be particularly wronged, thinking you are persecuting. He, and disregarding the hard work of others for many years, belongs to Cui Mai Ye Tian does not feel distressed.

In the eyes of Kane, this kind of person is, to a certain extent, the Donglin Party. The 9,000-year-old Wei Zhongxian and his characters are the most suitable for fighting.

Although there are no eunuchs in his team this time, there are similar political commissars.

The political commissar of the Warhammer 40K is well-known.

Almost every imperial citizen can distinguish the dress of the political commissar. Their style is very similar to the hats of World War II German officers, as well as the military coats. In the Imperial Defense Forces, they couldn't find the same scenery.

For the general public, political commissars are a symbol of imperial authority. Their only task is to ensure that everyone in the Imperial Defence Force can perform their duties with due diligence in the name of the emperor.

Political commissars are generally selected from the students of the well-known Chung Si College.

Zhongsi College, as the name implies, is the heir to the loyal empire.

How to be loyal to the empire?

The heroes sacrificed for the empire are basically counted.

Seen in this way, the threshold of Zhongsi College does not seem to be high. After all, it seems that it is not difficult to satisfy the conditions with the cannon fodder method of the Imperial Defense Forces.

But in fact, Zhongsi College mainly accepts the orphans of officers and nobles. If he is a heir of a general warrior, it must be a little special to have a chance to enter the Zhongji Academy.

The grassroots and middle management officials of all important departments of the human empire are basically from Zhongsi College.

For example, storm officers, defense forces, naval officers.

Another example is the officials of the trial court, assassin court, and the government house.

As well as fighting nuns and political commissars.

Among them, only the outstanding people from the Chung Si College will have the opportunity to be recommended to serve in the Political Committee.

The winner must have absolute confidence in the empire. Specifically, it means showing true faith in totalitarianism and idealism.

The human empire, from the emperor's unity, is considered totalitarian.

As for idealism, it is a beautiful vision.

Political commissars must first firmly believe that the grand blueprint the empire has drawn for people will one day come true.

In addition to this belief and belief requirements. Have to master three major businesses.

1. Can play a ruthless tactician. It is the kind that does not hesitate to sacrifice human life in order to complete the task.

2. Can play an inspiring hero. Heroes on the battlefield, often need to lead the charge, shouting ‘brothers give me! It’s hard to be seen as a hero by the soldiers.

3. Excellent fighting ability, able to fight like a skilled duel. After all, when a political commissar needs to shoot a soldier who runs away or an incompetent officer, most of the other party will not sit still.

On the battlefield, men rarely report luck, especially the political commissars are notorious. Therefore, if the political commissar has insufficient fighting ability and cannot simply kill the target, not only will the law enforcement act like a farce, but it may also cause the situation to slip in a bad direction.

Therefore, it is not difficult to be a government official.

In the history of the empire, there were political commissars who used their positions to harm others for personal gain, as well as military soul politicians who acted like spiritual leaders. These are just rumors to Kane.

The political commissar he saw was nothing more than a political worker with excellent business level.

Those standards are only partial idealized standards. Even if there are, there are very few, and they are often the veterans of decades of work experience, not the level of strength that the fledgling newcomers can possess.

The political commissar team that came with him this time to Gradyus has both young and old. The middle-aged and handsome uncle Major General Amokovich, who is also a veteran, is also a veteran.

But the instructor is not here, but the political commissars who led most of the Mesozoic and the younger generation, interacted with the people of the Gradyus Defense Department and the Navy Department.

The imperial lords believe that to return Gradyus, who has been lost for more than two thousand years, to return to the arms of the empire, he must first grab it from the gun.

The political commissar is the starting point for grabbing the gun pole.

These'airborne cadres' want to make the garrison here become a unit of faith.

If only a group of political commissars talk in vain, it is naturally more difficult to achieve the goal.

But Kane promised to provide'sweet dates', and the political commissars would just play the stick.

Therefore, in Gradyus’ capital city, as well as military powers, political commissars are playing three fires with their new officials.

Although they still can't get the real thing, there are high-tech pockets represented by Miranda, there are mysterious and orderly wizards for their platform, and there are Kane's promises. They are nothing to be afraid of, and they are all very confident. , Even arrogant.

However, as the news that Kane found chicken thieves spread over there, the original plan was adjusted.

Kane suspected that chicken thieves not only penetrated all walks of life in society, but also penetrated into the army.

This is not Kane's suspicion and random guessing, but according to the prophet's information, the chicken thieves do have successful examples in this regard, and they have made a lot of chaos, but most of them are chased by chaotic believers.

In fact, the chaos caused by chicken thieves are often more damaging than the chaos devotees.

Chicken thieves are more forgiving, and even can do it. In order to welcome the great cause of Wang Shi, they kneel and lick and play the role of minions. Because they are so kind and tolerant for the great cause, so when they can't bear it, there are basically reasons why they must do so.

For example, remove the person who discovered their secret, or someone with a key position, so that their people can top, so as to bring great benefits to their great cause.

Therefore, Kane has reason to believe that if a chicken thief is not properly handled and knows that he has been exposed, it may not be able to trigger military mutiny and social unrest, thus causing huge losses to the human community of Gradyus.

But this is also the first time to deal with it in reality.

It feels slightly better than expected.

At the beginning, he was worried that F4 requires genetic comparison before it can be identified.

The soul identification method used by himself cannot be promoted as a universal method.

If that's the case, it would be hard to avoid the grass and snake.

But Taryn was still unable to hold back the chicken thief.

Or in other words, the gene thief bug is not specifically designed for humans, but a latent infiltration unit with a relatively universal nature.

Because of this, even if they are able to harvest ‘crops’ at the conscious level, the hero chicken thieves are harvested together as food, but in practice, they can’t help but add reinforcement programs for the better completion of their tasks.

Human beings are relatively weak creatures, so they can only be adjusted to be difficult to distinguish between authenticity and F4. However, due to the dominance of the Taryn gene, there are still parts that are difficult to suppress.

For example, bones.

Miranda, who has received the information, has basically simulated the feasibility of the calculation and made a special portable X-ray detection device.

Just like a flashlight, it was identified whether it was a chicken thief or a human.

Kane was a little thankful for this. Change him to be the Taryn Worm. If you want to infiltrate, it will be more thorough. From the physiological structure, it is almost unrecognizable.

Little Superman with excellent overall quality like the US team has little meaning in spying. Once suspected, escape is a real problem, but it is not as good as pure fighting wit, even if it eventually fails, because the other party can't produce obvious evidence, but the death can disgust the other party and make its social group panic, All plants are soldiers.

Anyway, from the beginning, it has been reduced to abandonment with the target group, so why bother whether the individual can succeed or retreat?

Do some decisiveness, rather sacrifice, and keep the secret as much as possible, isn't it better?

As the so-called sharp weapon, killing heart starts. On the contrary, the lurking personnel do not have the excellent physical characteristics, and they naturally apply all their thoughts to intellectual struggle, but instead are more specific, more cautious, more simple, and more difficult to crack.

Of course, it's not that you don't give up at all.

It can be learned like the {Spy and Shadow} series, and through fine-tuning of gene targeting, it can get a 3% to 5% improvement over ordinary people.

Don't look at this trivial improvement, make good use of it, it is a proper super agent.

In fact, the key is the development of awareness package.

Most of the intelligent life has no such strong purpose, it is difficult to persevere and treat itself cruelly, and develop its body and mind as much as possible to become the best in its class.

But if it is a latent osmotic weapon, it can be given a special information package in the genetics.

This kind of information package, to put it bluntly, is like a cat born with a predatory consciousness, and will begin to exercise this ability when playing, becoming a natural habit.

The power of genetic information is actually very powerful.

Taking humans as an example, the evolutionary history of humans on the earth is not long. From the age of civilization, it is only more than 2,000 AD. In 2000, there was already a clear difference between the genes of Orientals and the genes of black Africans. , The specific focus of fitness is very different.

This is only the result of natural evolution, with a generation of 20 years, but there are such differences between generations. If it is manual, the big difference can be imagined.

Even in the Warhammer 40K, a universe that allows extraordinary existence, it is possible to add a special method between the psychological phenomenon and the psionic.

Born to show the personality inside, when the personality is a normal person, when the personality is a spy agent.

Kane was afraid that Tylenor would engage in this type of latent penetration. After all, from a technical point of view, Tyron can do it.

It's just that God gave Taryn the powerful hunting ability and the way to devour everything, but he didn't give it too good mind.

It’s not that you are not smart. Like Star God, you are very smart. The problem lies in the mode of thinking.

From the time of birth, they don't need to work hard to calculate as much as possible, to pick the worst one among a bunch of bad choices.

So they are actually "simple" compared to humans, they don’t think much, they are not deep enough, and the cruel patterns and lower limits are relatively limited. They show cruelty, but they are instinctive and do not include the hunter pair. Emotions other than prey.

In any case, the situation did not follow Kane's worst expectations, Kane still felt a little calm.

In fact, for a demon figure like Dao who gradually hides his humanity, not to mention the tragic focus of human losses on Gradyus, is that the entire human empire has died hundreds of millions or billions of people. He is sad from the heart.

The real instinct is nothing more than the instinct to seek perfection and smoothness in human nature. It is like playing a game and having the opportunity to get a high score. Suddenly encountering Kaner, you may not get it. This Kaner was bought, and the high score is basically undoubted, don't feel relieved. In fact, can the game get a high score, but it is just a game, can it still find a living for this?

Unconsciously pursue perfection.

This is an instinct that most people have.

If it is done, even if it is not really perfect, it is only at the current stage, and it is still an excellent result under the existing conditions. There will be a sense of accomplishment.

Kane also naturally substituted into this model, including that he did not want to interact with Spencer, whom he thought was difficult, but gave it to the political commissars of Major General Amokovich.

In fact, he is subconsciously worried that he has not handled well enough.

In fact, he is just a person in charge of civil affairs in a prefecture-level city with hundreds of thousands of people. He can laugh and swear in front of the heads of the major institutions of the empire. He can speak freely, and can he be scared in front of such a local official?

And for Rodriguez's "go-to" people, Kane used it more smoothly. He promised Rodriguez directly, obediently, and got things done, the independent regiment could be a brigade, division, or even army!

Because, he came here this time to deal with an epic series of tasks, which requires the cooperation of local troops. It's not just about playing a chore and playing a drum.

So, this is the opportunity. Opportunities need ability to fully grasp, but the first thing is to give people the opportunity to grasp. Now the opportunity to try to catch it is in front of Rodriguez.

In fact, Rodriguez has confirmed that Kane is the most famous big boss from the position of a person and his manners.

I have to say that this big boss is a bit beyond his expectations. After all, it's **** and cruel to do it yourself, and it's usually the big boss's personal teeth. Big bosses rarely disregard their own image and dignity. They are dirty, accidentally embarrassed, or even in danger.

But since such a big boss appeared, Rodriguez wondered, this should be a very strong, non-stop person.

Then, although he came up to interact with Major General Amokovich, it did not prevent him from paying attention to Kane.

During the time Kane did not say a few words, but his strong personal style still allowed Rodriguez to grasp it.

He vaguely had his own response plan.

Facing Kane's cake, he didn't pick it up with joy, and patted his chest to ensure how he would do it. Rather, he said to Kane that if he was really an epic mission, he was afraid that he could not take it, he had to transfer two people to help him. To put it plainly, he needs a consultant, a real professional.

Kane likes this kind of "straightness". Then he said: "You can find your competent general, I am willing to wait, right here."

Rodriguez said a bit tweaked that one of them was still in jail.

Sure enough, Kane became more interested.

Although he is not part of the imperial bureaucracy, he seems to have no power, but in fact, to some extent, he has almost supreme power.

After inquiring about the general situation, and knowing that it was the business port of the Trial Court, he recruited representatives and asked him to send someone with a special order to join Rodriguez to fish.

About an hour later, the man came out, and although he simply refreshed, he could still see the haggardness. It seems to be a kind of literary literati.

As for the other consultant, it feels like a butcher, with the labels as strong, fat, greasy, and small eyes.

Kane is good at judging people by observing micro-expressions and by soul.

After seeing the two of them, he nodded secretly: "The second general of the Haha, one has a strategy, but is not good at life, and the other is thick and fine, and has strong execution ability. It really makes up for Rodriguez's short board."

Kane looked at this Rodriguez, it really didn't look like that kind of capable military talent, originally thought it was only awe-inspiring authority, obedient and uncompromising strengths, this is where there is a garrison in the place of Maysville The didn't expect to be a potential handsome.

In Kane's eyes, Shuai Cai is actually so hard to find. Nothing but two.

1. Practicing human feelings and knowing how to use them.

2. If there is a quiet event or a blessing to the heart, the result is the same. That is to make the right choice and let the professionals do professional things.

Rodriguez undoubtedly has these two.

There are many people with self-knowledge, but few know where the capable person is and can be found in time when needed.

Like this big prisoner, but no one can let him out, they will obediently follow the kind of people who do not talk, they are spitting in the jail, and it is entirely possible to leave in vain.

In addition, the one who looks like a butcher is actually not good. This kind of marketable one seems to be reckless and fine. Once it makes it feel unreliable, various push-off tactics are very good.

So, when it comes, this is actually the usual skill, and it is not something that can be done by temporarily burning the stove.

And the epic mission that Kane told him was a big deal.

Ordinary people either show that they should be happy, but they do not take it seriously at all, and think it is fooling.

Either think that this is a chance, give up their own authority, and take out twelve points to wait carefully.

Either of these two types is not easy to accomplish. If something is not right, wait for a big thing to happen and panic. And pure echo bugs, why should you use it? Multiple pendants divide the fruit of victory?

So, whether it is a quiet heart or a blessing to the soul, it is important to make the right choice at the critical moment. The rest is that it is in the sky that the conspiracy is done by the people.

Getting it right does not mean it can be done, but if it is wrong at the beginning, the probability of doing it will not be too high.


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