Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1294: Sword fighters catch up

Infinite Sorcerer Chapter 1294 The Sword Fighter Rise Straight Along With The Sound Novel Online Listening

The first order also follows many mature management systems.

For example, weapons are divided into civilian and military, and military weapons are relatively lethal in comparison.

The weapons and equipment used by the sword fighters are the most advanced in the whole army.

However, their number is still somewhat small, and the military’s orbital delivery system has not yet been completed, so they can only come by vehicle, which results in a slightly unresponsive response.

After being notified for more than 20 minutes, it was definitely faster than the general response speed of the empire. However, the suffering of the scene of the year, still came a little slow.

Fortunately, the sword fighters didn't lose the big names that came out of the crowd, and they did perform well. As soon as they entered the market, some people went straight up to fight the Chaos monster.

This is also a frustrating move from a certain perspective. Powerful weapons will spread to the surroundings, which will cause people who were originally saved nearby to die faster than strange.

Then give the monster an opponent, first control its madness, and then end it, it becomes a tactical choice.

Fortunately, the sword fighters are not called in vain. These elites are specially trained for giant muscle monsters in virtual training.

Now ordinary swordfighters have basically completed the second stage of physical strengthening, the comprehensive strength is comparable to Spider-Man, and the proven power armor increase assistance, compared with chaotic strange, but each has its own length, do not lose too much many.

While the sword fighters were fighting with the chaotic monsters, the police and military personnel quickly rescued the trapped people.

In this regard, because the First Order is assisted by AI, the efficiency is still very good.

AI can not only inform the position and situation of the trapped people in time by connecting the intelligence system of the spacecraft, but also make a comprehensive analysis of building materials and structures, and give rescue suggestions.

It can be said that AI replaced the professional advisory board, and the people on the scene only need to have excellent execution ability to rescue people smoothly.

Over time, the people on the scene also had a more intuitive understanding of the new ruler. It was generally believed that after the new official took office, the public officials became obviously capable.

Although this does not cover up the fact that the people have been slaughtered by monsters, it still comforts the frightened and sorrowful people to a certain extent, making people feel better in their hearts.

After the rescue was completed, the personnel were also evacuated to a safe area, and the sword fighters used individual anti-ship weapons. This is a weapon born out of anti-equipment weapons that has a level of power.

This weapon can only be used by talents who have been physically strengthened and equipped with power armor. The recoil of weapons is one aspect, and more importantly, there is energy pollution during launch. If ordinary people will cause permanent damage.

It was also the first time that SWAT people saw this single-person weapon. They saw that the sword fighters who were wearing power armor actually put on a layer of mechanical armor, wearing this kind of equipment called exoskeleton type armor. Later, the mechanical body more than three meters high, it means very little Gundam.

The anti-ship weapons it uses are actually universal weapons used by MA.

Kane also knows the pressure on logistics due to the variety and complexity of specifications, so he values ​​the versatility and has such practical results.

After receiving the prompt, the swordsman who was fighting with Chaos, the king of eight fists, suddenly evacuated to dodge, and the shooter shot more than 500 meters away.

A beam of light drills a blood hole in the body of the chaotic monster and can be the size of a baby's fist.

But Chaos didn't care about such injuries at all. Not only are they thick and fleshy, but they also have an unusual ability to restore flesh and blood,

However, the anti-ship weapon used by the sword fighter is not a simple energy gun. If it is classified, it should be counted as a micro weapon.

The strike principle is similar to depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles. Breaking through the outer shell is only an aid. The part of Galway that is injected into the interior erupts is the highlight.

And this weapon can exist the core in the form of energy flow, and the technology can be said to be very sharp. It is also the result of the reverse technology of energy crystallization, and also includes the mass-energy conversion technology.

All in all, the first order can now be easily switched directly between energy and matter. Therefore, the application of this type of ammunition energy fluidization can be popularized.

It seems to be just a stream of energy, but in fact it is rich in content, destruction, guidance, protective layer, triggering, annihilation explosion... A series of capabilities are contained in a fast stream of light, in the eyes of unknown people, it is equal to It is magic magic.

In fact, including Kane, the First Order has been carefully using the extraordinary power of this world.

In Kane’s words: “The extraordinary power of the Warhammer 40K, most of us are familiar with it. But there are also components we are not familiar with. But this component is its characteristic and core. Before thorough analysis, we must be vigilant enough. And awe."

Therefore, the extraordinary power used by the First Order has been transformed. This is naturally no less than the refreshment that comes with the use, but it will not cause trouble and trouble for the psionicists and even the wizards of this world.

Due to the transformation efficiency of extraordinary powers and the complexity of using the transformed extraordinary powers (mainly involving instruments and requiring the blessing of mysterious elements), to date, extraordinary in the first order belongs to only a few patents used by individuals.

Sword fighters such peripheral soldiers (high-level sword fighters are counted as first-class soldiers) will naturally not be equipped with weapons with a high proportion of extraordinary attributes.

However, power weapons that use energy to break the molecular bonds of matter have become popular in all levels of the first order.

Due to the advanced power armor and powerful nuclear energy battery, the power demand of the power sword can be easily obtained.

For the same reason, the energy weapons of the First Order are also very sharp. Plasma, laser, even electromagnetic orbit weapons and hot-melt weapons, almost all weapons that require high-energy support, can shine in the first order like never before.

It’s just that the title of Albert’s father of distortion is not white. The chaotic monster he created is very tyrannical and born to be a psionicist. It’s just not to strengthen the protective ability in the form of a force field, but the most common form of chaotic forces. Enchanting method.

But now it was targeted by internal blasting. The plasma fireball appeared, with a diameter of less than 1 meter, but it completely melted all the substances in the category.

The chaotic monster immediately exhibited a miserable structural imbalance, and the remaining limb debris grew savagely from the wound site at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the role of the power of subspace. Unfortunately, unconstrained power is not only useless, but harmful. A pile of mad blood and flesh is simply cumbersome. Chaos can no longer be reborn as before and can be spliced ​​at will.

There has been such a scene before:

The sword fighter finally cooperated to cut off an arm of a chaotic monster. The broken arm of Chaos grows rapidly, while using the other hand to pick up the broken limb on the ground as a weapon.

After playing for a little while, using the gap between the battles, the broken arm was arbitrarily pushed somewhere in the body, and it was so sticky, and the broken arm was quickly alive, as natural as it was.

This is the main feature of the chaotic monster made by Albert.

On many battlefields in the past, his chaotic monsters have been moving up and down, gradually splicing into huge and ugly monsters whose shape is difficult to describe, and become a nightmare for many people.

‘Father of Distortion’ was born in this situation.

But now, this characteristic of Chaos is discovered and cracked in time. It happened that the First Order had strong individual weapons, and this was the only thing that fell into the soul and collapsed directly.

Albert himself did not expect this to be the case.

The slaver and the spirit eater honestly said that he did not expect too much.

Although their unique talents are still quite powerful, they are wild after all.

And so many subspace cracks and holes in the Gradyus area mean that the subspace force penetrates seriously, and the creatures living here have a greatly increased probability of appearing psionicists.

As long as some miraculously trained psionicists, slavers and spirit-eating monsters' extraordinary defenses are organized, they are likely to be destroyed. As a result, the damage of these two monsters at an absolute number of disadvantages is very limited. .

But the chaotic monster he created is different.

Unless this weapon loses more than 50% of its total mass in a very short period of time, and this part of the loss is a key part (torso), its special mechanism can continue to operate. Through high-speed regeneration and splicing, the lost part All make up.

The core principle behind it lies in a kind of thing called the power of the evil **** and the chaotic sacrifice ceremony.

The crazy destruction and cruel killing of the chaotic monsters is itself a sacrifice ceremony. The power of the evil spirit thus obtained is the secret of its super power.

However, Kane is the evil spirit, and the evil spirit of the old ruler is only higher than the four evil spirits. After all, the Four Evil Gods are only kings and kings in the Warhammer 40K, while the old dominators are the first in the multiverse.

Therefore, as Kane's information manager, Miranda easily saw through Albert's tricks and directly worked out miracles. The extraordinary weapon also continued to play chaotic monsters. The power of the evil spirits involved in its body can only help the savage growth of the residual limbs and become a pile of waste meat.

Albert did not know that his proud work was being destroyed so quickly, and he was still on the way to igniting everywhere.

There are eleven points in the world that are suitable for manufacturing monsters to attack the city. When the first accident was quelled, he had just completed the third place of making chaotic monsters and releasing the slaves and spirit eaters.

When he rushed to the fourth place, Miranda has found the place of origin of the monster through the use of trace science (mainly left behind when the heavy tonnage chaotic monster travels).

Efficient observation and analysis, Miranda has grasped the environmental information here, especially noting the concentration of subspace cracks and extraordinary power.

After that, the information was quickly sent to air and space ships everywhere, and began to look for a similar environment in the human habitation area, mainly around the city.

As for the types of monsters and how to deal with them, before that, they told the military units around the world.

Moreover, the powerful manufacturing industry also cooperates, and more weapons are quickly printed and then distributed.

These weapons are naturally not exoskeleton mechs and MA-used anti-ship weapons. After all, this kind of weapon requires users, and it is not used by many swordsmen.

However, Miranda has a huge information base and lists the standards. It is not difficult to design such weapons for teams.

For example, this kind of weapon is carried by ‘big dog’ as a firepower platform.

‘Big Dog’ is a quadruped machine and an important member of infantry mechanization. There are many functions, including helping the light infantry reduce the weight, and strengthening the firepower of the squad and so on.

Today, it is only necessary to design the universal anti-ship weapon as a variant that Big Dog can carry. Other weapon structures and ammunition models do not need to be changed.

Albert never imagined that his enemies not only communicated enemy information and countermeasures efficiently, but also targeted equipment upgrades so efficiently.

He was still thinking about the first battlefield. What his little cute creatures are doing to the enemy’s city now; and when the second and third battlefields are opened up, what kind of damage will the enemy bring to the enemy? What.

This situation, in fact, also exposed the shortcomings of the cruel Orson's legion, which is also a drawback of most chaotic forces.

That is, from the perspective of the modern military profession, the legions of chaotic forces have many loopholes, but their extraordinary means are mysterious and mysterious to humans, and humans are always passively beaten. Therefore, even if the loopholes are There, it is difficult to be caught.

The first order can be encountered, which is also passively beaten, but the loopholes are highlighted by the first order's effective and rapid response, and even become fatal.

Like now, Albert obviously lacks the coordination of efficient intelligence observation and feedback systems.

He also played a very old routine: I fan the flames and do not participate in the murder and set fire, when you feel the scene, I have gone elsewhere to continue to engage in this set, and you can only one step behind.

Albert felt that as long as he did not leave the handle, the enemy would be able to take him. As for the performance of the monsters, according to past experience, there is still a guarantee, and his requirement for minimum guarantee is not high, as long as he is reached. The bottom line in cognition, his action, even if it was successful.

But he did not know that the role of the destruction team he built was falling off the cliff.

The second invasion was still a sneak attack, but in the third place, the monsters almost hit the defensive position hurriedly arranged by the army.

This is due to Miranda's efficient intelligence and statistical analysis capabilities. The enslavers, spirit eaters, and chaotic monsters all sum up biological characteristics and extraordinary characteristics.

After this information is transmitted to the air and space ships everywhere, only need to adjust the detection equipment, there is a higher chance to capture the trace of the target, after all, the monsters are not one or two, but in groups, hundreds of .

Moreover, with the discovery of the origins of the monsters in the second and third places, after the information analogy, the characteristics become more and more clear, which facilitates the search for places with similar characteristics in other human habitats around the world.

Albert played this time by opening the door nearby and making strange attacks instead of gathering troops in the wilderness areas that the First Order is currently unexplored, and then launched the attack.

Albert's number of paths is also considered to have its advantages, but unfortunately there are more loopholes. If he can organize enough manpower to open the door at eleven o'clock, the effect will be much better, and there is even a certain chance that it will really make the first order face dull.

However, the most likely opportunity was missed because he and Olsen had underestimated the strength of the enemy.

As for the fact that the army was really assembled in a wild area, it was attacked head-on.

Let's put it this way, as long as the energy in an area is abnormally high, the first order will be discovered, and then there will naturally be a series of powerful means falling.

Only this kind of sporadic, rapid penetration operation that touches the door of the house can have a chance of success. The premise must also add a ‘this time period’. After the last week, no, and after five days, the situation will be completely different.

After all, the First Order took five days to establish the Gradyus fleet.

The third batch of chaos infiltrated the troops and ran into the position quickly established by the army, but failed to touch the city.

In the fourth batch, the Chaos Infiltration Force was still halfway through, and was found. Then, on the outskirts of the city, it rushed into the trap prepared by the army, and basically did not cause any personal injury.

In the fifth batch, the First Order discovered the traces of Albert. At that time, Albert had completed the creation of the Egg of Chaos and was opening the door to let go of strange things.

The observation unit of the first order chose to observe silently.

Soon after, the Swordsmen Instructor and some order wizards began to act. Miranda searched for 14 similar areas in the global human habitats. High-level swordsmen and order wizards rushed to the remaining nine I hope I can get Albert right...

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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