Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1314: Go against the sky and become a god

Regarding space warfare, in fact, there is no way for the chaos party.

After all, there is an unreasonable extraordinary base.

But some things are difficult to reverse once the general trend is formed, and even like a billowing flood, it is difficult to resist. Even if there is the ability to build a super dam, it is too late.

That's what happened to Tecchi in Gradieus.

And this incident also made Yanqi, the other three evil gods, and many Chaos people, the first time to see the overall structure of the Chaos forces.

In the long years before this, most people have always thought that the four evil gods are like the major shareholders of the company, and like stars in a star system, they have an unmatched advantage like occupying absolute proportions of mass. .

Now, people have discovered that the original four evil gods are more like institutions and consortia in the stock market. It's okay to stir the situation, but as a whole, the majority of chaos like stock market retail investors, except for the four evil gods, have a higher proportion of power, but the retail investors cannot act in a unified manner, and are always guided and controlled.

This new cognition undoubtedly breeds the ambitions of many chaotic people. In the past, I always thought of taking refuge and thinking about getting the moon first when I was near the water, but now I have more thoughts such as observing from the sidelines, ebb and flow, gathering people to stand on their own.

Moreover, the role of role models is powerful. The Chaos forces have not been calm in recent years. A newly emerged demon who claims to be the demon Lord Sauron has become the most popular fifth evil god.

Undoubtedly, this is exactly the big news made by the chess pieces arranged by Kane through the attack of the Black Expeditionary Vanguard in the Athena area.

It is also due to this one who is in the early stage, and there are several seed candidates, and this one is the most successful. Soon after converging with the remnants of the vanguard fleet (the small ships lurking in the meteorite area were completely annihilated, several large ships hidden in a certain star system were deliberately let go), they were summoned by Abaddon for questioning.

This is the puppet carefully prepared by Kane, who has instilled a lot of relevant information and knowledge, and it is not surprising that he can seize the opportunity and successfully win Abaddon's favor.

Abaddon even admitted in public that he had never met such a person in over 10,000 years.

Sauron quickly turned from a popular favored minister to a great minister next to Abaddon, the chief deputy.

Not only did Gein speak nicely, vote for Abaddon's stomach, he has a higher chance of getting a good post, and he also has a team like the Knights of the Black Blade, and things are always neat and beautiful.

Like most demon lords, Abaddon’s general affairs are roughly divided into two sections.

On the one hand, it is aimed at the physical universe, which is to encourage people to join, and all kinds of troubles, murder and arson.

To them, doing evil is not only a twisted pleasure and a long-established habit, but also a good life, which is related to the acquisition of extraordinary power. After all, only the intelligent beings of the physical universe have all kinds of sufferings that they have a wealth of negative emotional energy to harvest.

Specifically, it is similar to agricultural work. Whether the fields are of high quality, whether the technology is high, and whether the auxiliary tools are handy, are all important factors that affect the final result.

In this regard, the industry pacesetters are naturally the four evil gods.

Then there are demon princes and lords who are attached to the four evil gods, who can be rewarded with some related artifacts or knowledge, or pick up some leftovers.

And such a situation inevitably became a major reason to further enhance the importance of another major section of the Demon Lord's standing.

This section is the intrigue between demons and each other.

The so-called colleagues are enemies. This statement is especially insightful within the Chaos forces.

Although Abaddon and the Black Legion led by many people are called “infinite favor” by many people, the past of “victorious in a hundred battles” is also a shame. At the beginning, he took the lead in the uprising (rebellion). And the prestige during the Great Crusade has been exhausted.

What's more, the personal charm and leadership of Horus, who can be called the number one army of interstellar warriors, accounted for a large proportion.

Although Abadon is a clone of Horus, he claims to have similar temperaments, but his many expeditions over the past ten thousand years have proved that even if he is similar in character to Horus, he is also a comic version based on inheriting bad qualities. Not worthy of the title of'Warlord of Valor'.

He is not the deity of Horus, and he has repeatedly fought and failed. Why should he be the chief?

If the name is fictitious, then launching an expedition to the physical universe is a big project that can make real benefits. It is entirely because the Cthulhu's favor is so strong that he takes on the heavy responsibility again and again, and other colleagues naturally refuse to accept it.

And if the dissatisfaction of the previous few thousand years is basically just staying on the mouth, then in the last thousand years, the situation of using hands and feet has become more and more frequent.

So in fact, this section involves and consumes Abaddon and even the Black Legion more than attacking the physical universe.

Since it is indeed something that you can't afford to support, then go for it, where can the chaotic forces have so much tenderness?

Kane has done some research on this. He believes that Abaddon and the Black Legion can always be favored for reasons behind the scenes.

This reason is related to the claim that the emperor is the fifth evil god.

Of course, this statement is a typical high-dimensional statement. It is said that the Warhammer 40K human beings in the game do not know the true face of Lushan, even if there is that spiritual person, they will be rectified on the spot by the state religion as an extremely reactionary crime. There is no rumor at all. The possibility of opening.

Kane is naturally not affected by these. After analysis, he believes that just like those fallen interstellar warriors who have successfully promoted to become demons and demon princes, they must face an important trial. The emperor wants to become the fifth evil god. There is also a difficult hurdle to pass.

This is not to say that evil gods and demons take pleasure in this, or that some military camps and most prisons have formed a tradition of ravaging newcomers. It is an important ritual related to ‘mind building’.

Gods and demons are metaphysical products, focusing on the soul, or the state of spiritual consciousness, while demons naturally have negative and extreme attributes.

There is a saying that it is good to say that if you are not crazy, you will not survive. Isn't it through doing it to the extreme to break through the current limitations of not being stunned, not going up, not going down, not dead or alive?

Therefore, in the legendary world of sword wind, Griffith's final step to become a **** is to sacrifice his most cherished mercenary group, among which the deep **** is particularly important.

Therefore, in the World of Warcraft universe, the Tsundere Empress Azshara also had to sell her people to become the queen of naga and the first witch in history.

Therefore, the sorrows of the Warhammer 40K universe need to sacrifice the entire Elda Elf race to match their will with the **** seat Yuna has been consolidating since ancient times.

If the emperor wants to become the fifth evil god, he has to sacrifice his most proud masterpiece in his life, which is the crystallization of what he has learned and emotions, the Primarch of Genes and the Legion of Star Warriors. Among them, the best and most powerful army will be used. Ruth and his army are represented.

Based on this analysis, Cthulhu's inexhaustible favor to Abaddon became reasonable. For large-scale national sacrifices, it is not possible to kill a weak chicken for three animals, even if it is finished, the emperor must be earth-shattering if he wants to be on top, in order to subversively bid farewell to the past and go to extremes. As for slaughtering the world, Kane felt that it was not the point. The emperor also talked about distance and close relatives. From this point of view, Weiye cares a lot. In his feeling, the people are actually a bit far away...

Anyway, bullying is always easy to do, and it's easy to do.

The structure of the human empire is a sieve where the chaos forces are serious, and it is possible to do things wherever it is. It is nothing more than considering the cost and effect to make choices.

On the other side, it's very bad to be torn up with colleagues.

It is said that the one who knows you best is your enemy. If this enemy is a colleague who gets along with each other day and night, then the other party's shots will often make you feel more sour.

For the demon lords, one of the daily embarrassments is the lack of public servant mentality and the capable officers who work hard.

This is a major feature of the Chaos forces. It was originally a concentration camp for all kinds of inferior generations, which included a large number of people who like to work, **** and slippery, and those who can do a job and love a job are too rare.

So why does it feel that evil can always happen?

That's because the world is most afraid of being serious.

And people with extreme emotional stimulation do things very seriously.

However, this kind of emotion is often short-lived and has an end. If you can't vent it, you will explode yourself. Even if your life is still alive, it will become a waste of "indifferent" every day.

This kind of waste is especially common in the Chaos forces. They generally lack a stage for performance, so their misery is rarely known.

As for how miserable it is, it is worse than people living in slums.

However, I am born to be useful, and even a piece of toilet paper has an attribution. The belongings of the scum are generally sacrificed in batches. Compared with the sacrifices made by mortals, living sacrifices are already considered to be very high-end sacrifices.

In short, in the society of the Chaos forces, all classes are extreme, extreme misery, extreme madness, extreme authority, and all kinds of extreme things that are staged by Tianmei.

The affairs in this section are not only difficult to complete, but also risky. The demons have headaches. They can push or drag.

Sauron was uncharacteristically, specializing in this business sector and doing a few beautiful things.

Abaddon complained about this in private, complaining why Sauron had become a believer of Nurgle so early?

Sure enough, there is no impermeable wall in the world, even if Abaddon does a good job of confidentiality, those colleagues who compete with Abaddon will definitely get the news out.

The benevolent father Nurgle knew that he had such a believer, so he called for blessing.

This is a good thing for many chaos believers, and even demons.

Although the members of the Nurgle line are generally stinky and ugly, and the higher the position, the more stinky and ugly, but they are really long-lived, and they are very resistant to fights. They can be reshaped when they are muddled. In the four evil gods system , The least likely to die is the Nurgle series.

Now the benevolent father wants to bless him himself, Sauron is about to rot, and his immortality can be expected.

Then, it was very abrupt, so I changed the style of painting.

No one knows what Sauron played in Nurgle Garden.

Afterwards, Nurg was still as gentle as ever, not showing anger or fire, as if he gave red envelopes to potential brothers who won the Excellent Employee Award, and eventually became the younger brother’s upper rank, the battle of self-reliance and it was completed, no What happened in His hands.

Among the four evil gods, the most stable of the masses is Nurgle.

This statement can be seen at this time.

After guessing, there were some complaints and some critics, but they didn't take the opportunity to act and do something, and the topic level peaked very high and the temperature dropped quickly.

As a regular opponent of Nurgle, Lunii would naturally not let go of this opportunity to block Nurgle's ruin.

He sent his powerful men to assassinate Sauron.

That means that someone who can win a place of self-reliance from your hands, but died in the hands of my subordinates, you can see how powerful you are in combat.

Then, the wicked general, went cleanly, and returned cleanly. Only the wine vessel made of the head was returned, and even the devil soul was collected by Sauron. From now on, there is no way to resurrect him, and even the evil **** cannot resurrect it.

As the assassination was made public by Sauron, Sauron also announced his name and priesthood, the king of the underworld, the lord of the undead, and the **** of death, referred to as the **** of death or the **** of death.

Among the forces of chaos, there are many who call kings and lords, but there are few who dare to call gods.

After all, this is not just a matter of courage, but also lack of technology and failing to understand the key. In addition to provoking a show, what tangible benefits can't be lost, and how stupid is he?

It turned out to be a coincidence. The fear of abuse may have been a bit idle these years. He said in a funny way: "It's been a long time since there have been such interesting people and things. Let me check how much gold your name contains."

The test method for fear of abuse has always been simple and straightforward.

First of all, he sent the champion selection team of the previous period to attack the place known as Hell.

Then, he sent the latest edition of the Champions' Selection Team to a certain star area in the Far Eastern Star Territory of the Empire to massacre, which was regarded as a publicly paid tourist leave of praise.

Finally, he sent a veteran champion, like the king of the gladiatorial arena, to challenge Sauron to see if Sauron can kill him.

As a result, Sauron gave unspeakable answers to all three things.

Those who attacked the underworld had not rushed into the main hall of the underworld, and they all died tragically from the various forces and traps of the underworld.

None of the people who caused the massacre that was heard by the people have returned. Because Sauron’s death angels enter the venue at the right time and are recruited on the spot. Anyone who is devout and faithful to the Hades will become a petitioner and can live in Hades. However, those who do not meet the standard of piety are similar to opening a big discount and grant them realization. Opportunity for revenge.

It was this kind of gift that caused the members of the Fear of Abuse Champion God's Choice Group to be harassed and all died in mental breakdown.

The original consciousness was erased by the torrent of memory information. The newly born ghost hound of the underworld, a rather terrifying twisted spirit creature, can emit a contemplative roar similar to the howling of a banshee, and it has a "underworld" Tao Soul's talent.

Simply put, the talent is that which part is gnawed away, and the soul corresponding to which part will be permanently lost.

For example, if a certain demon has a leg gnawed off, even if it is resurrected again, that leg is reborn and cannot be used. It has a healthy leg, but it is one of the disabled demon that cannot be used.

As for the champion of the horror sect, he is still suffering from the constant burning of the underworld fire day and night.

In Sauron's words: "I am the **** of death. If I don't let you die, you will always live and endure eternal suffering."

Sauron suddenly became so compelling, mainly because of the welfare of the eternal well.

Kane hastily extracted a large number of mysterious elements, and went home to reunite. The remaining part is still not asphalt grade, and good things can be extracted, even rarer than the mysterious elements, but it takes more time.

And Sauron relied on the more rare substances extracted from it to possess a primitive godlike star god.

It becomes a god, even if the creator has opened up and cheated.

Moreover, it is also related to the natural loopholes in this universe.

If there is a self-upgrading derivation system in every universe, then the derivation system of Warhammer 40K does not intend to make the gods subsystem popular, at least from the current trend, this is unlikely.

It is precisely because of this that when it absorbs the essence of another cosmic egg, it naturally does not touch certain elements.

But these elements, as well as those absorbed, belong to the Cosmic Egg. Since the Warhammer 40K universe has absorbed it, it has some of the properties of the Cosmic Egg. This leads to the part that also has the properties of the Cosmic Egg but was abandoned. Once it is technologically People who use it can have a corresponding impact in the Warhammer 40K universe.

The so-called tumor is also meat, but its function no longer meets the needs of the normal functioning of the body. Not only does it invalidate the functions of the corresponding parts of the body, it becomes an obstacle to the functioning.

Under Kane's authorization, Miranda got such a man-made tumor on Warhammer 40K. Or is it a tumor?

In short, it added a new gameplay that was unlikely to appear in the first place, especially during this period, adding a new trick to the **** system that originally only had the four evil gods. It's like a new industry, full of vitality and potential.

Moreover, this kind of path to becoming a **** from the next role is quite inspirational. Prior to this, this field was reserved by the'Tianding', including the emperor, who were all typical of Niubi, who were born in the gene. The original body is also extraordinary, and then achieves various legends, but now there is an example of becoming a **** against the sky, which is too exciting.


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