Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1331: Although divine power is good, use it with caution

The sky is black and gray, and the planet Gradius lost too much matter in a strong energy storm, and at the same time more matter was swept into the sky, plus the Dyson sphere controlled by the first order did not shine the stars. It was delivered over and created such a scene.

The reason why it is gray rather than pitch black is that the strong energy storm itself is luminous and causes the burning of matter. Therefore, the fire-like cloud phenomenon will last for a period of time. If a large amount of dust does not cover the sky, the sky will even appear Kind of weird white.

The god-like field of force that protects the land of sand and sea here seems to be a stress mechanism. Simply put, the force field will be activated only when the intensity and strike range are higher than a certain threshold.

Kane also slandered this in his heart: "What's here? The Universe is worried that the wind is so strong that people will discover that it is actually a Mediterranean hairstyle?"

Since he was here, Kane has always been guarding against him, so as not to make another move by a mysterious third party.

At the same time, his shots are not lacking in temptation.

Even using the dark sky is a temptation.

After all, there was no response to the Holy Light Blessing Spell he used before the dark moat.

When he thought about it, since the Warhammer 40K universe was the first extraordinary power of'soul power and psychic energy', he used the technique of holy light to gather the dissipated souls again and pulled the souls back into the body from the subspace. This kind of operation, It would probably violate the taboo of that third party.

The result did not.

I don't know if the other party really doesn't care, or is more tolerant. Or maybe it's just a certain kind of mechanism system like the way of heaven, without self-consciousness.

So he simply came to a more ruthless one, and was suspected of confusing the entity, using it as his own operation.

He had thought about it. If the other party couldn't help jumping out, then the majestic power of the dark sky would be aimed at the other party, not Wei Qi.

You must know that this mighty force is a rebound of the power of the universe caused by the stubbornness of the gods of light and the three evil gods. Under normal circumstances, even if he is willing to invest, he may not be able to make such a movement smoothly. After all, he is a foreigner, even if he conforms to it. The general trend, this universe does not have any discounts for him, let alone an act against the sky.

But the third party still didn't respond, which made him feel a bit regretful. After all, at his level, the income of property is important, but it is not important to decrypt it. If you want to make money, there is always a way. The first order is a money-making machine, and the profits are not bad, and he has gradually learned to realize that as a latecomer, there is no more enthusiasm for the "catch-up mechanism". Steady is the most important thing. Sex.

But the secret is different. The secret that can be valued by him now is often the kind that requires a suitable opportunity to solve it.

For example, it is the ‘well of eternity’ in Trick’s hands.

If it wasn't for Trick that didn't understand it, but let Carlos, who had less control over him and had a little understanding of fur, spy on his information with the power of the Well of Eternity, he wanted to know the Well of Eternity, it would be difficult. , I’m afraid it’s necessary to wield an army into the castle of despair, but once something like that happens, it basically means that he has reached the late stage of his adventure in this universe. Even if he discovers the "well of eternity", its effect will be changed. The earlier treasures have become dispensable collections.

In short, since he has established the Creator's creed of ‘information first’, information control is an absolute priority. He chose to come to Planet Gradius, not just to confirm some information.

Now it is obvious that this third party is inextricably linked with the information he wants to confirm, even exceeding his original expectations (he only considered that there are a lot of ancient sacred relics here, and it may be possible to use it to confirm some that have not yet been mastered. Secret information), he naturally hopes to gain something. This kind of desire is more important than the acquisition of goods.

But at this point, he will not be too hypocritical, after all, people are unhappy and money is happy, and finally he has won a lot of money.

It happened that Miranda also added up the losses of the First Order in this energy storm. After a little comparison, he found that he lost about two cents and made two hundred and twenty-two cents. The part of the loss is not even comparable to the fraction of the profit. It is indeed a big profit.

However, he has another energy expenditure of more than twenty yuan. This expenditure must be paid in order to recover the unique information of the dark sky.

If you don't pay, the unique information will be swallowed by the Warhammer 40K universe after a few years. This is what he didn't want to see. Because the value of unique information is far more than two hundred and twenty-two dollars for him.

Therefore, from this perspective, the gain this time is more like a small profit but quick turnover of the Creator's version, with reduced prices and low prices, but with a recovery mechanism.

This recycling mechanism seems to be earned by the customer, but it is actually earned by the seller because it prevents the possibility of technology leakage.

So the question is, what if someone who knows how to come and steal information during the existence of the dark moat?

Kane said that if that happens, an information defense war will start, and he will have to continue to increase information protection costs.

But on the other hand, if something like that happens, it is considered a successful fishing. Can let someone who is also a creator-level existence, because the dark sky jumps from behind the scenes to the front desk, he does not lose.

The high-end game is probably just such a game, and progress is slow. It is normal that there is no movement for decades or hundreds of years.

Kane did what he should do and turned his attention back to the current small pattern.

The unilateral slaughter in the sand sea had come to an end, and the corpses of the Demon Oath Legion had few lives left.

There was no surrender, only death in battle.

Kane felt that it was good, like this kind of low-end game, he was not interested in keeping prisoners, and if he didn't surrender, the First Order would not need to betray the notoriety of killing prisoners. Although the First Order has always been its own way, isn't the Holy Light Sect in the period of great promotion!

Everyone knows that the First Order is closely related to the Holy Light Sect, so stay back and don’t drag your feet. After all, many people are staring at the First Order because of the Holy Light Sect. Specially booked by big books.

If you really want to talk about the benefits of the Holy Light Sect, in fact, Kane didn't care much.

But now that the flagpoles are all up, the belief system is also starting to operate, and the Warhammer 40K universe is basically in a primitive state. No matter how he mows the grass, he will naturally not refuse to pay even a little bit of convergence.

Of course, on the other hand, he doesn't need to be too concerned about public opinion, after all, there are escorts such as the state religion of the empire and the court.

Do not eat alone in business. Kane’s belief system has not forgotten to distribute benefits to his collaborators.

His cooperation plan is like this. I will provide technology, personnel, equipment, and even construction, and you will provide the market, land, channels, policies, and non-technical maintenance (for the field).

On the surface, the belief project that I have undertaken is of a public welfare nature. Advise people to be kind, obedient, help each other, and face life positively.

The Holy Light Sect accepts donations, but does not accept large donations.

The Holy Light Church welcomes volunteers. Come and participate when you have free time, if you have the technology and just need it, you will have the technology, and if you don't have it, you will make a move. Volunteer content is basically the social infrastructure. The kind that can make the community better is a typical example of taking people's power and using them for the people.

Then the donations and the use of funds are transparent and subject to public supervision. Of course, the public here must be believers. Although the Holy Light sect does not show strong exclusivity, it still does not welcome non-believers to point fingers, and the governor will not do it.

It can be said that such an organization cannot be played unless it is supported by the strong productivity of the First Order.

It started to burn more money than shared bicycles in Kane’s hometown, and it still seems to be losing money in the later period. The more churches, the more losses. Even the richest man in the human empire will be destroyed within three to five years.

Mainly because each church not only needs money for daily maintenance, but also for activities. The donation and the income of volunteers do not follow this system.

In other words, donations and volunteers are nothing more than the holy light sect organizes everyone to use their own money and labor in their lives, which is a kind of public welfare behavior that concentrates on doing big things.

When the Holy Light Sect opens, it will be explained that our hobby organization is similar to self-financing. If you don’t participate, we play by ourselves. If you participate, you can take you to play together, but we have the right to stop playing at any time. After all, we don’t owe you. what.

Some people sneered at this statement, saying: "There are cats that don't steal fishy in the world? It's just a trick to catch and play, look!"

Therefore, in some places, the Holy Light sect has become similar to the existence of a monastery. It does not preach, does not preach, and the location of the monastery is relatively biased. Only when purchasing necessities for life, will it interact with people in nearby towns.

And they usually take in and educate orphans, and their lives are not idle.

But it should be said: if the mountain is not high, the name is immortal.

The clergy of the Holy Light Sect are people who have mastered extraordinary powers. The key is that the authorities allow them to openly operate. This is much more advantageous than those ‘unlicensed’ psionicists. And ‘licensed’ psionicists are not found in the military or in institutions such as Xingyuting.

Therefore, even those places that are closed and exclusive, the Holy Light Sect will be accepted over time. After all, this is a magical world. Those with psychics will naturally have monsters similar to monsters, all of which are affected by subspace forces.

What's more, under the background of desperation, there will never be a shortage of people who blacken things for various reasons, chaos believers, black masses, **** priests, monsters, demons... Although the colonization of human beings is tens of thousands, However, the dramas performed are all the same, after all, they are all based on people and a humanistic society.

It used to be that something went wrong, and there was no way to ask for it. Even if the unlicensed recruited ‘unlicensed’ psionicists to deal with the matter, it might lead to lawsuits.

For example, the black boat that specializes in catching psionics comes smelling, asking for clues about psionics...

This process is unlikely to be pleasant for the interviewee.

Because the silent nuns were never pleasant people.

Even the extreme necromancers in space said that the silent nuns who like to engage in barbecue are more crazy than them, and you can imagine the urination of those women.

Of course, if a supernatural event occurs, you can also report to the official through normal procedures.

If the local officials are not playing feudal rule, they will first roll a nail plate when they come to complain, but the kind that is more enlightened, and the relevant evidence is relatively sufficient, and cannot be excused by dreams, hallucinations, etc., then the official Will give a report:

Wait for it! The Empire has special departments to handle this kind of affairs, and they will send commissioners to solve them.

A few years later, when the grandson of the party concerned burned paper for him, he might be mumbling at the grave. The official official sent by the empire arrived and the matter was resolved...

It's such an efficiency. Who makes the empire's territory too large, and there are too few branches to handle such matters.

So now it is said that there are gods in the mountains, and the government has not taken the demolition team to ban it, which means it is legal. When there is no way to ask, why not try a dead horse as a living horse doctor?

Then it smells really good.

Because whether it's Kane still wants face, and Miranda is serious and meticulous enough to do everything. Therefore, as long as the Holy Light sect monastery can be opened, there will definitely be people who are capable of presiding over it.

The host starts from the master level, and the Holy Spirit ends.

Of course, it is not that easy to become the Holy Spirit. It takes almost five billion believers to support such a big cow.

After two visits, the Leng Ji Mountain Gate gradually increased in popularity until the threshold was broken.

And the more xenophobic the place, the more pious it is after acceptance. According to Miranda's statistics, the colonial world that supports sanctuary-level bishops today is basically the kind of poor country and remote world. On the contrary, it is the nest capital world with a large population. So far, no sanctuary-level bishop has been born.

In someone’s words: people there have empty eyelashes. They don’t believe in anything except money, and they don’t love anyone except themselves. This is true regardless of whether they are rich or poor. I hope these people will always be skeptical and right. It's too difficult for anyone to guard against the people who do the best to believe in something.

This is a bit extreme, but it also explains from a certain angle the status quo of most of the human empires in the world.

From the perspective of people's average living conditions and happiness indicators, the nest is a recognized hell, but it is also a **** created by the people there.

Kane has a say in this. At the beginning, the Big Dipper area was a similar mess. Zui Shengmeng was not an adjective but a true description. After he became the ruler, he sacrificed the current generation and even the next generation after he became the ruler. Only after three generations has it gradually changed the social atmosphere.

And his style cannot be played in the human empire unless he engages in a coup or an uprising.

Therefore, the human empire as a whole is still in continuous rottenness.

Regarding all these aspects, the performance of the Gradius people can be regarded as a relatively typical proof.

When Kane first came to Gradieus, the population of Gradieus was more than 5 billion.

Counting Lianpi, more than one billion people died in the seven years of war.

If you divide it evenly, it can be said that every family has nothing but filial piety.

But as a result, after the Gradius people visited and listened to the situation of the human empire, they finally all went to the First Order and only recognized this official.

Therefore, with the current official human empire, the high-pressure and high-control rule of the first order does not lack people to pay for it, let alone the Holy Light Sect.

Those who cooperated with Kane on the Holy Light Sect project were also quite satisfied.

The true profit point of the Holy Light Sect is faith power, which is not used by mortals, so Kane uses divine power to settle with his cooperators.

Some collaborators covet the technology of the first order. Ask if it can be used as a transaction item. Miranda's representative Kane said that there is no problem at all.

Then these people who coveted science and technology discovered that science and technology is a real system engineering, and it is the kind used by the predecessors to plant trees and the descendants to enjoy the shade, and they are particularly afraid of the death of people. It is better to sell tea eggs, the era is inevitable, and it will also greatly **** the development of technology.

In short, the investment is large, the results are slow, and there is no shortcut.

Because shortcuts often mean that they have no hematopoietic ability and need to invest more afterwards to make up, and it is hard to say whether they can make up. Too many such defects will cause the system to become unstable, and it may collapse or go out someday. Into a dead end.

The divine power is different.

It's true that you can't make this kind of thing yourself, but if you use it, it's good, and the effect is immediate, and it even means a panacea. From the collective to the individual, it can make up for it.

So Kane's collaborators quickly gave up the century-old plan, and the supernatural power was really good.

Even if it weren't for the first order to be stuck in progress, Miranda was meticulous and could not be deceived, and the collaborators would work hard to get on this project. After all, the more they tasted the sweetness, the more they wanted more.

For this reason, there have been more than 100,000 complaints and grievances, and even arrogant and intimidating threats have emerged. For this kind of conspiracy, the First Order will show its other side domineeringly, usually using extraordinary means to find enough convictions to ruin and get rid of it.

A big stick in one hand, sweet jujube in one hand, old-fashioned, but since ancient times, the routine has been popular.

So even though the Holy Light Sect was founded to the present, in just a few years, it has passed the investment period of the first order, the growth period of self-sufficiency, and entered the expansion period of feeding back the first order.

However, the First Order uses this power very carefully.

After all, this power is deeply tied to the human empire and even this universe. From an outsider's point of view, it is expensive.

Kane did not intend to let the meat of the First Order eventually rot in the pot of Warhammer 40K universe.

Not only because of selfishness, but more importantly, because his stall is already big enough now. Only after getting the dark HP universe the basic disk is kept. Next, the dark old ruler universe, and even the 20K universe of the Marvel multiverse, which is the universe where C Kane is, is very necessary to obtain all information in the same way.

The reason is that these two universes are also important access to the content of his information database. The dark old ruler universe is related to the origin of his old ruler system information, and C Kane’s Marvel 20K universe is more It is the source of the birth of Zhao Wenrui.

Only by collecting the information of these two universes to form the second closed loop, he can say: "From then on, I am not afraid of any time-space traceability erosion and change. No one should think of going upstream in time and space to fix the future. The grown-up me, or one of my important clones, will influence who I am now."

After completing the second closed loop, there is a third and final closed loop at the same time.

That is to go to his true source, the original world earth.

There is his true source. He doesn't pay attention to it, but can't afford it, because according to his understanding and calculation of the entire multiverse structure, it is too expensive to go there.

Not only him, but the same for all beings in the outer ring of the multiverse. Including his life and death enemy, the ancient god.

Regardless of that qualified elder, who has a solid family background, he can't afford to march to the earth, he is the kind who will definitely starve to death on the road.

Therefore, the most important source does not need protection. It can even be said that if he can truly return to his hometown one day. Then his life is basically complete, because having that ability means that he can easily kick his feet in the multiverse.

For a creator, the most difficult thing is Jinyi's homecoming. Who can think of it?


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