Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1344: Seeing the true colors by accident

At least among the half-orcs, Nicolas was the one who spoke nicely.

He asked Yakari if he wanted to get off the car to get some air, but he pointed out vaguely that there was still a long night to rush, and it would be inconvenient to get off the car for a little explanation.

Yakari clearly understood Nicolas's consciousness, which meant that whether it was breathable, the sunset here was pretty good.

In fact, for most people in this world, this kind of sunset in the wilderness is definitely the kind that is tired of seeing too much.

Compared with the relevant information in Kane's memory, the population of Stormwind Kingdom in this era is more than ten times larger. Many original towns can now be called "cities".

For example, the night town in the Twilight Forest is now called Night City.

As for the lakeside town of Red Ridge Mountain, it is still a town, because as the Red Ridge Mountain region is re-incorporated under the control of the kingdom, the Stone Fortress has been vigorously developed and a large number of people have been diverted.

However, even so, as far as the overall environment is concerned, it is still vast and sparsely populated.

This gives other shelters a chance to multiply, some of which are extremely threatening to humans and also very unfriendly. Therefore, in this world, in the Kingdom of Stormwind, ‘hunter’ is a legitimate career for civil servants, not a hobby.

Against this background, Yakari’s convenient way of doing things made Kane very painful, and she felt full of sight.

He has watched a deadly European and American youth movie, which is the kind of movie where a few young people get together to play in the wild and are taught to behave by wild nature.

There is a short story, that a girl is embarrassed by a woman, and she is afraid of getting out when she is convenient, and even afraid of being heard. So she finds a place for small explanations, just like shopping for a favorite coffee shop, and it is this mountain view Seeing that high mountain pick, the result was to go around around and around, and then I realized that I couldn't find it back after it was convenient.

After that, I continued to be stupid, thinking that I could get it back, and then further away from the road, and then something went wrong.

Jacarly in front of her was doing a similar stupid thing. From a third-party perspective, she saw this girl rushing all the way to the depths of the dense forest. If she was allowed to enter the forest, she might not be so efficient.

This lack of self-knowledge and mental preparation for travel made Kane annoying, so he observed it secretly.

If this is a bad scene arranged by fate, it will be fine. If not, then he doesn't mind helping to add a scene with unpredictable surprises, to remind these people, especially Yakari, can have a long eye. Son, silly Baitian with **** and brainless is the most annoying.

It is convenient for Yakari to go, while Nicolas is checking the condition of the car, and Grum walks around her side in kindly, looking like he is playing an assistant, but it feels more like a sticky Dog beside the owner.

"This person not only owes words, but also has no brains." Kane commented secretly.

In his opinion, Grum actually only needs to play the role of ‘good brother’, and then appropriately favor Nicolas and give him a chance to get along with Yacarly, which is enough. It can win the gratitude of Nicolas, but also the respect of Nicolas.

The current situation is obviously inferior, and even suspected of selling girls, which makes people look down on.

What's more stupid is that Grum played a lot of personality where he shouldn't be self-assertive.

Specifically, the attitude towards Olaf, perfunctory or even disgusting, is beyond words.

Through the character analysis of Grum and some details of the conversation, Kane has reason to believe that Grum and Olaf have no deep hatred.

Kane also believed that with Olaf's wisdom but not much maturity, he would not have insights from people like Grum.

So why is Grum not pleasing to Olaf?

Kane believes that the main thing is to please Nicolas. Especially after he found out that his younger sister Yakari seemed interesting to Olaf. He changed Far's provocation and wanted Olaf to get embarrassed, corrupting his perception of Olaf in Nicolas and Yakari.

This approach, to put it simpler, is called not giving Saco face. Everyone Nicolas has a mouthful and an "iron man", and Olaf's attitude is the main thing in the event (for example, the incident of taking Kane on a trip). You are a follower of all kinds of provocations and show what is going on. ? Who gave you the face?

Going deeper, it is foolishness.

Kane could see that Grum knelt and licked Nicolas. It was not just the kind of horse-like kneeling and licking, but he had a sense of admiration for Nicolas. To be vulgar, it was this big brother. Not awkward, but convinced.

That being the case, why do you want to make your own claim, play with loyal ministers and be upright, and make a joke when you meet a loyal minister or jester?

You have to believe your boss's vision. Why is Nicolas so good? Spending money and doing things and making efforts, from the burning plain to the twilight forest, more than a thousand kilometers of road, Olaf was heavy on his mind, and he didn't have a good face, and Sacco still smiled and didn't mind.

Just because they grew up wearing open pants together? Brotherhood?

Is Sako's temperament like that?

To put it even more ugly, if Nicolas is really the kind of person who is close to pedantic, would you Grum admire it?

You have to know that there is preference and sacrifice. People who value love and righteousness cannot be the communication link and universal interface, because from a certain perspective, the team is determined not to be sloppy or even explicit about favoritism.

Nicolas is obviously not this kind of person, but the kind of person who believes in the saying that ‘even a piece of toilet paper has its use’.

Grum is almost at the level of toilet paper. Before in the car, Kane noticed that even Yacari was bored with this brother, but Grum was still able to jump around in this small group, even It's because of Nicolas who presumptuously played what he thought he was.

Kane's analysis found that one of the characteristics of Sacco is that he is good at figuring out and using others' tolerance limits.

Just because he worked hard to help Olaf, Olaf looked at Sako's face and didn't use Grum as the air.

Precisely because it was okay with Grum, Grum did not make too much trouble for Sako's face, for example, to ridicule Kane or reveal Olaf's shortcomings.

Of course Olaf has short. Although the clothes are clean, they are worn, short and not very fit, and the style is also old-fashioned, and not very seasonal, and there are dishes on it. All these show that Olaf has been living in a difficult life for some time.

Being able to have a deep friendship with the Sako family, who are the craftsmen of the era, coupled with the characteristics of being knowledgeable and reasonable, Kane has reason to believe that Olaf once had a good family background, and his tutoring can also be used. There has been a major change in recent times.

If it’s a recent story, Kane feels that it’s been a year or two. If it’s really a recent change, even if Olaf is not good at taking care of himself, coupled with anxious getting angry, and a little incompetent and holding his breath, it will lead to disappointment. Grum will not be presumptuous.

The accumulation of prestige is not yet dispersed, and most people are not sure about the affairs of the powerful. You have no idea what kind of channels they have, and what kind of matters are involved. Maybe it is still a corrupt official today. Tomorrow, he will be loyal and innocent, and will be promoted and made rich.

Only when the dust settles, or at least it seems to be wronged or guilty, and being demoted as a commoner has been nailed down, then ordinary people will step on a few feet. It is the so-called tiger falling and being bullied by dogs.

I have always cut down my status and status first, and then arbitrarily handle it, without even having to do it personally. There are people who try to figure out their favors and greet those who are pleased to rush to perform... That thing in civilized society has always been like this. From ancient times to the present, China and foreign countries are similar.

Of course, on the other hand, this kind of time is also a good opportunity for investment. The pay is not much, but the return is often high. For example, Lu Buwei's odd goods are available.

This is Kane's perception of Nicolas. If Nicolas was completely utilitarian to Olaf, it would have blacked people's minds, but on the contrary, if it was purely out of friendship, Kane felt Nicolas was not so noble.

And Kane doesn't think that Sacco is the key point of judgment for the Son of Destiny. This is not the case, but the performance of Sacco's Liao Yakari.

If Nicolas ignores Olaf's attitude and is not moved by Yakari's greed for emotional children (want it all), he sincerely pushes Yakari into Olaf's arms.

Then, Kane would feel that this Nicolas is really a person. He is determined and determined at a young age. He only advances and retreats, knows how to make choices, and is willing to sacrifice. Coupled with his strong communicative skills, he must have something to do in the meeting.


So Kane is more optimistic about Olaf.

Kane has soul perception. Although he has always been very careful not to pry into the hearts of these people, he can still keenly perceive the meticulous emotions of several people. After all, Olaf and the others have not received the professional spirit. Cultivation, its true emotions will naturally flow out, and it is also easy to be perceived.

Kane knew that Olaf actually liked Yacarly too.

Of course, this kind of love is not deep, but it is the kind that is common among young people. It starts with good looks, cuteness and sweetness, and it is hormones.

But Olaf showed the appearance of not calling Yacarly, and this refusal was not due to the misfortune and shame of the time.

If it is really because of disasters and family failures, that you will be downcast and feel inferior, then you will become cautious and sensitive, but you will not be confident.

But Olaf was obviously not. When he decided to take Kane for a ride, he was more determined.

Because of this, Kane believes that Olaf let go of Yakari mainly because of his choice. He has important matters and cannot take care of his children's personal relationships. At the same time, he also noticed that his friend Nicolas was interesting to Yakari, and that he was against the situation. Rum had a bad sense, so he made a decision.

Very immature thinking, but on the right path.

This is Kane's perception. As for others, he had made similar choices back then and also chose to give up feelings.

Although the final outcome was betrayed by his own female team member, he has never felt that it was a mistake to give up that relationship.

If he had to say that there was something wrong, he felt that he failed to fully consider the importance of emotion in women's hearts and overestimated the influence of rational thinking on women. This was his biggest mistake at the time.

At that time, if he could be more defensive, instead of thinking, ‘Although he did not accept your feelings and made the relationship between the two people further, but after all, we are comrades who have been born and died many times together. I have a clear conscience and you have no reason to betray.’ Then that tragedy will not happen.

In short, Kane is more optimistic about Olaf's future. With enough suffering, and the son of the undead Xiaoqiang, Olaf is likely to grow into a generation of legends.

And now, this potential stock that Kane is optimistic about is worrying about the unpredictable future, so he looks a little depressed.

Kane felt that it was necessary to remind him of the importance of taking every step now, so he leaned over to remind him: "Yakalie, has it been a long time?"

Olaf frowned first. Obviously, he also vaguely realized that Yacari was a prone root seedling, so he was very sensitive, especially when mentioned by a stranger.

But in the next moment, Olaf understood Kane's meaning, knowing that Kane was also kind, his attention was obviously drawn back to the present, and he scanned the surrounding environment that was already gloomy and gloomy under the yellow sunset. Said: "I'm sorry, I've been thinking about it."

Kane smiled and said nothing. Olaf can take the responsibility for the first time, instead of justifying himself instinctively like ordinary people. If he can have this responsibility, he will give a good evaluation temporarily. If he performs well when he saves the situation, then the sum can give Excellent.

Olaf walked towards Nicolas, who was at the rear of the car, immersed in the mechanics, "How is the car?"

Sacco said without looking up: "Finally, I found a crux, which will be resolved soon, and then this car will run more happily..."

When it comes to machinery, Nicolas is very interested and devoted, thus ignoring time.

Olaf interrupted: "It's not good for you, obsessed machine, to snub beauties."

Sako's movements suddenly stagnated, and then turned to ask Grum: "How long have I been in the car."

"Uh..." Grum couldn't tell why.

"Damn!" Nicolas murmured, holding the car cover with one hand, taking two steps back, straightening up, looking around, and shouting: "Yakari, Yakari!?"

Olaf was already close by this time, patted Sacco on the shoulder, and then asked Grum, "I remember that Jacarie got off here, right."

"Uh, yes, it's here."

"You and Nicolas, I and Brocks, pay attention and don't separate."

Brocks, the pseudonym that Kane gave himself, is something to say.

Broxjja Saurfang, the brother of King Saurfang, a veteran who participated in the first two human-beast wars and the Burning Legion invasion war, later traveled through time and space to return to the ancient times and The demigods together resisted the first invasion of the Burning Legion, and then died while covering the retreat of their comrades.

Although it was just scratching the skin, Brocks was the only one who wounded the deity of Sargeras with a mortal body and an axe blessed by Elune.

This one thing is enough for a lifetime. After all, facing the deity of Sargeras, ordinary people can stand upright without peeing their pants, and they can say: ‘Dare! ’

The orcs of the Warcraft Universe don't have many praises for Kane. Brocks is one of them. The label is ‘pure’, a very pure warrior. His actions have added luster to the battle position of ‘warrior’.

However, in this era, people who know about Brocks's stalks are very, very few, Olaf and the others do not know, so when Kane introduced his name before, Olaf and the four were not particularly touched.

In this era, the names of half-orcs are roughly divided into two schools. One is the Yizu school, such as Nicolas, Grum, and Yakari. Even if these names are called by the orthodox orcs of Draenor, they will not appear. Drama, but very authentic.

And Olaf and Brocks (without the addition of ‘Siga’) are the other faction, the villagers who follow the customs, just like the black people in the Lighthouse Country are called William, Adam and so on.

I have to say that this name, from a certain perspective, can be regarded as a reflection of the half-orcs trying to integrate into the main civilization, while at the same time wanting to retain their own ethnic cultural characteristics. In fact, both of them are not doing very well. This is also a kind of sorrow that is born with hybrids.

Olaf quickly advanced the matter to the small part of finding someone in a strong manner, and he also demonstrated the method to a certain extent.

After he greeted Kane to act with him, he called out loudly: "Yakali, I heard it back, stand still, let's go and look for you."

Nicolas and Grum soon followed suit, pushing forward and shouting from time to time.

The area searched by the two groups was a 180-degree fan with the road as the bottom line, and each was responsible for the 90-degree range. Olaf also reminded Sacco that they would mark them from time to time to avoid losing themselves.

At the beginning, neither Olaf’s version nor Nicolas and the others thought how far Yakari could go, but when they searched out half a mile, they still had no results, and they all placed their hopes on another. One group had already found it and turned back. Only after meeting the other group did they know that the other group was empty-handed, only then realized that the matter was really big.

Kane swears by his real name, it's really not he who is playing tricks.

Can you believe that a girl walks around nearly a kilometer in order to find a consciously suitable place for temporary convenience?

But this happened, and Yacarly, like a cheerful little deer, bounced all the way into the dense forest. Of course, it’s also because she’s not particularly in a hurry. All in all, this girl has no interest in her, and she doesn’t want to think about what she is doing, where is this place, as a hill near her home that she used to be familiar with since jogging. Strong Sa Huan'er.

Then there was no more. It was not convenient yet. I suddenly realized that I seemed to be walking a bit far. I walked back for a while and found that the surrounding environment features are very similar. Everywhere is like the road I have traveled before, and it seems that I am walking a bit. Unlike, I finally realized that I was lost.

It was a little panicked and inconvenient now. He started to call his partner's name, and at first he squeezed, and soon let go of his throat and cried.

Because it was dark early in the mountains and forests, the light from the treetops was still lush, and the world under the trees had quickly turned dark. At this time, I finally knew I was afraid.

Under this circumstance, Kane saw that there was no special arrangement for fate, so he decided to add something to make the girl remember.

It’s not overly specific, just imitating the breath and characteristics of beasts when they appear. The rustling branches and leaves make a sound when they are touched, the faint footsteps on the dead branches and leaves, and the sound of gasping, which is at most a pair in the dark. Glowing, cold eyes.

But these elements are enough for Yakali to make up for it. It’s really scary to scare herself. Yakali almost was scared to pee, holding her breath, and shrank into a ball and hid in a tree nest, covering her mouth for fear of screaming. Speak out.

She heard Olaf's cry for a while, but she was afraid that she would respond to the exposed position and the beast would pounce, and she was afraid that Olaf would be hurt, so she did not respond and kept crying silently.

Let’s talk about the two groups of people. When they rejoined near the car, the last ray of afterglow on the horizon was quickly dissipating, and the woods on both sides of the road could not distinguish each other, leaving only a dark patch.

Olaf was very clever again to let the small group skip the steps of accusing each other or talking frustrating nonsense. He used a wooden stick to draw a rough picture directly on the ground, and said to Sacco and Grum: "You two Look, this is where we are now. Recall that you can roughly describe the route you searched. Let's meet with the two groups to see if there is a large leak area that has not been found."

Nicolas and Grum couldn't think of a better way, so they patiently followed suit. The two quarreled a little while drawing the specific route, and their tone was a bit aggressive.

As for Olaf, Olaf already has a very good memory, plus Kane’s key points The route was drawn quickly and accurately.

In the last analysis, there is indeed a missing area. Simply put, if you search again, you still use the road as the base and try to take the vertical route. In this way, after two searches, a large conical surface will be searched. The bottom line, that is, the cone-shaped fans in the left and right directions of the road, even if it is dark, you can barely search.

If it still doesn't work, I can only hope that Yakari can take care of herself this evening. Because as the night darkens, nocturnal creatures will come out to move, and even those searching for it will be in danger.

On the whole, this plan is already considered a more reasonable and feasible approach.

In this second search, Olaf took Grum to go.

Kane naturally saw Olaf's careful thinking.

It is said that Niu Biao Ren is quiet when it comes to major events, and Olaf already has that meaning at a young age.

Normally Nicolas is obviously more brilliant, but like now, Nicolas is a bit nervous, in fact, he is not hysterical, but when he let go of his anger, it is in sharp contrast with his usual performance, and at this time, everyone else is also the same. His stomach is fierce and sensitive, which is why he choked a little while talking to Grum.

Grum admired him, but he was inherently less able to bear pressure. When he was excited by words, the young man's energy came up and he ignored him.

The signs are wrong, and if this continues, it is very likely that they will not hesitate to speak, and spew some very hurtful words. Olaf calmly resolved at the critical moment, separated the two and made each other calm and calm.

Kane estimated that Olaf would also point to Grum with earnest words. Although Olaf does not like Grum, since he has the responsibility of the leader of the gang, he must try to resolve the problem from the perspective of the team. It is best to eliminate the problem in the process of formation, rather than completely outbreak. Just deal with it.

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