Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1350: I can't watch it

Kane is a bit machismo while he is hot, so he was instinctively reluctant to believe that the Son of Destiny might be a woman.

But Yakari’s performance was really amazing, especially when the rune tree species (Titatan Rune World Tree Species) got in hand, I felt that luck was even more prosperous and more positive than Olaf.

One of the characteristics of the son of destiny is that his strength rockets up. The front foot is still pressed by a small character on his head to do a big blessing, and the back foot can make this small character stand up high without any suspense.

Therefore, in the course of adventure, whether to harvest things related to the rapid increase of strength is one of the important criteria for Kane to judge the son of destiny.

And once it is suspected that Yacarly is the son of destiny, some of the previous situations can be explained in the same way.

Yacari has a low starting point, so she needs to follow along in the early stages.

The so-called lucky star is actually the halo of the Son of Destiny.

People with this aura can often bring rhythm at critical moments, or find a way out when they are in desperation.

Kane sighed: "Destiny is fun and always full of suspense. Nicolas, you have to work hard. Although money can be transformed into power, at present, your path is somewhat inefficient, and your luck is average. , Olaf has already successfully scoured his favorability value from Yacarly!"

One brush was on the way to Sanchakou, Yacari accidentally went deep into the dense forest, and finally it was Olaf and Grum who found her.

Since then, Yakari has obviously gotten closer to Olaf again.

The second brush is the waterway discovery and diving **** not long ago.

At this time, Yacari had a sense of beauty in the eyes of her lover, feeling that Olaf was witty, courageous, calm, reliable at critical moments, and justified.

So it’s fair to play and Sako, who is more concerned about Yakari, is clearly behind. If he is the son of destiny, does he have to stage a drama similar to ‘women are the best classroom for men’?

"Of course, the biggest surprise is that the facts suddenly told me that Grum is the protagonist!" Kane touched his stubble under his jaw, thinking jokingly.

He is not afraid of becoming a prophecy. What he is afraid of is that he is still having fun here. Suddenly one day, the facts tell him that he has pressed the wrong team. The true Son of Destiny has been born elsewhere, and the ticket to the great event of the times The sales window will also be closed.

When Olaf and the others got rich, the brothers in Luoquan's legs were playing the story of survival under the water. The specific gameplay is very simple, there are nothing more than two, one called me swims fast, but faster than you. The other one is called meditation in the heart, the monster can't see me ten thousand times.

The monster's gameplay is also simple, just one, called, I punch, I poke, I bite, I shake, and I bite.

The monster looked like a sawhead shark fiercely. This shark is also a specialty of the Azeroth Sea World. In the waters near the capital of Kul Tiras, Parales, there is a nearly refined sawhead shark, a well-known villain in sailor legend.

But this monster is not a sawhead shark. The sawhead shark does not have the four legs of a crocodile.

In addition, all crocodiles in Azeroth have six legs.

According to Kane's analysis, the predecessor of this monster was probably an underground creature such as a salamander. In his hometown, one of these creatures was called a baby fish.

But after the mutation, especially after absorbing the power of darkness and filth, the appearance of this monster has nothing to do with cuteness or something, and the hunting style is more brutal, with broken belly and broken limbs. The scene is very bloody. .

Moreover, this guy is a bit ‘homeopathic’, chasing after the target, even if he doesn’t eat, he will bite to death and shred.

But this guy is very savvy. After Luo Quanju learned that his subordinates suffered heavy losses, he was not only angry, but quickly constructed a hunting plan and started to implement it.

Moreover, in his team, there is no shortage of slaughter dogs who are emotionally daring to die. Some people are willing to be bait to lure monsters into traps.

The trap is based on the pool and a section of the waterway below. The core idea is very simple. Relying on the narrow channel characteristics, the monster's ability to move is limited, and then it is hard to beat. For this reason, the ring leg also makes people go outside the hole to chop more than a dozen The thick branches are sharpened and then carbonized with fire, and finally enchanted to further strengthen the hardness and sharpness.

However, all of this eventually became useless, and the monster would not enter the pit even if the bait scratched its head there.

This is not the most annoying, the most annoying is that the bait was eventually killed, but the blame was not caught.

Even if the caster is blessed with apnea (no one in the team will use underwater breathing, which requires water element and air (wind) element affinity), the one who acts as the bait cannot stay underwater for too long. In about a quarter of an hour, you have to replenish magic, and after three blessings, you can no longer bless for dozens of hours, and there are restrictions like drug resistance.

As soon as he finished replenishing the magic and went underwater, the monster launched a high-speed charge that never looked back. The blue light wrapped it, which obviously activated a spell-like talent.

And the underwater is too dark, and it's too late for the attackers to discover the giant shuttle-like light.

The bait was almost directly poked into two pieces, and only the flesh on the side of the abdomen was connected to the upper and lower body, and the internal organs were mixed with blood and water, which soon attracted many small fish to eat.

This killing of the monster made the little fishes living in this waters go crazy. These fishes with little scales and even translucent skin because they are not in the light all year round are not purely carnivorous, but what they eat.

After this, the hunting team chose to stop, and the spellcasters in the team had confirmed that the people who slaughtered them were not cruel beasts, but cunning beasts.

They have hunted Warcraft before, and it is precisely because they have hunted them and knew how powerful they are, that they understand that they should not act arrogantly and do their own way, otherwise it will not help if they are stuck here.

Luo Quan's legs led the person away with a gloomy face.

"Boss, do you need to keep someone on guard."

"No need to."

"How about a few traps?"

"Just leave that broken car there and just leave it alone. If those people are still alive, they will probably not abandon them. Moreover, they have obvious characteristics and are easy to identify. Let the eyes on the road help to stare a little." Luo Quan's legs were murderous. Said: "Just say, that was the fugitive slave we ruled. After we catch it, we have to marinate for a few days, then chop it into pieces and stew it for the slaves!"

At the same time, the four Olafs, who had been ordered by Luoquan legs as the stewed meat, were leaving the treasure house.

The main reason for the rush to leave is precisely because both Sacco and Yakari have injuries that are getting worse and cannot be delayed for long.

Nicolas and Grum suggested to return the same way.

Sacco said that it is fortunate to be able to enter the treasure house through a special road. It cannot be expected that there is no defense system here. It is dangerous to take other roads.

In fact, Grum didn't consider these issues deeply, and suggested going back the same way, mainly to show his attitude, respond in time, and hold Sacco's thigh.

Yakari is still as transparent as always, as if I don't understand these things, it's good for you to decide.

Olaf has his own opinion, especially now that he has the ring grandfather, he really has an old man in his family, such as a treasure.

This ancient ghost who calls himself Charon, although he likes to talk, but also knows the priorities. He told Olaf that there was a gatekeeper who volunteered to work illegally on the treasury sewage road. They sneaked through before, and most of them have already taken him. Awakened.

Olaf thought that although the treasure trove was dangerous, he had Charon's guidance. Even if he was unable to turn the danger to the bottom, he could avoid the heavyweight. Charon over the waterway would not be able to help. Even if he was lucky enough to win the bet, he had to consider whether the hunting team was right. Send someone to guard in the pit.

Therefore, he tried his best to choose another way out. And analyzed the drawbacks of the return of the waterway.

Of course, he didn't mention Charon, nor did he mention that there might be monsters lurking in the water to meet and die.

Also, he emphasized that no one came to the treasure house for a long time. Many of the sharp organs of the past are afraid that they have failed. The wealth in the treasure house is allowed to be taken by them, which is evidence.

In addition, the defense system of dungeons is generally ‘outward-facing’, and they are advancing from the inside out, even if there are obstacles, I believe it will be much smaller.

At this time, Yakari jumped out to stand for Olaf and expressed her support.

Nicolas' mood was obviously depressed, but in the end he agreed to follow Olaf's method.

Naturally, Grum didn't say anything. He didn't mean to press the treasure at both ends, but he didn't criticize Olaf overtly and secretly as before.

However, in comparison, he still favors Nicolas, because the development ability of Nicolas represented by Nicolas is closely related to the distribution and implementation of wealth. Although the affairs of Olaf’s family have turned around, the distance has really come back. Not a short road.

However, Grum was really attentive to the treasure house and made a rare suggestion to block the entrance to the waterway.

Nicolas and Olaf also felt it was necessary, so they tossed for half an hour. Under the command of Nicolas, the engineering mechanics assistant, the opening was sealed.

Unless someone confirms the entrance and does not hesitate to dig underwater, don't want to enter the treasure house from this secret underwater entrance.

"It's all right now, we can only find a way out." Nicolas was still a little worried about the current situation that the road ahead is not clear and the road behind is gone.

But it turns out that his worry is unnecessary.

Due to Olaf’s guidance from Charon, although the process of the group's going out was a bit detour, there were no major dangers. There were two obstacles. With the professional knowledge of Sacco and the guidance of Charon di Olaf, they also solved it. . Nicolas also liked +1 because of this knowledge, and his mood improved a bit.

On the contrary, after seeing the sky again, I was quite dizzy and could not find the way.

At about nine in the morning, the four of them arrived at Quiet Garden.

Asking for help nearby, naturally, hopes that through the channels of Old Sakho’s former colleague Poole, he can heal his injuries and rest.

And they were quite vigilant. They didn't show up at all. Instead, Olaf went to find someone alone, while the other three waited for news nearby.

Entering the Tranquil Garden, Olaf asked the people here about Poole’s whereabouts. Charon had already reminded him: "I smell a strong smell of darkness. I am afraid that some changes have taken place here. I am no longer a kind person. A place to shelter."

Olaf has the potential to become an extraordinary fighter, and his soul is naturally stronger than ordinary people. He also vaguely felt that the atmosphere here was wrong.

Simply put, it is gloomy, even in the daytime, it makes people stand up.

If it were the usual, he would understand it as the grave area was already cold, but now, he would rather be suspicious than being pitted by malicious people again without preparation.

So, after the alertness was raised by another level, he felt the staff in the quiet garden that received him, and the evil birds hidden behind the friendly smile.

Kane, who was observing secretly, sensed the changes in Olaf's soul, and nodded secretly: "Under the stimulation of external forces, the potential was stimulated and the effect was remarkable. This is the protagonist, especially the drama, although it seems to be suffering, But sitting there and resting, you can't earn the experience needed for spiritual growth."

He thought so, because he was a little irritated by the situation that Jacarie sat casually and could improve her strength.

Soon after getting the rune tree seed, he shed blood by accident and recognized the master.

At that time, Yacari examined her injuries. Except for two broken ribs, her calf and feet were the second most serious, bruised and swollen, her shoes were not well supported, as well as scratches and scratches.

It was because of the unfavorable actions that the rune tree species rolled down and stained with blood, and it was delayed in picking up and wiping it, thereby achieving the trigger condition.

Soon after, the rune tree seed oozes power and begins to transform Yakari.

Yakari also stayed in a woodland near Tranquil Garden with Nicolas and Grum, and only realized the abnormality when he waited for Olaf's news.

Not only is the injury tending to decrease, but also because of the special connection with the rune tree species.

If I said that I just liked the eyeballs before, then I can say that I am in love now, like a family heirloom that I have been carrying since I was a child.

Moreover, she also vaguely felt that the improvement of her own injury should be related to it.

What she didn't know was that this kind of change that could be felt by her as an ordinary person meant a great deal of transformation.

Kane naturally noticed this. Therefore, I feel that the possibility of Yakari being the son of destiny has declined, because according to this trend, Yakari may become a tool man created by the mechanism left by the Titans.

This is tantamount to being labeled a Titan, and even the will is affected. This kind of person is difficult to be chosen by the way of heaven.

But in any case, the improvement of Yakari's strength can be regarded as the most comfortable one. You can really wait, the key is that the side effects are still low.

The well-informed Kane admits that this situation is rare. Therefore, we can only cover up the sour taste of ‘people cannot be compared with others’ by saying that the growth of xinxing is more precious than the enhancement of strength.

Of course it has a sour taste. After all, the big people who have reached the top also have the past.

Back then, when his strength level was similar to that of the current Yacari, in order to increase his strength a little bit, he was tossed to death by the Vientiane Gate system, and the thought of seeking death from life and death had been born several times.

In his view, it is really hard to say that the so-called xinxing growth obtained from it is cost-effective, because the cost is also very high. Too many bad things have caused people to become gloomy, violent, dark, and many originally beautiful things. They have become boring, false and malicious. Is it a good thing to experience life with such colored glasses?

He always likes to say things like ‘too much is not enough’. From the perspective of training and training, the Vientiane Gate system is obviously too bad for the various actions of reincarnations.

Of course, the Vientiane Gate system itself is not viewed from the perspective of training talents. This organization neither advocates serving the people, and has no interest in opening shantangs, but instead trains soldiers to develop unknown areas in the multiverse.

So, what Kane envied was the fate of Yacarly, not the treasure she got.

In fact, the treasure that Olaf and the others accidentally discovered involves a story full of sin.

The protagonist of this story is a group of poor, sad, and hateful people, the Dark Knight.

The dark knight is not a death knight. The death knight is a battle job created by the Lich King, and the dark knight is a name for a group of people who have fallen into the dark.

They were initially a group of merchants. Dark Medivh, whose consciousness was affected by Sargeras, seduced them with money, and then enslaved them with dark skills. Their mission was to collect artifacts all over the world, because Dark Medivh was about to open it. The Dark Portal is very energy intensive.

From the perspective of a large amount of extraordinary energy, Azeroth's extraordinary powers are numbered. After all, it was sorted out and monitored by the Titans, the Guardians of the Titans, and the Guardian Dragons, and a large amount of them was sealed underground in the form of Azerite.

Therefore, even Illidan stole a few bottles of water from the Well of Eternity and went to Mount Hyjal to create a magical lake, which could be quickly discovered.

Therefore, even a big man like Sargeras who has mastered high-end technology is guilty of ‘a clever daughter-in-law cannot cook without rice’.

Only collecting scattered artifacts can gather the required extraordinary power, and it is not easy to be targeted by powerful people such as the Guardian or extraordinary organizations such as the Kirin Tor Council.

However, in actual operation, the Dark Knights are not only searching for artifacts, but they have not let go of treasures.

This treasure house was once the place where the dark riders hoarded their ill-gotten wealth.

As a result, something similar to the'Golden Curse of the Lone Mountain Dwarf of the Lord of the Rings' occurred.

From Kane's perspective, it is actually human greed and other negative emotions, which are attached to treasures with extraordinary power as a catalyst, and possess characteristics similar to radioactive contaminants.

People who come into contact with these treasures will be infested with strong negative emotions. The appearance of auditory and visual hallucinations is the beginning. Under the deep influence, they will become greedy for wealth and unscrupulous.

What’s interesting is that the Dark Knights were finally wiped out because of the artifact, and the bunker where the artifact was stored was destroyed along with it. The bunker is on the Upwind Path, not far from Karazhan, and this bunker for storing ordinary goods~ is retained intact.

Kane also distinguished the origin of the treasure house by comparing the style and layout of the facilities. After all, the two bunkers were built and used by the same group of people, and everyone has their own habits.

Coupled with the Tranquil Garden that has been secretly confirmed by him and corroded by dark power, Kane has reason to believe that Olaf and his party seem to have fallen back into the black pit represented by Karazhan.

Of course, Tranquility Garden is not the destination of Olaf and the others, because what awaits Olaf and them may not be the serial pit. Especially since they are not short of money in their pockets now, according to the common routines arranged by Heaven for the Son of Destiny, giving money and things has always been for better toss. Therefore, it is obviously early to draw conclusions.

However, Kane was never the kind of person who had to rely on crutches or could not walk. Now he has at least two major clues, it is natural that he is doing something by himself.

One clue is naturally a darkened quiet garden. He feels that he can check whether the reason is, as he speculated, it is because of the veins, the passage of Karazhan, or some dirt that has not been cleaned up. , Be controlled by a careerist who thinks he is a capable man again, and is making trouble.

The second clue was through listening to Olaf and the others. He realized that he could go to the Burning Plains, the starting point of Olaf and his party, to find out the news and understand what happened to Olaf’s family, so as to better judge. Olaf and his party's final destination, and purpose.

Just thinking about it, Kane created two Dharmakayas, one headed to the Burning Plains, the other kept secretly following Olaf and his party, and he himself began to explore the darkness of Tranquil Garden.


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