Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1353: Live in the moment

The taste of victory fruits always looks sweet. As Yacari defeated Poole through the explosion, the undead forces that secretly occupies the Tranquil Garden failed because they lost their absolute control and also the team brain.

Olaf is courageous, while Nicolas is smart and knows how to think backwards.

There were these two people, a group of four, bravely staying in Quiet Garden.

Olaf even played a horrible drama under the instruction of Grandpa Ring, and successfully stabilized a vote of half-stupid staff.

In Kane’s eyes, these staff in Tranquil Garden are the highest embodiment of Poole’s mastery of technology. Alchemy potions + control skills + curse spells, coupled with enough patience, have this greater degree of retention. A living puppet who lost his original personality, but lost his independent innovation ability.

However, Olaf and the others are chewing peonies, they don't know or care about these details. They just looked for the ‘people here have been completely controlled by Poole, let’s fight with them’, and then they gave orders with peace of mind. After all, authority is also a kind of victory.

Kane estimated that Olaf's ring grandfather should know the value of living puppets. It is even possible that the behind-the-scenes hand who taught Poole's dark skills is of the same origin as this ring grandfather.

After all, the original owner of the treasure trove was the Dark Knight, and the Dark Knight was the minion who was trained to help him collect items when the Dark Titan Sargeras took Medivh. The technology used is naturally the Burning Legion series.

The darkness of Tranquil Garden was mostly born under the influence of the Karazhan Fel Energy Vein. The person behind the deal with Poole is equally likely to be the remnant of Karazhan.

Isn't the relationship connected?

Of course, the internal struggle of the Burning Legion has always been cruel, and the tolerance rate of the superiors to the subordinates who fail to do things has always been very low, which often leads to the closer the relationship, the deeper the grievances. Maybe the ring grandfather left a remnant soul in the magic container to linger, and it was his colleagues who harmed him.

In short, Olaf and the others stayed in Tranquil Garden temporarily.

After all, unconsciously, it was already another day near dusk.

They didn’t eat well for their dinner yesterday because the traffickers stalked maliciously. Although they suffered from a long memory and gave some simple dry food, they were not hungry or in the mood to eat when they were hunted down. , I didn't care about eating, and later, because their bags were not tight enough, and the dry food itself was not properly packaged, they were soaked in water during swimming.

This time, there was no Chef Kane who cooked delicious supper for them in the middle of the night.

After spending the night with a huge amount of physical and mental energy, I didn’t eat breakfast, and lunch fell into Poole’s black pit and failed to eat because I was caught in the net. After I killed Poole, I was excited again, and Yakari exploded. The life energy is nourished at the moment, and I don’t feel hungry at the moment.

But even if the nutrition brought by food can be replaced by extraordinary power, it still needs exclusive techniques, or like the amplification technique used by Kane in cooking, there is a process of transformation.

So Olaf and the others, who had relaxed, realized that they were tired and hungry, and they wanted to swallow a cow immediately and then fell asleep again.

What's more, the two consecutive days of encounters really made Olaf and the others afraid of this ‘walking at night’, which probably caused a permanent psychological shadow.

So I would rather stay in the devil's den instead of leaving.

What makes them depressed is that the living puppets are not eating normal people's meals, and they dare not touch the big dogs that Poole is feeding. Poole died, but those big dogs didn't have any special emotions. They were still gloomy. People felt panicked just by looking at them. They didn't need the ring grandfather to remind them, Olaf and the others felt that something was wrong.

Finally, I found some old corn in the corner of the warehouse, cooked corn porridge, and devoured it. Even the awake Yacari ate more than usual.

Then, inevitably, it talked about the meals Kane cooked. Grum even messed up irresponsibly, saying that he had time to spare and he had to learn how to cook well, so that he would not be wronged wherever he went.

After talking to people from food, Nicolas smiled and said to Grum: "You kid, I said that I was going to spend the night, but I sat there in the morning and slept with my nose. Living, it’s better to put your body down to sleep, and you can sleep more comfortably."

Grum is a good temper under the name of Sako. And now I'm thinking about hugging Nicolas' thighs tightly, so I won't get angry because of this, not to mention Nicolas is obviously joking and doesn't mean to blame.

So Grum frankly admitted that he had overestimated his will before, and fell asleep without realizing it.

Olaf took the conversation: "Well, it's Brox who prepared breakfast for everyone, and watched the night silently for everyone."

"I think people of this kind should get close when they have the opportunity." Money is a man's confidence, not to mention that Nicolas now also hides Poole's magic book. He wants to come and he has a lot to do in the future. As a result, the masters are helping the world, and even their ideas are a lot of pride.

Olaf did not answer this time. He felt that Kane had good character and it was not simple. But precisely because of this, at least at this stage, he is unwilling to communicate closely with Kane. After all, in his current situation, he is suspected of using the other party and cheating him. Even if the other party doesn't care, he can't get through the hurdle in his heart. It's a kind of self-esteem, and he doesn't want to cause trouble to others.

Like this trip to the Twilight Forest, he originally planned to go on the road alone. It was Nicolas who knew him too well. His temperament was too knowledgeable and he insisted on helping. He talked about how important it is to have people take care of each other and how convenient it is to have a car. He only agreed.

As for Grum and Yakari, they were temporarily added. The reason is that their father wanted to marry Yacarly to a human official who had a dead wife.

Grum 撺掇Yakali fled home and told Nicolas again.

Nicolas naturally didn't want the girl he fancy to marry a middle-aged human greasy man with a Mediterranean hairstyle who was not very well-reviewed.

So I helped persuade, said to go out and relax, broaden my horizons, and maybe things will turn around when I look back.

In fact, he intends to take the opportunity to develop a relationship with his sister. If he takes the opportunity to finalize the relationship between the two, he will take the sister to see the parents directly and ask his father to help in justice.

Nicolas did not hide this matter from Olaf. It can be regarded as taking the opportunity to tell Olaf his attitude towards Yacarly.

Olaf is embarrassed to say no? Don't say that he doesn't want to talk about love because of family affairs. Even if there is nothing wrong with the family, if the best buddy likes a girl, he should help it.

However, the girl has her own thoughts and preferences. Perhaps because her father is incompetent and lacks paternal love when she was young, Yakari prefers mature men who are as stable as a mountain.

Olaf was originally this one. After an accident at home, he matured more and more quickly, and he also had a little more melancholic temperament. In addition, he looked good, burly, thick eyebrows, and very masculine. It is the perfect boyfriend that Yacarly imagined.

Therefore, after knowing that Olaf would also be a companion on this hike, Yacari directly lost the image of a good girl next door she had cultivated for more than ten years and ran away.

In Kane's eyes, this is a young gang full of problems. Generally speaking, a walk-and-go trip carried out by such a small group is often more bitter than laughter, and the problems of self-carrying are intertwined with the various practical problems of going out, and most of them end up unhappy. , And even greatly affect the feelings between each other.

However, Yunwang’s Destiny’s Sons gang completely complied with the saying that'a way out is to go out.' Although it has gone through hardships, it can even be said to be very dangerous, and has not completely got rid of it until now, but the gain is also great.

The benefits of economic independence alone are enough to make the four people look forward to the future. In a good mood, even with a lot of magnanimity, the four of them talked and laughed and discussed how to spend the night. In order to ensure the quality of the night, they also came up with some head hanging beams, thorns, and non-stop tricks.

Kane’s thoughts on this were: “It’s really hard tonight, but you are guarding against the wrong direction.”

It is indeed the wrong direction. With their professional sensitivity, the Pianmen gang headed by Luoquanju knows something about Tranquil Garden. Therefore, if they knew that Olaf and the others ended up in Tranquil Garden, it might not be. Bring the horses and horses straight to come, especially at night, they will never come.

And as a lurking dark force, Tranquil Garden's puppet characteristic is that the leader will die and lose everything. And Olaf and the others happened to complete the beheading by accident, so naturally there would be no problem. There will be no problems for at least one or two days.

The problem is not the outside, but themselves.

Actively request Kezan who is like a night, and will never worry about the quality of the night when he dozes off. There is Pool's dark magic book to read. He is very excited, where will he doze off?

Let’s talk about Olaf. After experiencing the explosion of Yacari, the ring grandfather Charon may have to plan ahead, lest Olaf will be affected by the life force of the Titans and embark on other types of extraordinary roads and make him develop a plan. Bankrupt.

And Yacari, the rune tree species is not a purely exciting energy releaser, exclusive transformation is its core label. Since Yakari's mental power surged sharply by being stimulated, and reached the need to open rune tree species, then the transformation will be officially put on the agenda.

According to Kane's experience, this first night was quite difficult.

As for Grum, Poole's remnant soul will let him go? Tonight will be Grum's ghost gate. If you can't get through, the best result will be ‘weareone’ with Poole.

So for the four of them this night, the problem was internal, and each had its own difficulties and dangers.

Kane himself was already in the upwind trail area more than a hundred kilometers away.

He was found along the fel energy. There was no trace of the black hand behind the scenes in the quiet garden, but it was the cause of the blackening of the environment. As he expected, there was a problem with the ground vein, so he followed the ground vein and found it all the way.

Then, the cause of the abnormal ground vein was not found accidentally.


This building itself can be regarded as a large magnetic needle with energy conversion capability.

When Sargeras took possession of Medivh's body, he created such a thing. According to Kane's analysis, it was mainly for his fel mage tower function.

After all, after the actions of the Pantheon Titans in those days and the tireless governance of its legacy guardians over the years, Azeroth's degree of order is still very high.

This ordering, a great benchmark, is the orderly order of extraordinary energy.

This kind of order has natural characteristics, just like the original world, where a large amount of methane, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other elements are buried under the frozen soil of Siberia. The Titans also created a paradise of life environment through the sorting, governance, and management of star stars.

However, in Kane's view, the Titans did a little too much, so too many intelligent races were born. If you count the subspecies, there are more.

Of course, there is also the credit of the ancient gods here. It is convenient for them to confuse and control and create contradictions among the populations, thereby consuming Azeroth's extraordinary power in the macro, and helping them to break the seal cage in details.

It is precisely because of the order that Sargeras, who occupies Medivh's body, wants to do research and it is quite difficult to get the money.

So Karazhan is actually a large mage tower different from the native mage tower style.

Most professionals are attracted by the luxurious display of Karazhan's interior decoration, the folding space with unbelievable proportions, and the different space channels at the top.

Kane, who has always paid attention to energy, believes that the inconspicuous underground part is the essence of Karazhan's technology.

The alliance members who had captured Karazhan did not ignore the underground part of Karazhan. They called it a dark place full of heinous crimes.

In fact, to be more specific, the underground parts of Karazhan are divided into three categories.

As Kane said when he first arrived along the ground veins, he faced the caves.

Kane prefers to call it the Dark Territory.

This statement naturally comes from the DND system, such as the dark region of the famous Toril World of Faerun.

The dark area refers to a complete underground ecosystem with rich content and self-contained pattern.

The place below Karazhan, although not comparable to the dark region of Faerun, is not much more than the deep rock island where Serazanen, the stone mother, is not so wide. It is just not so empty, but by large and small Caves, underground halls, domes, tunnels, and underground rivers are connected.

This part was not discovered by those who had shot Karazhan in the past. Sargeras didn't even tell his subordinates that there was such an area to use.

It's about to be regarded as the sole backer. After all, he led the Burning Legion and was never praised for the loyalty and unity of the members.

And here was not discovered by the ancient gods. This is a little miracle. After all, the time that the ancient gods have been entrenched in Azeroth is really a bit longer, even if most of the time is tied to the sealed cage, and the staff is constantly reduced in the later period, there is still enough time to complete the entire Azeroth. Survey.

And the omission in front of him, Kane estimated, was because the ancient gods wanted to use the power of the Burning Legion to smash the seals that bound them. Therefore, such as Karazhan and the Tomb of Sargeras are obviously conducive to the Burning Legion’s bridgehead. Where, I took the initiative to let it go, so as not to just start with the Burning Legion, even if the Burning Legion pays attention to them, and can’t let go of the various races of Azeroth, it is a huge kind to the ancient gods. loss.

Those who lack the ability can't discover them, and those who are capable of discovering them don't touch them for some reason. The result is a first-class fel garden.

Kane would naturally not let go of this kind of masterless ripe fruit, but he was not in a rush to continue exploring.

Then I saw the second type of Karazhan underground, underground water prison.

This is a detailed description that makes ordinary people feel very uncomfortable.

Although it has been cleaned up, Kane can still fill up a complete shot in his mind with a lot of residual information.

Fel energy requires high quality and high amount of mental power to control. Even the members of the Burning Legion of Chaos Universe can't afford to play, but they have solved the problem through their own methods. That is to use external forces.

Because of many dealings with the Burning Legion, even the natives of Azeroth know that many of the Burning Legion's devices are fueled by souls.

To be critical, this statement is actually not accurate.

Fuel is fel energy, and it is the power of the soul that controls the fel energy, referred to as spiritual power, soul power, or psychic power.

That's why there are specific equipment such as the soul engine. The people of Azeroth who don't know the truth think that the Burning Legion uses psionic energy as fuel, and don't want to think that if that is the case, the Burning Legion can be used? Compared with the energy of the natural world, the rarity of psionic energy is said to be nothing but exaltation. The amount is small and the divisions are uneven. How can this kind of energy become the main source of energy to promote the growth and development of the power?

In order to squeeze psychic energy as much as possible, the method of torture is used. The structure of the so-called soul engine is quite similar to the principle of nuclear power in the original world.

Nuclear power pushes the fuel column into the reactor to react, and the soul engine uses the soul as the nuclear fuel column to push it into the circle and forcefully merge.

The soul is instinctively resistant to this kind of fusion, so a powerful psychic energy bursts energy is produced in this way. When the soul itself is completely squeezed out of energy, the soul residue can still feed the Legion Hounds, so that they can better control the evil energy and play the role of minions.

Therefore, it is just necessary for the Burning Legion to invade all life planets.

There is a saying in Kane’s hometown: How many evil deeds are in the name of justice; how many persecutions are in the name of protection.

It is said that Sargeras engaged in the Burning Legion because he believed that the extremely hungry Void Lord who was trying to swallow the physical universe was too powerful, and the law of order of the Pantheon Titans was simply unable to resist.

Sargeras said that if the enemy is treacherous, we will be more treacherous than them; if the enemy is vicious, we will be more vicious than them.

Illidan was helpless in the face of the Black Duck Fortress that was about to be captured and guarded by the Burning Legion, so he squeezed out other arcanists to gain unprecedented tyrannical strength and defeated the enemy.

The filial son Alsace said the same when he played a murderous match in Stratholme.

Regarding the overall situation, choosing to sacrifice a few people, but here are two things that are most criticized.

The first point, those sacrificed, are represented.

The second point is that there will be repetitions, and it will eventually become a habit.

The Burning Legion is just a little accustomed to this sacrifice of others, and gradually become qualitative. Guarding became a grand-sounding excuse for the demons, and the indigenous people who resisted at every turn were short-sighted, selfish, and ignorant of righteousness. In other words, we are protecting the entire universe, sacrificing only a few planets is nothing.

But in fact, the harm they caused was more severe than that of the Void Lord. What is even more ironic is that the Burning Legion's protection was not successful. From the birth of the Burning Legion to the verge of disbanding, the Void Lord has never stopped.


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