Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1357: All beings are busy for survival

Kane admitted that the group of people in front of him had some abilities, so he could only find him within three hundred meters of his perception radius.

He didn't look like a good person, but he had no intention of killing people this time, he just wanted to declare his presence.

Regarding how much influence a force in Karazhan Gase will have on the original development trajectory, Kane has also repeatedly considered this question.

There will be an impact, but just like the breeze can only blow the leaves, and the branches will break when the wind is strong, there is a hidden impact level, as long as it does not exceed the threshold that causes a change in the direction of the big development.

Of course, the most important thing is that he cannot and does not need to be afraid of influence.

From the perspective of the creator, the pot of Warcraft Universe, whether it is the good meat that is cooked to his appetite, or the burnt residue in the end, the main impact is nothing more than his mood.

Whenever he feels it is necessary to swallow it (referring to information), he can eat it so delicious or unpalatable.

So not to mention the tragicomedy of the world of Azeroth, that is, the entire World of Warcraft universe is eaten by the Void Lord, and it only has a certain impact on the human side.

He even took a step back, there was an existence like him, he took a step first, picked up the good meat of the pot of Warcraft, and ran away. How does it affect him?

It's nothing more than breaking the clue to the puzzle dug up in the Warhammer 40K universe.

If that were the case, the ancient **** who couldn't even mention it would be even more annoyed. After all, this universe is probably part of the chain pit that the one dug for him. The purpose is to find the one that belongs to him, so that he can understand the whereabouts of each avatar, and there is no longer even him who does not know the situation. Incarnation of running away, there is no longer a glimmer of life, and then a pot end?

After thinking about it, he still decided to take the possible risk and look for the one that escaped, because his divine intuition told him that this one can both destroy him and make him perfect, and the specific benefits it will bring to him are afraid. Not inferior to Zhao Wenrui's legacy, but the type is different.

He also knows that the ancient **** who cannot be mentioned by name is probably accurate. After all, whether it is a starting climber or a creator like them, the most indispensable thing is the courage to face life and death and do great things. But the fate is self-evident.

When it comes to this, Kane feels ironic whenever he thinks about it.

I still remember that one of the purposes of his struggle at the beginning was to become an absolute strong one day. There is no person or thing that can make him fall, and he can’t even make him feel melancholy. Then, he will be able to live. The life he wants is like drinking a bowl of soy milk and pouring a bowl of soy milk. He doesn't care about his willfulness. He is happy every day.

After struggling for so many years and climbing to the level of the creator, it proved that this ideal can never be realized. In other words, very naive.

He feels that there is no contradiction and feeling in describing his situation in terms of his career life.

He was a newcomer in the workplace with enthusiasm, motivation and dreams.

Now he has his predecessors to chase him, and he also has an industry expert who is chasing after the waves and has a sense of crisis.

And the ancient **** who can't mention the name, can only say that fate will not be extra favored just because someone is very old, so that he can be happy in his later years, and the experience of the old Jianghu is also very likely to be out of date , No longer suitable for use, and even become negative equity, staged the drama of empiricism killing people.

There are too many examples of having to start a new business because of a careless move or for other reasons when it is time to live in.

That old **** is like this. If you win him, it means you succeed in your business again. If you lose, you will not mention everything.

As for the **** and cruel competition in their business, Kane doesn't think that the high-end of all industries are almost like this, winners and losers. That's why it is said that the higher you climb, the harder you fall.

The scene before him, for Kane, was so strong that he couldn't take any interest, but he still tried his best to play his role, holding his arms like a proud and arrogant person. Watching the enemy and plundering the array there.

The curator acts as a red club thug, and is a thug who knows how to analyze the meaning and meaning of the big guy's words. Kane said to the hooded men before that, if you win, you can stand and talk, and if you lose, you need to kneel and beg for life. This also means that people cannot be killed or sent directly downstairs, but have the opportunity to kneel and beg for life.

So this time the curator did not use arcane magic, but put on the air of boxing.

In fact, boxing is not particularly suitable for the curator, because the curator does not have human physical weakness, and the joint structure is different from that of a human. Mecha boxing is more suitable for him.

But Kane wanted to be nostalgic and asked the curator to be human, so the curator was given the authentic Western boxing in the original world. There is even a prototype setting, that is, one of the four kings of Street Fighter, boxing king Byson, especially its representative skill ‘Rounding Fist’, which also has eight stages according to the length of the power accumulation time.

Hooded people who dared to ask questions when they met people in such a place naturally had something to rely on.

After being replied by Kane's rude words, he did not continue to fight for victory or defeat. After a few simple discussions, he sent someone off.

Mainly because of the special terrain in this area, even if it is the junction of bridges and roads, it is just a column pavilion with a radius of more than ten meters (from a distance, it is like a pavilion built on the top of the column, connected by several arched stone bridges). I don't think I can use it.

As soon as the Hooded Man took his stance, Kane saw some clues.

"Oh, it turns out to be the way of the lawbreaker, blood elves? The temperament is a bit inconsistent, and the size is not right..."

Humans in Azeroth are generally tall and strong, but blood elves are slender and slender. Basically, their males are the size and physique of human women, while their females are even more petite.

And the group in front of them, even though they were wearing large robes, Kane could still see that their physique was stronger than that of ordinary human males, and was just as weak as the orcs he played.

Moreover, the robes of these people are also very popular, which seems to be a product of some kind of ceremony. He was only able to enter within 300 meters of his perception radius before being discovered by him. This robe played a big role, and now it is impossible to see its true appearance without using divine power. It is also because of this robe.

Kane was not in a hurry, and it was good to leave some suspense, anyway, their little secrets would not last long.

At the beginning of the battle, the lawbreaker took the lead, and the method really was that the lawbreaker broke through with an energy weapon to break the number of ways to operate.

It's just that the specific weapon used is not a traditional war blade, but an energy fist blade.

The black and purple shadow energy scythe spouted out of the glove, like the claws of a giant eagle. It looked dangerous, and it was also quite agile used by this lawbreaker.

The curator is also very agile. Compared with the superb skills shown by the opponent, its style is more like the kind of complicated and simple.

The phantom step with a certain instantaneous effect, combined with boxing movements such as straight punches and uppercuts, is all its fighting skills.

But it's such a thing that is simple to say and not complicated to look at, but it is very sharp and highly appreciative. It can be described as dynamic and static, with a clear rhythm, a strong sense of strength, and a strong sense of strength.

The Hooded people soon discovered that the candidate they sent was not an opponent of the curator, and was completely brought into play by the opponent. Their advances and retreats, offensive and defensive methods, appeared to be fragmented, and they could only take a chance to deliver one and a half moves, nothing more Threats, most of the time, dodge around, which is neither easy nor beautiful.

"This guy has enchanted armor, it's cheating!" The leader said so with a broken gong, so two more hooded men joined the battle.

Kane laughed and mocked: "I need to point my face more or less, know how to find reasons to hide my shame."

But the problem is that the three lawbreakers are not the curator's opponent.

Although they cooperate very tacitly, their fighting skills are proficient and experienced, their fist blades are even danced into ribbon-shaped flags in their hands, but they can’t pose enough threats to the curator. No matter how gorgeous they are, it’s useless, even like clown.

The curator also didn't turn on the field protection. If it really is, it is estimated that people in the hood will not choose to do it at all. It is because we can see the possibility of victory that we have to compete.

Of course, the so-called victory may be an illusion at all, completely based on Kane's custom rules.

This rule mainly restricts his side, and more specifically, the curator in the field.

The curator not only has to defeat these hooded people, but the power and methods used are also restricted. At this moment, the curator is completely relying on the "gang wind" brought by the punch to carry out the necessary block to deal with it. Some unavoidable attacks.

It is precisely because the curator does not have'shaming', it is relying on this simple set of combat skills to disintegrate the opponent's threatening moves, and be able to attack the enemy every time and save them, and he just achieves one dozen three frontal suppressions. The haters became more and more unhappy, but they had nothing to say.

After a fierce fight for nearly ten minutes, the lawbreaker who came out first did not perform well, was physically weak, and could not keep up with his thoughts, and became a drag on the trio.

The curator will naturally not turn a blind eye to this shortcoming, and use it as a breaking point every time, easily breaking out of the three-person tactical routine.

The leader of the Hooded Man could not do anything about it, and shouted angrily: "Okay, it's time to show some real skills!"

So in the battlefield, as the lawbreaker took time to turn around, ‘huh! ’The robes on them disappeared instantly.

Kane nodded secretly and said in his heart: "It really is an extraordinary ritual creation."

This extraordinary ritual creation has so much meaning as the magic weapon of the fairy world.

The magic weapon of life is connected with one's own soul and flesh, and it is even kept in the sea of ​​consciousness or in the spirit platform or in the dantian mansion for warmth.

Extraordinary ritual creation is similar to creating space by faith and refining objects.

At the high end, Kane's universe of consciousness belongs to this kind of existence.

Therefore, the robe and hood of the hooded people are not purely realistic creations, but a considerable proportion of psychic weaving components are inside.

It is precisely because of this that it does not fit well. Kane believed that some of them should be able to create a ritual creation that fits and can already be called the "soul vestment".

And such members, at least in terms of spiritual power control, are several times stronger than the group in front of them, and they can almost reach the level of the quasi-legendary or the legendary rank, and it is possible to be above the legendary rank.

For example, he is above the legend, but his external performance is just that the "soul vestment" is more suitable and has more free style.

In other words, at that height, the strength is no longer fully displayed by a mere "soul vestment".

The hooded man with the ritual vestment removed didn't make Kane feel so amazing, after all, he had already guessed beforehand. The reality did not jump beyond his estimation.

Void elf.

Representatives are Alleria Windrunner and Magister Ambrick.

To be more specific, the two represent two lines respectively.

One is the legendary hero line commonly seen in the Son of Destiny.

The other is the ordinary route of hardship and sorrow, all kinds of fancy falling on the road to success.

Alleria Windrunner, the eldest of the three Windrunner sisters. In the second war between humans and beasts that year, one of the heroes who entered the world of Draenor through the Dark Portal, the sculpture of the female general ranger with an eagle on the arm of the Heroes of Stormwind is her memorial statue.

In the interim period of the Legion, after the Azeroth coalition bankrupted the attempt of the Burning Legion to invade, they counterattacked its base camp Argus, where they met again with Turaya and Alleria.

Due to the flow of time, they had been fighting in the world of Argus for a thousand years.

Turalyon is the spokesperson of Zera, the ancestor of the Naaru, and it is precisely by the power of the Holy Light that he has lived as a mortal for more than a thousand years.

Alleria used her usual ranger style to help her husband fight the Burning Legion. In the process, she suffered some special harassment-whispering in the void.

According to the words of the Void Family, which is claimed to be the most meaningful and greatest discovery, the ancient **** is the ruler of the old days.

According to this logic, the Void Lord who sent the ancient gods to various worlds to do things, is it Azatus?

But on this issue, Kane now has the most say, after all, he not only got Zhao Wenrui's legacy, but also all the intelligence information from Black Kane before he completely blackened and lost contact.

The Void Majesty is not the old ruler represented by Asathos, but most of them are similar void creatures that devour the universe for their livelihood.

Since the expansive void can give birth to life, then naturally there will be more than one.

Because of its strong style and enough glorious deeds, the Asathos family is considered to be a more representative group.

In comparison, the Void Maharaja's line is relatively low.

Of course, it just appeared.

In fact, Kane was very concerned about this Void Lord.

Because at least in the Warcraft universe, darkness and void are integrated.

More similarly, in the transcendent realm of Azeroth, when shadow energy is mentioned, its source is the Void Lord family.

As for Kane himself, from the perspective of extraordinary power, he is first the spokesperson of darkness, and from the perspective of position, he walks the line of the old ruler, and then combines the power of darkness to become a unique creator.

Void life + power of darkness, is this a coincidence? He was so similar to Maharaja Void in power and godhead.

It is also difficult for him to say whether there was the Void Lord first or he formed it first. After all, time is a very complicated and changeable concept to understand from the perspective of the creator.

He even wondered whether his escaped One was the bond between him and Maharaja Void, which would allow him to have extraordinary interactions with him?

Pulling away, back to Alleria Windrunner.

In the Warcraft universe, the broken mind is the signature ability of the void series. It's the same as losing San value to the old dominator.

Of course, the ancient gods can also make ordinary people and even heroic units lose the San value, but relatively speaking, they are more close to the people, understandable, and willing to interact with ordinary creatures, or this is because they are successfully trained by the Titans. Change it.

Anyway, Alleria was shattered, which generally means two possibilities:

One, often walking by the river, inevitably wet shoes, after Alleria was eroded to a certain extent by the shadow energy, the Void party found her spiritual frequency, so the small broadcast began.

Second, during Argus's thousands of years of fighting, Alleria's physique has undergone an abnormal change, and a certain gene that may have been lurking forever is activated, giving Alleria the potential to be compatible with the void.

It turns out that both of these may be working.

All in all, after experiencing a series of events, Alleria became the first life to successfully harness the power of shadows, and the Void Elf was born.

But there is one point that must be mentioned here, that is, Alleria is not purely gifted by fate, but has become a void elf.

Because in that case, it doesn't make much sense. Her path to success cannot be replicated. Her so-called experience and experience will be summed up in one sentence: ‘If life is good, everything is possible, otherwise there will be no life’.

The reason why the void elves became a faction, or even developed into a race, requires a way to repeat the path to success.

Just like Illidari who uses fel energy, Illidan is a pathfinder. He and some people who are minded, motivated, and daring to take risks have shed this path together, and then there are a lot of Illidari. , Although there will still be instances of uncontrollable wild evil energy, being burned to ashes, and the possibility of being affected and eventually degenerating into a demon, but in general, it is a way and can be born in batches.

The same goes for the Void Elves.

Here is another founder of the void elves, the Magister Ambrick.

Ambrick studied the energy of the void under the background of the continuous suffering of the surviving blood elves after the sunwell was polluted by Alsace and the Scourge.

What the elves of Quel'Thalas possess is, after all, a higher magic civilization. Although their civilization relies too much on the solar wells that cannot be built by themselves in terms of energy, they immediately fell into a crisis of extinction after the solar wells had problems. But they still have quite strong R&D capabilities.

It can be said that as the Sunwell was destroyed and the race was forced to the edge of the cliff of life and death, this kind of research and development ability was forced out.

It's just that this kind of grind-gun-like being inspired without any effort in ordinary times has a very strong characteristic of excitement, and has great side effects. One of the specific manifestations is impatient eyes and recklessness.

The blood elf prince Kael'thas succumbed to Illidan because Illidan said that although I cannot help your race solve the problem of magic addiction immediately, I can try my best to explore a solution with you. This is a very solemn promise.

In fact, at that time, Illidan had the mind to use blood elves to create Illidari. But he knew the terrible fel energy.

After all, before he became a demon hunter, he was an extremely accomplished arcane mage. In the battle of Black Rook Fortress, in addition to showing his purpose and unscrupulous character, he was gifted as a spellcaster. The display can also be described as incisively and vividly. The average magister, even if they sacrifice other spellcasters, cannot hold back those powerful arcane moves of the taboo level.

It was also because of his extraordinary talent in spellcasting that after years of secretly studying fel energy, Illidan took the opportunity to open up the path of demon hunters and became a qualified demon hunter instructor.

Therefore, in addition to those of the Burning Legion, the Demon Hunter is about the world of Azeroth, the existence that has the most say in fel energy.

He knew the horror of fel, and he also knew the arrogance of Quel'Thalas, the predecessor of the Highborne. It's the kind of petty bourgeoisie, aristocratic arrogance.

When the Quel'Thalas elves were in trouble, they couldn't conquer their set much. Illidan was very worried about fel + Kui-style arrogance, and the result was to create a powerful ranger and vassal army for the Burning Legion.

What's more, Illidan himself is also'in Cao Ying's heart in Han'. His deal with Kil'jaeden is basically a kind of deep lurking, and using other people's money to exercise his ability, cultivate his own direct line, and achieve his own. purpose.

In this context, how could he tell Alsace in a big way that evil energy can solve your addiction problem?

Illidari, it only entered the process after a series of selections. Even so, there are still many specific problems. There is no way, the system is immature, and tuition fees are not paid.

Kael'thas also lived for thousands of years and became a fine person. After a long time, he realized that Illidan was able to deal with errands. At the same time, the real problems forced him to lose patience, so he parted ways secretly and beat Drey. Nepalese attention.

The draenei are a crystal civilization, using energy crystals as a carrier to transform energy into relatively controllable arcane energy, and then use it for their own use.

So Kael'thas led a surprise attack, occupied the energy ship and other draenei star ships, and controlled the mana furnace in the void storm area, hoping to solve the problem of magic addiction.

But in this series of processes, the blood elves were separated from the clan, including those with Illidan and those recruited by the Naaru with the Holy Light.

All in all, the disintegration of the blood elves can be summed up in one sentence: Flying separately in a disaster, you can never starve to death, and you are a mother with milk.

The blood elves who stayed behind in Azeroth actually received a gift from Kael'thas. In other words, when Kael'thas gained a foothold in the void storm of the Broken World of Draenor, he started with his hometown. of interaction.

This is also the reason why Kael'thas successfully lurked back to Quel'Thalas in the later stage, and built the Magister's Platform, Sunwell Fortress and other facilities on Quel'Danas Island. Without the cooperation of the local blood elves and opening and closing the eyes, the Alliance would receive news early in the morning, and there was still waiting for the horses and carts on the other side to form a team in a hurry to organize Kil'jaeden to use New Eternity The well descended on Azeroth.

The blood elf's later birth of the new battle class blood knight, that is, the blood elf version of the Paladin, its essence is also a way to solve the magic addiction.

If you don't give it, we will take it ourselves!

This is the true portrayal of the blood elves obtaining the Holy Light, and the Naaru is used as the Light Converter.

Look, fel, arcane, holy light, the blood elves have thought of everything they can think of in order to solve the magic addiction, and they are working hard to walk the way they can go, no matter how much risk they take and how many sequelae.

So, what about the Shadow Road?

A vote of blood elves headed by Ambrick unearthed some cubes that claim to be ‘the age of their existence, older than life on Azeroth’, and then tried to find a way out by studying them.

What is the oldest life in Azeroth?

Theoretically speaking, it is an elemental creature, a well-deserved original native of Azeroth.

Then the ancient gods came, enslaved the elements, established the dark empire, and ruled for a long time, until even the king of the elements became a part of the ancient gods. He came to the Titans and worked hard with them. Combat.

So the source of this cube is highly likely to be the creation at that time. After all, even the ancestors of the elves and the trolls had not yet been born.

Let's look at Alleria again. Ambrick and the others were almost wiped out because of their research on the cube, and caused a regional ecological catastrophe.

At the critical moment, Alleria came on the stage, taught them the method, let them complete the control of the cube, and basically finalized the transformation of the void elves, that is, combining the method taught by Alleria, through the cube, through A series of procedures finally transformed into a void elves that merged the power of shadows with the right amount and harnessed this power.

So where does Alleria's relevant knowledge come from? Why is it so mature and compelling to be able to get immediate results?

Coming from an imaginary spirit who claims to be a ‘Double World Walker’.

This Void Spirit, or commonly known as the Bandage Man, is the mentor of Alleria's shadow knowledge and the key figure that made Alleria the first void elf.

It was him who suggested that Alleria kill and absorb the void power of the void lord Narathos. Narathos was being summoned by the Void Shadow Guards, preparing to destroy Argus.

The Void Shadow Guards are the same clan of the Twin Realm Walkers, and they are also Void Spirits, but these Void Spirits have taken refuge in the Void Lord Family.

Also under the instigation and guidance of the two-world traveler, Alleria faced the Dark Naaru, defeated it, and withstood the erosion of its void power, completing the final transformation.

So why does this two-world traveler help Alleria so much?

According to his own statement, each takes what he needs, and the facts show that the death of the existence of the void system such as Narathos and the Dark is indeed beneficial to the two-world traveler, at least it is a blow After losing a competitor, he also took back a scepter.

But, is this really the whole purpose of the Double World Traveler? Is it a trade that benefits both in one occasion?

Kane didn't think so anyway. Because from the perspective of knowledge, the double world traveler is completely losing money for doing so.

From the perspective of interest, the void elves represented by Alleria are not loyal dogs, and they don't even feel that they owe much kindness to the Two Realms Walker. The two-world traveler can give him the opportunity to give him long-term benefits. To be cruel, even if it fails, someone else will die. For the virtual spirit who takes the universe as the stage, it is so hard to find a qualified spokesperson?

Impossible, even if you follow in the footsteps of the Burning Legion, there are a lot of people available. You only need to give them a little hope of survival when they are driven to a desperate situation by the Burning Legion. Some people are willing to sign the alliance under the city to sell their future, or even their descendants. future.

Moreover, the overall reputation of the Ethereal family is not good. Opportunists, thieves, and profiteers, these traits seem to be far away from being kind and serving the people.

So long long ago, Kane thought that something would happen to the void elves in the future. It may not be all, but there will definitely be at least one Kuroshio, or dark rebellion.

As far as the current situation is concerned, rebellion and non-rebellion are the second place, but emptiness is already a fact. Look at the appearance of this person and ghost, it is probably *, no contact with the organization, at least it is. Out of the stage of being tested, they failed to obtain the relevant technology of the organization, which made them, who have always paid attention to external image, had to cover their appearance with ritual vestments, and they refused to show them whenever they could.


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