Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1386: Fight and kill are all profit


The neatly dressed Rosalyn Crowley used the extraordinary skill "Battle Roar" to start the war between the defense team and the dark elements of the night attack.

Unlike the warriors of other magic universes, in the Warcraft universe, warriors are also extraordinary. To be more specific, it belongs to the kind of extraordinary combat position that has a low threshold but is easy to sing and difficult to sing well.

Since it is an extraordinary combat position, it naturally involves extraordinary powers, so what kind of extraordinary powers does the warrior of the Warcraft universe use?

In Azeroth, the most widely circulated saying is anger.

In fact, this argument is very unprofessional, but because it is widely spread, many people just let it go.

However, high-ranking fighters like Rosalind must be aware of the so-called ‘anger’.

First of all, its basic theory of application is no different from the basic theories of other extraordinary combat positions using extraordinary powers. It uses spiritual power to control extraordinary powers.

It's just that in order to facilitate the mastering and display, emotional elements are added, which makes the use of mental power more intuitive and easier to condense.

In fact, the Druids of the Warcraft Universe also have a similar technique called ‘Anger’. Its positioning is similar to the energy arrow of a mage. It is the foundation of the foundation. To put it bluntly, it is throwing energy out to hit people.

The reason why it is called ‘angry’ is because it starts from an emotional perspective to gather the power of nature and represents the cruel side of nature.

What soldiers use emotional power to drive is the power of destruction. That's right, it is the destruction in Kane's custom dark three series, which is the most rigid and most suitable for destruction among all the subdivided extraordinary powers.

It is precisely because of this that the high-ranking fighters and ordinary fighters of the Warcraft Universe, in terms of combat effectiveness, can't be overstated.

Even if an ordinary soldier is full of emotions, the destructive power that can be mobilized is still too small, and even a large part of the night road number lacks understanding of the extraordinary powers he uses. Such a soldier is better than a farmer who relies purely on brute force. Even if it is strong, it is also limited.

However, high-ranking fighters are able to add destructive power to their skills and weapons like an enhanced shaman using elemental power.

More representatively, Grum Hellscream can be counted as one, the giant Mannoroth of the Abyss Lord, whose strength is not full of true gods, and his demigods are super, and he still smashes to death with an axe, Cenarius is the **** of the forest. Not to mention the demigod of the head.

Because Maugrum can be so rigid, his tomahawk "Gorehowl" is not a magical weapon. How can it be able to block and kill the gods and the Buddhas? It is because the nature of the supernatural power used is the most rigid, and the force is enough, it depends on whether the technology can be used to improve the power.

Even with Kane's always harsh eyes, Rosalind has two brushes in this regard.

With a shout of war, everyone in the camp received the BUFF bonus, and they felt that blood was rising, and there was power running through the body. Not only did the vigor increase, even the courage increased a lot, and the original was still a little smaller. Now he is full of "fuck damn" heroism.

And long-term cooperation with Rosalind, the holy priest Skard, and Druid Nainette, are not ordinary people.

The BUFF provided by Scudder is Power Word: Toughness. This is a technique to improve physical fitness and physical resistance based on sacred power.

And Nainite's mark of the wild is through the perfusion of the power of the wilderness, awakening the motion factors in the organism, making people more flexible and healthy.

After Brocks was unwilling, in fact, when it comes to adding BUFF, at least in the Warcraft universe, no warfare function is more sharp than the shaman.

Shaman's totem BUFF has many types and good effects. Although the duration is not as long as that of other combat positions and has limited scope, as long as it is used properly, the negative impact of these shortcomings is negligible.

Brocks has injuries on his body, coupled with extraordinary powers, no matter from the perspective of elemental barriers, or from his own perspective, he is a bit uncomfortable (it needs to separate a considerable part of mental power and extraordinary power to stabilize the injury), so he was originally Intend to play relatively energy-saving totem flow.

So the icing on the cake, several kinds were cast in one breath.

The turbulence totem specifically aimed at air flying units caused the airflow in an airspace to be turbulent, which seriously affected the flight conditions of the entrants. Because the vampire bats are relatively dense, there are many collisions and falls, especially those that carry people.

The gust of wind totem specifically for its own personnel, with the power of the wind element generated by this totem, the personnel are like taking a magic talisman, the one that runs is called a fast, and the start is also very explosive.

Totem of the Wall of Earth, you can tell from the name, it exerts the power of the earth element to protect people. This totem looks like a diamond with shining golden light. It can transfer part of the extraordinary energy damage that people have received to itself.

Healing Fountain Totem, this is almost necessary for fighting. It is applied every two seconds. Although it is not like the special healing spells of the sacred system, it is continuous and comprehensive, which is equivalent to strengthening the recovery of oneself. Power, basically don’t worry about being found out.

The ancestors protect the totem, the effect of this totem is also very powerful. The presence of it is tantamount to blessing people with an anti-death effect.

The cost of resurrection is always very high, for example, it is a curse. But what if the effect of ‘death’ is not triggered?

This is the basis of the ancestors' protection totem.

The injury that was originally fatal seemed to be dead. People lost consciousness, but they didn't trigger the death effect. Then, after a big bite, death became a serious injury.

Coupled with other powerful treatments, you can even fight with blood on the spot!

Of course, this kind of magical effect has already involved the law, and it has its own skills to force it. It is not what ordinary shamans can use, and there are bound to be restrictions. For example, a target can only be triggered twice a day, once in the day and once in the night, the dusk and dawn skills cannot work, and so on.

After putting five totems in a row, Brox put down the sixth one.

Generally speaking, the ability to cast four totems at the same time is already the limit. After all, totems are a special existence between the virtual and the real. It requires the spiritual power of Saman to maintain its existence. Advanced instruments.

But Brocks is a traverser who seizes the house, and the power of the soul is one of its characteristics. Therefore, the six totems running at the same time are not the limit. It's just that there are injuries on the body now, and it's not suitable for doing it all.

The sixth totem is called the voodoo totem. It can turn the designated life in the range into a frog, and at the same time, it can disintegrate the structure of the spell, turning the extraordinary energy attack into a brilliant firework.

Obviously, this totem exists to protect other totems and the caster.

Moreover, the totem cast by the shaman is instant.

So just in the blink of an eye, the inside of the Elemental Barrier, like a large neon light, became much more radiant and beautiful.

The power of the elements radiates to the four directions, and it makes people more and more assured, and even some people are gearing up to put on the appearance of a big fight.

But in fact, even with this bunch of BUFF enhancements, the defense team is still very hard pressed.

From a macro perspective, only one air superiority among the dark elements is enough to bring the situation back to a considerable extent.

The people in the defense team soon began to experience it firsthand.

First of all, bows and arrows are basically useless, and even the few bed crossbows in the camp have limited use.

The reason lies in the controller, the enemy, and the crossbow itself.

The people of the defense team do not have professional masters who control the bed crossbow, and the experience of dealing with aerial targets is infinitely close to zero.

And these vampire bats, although the speed is relatively average, but the flexibility is really high, listen to the position, as long as it is not manned, and the ability to avoid ordinary crossbow strikes is very strong.

And the few crossbows in the camp are quite old, and they can also hit large targets that pigs from the ground are advancing and turning inconveniently, or aiming at a dense queue for a few times.

In addition, since the dark elements once took down the logging camp, but did not destroy these crossbows, it is not difficult to see that they are really not ashamed of this stuff.

The bow and arrow can't reach, the bed crossbow can't hit, and the main countermeasure of the defense team is the arrow tower of the elemental barrier.

However, because the elemental barrier was severely consumed and damaged when it was torn with the dark evil things before, it is no longer the same as before, the powerful lightning bolt BIUBIUBIU shot hard.

Of course, the defense team has not done nothing these days.

Compared to building facilities, Sasha and the others are still very concerned about the protective ability of barriers.

After Brocks made effective communication, they prepared many elemental arrow shafts according to Brocks' instructions.

The so-called elemental arrow shaft is an arrow shaft that is processed by elemental energy erosion and has an extraordinary elemental affinity.

These arrow shafts are originally made of wood. They are cut and shaped by wind blades, strengthened by soil, and then subjected to water erosion and fire forging. They eventually become magical materials. They look like non-metal, non-wood or non-stone, and their weight is between wood and stone. At ordinary times, it is inserted into the storage tank where the elements flow for warmth, and it is convenient to use, just put it in the launch tank.

Since Brox has different engineering abilities from ordinary shamans, such as cutters, launch slots, etc., they can all be created.

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of half magic weapon by combining the magical model with the material and materializing it. The reason why it is "half" is because this system that leaves Brocks cannot be played and is not universal.

In the past few days that Brock has recovered from his injuries, he mainly helped Shasa and the others by casting spells in the engineering department. This type of spellcasting is relatively soft, and it can also reduce the consumption and difficulty of casting by extending the casting time, so it does not affect Brock very much He healed.

In short, nowadays, lightning bolts that use elemental shafts can pose a huge threat to vampire bats.

The elemental barrier is not in good condition, and the sighting and locking system cannot be activated at full power. Each arrow tower only allows four people to shoot at a frequency of one arrow every two seconds. There are a total of eight arrow towers in the camp, that is, the ideal situation Down, the elemental barrier can shoot 960 arrows in one minute.

The actual shooting efficiency is much lower than this number. There are many reasons, including the fixed position of the arrow tower and the occlusion on the top.

Moreover, after the battle began, the performance of the vampire bat group also proved that this wave of sneak attacks by the dark elements, from the perspective of tactical execution, is still online IQ.

Under the premise of unknown circumstances, he did not play a low-altitude dive, but passed in clusters from an altitude of about 300 meters. It was like bombing by a group of bombers, dropping a lot of corrosive packets.

In this process, the people carried on certain bats are responsible for controlling the bombing. They use a relatively simple magic lock. Once it is released, the package bound under the belly of the vampire bat will break away and fall freely.

So Rosalind, Skard, and Nainette failed to flex their muscles, that is, they carried their weapons and dealt with some injured bats that fell but were still lethal with a much higher efficiency than ordinary people. .

Speaking of this, shooting a vampire bat from the air may not be a good thing. These flying beasts that can carry people are basically weighing about 300 pounds. Together with the tied corrosion bag, they have a total weight of close to 400 pounds. Such a heavy lump, smashed from more than 300 meters in the air, has an impact force. It's no trivial matter, not to mention that the corroded bag is like a dirty bomb like gold juice. The pia is smashed and splattered everywhere, and the effect is basically there.

Therefore, with the release and the dying disgusting person after being shot down, the elemental barrier can be said to have been bloodied under the first round of blows.

If it wasn't for Kane who was very particular about raising the rock plate when he was building elemental barriers, then the defense team would have to give up the camp after this round, otherwise it would be equivalent to being soaked in the corrosion pool.

This is actually the effect that the dark elements want to achieve before they act.

After the Lord led his subordinates to evacuate to the depths of the Black Miasma Forest, through repeated interrogations, even vivisections, and dispatching ravens and other ‘eye units’ to investigate, some intelligence was determined.

The first thing to be sure is that the two half-half and half-silly former scout units have indeed encountered a dark existence with divine nature.

This is of course not a trivial matter, and it is also the main reason why the Lord has not taken action for several days.

She reported up and was waiting for orders and reinforcements. Giant vampire bats are part of the reinforcements.

However, the investigation has suffered some losses.

With his own injuries and serious damage to the elemental barriers, Brocks quickly changed his tactics. It was no longer a beacon, but rather confused.

Therefore, the intelligence that the investigating unit brings back to the Lord is very watery. Among them is the posture pattern of element barriers.

The Lord thought the elemental barrier was a camp built on the ground. Combining her previous knowledge of logging camps, it is natural to draw an inference. Once a sufficient amount of corrosion packs are dropped, the camp will become a dirty pond, and the barrier will become the edge of the pond. She does not believe this. Under circumstances, people can stay in the camp.

But in fact, Kane not only raised the camp, but also hardened the ground, stabilized the rock below, and established a root-like anti-seepage damage system.

Moreover, the sewage discharge function of the camp is also top-notch.

Therefore, this blow, with some vivid descriptions, is equivalent to being drenched in tar, which is quite laborious to remove, but it is only a superficial layer, without deep erosion, let alone being run.

Moreover, for the Lord, the loss of this aerial strike is also a bit big.

Hundreds of vampire bats were shot down, and the loss of this kind has made the Lord's face pale. After all, the total number is less than six hundred. In actual wars, a battle damage rate of more than 15% is definitely an out-and-out loss. For a less disciplined unit, this loss is enough to make it defeated or even defeated. It crashed, especially this is a loss caused by a wave.

Although the Lord didn't know how to explain the heavy loss to the peak, her IQ did not drop because of this. She gave the order and the bats that had been bombed returned, and those that had not been bombed were from a height of 500 meters. , Smash all the Corrosion Pack down.

At the same time, she also gave orders to the ground forces that had basically moved in place in the dense forest, and it was strictly forbidden to initiate full and patiently open nets to wait for the opponent to enter.

Finally, she visited the elite team again, and after confirming the status, she turned her attention to the elemental barriers again.

This action initiated by the Lord is a typical drunkard’s intention not to drink.

It seemed that she was attacking the elemental barrier, but actually wanted to explore the bottom of Brocks Whiteclaw.

Of course, the lord doesn't know this name, but she knows that the defense team has come to be a legendary powerhouse.

She is now anxious to know the status of this strong man.

In addition, if possible, she also wants to fish out that dark evil thing.

The Lord has made some analysis for this, and finally she believes that this dark evil thing has little to do with her, and most of it was provoked by the strong defense team, and it may even be its enemy.

But no matter what, she coveted the evil thing.

After all, she has determined that the other party possesses divine nature, which is extremely dangerous, but it is also an extraordinary opportunity.

Even her Shangfeng coveted this, otherwise she would not give such support.

Moreover, this support is not all. The two scouts who were brainwashed by the power of darkness have already been sent up, one of them is a rounder, the other is a slice, these two have become the existence of white mice, making her ascend I was completely excited. Although the words that came back were very vague, she did not give it in vain. Moreover, she started the first-hand research. Therefore, she has reason to believe that what excited her Shangfeng was exactly what she was shocked. 'Darkness Purity'.

It can be said that the two guys who were brainwashed by the power of darkness are extremely pure dark creations. From a certain angle, this is tantamount to opening a long-awaited avenue door for these dark elements.

Because all the known dark elements, including the Void One Element (to be precise, the Shadow Element with the characteristics of Warcraft), are impure. According to Kane’s explanation, it is dark + evil, not thorough Pick up the two.

This caused a problem, that is, the filthy nature of the power of evil, which caused all the existence of the Shadow Element to be particularly troublesome.

Sargeras is actually a typical example. How much he has been distorted using fel energy, compared with his original character style, the result is clear.

And distortion is not the most serious problem. After all, it is extremely dangerous to mix this people don't think too far, so as not to worry about themselves. In this case, subtle damage is basically ignored.

But in the end, there is still no way to ignore it, that is, ‘muddy’. It’s like drinking a piece of alcohol. You don’t know what you did or said in a certain period of time. This is terrible. Especially when this state becomes more frequent and more serious, it is not difficult for anyone with a little brain to understand that if you continue to do this, you will either die without knowing how to die, or you will be completely occupied by the state of'unlucky' Losing oneself, no one wants this ending.

But this is the price of using the power of shadow, and hiding is inevitable.

But the appearance of the pure dark power unfolded another picture. Although it was distorted, it didn't run away, but the muddy problem was basically solved. Even after being pure, the affinity with the power of darkness went up again, more extreme, but also stronger, which meant that a ladder of progress had appeared.

Don’t underestimate this step of the ladder. This step is the bridge connecting the transcendent and the gods. Once crossed, there is a higher probability of gaining the gods. From the perspectives of lifespan and power levels, it is like traveling from a small river. Entering the sea, the stage has expanded ten million times. Isn’t that good?

In contrast, the original plan to build a cross-border bridgehead relying on the Black Miasma Forest seemed less tempting and urgent.

This is why the giant vampire bat attacks the elemental barrier. After all, these monsters have never appeared on the stage before. They rely on suddenness and truth to get some living people as sacrifices and directly attack Wanghai Town. The harvest is definitely full. Then, if you leave it alone, you will be able to harvest a wave. Knocking on such a barrier is naturally because the benefits involved here are even greater.


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