Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 314: Open Musou 1

The orc boy is against the orc boy, and the green-skin shaman is fighting against the brother.

That's right, Kane is ready to make this incarnation a **** of green skin.

Of course, he has to start from the beginning and distinguish it from the inherent green-skin system from God to believers.

Brother Ge and Mao Ge are the level of the Four Evil Gods. Although they are not as perverted as the Four Evil Gods opened by the God of Creation, after all, their followers are interstellar populations, not only in the medieval Warhammer world but also in other worlds.

This means that it is too early to talk about **** these two products completely.

Then play each one first, after all, one day he is going to fight against the four evil spirits, and it is good to kill the hair dry and try the knife.

The Shaman of the Bad Moon released his own signature spell, the Great Moon Curse from the beginning.

Because it was an environmental spell, Kane saw it on the way from the ranks to the front.

To his impression, the effect of this spell is a bit cute and funny. Along with the silk-like cloud, a huge moon with ivory fangs and a strange smile on the face of big brother Burr appeared in the air.

However, Kane knew that the blood-screaming greenskins on the frontline would not find this thing funny because it contained the qualities of divine irradiation.

The shaman and the druid, both of which are spells, are considered natural magic.

With divine characteristics, one cannot view nature by sight, but by looking at the nature of the technique.

For example, the magical nature of this technique in front of you is fear, so let alone Gobble ’s smirking face, the yellow smiley face known to all people on earth, will also make the subject feel scared.

At this time, the effectiveness of the batch of war shepherds he had urgently cultivated before became apparent.

War shepherds first cast a group dispel to the orcs who were fighting, dispelling their negative state, followed by the use of bloodthirsty, making them brave and bloodthirsty.

This is actually the experience of war shepherd is still shallow, otherwise it will not waste the group to disperse, directly through the bloodthirsty technique to make the orc boy crazy, at the same time it naturally counteracts the fear.

Relying on the madness brought by the bloodthirsty technique, the blood roaring orcs with a relatively simple equipment and a small number have withstood a wave of tide offensive by the bad moon tribe.

However, these large tribes are old and experienced in battle. The war commanders of the Bad Moon tribe soon see the shortcomings of bloodthirsty. They are too crazy, without tactics, they will only make progress.

So they commanded and mobilized the troops, forming pockets. The blood roaring orcs naturally attacked the relatively weak area, and then continued to advance, they fell into the pocket, and the next step was to close the door and beat the dog.

At this time, the shamans of the bad moon play a further role.

Hard nail surgery, which can make every green skin become a steel nail on the battlefield, tireless, fearless of injury, until the end of the battle or physical function strike, sudden death on the spot.

The green skin's spells are relatively low-level and have a lot of side effects. Like this technique, it can make the subject's six relatives unrecognized, and it will not work if I don't make me hurt. Now it is suitable to use. If you die, you will be happy. This is not the biggest demand of Greenskin's life. As for Waaagh, why do you still have to think so much at this time?

Similar spells are more characteristic of the brother's foot, the shaman makes a rude gesture to the sky, the content can be understood as: I **** you, god! Then a giant green fist will come down and smash the enemy, leaving only a loud crunch.

As for why Tianjiang Shenquan, the result is to use the word ‘tap’ instead of ‘hammer’. This is hard to say. Anyway, Green Leather never lacks rigor.

For example, there is a more funny technique, itching pain, the shaman vigorously grabbed his armpit and laughed wildly, and the nearby enemies immediately felt skin irritation and fiery pain at the same position.

These alternative spells are due to the caster rather than the spell itself. The caster feels that this kind of casting method is powerful, and the spiritual and magical powers can be smoothly coordinated, then they will form a habit, and even be imitated and spread as the only correct method.

"Boss, Boss, the situation is a bit unfavorable, do you want the boys to let go of arrows?" The leader of the orc shooter boy saw Kane coming, and the half scratching his head asked flatteringly.

The time is too short, the blood roar tribe has not completed the cleansing, and has become an army led by religious forces.

Kane's future plan is to lead chaos with order.

There is an orderly group in the green leather, and there will be a very famous green leather team in the future generations. They are not enough for order and rules. They have military boots culture like American soldiers. They always polish their leather boots.

In addition, the black orcs transformed by the Chaos dwarves due to the shortage of hard work (now not yet available) are also more inclined to order, and the green skins led by them are more like an army than a mob, and the black orcs are very restrained as much as possible. When they need to vent their emotions, green-skinned infighting often chooses a lot of various competitions, and then the winner can justify the loser.

However, considering the need to create a creative 'free' environment, this group cannot naturally be as strict as a swarm, so that it will lose its characteristics.

Kane has an example to learn from, the demon system of the bottomless abyss of the DND universe.

In a word, order in chaos. It is said that it has no rules, in fact, it is said that it has rules, but it is very free and has very few restrictions.

Kane feels that the future of the green skin controlled by him is also a rule: believe in the church and be at ease.

That is to say, the church usually doesn't care about anything, but the church has orders and can't obey.

Then from now on, we must establish the supreme authority of the church.

Exactly, in this series of battles, it is up to him to leave the green skin with the concept of powerful warfare and animal husbandry.

Now that the power of faith is still shallow, it can only make people lose money to gain popularity.

Cast a wide range, the body of steel! There was an iron-grey beam falling in the sky, sinking into the body of the blood-roaring orc trapped, and then the orcs found their skin quickly turned black and firm.

And to give the bad moon orcs the feeling that the opponent's skin was meat skin, but now it is rubber skin, the weapon sharpness is almost, and even can't be split, and it also rebounds.

There is output only when he is alive. Kane's spell immediately stabilized the situation.

As for the suggestion of the bow and arrow kid, regardless of his own side being affected, he shot arrows at the battlefield. Although they were commonly used by the green skin, he did not choose.

Another trick, the blessing of the dead.

This is also a legionary spell, essentially a dark spell, to plunder the life energy of the dead and then use it for living people.

Like the steel body just now, these are the more practical spells he chose as the supreme ruler of the blood worm group.

He was originally a commander type, and he is very adaptable to fighting with a large army like now.

It is also a sky beam, which will be a fresh green color. When it falls on the subject's head, it bursts on its own, like a sweet rain, and you can even see a layer of dewdrops on the surface of the subject's skin, but that Not water, but energy.

After the operation of this technique, the blood roaring orcs immediately became a hundred times more energetic, and felt that they were light and strong, strong and endurance. This has not cut all the unsightly things in front of them, and when will they wait?

So the situation quickly reversed, as if the fishing nets were not catching big fish, but big crocodiles, and as they watched, they would break free and break out of the net.

Kane thought it was okay. The next step was for him to play. After a thousand rides, his morale collapsed.

The most feared thing about playing the green skin of emotional flow is morale collapse, and the best way to morale collapse is to intrude into the Chinese army and defeat the commander.

Green skin is the most important thing for the presence of the commander. Although it is not like the ancient human beings on the earth, he likes to make a big flag to show the existence. Too.

After exciting growth, Kane has now entered the ranks of a big man, 230cm tall, weighing more than 320 pounds, burly and stubborn.

However, his face has always been bad, and frankly speaking, he failed to grow a face that pleases the green skin. In fact, it is mainly not the face, but the temperament.

His nature is difficult to move, and his temperament is very contrary to the green skin. There is something like him in the green skin, and there is no one in 10,000 orcs, which is too unfriendly to the people and lacks a sense of identity.

So he thought of a way to make a mask for himself with bark. The style is quite rough. The sharp gaps below represent the teeth. A hole is cut in the middle to facilitate breathing. Big and small, they are not equal on the whole. They are as clumsy as a child's graffiti, but they have the comprehensive characteristics that children's graffiti does not have. This style is very green and brutal.

Kane still held the big stick, but it was no longer the stick of the past, but the thicker stick of iron. He howled, deafened, and the effect was louder than the horn.

Signboard roar, blood roar, range and power have been increased.

It is not only a blessing from BUFF, but also a signal of surprise from the whole army.

With this battle roar, the blood of the roaring orc was boiling, and the fighting spirit was high, and those who were not affected also hailed.

The next step is the selfless charge.

The Greenskins like this way of fighting, not tactics, they are reckless, although this kind of recklessness will let many of them know the day of their sacrifice, but this rhythm, this kind of killing them is like it.

Of course, not all green skins are full of blood, like Goble, they also like this kind of tactics, because the more chaotic the easier it is to wipe oil.

Their cleverness is also limited to this, as most people who have never been on the battlefield are obsessed with it, they always think that they are the lucky ones. Unlike humans who have eaten their lessons or listened to people's persuasion, Gables is a man who has been taught a lot, and remembers to eat or not to fight, so they always have a ridiculous little cleverness and take advantage of fishing on the battlefield.

There are fart spirits. If Goble is still a little smart, fart spirits are really just stupid. Their main activity on the battlefield is to imitate their blood relatives, or Gobble or orcs.

Like the cluster charge now launched, the blood roar's fart spirits will also follow the charge. In fact, unless they drive a pump (a kind of war vehicle), they will at most use stones to smash their opponents with bruises, and if the charge fails They are only half the height of Gable, and they wo n’t even run. They lost their imitation objects and stood there dumbly, waiting to be trampled to death.

It can be said that on the battlefield, the fart is like a Pomeranian, and it is clearly a thing that can be kicked to death. It is also rushing around and screaming. It is responsible for making the whole battle intention more joyful, cruel and sad ( In the eyes of literary youth).

In daily life, their role is really not small. In addition to planting, they are also responsible for the tickling of orcs, pets, and hard work, and even food.

After Kane howl, he played the Warriors mode again. In the known universe, only playing Warriors as the leader of the green skin, the biggest gain. It is really capable of driving the entire battlefield atmosphere with one's own strength, allowing the green skin of one's camp to be instantly iron powdered, and fighting for life and death, while the enemy's morale is greatly lost and the combat power is lowered.

"Death!" Kane moved the big stick, swept away, and flew away.

He was already in the world of the Lord of the Rings. Sauron had the sorrow and majesty when he met the kings of the Allied forces. The stick with the scarlet power of destruction. Any orc that is hard against him will be taken with weapons. Knock. Each of his attacks is like a 120mm caliber tank artillery bombardment.

The greenskins of the Bad Moon tribes do not believe in evil. They launched their ultimate armament, the spiked armored wild boar chariot.

This kind of war machine is used to show off most of the time. The green skins have not used the large-scale application of regularization of chariots like the tombs.

But it must be admitted that the frame used for comparison looks at least very fierce, with artificial collision angles and fangs all over, and it looks very heavy. The two pigs pulling the car are more than one ton, which is huge. After the rugged iron armor and iron cone were armed, they said it was a qualified collision vehicle, and no one would disagree.

Bad Moon Army drove the car, screaming and rushed towards Kane. Along the way, he could not dodge himself, and his car crashed into pieces, flesh and blood flew.

However, other bad-moon green skins will not pay attention to these details, or even empathize with them. The thought flashed in their heads is the boss charge, so fierce!

As a result, the morale of the bad-moon green skins soared, maintaining the precarious front.

Looking down from the sky, the middle of the two armies intertwined with fangs automatically avoids a passage for the bosses of both sides to fight. This is also a spectacle of war that only appears in the Green Skin Civil War. It is quite rigorous. It can laugh the militarists who are used to commanding the war. The ancient military generals singled out in front of the battle in the Eastern interpretation. It is also exaggerated, but this is the fact that the real happenings, the peculiar brain circuits of the green skins allow this kind of scene to happen, and look at the colorful stage of a battle.

Kane originally had many ways to deal with the charge of the bad moon army, but with a green skin, there is only one method that is the most correct, that is, toughness.

But here he has to play a little trick. In the face of a bad month's tank charge, he is just useless with great strength. His tonnage can't work. Without a strong fulcrum, he will definitely be knocked off, which is ugly. All that is required is a single-armed look like a chariot.

So he howled, red light cover, this is acting, acting, acting! This is not necessary at all, but it is easier to understand.

The green skins knew in seconds that Brother Mao gave strength. Isn't the strength of the brother and Mao brother green? This is red. cut! What is wrong is to give strength anyway. Look, such a big ball, like a cloud.

Then Kane waved his big stick and smashed it **** the ground.

The ground was cracked, and the cone-shaped rift opened and extended. The bad moon chariot that just rushed over was directly stuck and the pig reversed.

I have to say that Warhammer is really a desperate metamorphosis world. Most creatures, including orcs, do n’t actually have much extraordinary power. 40K and tank armored artillery. In the Middle Ages, they were mainly swords, guns, and celestial covers. The biggest enemy of all creatures is chaos, typical of high magic and high energy. At this extreme, sentient beings are naturally happily blood-battered by the four evil gods. If the four evil gods were to be tortured for joy, all beings in this world would have perished long ago.

Like Kane's style of play in front of him, actually speaking seriously, it's no big deal. In the final battle, the vampires in the Twilight City can fight a fiercer crack that is more powerful than this.

The vampires in Twilight are just a handful of the grudges of the three vampires. They are relatively dangerous dark creatures for ordinary wizards, and there are many more powerful individuals, not to mention gods and incarnations. Stream.

Kane completed self-restraint through the oath this time, and then tried his best in the context of restraint, so that he could achieve realistic behavior ~ ~ The other is to stimulate the body and make the green skin The biological characteristics of the plant are brought into play, thus collecting more data.

And this rapid growth is also convinced by the green skin. The flow of emotions is like this, and there must be gains when the seeds are exploded.

The head of the bad moon is also unambiguous. The chariot is overturned, his hands are fast, he jumps in advance, and the sky is smashed. It looks extremely powerful. Many of the green skins of the bad moon that saw this scene are for his own boss. Likes.

Too rough, too cruel, too fierce, so handsome!

Then, at the next moment, I was shocked. Kane did n’t hide. He rounded the big stick and smashed it over. It was like smashing a watermelon with a baseball bat in the air. He directly smashed the upper body of the bad moon army head. The real Blood mist spread, flesh and blood flew.

If this is accidental, then, one of the huge fangs boars pulling the cart, freed from the shackles, madly rushed towards Kane, and was also smashed his head from the side, then showed to all the green skin, Kane It is so powerful and wild.

"Which one else wants to die?" Kane's loud voice echoed on the battlefield like a loud drumbeat ...

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