Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 331: Explore to 1 piece

Kane returned to the Dark HP world 10 years after the second visit to the Warhammer World.

The core of this upgrade package is actually a secondary avatar, which can complete the fusion of memory by absorbing the missing body. As for strength, there is no comparability from the root of each other.

The secondary avatar also carries a high-end teleporter. This creation is used for the secondary avatar to leave in an emergency. Of course, it can also be used to merge with the body after the return of the avatar that was exiled due to the space-time trap.

That incarnation is too important, almost a simplified version of the ontology, and knows too many secrets. For Kane, who started the multiverse Kang Caien project, this kind of information-rich incarnation is not necessary, he would rather give the other party some hard power and resources, rather than key information.

Hermione said, "Learn to think in a boss's mindset."

Kane thought the metaphor was appropriate. To do a career, you must have the attitude to do a career, and incarnation is a tool.

The tools must have the awareness of the tools. Correspondingly, the ontology should also understand what they are doing, and should not be mixed with too much emotional color. He is always despised for being unprofessional, isn't he?

Therefore, the secondary avatar manufactured according to the standard process, Kane Zhao, is very professional and a good and responsible employee. Soon after arriving in the New World, he used the magic and The hybrid creation of technology-the optical quantum communicator, sends signals back across the border, and reports the situation there with probability.

Hundreds of family names, Zhao Qiansun Li, Zhou Wu Zheng Wang, Feng Chen Zhu Wei, Jiang Shen Han Yang. Kane decided to number the secondary avatars in this surname order.

According to this statute, it is Kane money sent back to the HP world. As for those who are trapped by space-time traps, this is no longer the case. Kane decided to wait for the incarnation to return, absorb the memory directly, and transform the body into the Holy Spirit for special situations. Support, as well as basic industry inspections to expand the universe.

According to intelligence sent back by Kane Zhao, Kane has reason to believe that there is a world of {StarCraft}.

When talking about the world with Hermione, Maria and Catherine, he said with regret: "I actually prefer the world of WOW, which also belongs to the universe of the Blizzard crystal wall system, and the content of WOW wonders is more abundant. It is also more suitable for us to explore now, although there is no chaotic crack leaking a **** of the entire universe egg, but the home world Azeroth itself breeds a protoss, compared to the universe egg, it is an ant egg. The ant egg is also Eggs, Mexican fried ant eggs are a delicious dish. "

I have to say that because there are not so many broken things on the side of the Middle Warhammer, Kane's sentiment has been cultivated, and there have been leisurely pleasures that have happily blunted. In the dark HP world, it is rarely so unreasonable.

"So what kind of universe is StarCraft and what kind of interests are there for us?"

"I should have told you about the creativity of GW, the creator of Blizzard, who is the creator of the world, Blizzard madly copied?"

Maria nodded: "Well, I said."

"So it's not surprising that this StarCraft is highly similar to the Warhammer universe. Once again, remind that StarCraft is a magical world, not science fiction."

Kane started simple science: "StarCraft is also a concept of cosmic eggs. However, Warhammer refers to the larger area that holds the universe as the void. In the world of StarCraft, the void is more like my dark dimension, and it is an independent universe. The eggs, but the eggs that connect the universe, are the roots of the universe. "

Hermione thought for a while and asked: "So what is the vast gap between this cosmic egg called the void and other cosmic eggs?"

"Blizzard Genesis disdain to explain this concept and said nothing."

Hermione pouted: "It's rough."

Kane laughed: "In fact, Blizzard Genesis is the most punished by the population, whether it is the StarCraft universe, or the WOW universe, the population is always a flaw, the simplest number problem, it simply can't fit."

Kane added: "The HP universe also has this problem. The information given at the beginning, the wizard is very limited, more than 3,000 nationwide, but later, in order to highlight the grand and epic summer effect, it obviously created a lot of people's atmosphere. . This is a typical book-eating behavior, only some of them are reluctant to go to school, while others are too different and can only be changed. "

Kane left the original Earth in 2012, 10 years of StarCraft 2 wings of freedom, 13 years of the heart of the swarm, and 15 years of the void.

Blizzard has always copied east and west from the hodgepodge, but the result is not round, and the setting is super rigorous and famous. Fortunately, when he was a reincarnation in his previous life, he was relatively concerned about this setting. The StarCraft world finally has a final chapter that can come to an end and there will be no changes for more than 10 years. This is simply the gospel, otherwise the outdated information will be used as a prophet and it will be properly killed.

So now Kane can still pretend to be: "The universe named Void, which can be understood as the root of the universe, has the highest rank, and it also gave birth to a god-like existence, Sarnaga."

"This is a group of creatures with weird ideas and constantly playing a weird game called Endless Reincarnation. One of them finally realized one day, and it asked other similar people: 'We are like hundreds of millions of years, except for the early random type. Sowing seeds, and then always being a visitor, watching the rise and fall of civilization, the evolution of reincarnation, repeating and repeating, and repeating, what is the significance? 'Then the other Sarnaga ellipsis can not answer. "

"Poof!" Hermione couldn't help laughing.

Kane sneered: "It's nothing more than saying something high, such as God's thoughts. How could you understand it? When you imagine and speculate about them, it's already wrong. Pretend, pretend to pretend, and pretend to be less human. The more weird and weird, the more successful. The so-called brain holes are nothing more than these. "

Maria said: "So our goal is Sarnagar, or the knowledge they have accumulated in infinite time?"

Kane shrugged: "It's not clear, it's hard to say whether the guys are strong or weak. Say they are weak, typical creation gods, say they are strong. A group of people will be overcast by one and be created by themselves. The bruised face is swollen, and there is a dilemma between life and death, which is really not good for Low. "

Hermione pouted: "According to what you said, it's really a bunch of scum, all live to the dog at the age."

This one also followed Kane's study and became better at breathing venom.

Catherine said: "Then withdraw Kane Zhao back to save time wasting there."

Kane said: "I have equipped Zhao with the current detector to see if I can find another cosmic WOW item from the Blizzard Crystal Wall as a positioning object. In this world, we have the advantage of a prophet. I gave Kane Zhao The special information package, with his ability, believes that it can be mixed as well as casually. "

"Oh, what about the age? What year has it been going? Are there humans?"

"Yes, and in the early days it was highly imitating the origin world."

Hermione, Catherine, and Maria are all interested. They already know that the highest force in the world is the original world. This is a dimension of supremacy. For the original world, the most orthodox core universes of the heavens and the universe are nothing but secondary worlds, such as comics, movies, and novels.

And their origins are all inhabitants of the wilderness that is not even the orthodox core universe of these two-dimensional worlds. Although it is not bad, it still has some envy for the original world. Even knowing that world has nothing to do with perfection and perfection.

Kane once again briefly introduced: "According to the history of the Blizzard Creation God, at the end of the 21st century, human technology has developed rapidly. Electronic information, robots, genetic engineering, and cloning have become universal technologies. Many people have begun to transplant artificial organs, and some humans have also appeared. Changes, such as sensory strengthening, telepathy, etc. The population of the earth has skyrocketed to 23 billion in three hundred years. "

After listening to this, Hermione was not tensed again, and she laughed on the spot.

Kane himself quipped: "Yes, the typical nonsense-level deduction, just a rapid development of technology to mutate even the telepathic ability, is a typical civil science, not to mention the design of 23 billion people. set."

Hermione answered: "I understand why you said it was a magical world."

"Blizzard's creation is a hodgepodge, in which you can find the shadows of many classic settings such as Blade Runner, Fallout, Warhammer, and so on. It is really impossible to say, it is to pay tribute to the XX classic, but its engine building ability is indeed in place, the entire universe The deduction is very real, and the historical development is enough blood, and it can still bring a good experience with people. "

"So what about us? Is it an illusion, or Zhuang Zhou Mengdie?"

Kane smiled: "In fact, there is no need to care about these, true and false, are all a collection of letter groups, what we are really concerned about is what kind of information groups are obtained, and how these groups have evolved. Although The result is always the one that people are most concerned about, but in fact the real enjoyment is always on the road. "

"Yeah, on the road!"

Kane Zhao is on the road now, on the way to Josala.

It is now July 2499 in the ephemeris. According to the information of the StarCraft Prophet patch package issued by the body, on December 8 this year, Josala will be devastated by the Protoss.

Xingling and Zerg are the enemy of life and death. Zion's vanguard has begun to erode the Koplu Star Zone, and it is only a matter of time before its massive arrival.

The Protoss Expeditionary Force with the Golden Fleet as its strike force, subject to the remote control of the Protoss Supreme Council, played the game of “the temple and the victory over thousands of miles”, and ordered the fleet to purify Josala from the high altitude orbit by means of glass burning. By then, all the jade and jade will burn.

Of course, in the eyes of Protoss, humans are not jade. Since humans entered the Coplu star area that Protoss regarded as an outer galaxy in escape mode more than 200 years ago, Protoss has been observing in secret. And gradually developed some interest in this crazy infighting and trying to climb the science and technology of low-level creatures.

But at this level, in the face of the enemies that are about to destroy Protoss, who are unintentionally reduced to sandwich biscuits, their suffering and suffering are not important to Protoss.

As for the Sarah Solar System, it belongs to the frontier colonial star under the jurisdiction of the Human Federation of Tyron. There are two inhabited planets in the galaxy, which belong to the sister stars sharing a common orbit, Chosala and Marsala.

Kane Zhao came here at this time to get rid of the fire.

Chosala produces a precious wood sun tree, which can be understood as the super version of red sandalwood, is a luxury that is more precious than rare crystals.

However, the first pot of gold that Kane preferred was not such a well-known luxury furniture, but another plan.

"What the **** is this?" It's called a passenger spacecraft. When nothing happened, Kane looked at the message sent by the body and found some problems.

According to the information given in the data, in 2298, four prisoner exiles in exile in the Coplu Star District, one of them crashed upon landing, and the other three totaled 32,000, compared with more than 10 billion in 2500.

It is said that the reason for such exaggerated population growth is that there is no human cloning ban, and there is high nutritional food?

"I'm afraid it must be artificial insemination, and then planted like crops, can such efficiency be achieved?"

Continue to look down, there is a problem with a piece of information.

In 2489, shortly after the war between the Federation of Tyran and the Kyle-Moriya Union ended, Senator Angus Mengsk of the Federation of Tyran declared the independence of the planet Khala IV.

The fourth star of the Keha Solar System, abbreviated Keha Star, belongs to the most important planet in the Federation except the capital Tasanis, and its industry and technology are comparable to the capital star.

However, it is this planet with a population of 6.3 billion, which was hit by a long-range strike of 1,000 federal apocalypse-level strategic nuclear bombs in 2491 to punish its independence.

As a result, there is no defensive force to kill 4 million people?

"There must be something wrong here!" Kane whispered secretly to ~ ~ He felt that this person was obviously dead.

But the real problem lies not in these figures, but in the actions of the Federation of Tyrann.

Already despondent, or mentally handicapped to such an extinct degree? Is the Federal Parliament of the Federation of Tyrans a group of pigs?

So he decided to check it in the library. The result was very frustrating. The authority was insufficient and browsing was forbidden. Seeing all this, even the surrounding information was ambiguous and unclear.

He said with heart: "Where is the Federation, it is clearly an authoritarian empire, and it is a one-handed cover, and the information control is not strong. This blatant pull of the shady screen is really no one."

As a result, he soon learned the sharpness of federal high-pressure rule. As soon as Zhu came from the archives, he was surrounded by military and police officers wearing power armor suits and carrying live ammunition.

"Raise your hand, we suspect that you are an anti-federal and anti-social terrorist!" The military police gave such a high reason ...

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