Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 505: Summary of Remains

After projecting the split soul to intercept the ancient "cloud piercing arrow", Kane Sun quickly disconnected the message from the split soul.

He didn't know whether the soul separation could succeed, but it should be successful.

It is a manifestation of self-confidence.

At the same time, he did not regard split soul as an important aid. On a certain day, as the poor boy encountered the gift of wealth from overseas rich relatives, he reunited with the split soul who returned to his hometown.

The ancient ambush came to an end, and Kane thought about it. The devil refined a letter eagle on the spot, and then ordered him to inform Elsa of the relevant information.

Elsa had already gathered all the hands under the support of die loyalty and left Gauernburg from the tunnel.

Just in time, she had just experienced an internal rebellion and eradication.

In the past, her leadership relied heavily on the asylum of the ancients and the righteousness on the side of the Witch Association.

Coupled with her mutual checks and balances, and the promise of interests, this brought together a group of villains with a complex history.

Today, she can only rely on herself. She has been betrayed by her, and the Witch Club, if the elders of the Witch Club knew what she had done, was arrested and exploited, probably the best treatment the Witch Club could give her.

Elsa is very insecure. She is in the weakest time. Not only does she know that those thugs and witches who have invaded the green dream with her and have witnessed her betrayal and exchanged a lot of eye-catching knowledge. very clear.

Since it is clear, then most of these people can understand that this is their last chance to fight. If she was given time to grow, they would not even have the opportunity to resist.

therefore. Although she offered to forgive these people for their previous offenses, and gave generous promises.

Someone connected in private.

In the words of the witch who later executed her first bold statement in Green Dream and wanted to trade with Kane at a lower price:

"How do you let us believe in you? A person who plays betrayal for more benefits, what credibility is there? Your forgiveness, in our opinion, is just a stopgap measure. For liquidation, who do we complain to? We leave like this? But are you willing? Are you afraid of us whistleblowing, to the ancient lord, to the witch meeting. And, your promise, how much did the whistleblower get? "

Sentence heart, and the witch finally said almost cursed, Elsa realized his desire by betrayal today, and others will perish by others' betrayal.

This can be regarded as the initiator. There is no such incisive word in this world, but there are still some claims that today's results are due to other days.

Therefore, Elsa is very disturbed. The joy of gaining rich knowledge and becoming a real strongman is just around the corner.

Of course, she won this game. She tried to appease her husband, hesitated about it, and even turned a blind eye to her private contact, and then reached out to meet with those who stayed outside the green dream, including those who watched Amanda.

Those people, including Cynthia, the daughter of Lawrence Gorn.

This girl, who was not seen by Lawrence since she was a child, was lonely and rebellious, and Elsa successfully walked into her heart, making it a rebellious son against her father, and she was very focused on Elsa.

Another loyal one is Gardener Nathan.

This is not just a gardener, but a wizard.

Not all boys with extraordinary talents, in order to obtain more powerful, willing to use the witch potion, change the gender to a woman.

Nathan belongs to the category that is determined to be a man, and would rather give up his extraordinary talent.

Of course, he gave up the solicitation of some organizations, including the Holy Church.

He would rather be an incognito to be a gardener, and he did not want to sell his life for those organizations.

However, anyone has a sensitive point of mind, and Nathan's is mastered by Elsa. He is Elsa ’s concubine. Elsa, in addition to being nominally the second wife of Lawrence, privately only talks with Nathan, not more than that.

So Nathan is absolutely reliable.

There is also Lisa, Elsa ’s personal maid, who rescued the orphan from the scene of a disaster. It can be said that her life was sold to her and she was absolutely loyal.

This is one of Elsa's three heroes and three gangs. After meeting with these people, Elsa, who lacked hard power because a large number of puppets were thrown into the green dream, immediately regained his anger and immediately started cleaning.

The wash ended with the surrender of a living person's name. Both hands were stained with blood from a companion who was not a long time ago, meaning that he could never go back.

This is naturally a temporary strategy, the problem will be suppressed on the surface, and there will be a situation in the future, that is, go and see, Elsa only wants the sisters to stay away, these people do n’t run around and BB .

Under such circumstances, Elsa received news from Kane.

There was a long breath.

She was somewhat pleased to say to her concubine Nathan: "The man named Kane is really powerful, and he has been defeated by him, almost killed."

Nathan said: "Will this blame us?"

Elsa said affirmatively: "No, he admits frankly that he used the pool of dreams as a trap. When he made his appearance, he cut it into two parts. What does the lower body turn into, and the upper body turns into a person. Form, and finally destroyed itself. "

"Don't avoid its shortcomings, in addition, it can describe the situation of the ancients in detail. To know that I did not tell him that the ancients are unpredictable, can appear in various forms, and can even be divided into several, then he can say this, it means It was indeed a fight, and it did. "

"And, that Kane man, very proud, may conceal, but disdain to lie ..." Elsa looked at Nathan's face a little wrong, shoved him, and said: "It tastes all? I tell you Although the man was sharp, he was only able to make transactions. Amanda followed him, and he received only transactional returns, and no heart feedback. Where is it like you, who knows the cold and the hot ... "

Then there is the interaction between dogs and men.

In short, the confused queen who had not yet grown up made a bold decision after getting new information, that is, to march to Hongfengbao, take advantage of the illness, drive away the ancient remnants, and take her foundation for her own. ,

As for today the weather has cleared, the joint investigation team formed by the official of Yanan and the Holy Church has already gone to Red Maple, Elsa is not worried at all, she is very clear what Red Maple has, unless the saint of the Holy Church is the vanguard, Otherwise, even if the four knights came over, they would not solve the problem. After all, Red Maple also has many stories.

Homo sapiens used to be a powerful civilization active in the continent of Alcala, while in the South Asian region was dominated by a large number of religious facilities. The pursuit of eternal life and the use of taboo power became a major cause of the destruction of this civilization.

The vampire is its survivor. Vampires claim to be descendants. From a genetic point of view, they are indeed descendants, but strictly speaking, they can no longer be counted.

After all, it is a failure of the genetic project, re-integrated and adapted to natural creatures.

If you only look at the genes, the genetic similarity between humans and sheep is still over 93%.

Kane believes that whether it is a descendant depends mainly on the core of civilization, that is, cultural heritage. The experimental white mouse whose ancestor is a sapiens like a vampire. There are wisdom in the air, and there is no inheritance of culture. It can only be said that it is a surviving family, the life body that has been left to this day.

Whether it is a surviving family or a descendant, vampires are still very proud of themselves. They always consider themselves as long-standing wise men, and look at human beings from the perspective of glances, calling them foreign barbarians.

Just to call this title, Kane also decided to be free the next day, and find a vampire to ask.

For now, even if Fort Gouen is about to become a land of right and wrong, he is too weak to participate deeply.

In fact, the opposite is also true. It is precisely because of lack of power that Gao Enbao is reduced to right and wrong, attracting attention and facilitating his withdrawal from the focus state.

What makes Gaoenbao the focus is naturally wealth and benefits. To be more specific, it is the remains of Homo sapiens, the Palace of the Boundary Mountain.

Through communication with spirits such as Itnos, Kane learned that Homo sapiens was planning to make the green dream into a special city, and to achieve the goal of longevity by using the uniqueness of the soul habitat.

Since it is a city, it is natural to have convenient transportation and interact with other cities.

The Boundary Hill Hall was created for this design.

The manufacturing cost is higher than building a green dream.

However, for Kane, this bridge that crosses the yin and yang has no value in existence. What he wants is a more private secret realm, so as to build a fully equipped **** kingdom as the basis for living.

If you have to connect, you can connect to the Druid Sanctuary that you established before.

If you do that, it means that he probably figured out all the links, and decided to bind with this world and become a **** of the natural department. , This is a very operable idea.

So Kane sold the ruins of Demarcation Hill.

On the surface, it was sold to Lawrence Gorn, and it was also an account of the disappearance of this female companion, the disappearance of the Jazz family, and the city's hawser incident.

In fact, it was sold to the Holy Church, other great forces, and even vampires.

Because of Lawrence's small body, he couldn't swallow such a big piece of fat.

You should know that every brick and tile of this ruin is a rune stone specially refined with extraordinary strength, and even the rune spar at the core.

Even if Crystal, it's not Kane's greed, but it is easy to be inferred by intentional people to calculate the green dream as soon as this thing appears.

Kane played Li Daitao stiff for this.

The reason is to bluff those scholars.

The scholars have been able to study with patience, and can still speculate about the intention of the predecessors to build it through the specifications of this site and the sharing of facilities.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to remove the core stiffly. If you want to justify it, you must have an explanation.

Kane Lee is stiff, and this is the part that needs to be explained.

The Two Realms Bridge, the Netherland Kingdom, this is a bit too Xuanqi. The reason for Xuanqi is that the Dragon tribes also participated in the project, and they forced the project to a higher level. In the middle, a grade lower than this can be said to be relatively harmonious.

This harmonious matching naturally refers to the efforts of Homo sapiens to pursue longevity.

They dare to dare to do such a soul habitat project, but it has not yet reached the level of the finished product, but a prototype that can point the direction for the future formal project, accumulate construction experience and specific data.

According to this line of thought, the Liangjie Bridge became the Soul Stealing Monument, used to become the core of the entire underground palace. Use ‘Do n’t have a cave’ to describe this ruin just right.

In order to achieve this goal, Kane worked hard and worked hard, collecting a pile of old materials from the green dream, including the residue of the slate of the soul, the rainbow crystals of the pool of dreams, and the fragments of the wall of order. The monument, the appearance is like a totem pole with a dragon wrapped around it, written in writing.

The general meaning of this text is that the column was created by the ancient dragon language magic by the guidance of the dragon family.

In order to appear more compelling, Kane Sun also used a bit of technology from the SC universe Sarnaga artifact ~ ~ to make it self-healing, which explains why it is brand new .

Lawrence was happy and sad to learn that he had such a treasure sitting under his ass. The joy is that the pie is dropped from the sky, and the worry is that it will be killed by the pie if the connection is not good.

He wanted to hold Kane's thigh tightly, and he was insecure about it. If Kane had this power, he wouldn't be afraid that someone might tear away the fat.

Kane said that the land of Fort Gouen is yours, and the wealth discovered here is also yours. I was satisfied when I saved my female partner, and I couldn't look down on the wealth. After the rain cleared, I should go.

Lawrence struggled to retain, and finally withdrew second, and asked Kane to point out how to deal with it.

Kane said: "Well, did I mention to you that you had a big deal with the Holy Church not long ago? There are channels for it. The representative I called me helped you contact the Holy Church. You can just let go The courage to make a price is enough for the Gao En family to move their families and go to the inland prosperity to continue to be the lord and can further the price. "

Kane also said: "This thing is indeed a hot potato, a holy site of vampires, so ... before Jim grows up and can support the Gao En family, this priceless wealth, don't fight."

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