Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 523: Economic development is the last word

Orgrim was killed in front of the two armies, but Dai Lin relieved his hatred, but turned around and began to miss those ship hearts that Kane gave to the tribe:

"None of our alliances have such good sails. You get generous and give away in vain, and you get a fleet in one go."

"Admiral, you may wish to think about it from another angle."

Kane knew that Dai Lin liked the title of "Admiral" more than the name of the king, so he chose it.

"Kalimdor is a barren land, and the orcs will help us explore the barren land. Naturally, we have to give some benefits. After all, the orcs are more flexible, but they are not stupid. There will be many battles in Azeroth in the future. To the gang of goods. "

Dai Lin said, "It sounds familiar to me. Be careful and burn yourself."

Although the words are not good, but the truth is very true. Throughout the ages, too many strategists thought that everything was in control. It was similar to the current Kane's use of other people's tone, and as a result, they turned themselves over.

Kane thanked you kindly. After all, Dai Lin also has a good intention, otherwise why should he say this kind of shocking words when he is in the limelight, and extinguish his arrogance?

If you are a young and vigorous person, such as Prince Arthas, you have to talk back to Dailin if you can't.

But Kane will not. His skin is very tender, but his mentality is not young at all.

Of course, the explanation should be explained.

"This kind of thing can't be expected to be stable and not risk a little. As long as we are strong, the orcs are not enough to pose a lethal threat to us. As native residents of Azeroth, we have to have this confidence. So many strong neighbors, But this group of human beings is full of enthusiasm, and it is today that there is a forest that stands among the intelligent populations, and it seems that there is a protagonist. "

Dai Lin decided not to talk about this topic as soon as he heard Kane's rogue discussion with him. The topic is too high-end, and his heart is impetuous.

The sailboat is no longer pulled, then talk about the armored ship.

Dai Lin was very satisfied with the armored ship.

Stromgarde's armored ship is of course good. After all, Kane has a complete knowledge system of ships. He directly skipped the flat armored ship and used the vault.

In contrast, the main ship of the Kul Tiras navy, even the scissor sailboat has not reached, still playing the Galen sailboat, and even a lot of more old-style Karak sailboats.

Of course, this is the name of the original world, Galen sailing is also called the Spanish galleon. This world has another name, but the thing is basically that thing.

From Galen, to flying shears, to the armored flat armored ship, to the dome armor, only a large level of division, it is only three levels away. The advanced nature of this design concept is enough to make Dai Lin jealous.

To say that the Kingdom of Kul Tiras is not peaceful, although the Naga has not yet been awakened by Illidan, but the foreign enemies are the fishmen of various clans, and there are pirates in the whereabouts. The King Dailin is also very upset.

Kane understands this.

These two hidden dangers, in this era, let alone eradication, can control it, and let it not be blamed, it is already a great achievement.

If there is an armored ship, the coastal defense capability will be greatly improved.

However, Kane had to break the economic problems with Dai Lin.

The armored ship is good, but the maintenance cost is also high.

Looking at the cost and cost of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the original world, and then reviewing the construction and use prices of World War II warships, it is concluded that the poor cannot afford the big navy.

Does Kul Tiras have this ability?

The industrial system of the Kingdom of Stromgarde, and even the shipbuilding industry, but Kane is in his hands, all kinds of data come out.

He gave Dai Lin a break, Dai Lin really black face.

Kane first spoke ugly, and then said that in theory he agreed that the Kingdom of Kul Tiras possessed armored ships.

Ammunition and maintenance are inevitable in his hands, and he is not afraid of Kul Tiras.

Then the topic came. The economic interaction between the Kingdom of Stromgarde and the Kingdom of Kul Tiras needs to be strengthened.

This strengthening is not a general mutually beneficial transaction model. Instead, it has the kind of aid construction characteristics that the big countries in the world support small countries.

Loans are given to you, but you must use your market, minerals, etc. as collateral, and these loans cannot be used for other purposes. You can only purchase certain products in a targeted manner, such as iron armored ship maintenance equipment.

Dai Lin was embarrassed.

Alterac has survived in the seven nations of mankind, and now he looks at the place where Stromgarde was cut away. Only the snowy sky and a large valley are left.

Otani is still under Lordaeron's eyelids, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron has a fixed posture.

So Alterac basically died.

That is the Six Kingdoms.

The kingdom of Dalaran is the most extraordinary, and a group of mages are tinkering with arcane magic to make the core part of their land, that is, the city of Dalaran, become a floating fortress.

This matter is now 80% operational. And their determination to study the professional field is too strong, saying that they can come and go freely, but in fact they just write ‘vulgar things do n’t bother me.’ Strictly speaking, they cannot be regarded as a qualified country.

So there are five countries left.

Except for Stromgarde, no other country is the kind of king that can be implemented at the grassroots level of the country.

If it is really to be achieved, it will not be a dynasty and a state, but a monarchy, or a post-empire era, highly centralized, and the kind of founding emperor, otherwise it will never be a decree.

Kul Tiras is also, three big islands, one king, two grand dukes, actually three big families.

These are the Tiragarde Strait controlled by the Proudmoore family, the Drustvar Heights controlled by the Vikreis family, and the Stormsong Valley controlled by the Stormsong family.

Others have some islands, and some positions are more important, such as Tol Barad.

Tol Barad was once a strategic powerhouse of the alliance, then was attacked, looted and burned by the orcs.

In the Second Orc War, on the one hand, human beings almost lost all their underwear even to the orc clan coalition led by Orgrim.

Tol Barad was badly damaged, and it is now deserted.

It's unpleasant to say that everyone is basically dead. Which investor will throw money into this kind of place? Could it be that Kai Shan Tang is doing welfare for the old and weak here? How much do I have to vote? How long will it take to make money?

Dai Lin was kind and wanted to vote, but he had no money.

The profits earned by his maritime business were invested in Drustvar, making it the kingdom's meat processing place (mainly sausage) and ordnance production place (bed crossbow, artillery or something).

This investment is continuous, and not to mention profit, it takes a lot of time to get back the money. After all, it is supportive.

And now, what Kane has to do is actually similar to what Dalyn did to the Vickers family, but the conditions are ...

After all, it is between countries, the project is so big, there is no way to explain it to oneself for free.

As for the Torbain family, they are rich.

It is wayward.

But if you really want to play that way, you are too amateurish, which means you have a bad start.

Talking about ten thousand and ten thousand, Kane can decide in one word.

Dai Lin couldn't do it, he had to go back and discuss it.

This matter is quite urgent.

Both sides are anxious.

Dai Lin is anxious to use this shareholder style to let the Kingdom of Kul Tiras quickly get rid of the aftereffects of war.

For Kane, the overall trend is there, and the arrival of the Burning Legion is basically determined. There was really little time left for him to farm.

This matter was fairly smooth.

In the end, Kane leased Tol Barad Island on behalf of the Kingdom of Stromgarde.

On the surface, it serves as a material transfer station and refuge point that may be used in the future.

Such an important strategic location, the terrain is very steep, and has a certain development foundation, can not be so wild.

In fact, he was preparing for the future march into Vasquel (an important seabed city in Naga ruled by Azshara).

Dai Lin signed an agreement on behalf of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras. Kane promised to build a dock in Torrabad, so that he could repair or even build an armored ship without having to run to Fadier Harbour.

In addition, there is a package of projects in the Kingdom of Stromgarde, where a canning factory and a fish pine factory will be built, which can strengthen the throughput capacity of the fishery. Golden pocket of money.

In fact, not only Kul Tiras, but for the entire alliance, the release of the new tribe needs an explanation. And the most appropriate and easiest way to explain is by no means a few words about how to do this. It is good for everyone, but it brings you the most tangible benefits.

The hustle and bustle is all for profit, especially between countries.

Breaking money is still making money. This account is not good. It is useless to say that the smallpox is messy. On the contrary, it is not a big deal if the devil is let go. Big can blow, since we can catch once, we can catch the second time, why? Brother is not bad ...

So from March 19 of Warcraft calendar to September, Kane basically traveled around the country.

From the southernmost storm kingdom of the alliance to Quel'Thalas, the northernmost union of the alliance, the eastern kingdom was swept by him. Wherever you go, wherever you go, technology, cooperation projects, trading contracts ... Everyone Kwagarin? Torbain will be a man.

Many people have said that they have been looking forward to this day. After two human-beast wars, they lost money to their grandma ’s family.

Countries are really not polite. In terms of the territories of the countries, the land is enough, or even too much. Some people with high human rights even licked their faces and said, "Because of the vastness of the land and the sparseness of the population, we are unable to deal with problems such as banditry."

Kane has no way to object, because from a certain angle this is indeed a matter.

And his buttocks are sitting on the side of the ruler, the vested interests, and the exploiters. The root cause of bad gangsters stems from cruel exploitation. We have to revolutionize.

The two human-beast battles did indeed lose a large number of people.

In this context, the various technologies offered by Stromgarde's online shopping are essentially replacing human power with mechanical force to make up for the lack of productivity. Of course, it is scratching the itch. Who wouldn't like it?

Specifically, Kane launched the ranch system.

This system includes the application of agricultural machinery and fertilizer, and a small amount of manpower can be used for large-scale cultivation, and there is still a considerable yield.

Human countries also have farming machines. For example, the western wilderness uses a lot of puppets in wheat fields, but these gadgets can also do rough work. There is a whole set of plans for intensive cultivation, planting and harvesting.

Another benefit of the big farm is that it makes the population more concentrated. There is no need to live scattered on the vast land. Free farmers complete the purchase of equipment through mutual assistance and form villages at the same time.

The aristocratic territory is generally farms ~ ~ On the basis of the original, the system architecture, security and other aspects have been strengthened. Because of the cement and equipment, the sturdy high walls were built at a low cost.

The Kingdom of Stromgarde also provides wire fences, which are easy to lay and prevent large beasts from ruining the crops.

Kane has several sets of perfect plans like big farms. Anyone who wants to make some money can find practical golden ideas from him.

Kane also squandered money and hired people to work in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which has the largest population and the strongest national strength.

There are almost no special conditions, as long as you are head-to-head and willing to work hard to get rich, you can find a job here.

From Tirisfal Glades to Andorhal and then to Stratholme, the Royal Investment Company established by the royal family of Stromgarde can be said to sweep the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron. gone.

Only those guys who are idle and lazy, or who have no intention of taking the right path at all, can't move. And these people are despised and guarded by the people around them. Without credibility and sympathy, their influence is very low. Most people who live in peace will not listen to the fanaticism of such people.

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