Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 558: Humans dominate the future

The broken snow flew, even if the giant pine of the Silver Pine Forest was evergreen, but also a little bit of bleak by this snowflake makeup.

It was mid-winter and the wind was sending snow, and 21 years of Warcraft was about to pass.

At this moment in the original history line, Jaina ended the battle between the tribe and the Kul Tiras fleet for peace and assisted the tribe, and Dailin Proudmoore died in the battle.

Jaina, who had annihilated his parents at this time, did not expect that in the more than ten years since then, the human-led alliance was due to the summary of the clashes of the tribe, and paid several times the casualties of the Burning Legion invasion. The fleet of China is just a step ahead, or, if it is not right, if you can take a step early, or be patient, the situation will be very different for a few years at night.

In this world, not to mention the battle between the Kuwaiti fleet and the tribe, and the invasion of the Burning Legion, there are still things that are not easy to say.

After all, "The Book of Medivh" is still in the hands of Antonidas. Without this medium, with the help of the Burning Legion, most of the gangsters who do not learn nothing, that is willing to learn, and most of them are violent monsters who learn killing skills. It is really a bit difficult to open the door to Azeroth.

You know, their boss, Sargeras, had also worked hard to seduce the planet of Azshara as a servant and lead party before completing the advent preparation. Although he failed, he also got first-hand information. Only then did the white dragon fish suit and the ditch overturn the ship and was killed by the guardian Aegwynn.

What about Kil'jaeden and Archimonde? These two goods, like most members of the Burning Legion, committed Azeroth, a relationship with Azeroth, all kinds of sorrow and bad luck.

Take a look at their former colleague Velon, who fled Argus first, then Draenor, and the spacecraft crashed, right? But even this way, you can find the Secret Island and the Secret Blood Island, and then you will escape once more successfully, patting the dust on your body, what should you do, this is life, and luck.

The Burning Legion is bound to get the "Book of Medivh". If this object is not in place, the burning expedition will be stuck at a stage that is about ‘overture’.

The reason for this is that in addition to the protection system designed by the Titans for Azeroth, it is also because the current commander of the Burning Legion is Archimonde.

Of course, the highest commander is Sargeras. For the existence of Sargeras, death is not the point, but the body is destroyed, and it is not convenient to do certain things.

He is like a warlord, the commander burns the legion, a multi-ethnic force that lives on plunder.

Sargeras' right and left arms are Kil'jaeden and Archimonde from Eredar.

If Archmonde, the polluter, is the head of the legion, then Kil'jaeden is the party's top official who is teaming up with the captain.

This is not just a feature of authority, but also a difference in style of conduct.

In comparison, Archimonde has more soldiers.

It is said that since the failure of the burning invasion in the ancient times (the time of the Great Bang explosion), Archimonde spent 10,000 years planning a new burning expedition.

As the saying goes, the army is not moving, and the grain and grass first. In its plan, the preparatory work must be in place to ensure that the main force of the Burning Legion can successfully complete the "time difference" after coming to Azeroth.

As long as you gain a firm foothold, the Burning Army will enter endlessly. It will only be a matter of time before Azeroth is conquered and destroyed.

Archimonde then colluded with the first army leader, the often-advanced tyrant Mannoroth, and used the orc as an entry point to fight for the front of the Burning Legion.

Later, although the Lich King played the undead system, when it comes to the roots, it and its gang of liches are orcs.

Therefore, it can be said that Archimonde's plan has never been too distorted, and it is inevitable to make some changes and adjustments according to the actual situation.

Archimonde was fond of such a prudent and steady combat method, and the Burning Legion, which had destroyed thousands of worlds, had planted his heels twice in Azeroth (once in ancient times, once in ancient times, and in ancient times as a group of wild beasts and gods The protagonist, wins), but nothing more than three, once again, it will really lose its reputation (it is easy to leave a psychological shadow, the level of play is worse than once).

In the original historical line, Archimonde is also the only BOSS of the Burning Legion that has come to life, the fraudster Kil'jaeden, although various conspiracies and tricks are familiar, but there are always problems at critical moments, and it is easy to reveal A face was swelling directly.

There are certainly reasons for bad luck, but in all seriousness, Kane believes in the risk-taking approach of the sword going off-centre, and it is easy to die to death. Kil'jaeden is a typical institution that is too clever and misses Qing Qing's life. The serial link is very good. The first high-speed road accident is not in place.

So in terms of character evaluation, Kane's evaluation of Archimonde is higher.

This guy is the beginning of the Warlock (in the Warcraft universe), at least the Fel Warlock, he is the first. At the same time, he is also a soldier.

In other words, Archimonde has the talent of a spellcaster, but also the qualities and courage of elite warriors.

If he has any weaknesses, pride is probably the most conspicuous part.

He looked down upon humans at all, and the history of humans was too short, so short that he had no impression.

The ancient wars were mainly night elves, and the Vrykuls were not outstanding; during the ancient times, it was also a PK with the ancestors of beasts and beasts, basically nothing about humanoids.

As for the point of listening, Archimonde is more impressed like the walrus people, the turtle people, at least these two groups live long enough, whether it is by selling cute or whatever, in the troubled Azeroth Sri Lanka, any race can survive and multiply, it must be extraordinary.

Human beings are too short in history, and they rise too fast, and have not been tested by years.

Of course, Kane will let Archimonde know that the rise of human civilization is precisely when Azeroth has entered a turning point. One of the races that accumulates qualifications through years will be eliminated.

In this era of great battles, only civilizations with quick steps and clear steps can have the future, and the rest can only be reduced to vassals.

From the perspective of population and civilization, the situation is so cruel.

Azeroth is indeed a treasure trove of natural resources.

But even so, we cannot ignore the fact that the total number of intelligent creatures is limited and the consumption is relatively low.

And a civilization, if it wants to develop to a high level, cannot do without a large population, and it also has hard requirements for resources.

At that time, it must be sustainable development, and multi-faceted development goes hand in hand. Under this model, how can there be spare power to make all races prosperous, can only be a rise, others have a reserved area, and spend more than one year. , When will it die naturally, when will it fall, or one day will be too different from the rise of civilization, but it also enjoys the benefits of 'one person gets the way, the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven'.

To be honest, this is already the best ending for the vassal race that Kane can think of. Races that compound human aesthetics, such as high elves, may have the possibility of integration.

Others, I am afraid that the genetic experiment products of ambitions or Dr. Qihua's genius may be born, and some things may be done, but because it does not conform to the mainstream trend, at most it is rampant for a while, but it will eventually disappear.

According to the past development speed of human beings, it can be achieved at most 500 years, and the hegemony effect can be achieved, and even with this link, it is even shorter. Even if he leaves now, Yize will accelerate the development process.

It is not the mysterious and mysterious, high-end technology that looks hung, and it is also hung, but the trend of industrialization. He has substituted human civilization into this stage. The start has been completed and it is very steady.

So unless there is a big change in the future, the rise of humanity will be inevitable. Other races have their own fatal shortcomings. At least compared with humans, the overall score is lower.

Human beings are not as good as orcs, magic talents are not as good as elves, and talents are not as good as dwarves, and realism is not as good as dwarves, but humans can finally win, precisely because although nothing is good, there is nothing particularly bad.

That sentence is very good. How much water a bucket can hold is not how long the longest board bound into the bucket is, but how long the shortest one is.

Therefore, the future of Azeroth belongs to the human being with the strongest comprehensive adaptability and no one will be at the bottom.

Kane, the great anthropologist, pondered while looking at the surrounding scenery from time to time.

This time he traveled with the army, and his main role was not the combat commander, but the chief technology officer.

The lack of technicians, especially those who are on the other side, has always been a weakness of his system.

Ten years of trees and a hundred years of trees, this is not a nonsense.

It is easy to memorize by rote. He uses magic and can make flesh creations remember a large number of formulas and parameters in minutes. The difficulty is to apply it to practice. The difficulty is to associate the correct formulas and parameters when needed, even creatively. Try combinations to solve problems.

"Galin, why does the boss have a face and frown, can't such a majestic, powerful and solemn force make you happy or at ease?"

Kane glanced at him, speaking to Onyxia.

This girl was a little bit spoiled by him. It turned out that when playing Katrana, the queen was not full. The elder sister went up, and now she is developing towards a little girl. It was all the concubines of the crown prince.

Looking at others Theresa, there is obviously more of a husband and a son, the mother of the world.

"Whether this combat power is strong or not will only be known after actual tests. It is too early to make a conclusion." Cain said, and then shifted the subject, asking Onyxia: "You don't want people Worrying brother, what are you busy with recently? "

Onyxia shrugged. "What else can it be? Mainly for his poor breeding and breeding, and the other is to pull the skin with Ragnaros of the Heart of Molten Fire."

In fact, Nefarian ’s situation was not as bad as Onyxia said.

Nefarian wanted a large army, not a single colorful dragon army.

Therefore, in addition to the colorful dragon plan, there is also the dragon descent plan.

The so-called Dragon Descent Project is intended to create a new race in which the dragon's genes are organically integrated with certain organisms. In the end, it became the process of making abnormal monsters.

This result ~ ~ Nefarian is primarily responsible.

The first thing he shouldn't do is to grab the human alchemist Marlow and use the secret technique to integrate it with the dragon corpse.

The second thing you shouldn't do is, after fusion, it's good to use it as a monster, and it's crazy to use it as a research supervisor.

Instead of keeping the original talents intact, he became confused, turned upside down, and often gave birth to the strange ideas of Malo, transformed into a special dragon, Malorak, and transformed Nefarian ’s research base into a monster. arsenal.

A large number of strange shapes make people feel that this grafting technology is really a twisted monster that has been created. The number of monsters that have to be destroyed after the experiment failed is as many as the number of survivors.

So much so that Nefarian found that his raw materials were tight, so he negotiated with Ragnaros.

Onyxia is not a business, Black Dragon dealing with lava fires, it is normal.

In the eyes of Kane, this is not a good sign ...

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