Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 623: Manufacturing-driven war

Have to say, Kane has always been generous.

In addition, his thinking is also more open-minded.

He believes that things are made and they are used. The landlord's old idea of ​​heaping gold and silver is undesirable.

Seeing that the war had begun, he had the ability to strengthen the mages under Dalaran, why not?

It's just that the way of sending things also pays attention to the way.

Like the plan for the raid on Fenris Island, it is appropriate to urgently grasp Zhuang Ding and send a generous gift. The proud mages are not embarrassed, but also accept his love. Can also leave a good reputation.

So, after the masters were called, the first thing was a surprise round.

Send equipment!

At first, there were people who disdained me, and they almost said that I was not bad money as a Master of Law. Can you order the equipment you sent?

It is not until the equipment is displayed that its design concept is very different from what they are familiar with, and it can even be said to be subversive.

The main feature of these equipments is not to enhance their power, but to build on their own characteristics to build a most suitable framework system.

Therefore, in the eyes of professionals, their value makes their own strength second, let them understand the long board and short board, and the direction they should work hard, is the focus.

Why did many of this group of people succeed afterwards? It is because starting with this equipment, I found the most suitable path for me, and the rest is to work hard.

For the mages, this set of equipment is simply an excellent exclusive mentor. After understanding this feature, it is naturally a surprise.

Then they felt what it meant to suffer.

Such a good equipment is not given in vain. If you want to get it, you need to complete the trial task.

The high-level mages in Dalaran also encouraged a group of mages for this: "The opportunity is very rare. If it is just an addiction, it will be empty-handed, and it will be a pity."

Antonidas also attended the event personally, encouraging encouragement: "Mage Council also wants to see who can play well under the great pressure of this opportunity and challenge."

In fact, Kane had already negotiated with the high-level officials of Dalaran, and this time it was a fixed amount of delivery.

But he also said that it was too easy to get and often did not know how to cherish. It's still difficult to design artificially. For example, the recovery is often impressive.

Exactly, for those with shortcomings, you can also use this opportunity to mention some beats. Perhaps I took this painful determination to correct my mistakes.

Antonidas has a deep affection for the masters of Dalaran. After years of teaching and government affairs, he also made him understand that the methods are really important.

For Kane's proposal, he readily accepted, and praised fiercely.

Kane naturally saw this kind of routine and passed it with a smile, but did not go to the heart at all.

Soon afterwards, the mage, with anxiety and excitement, used the telescope to take the lead.

Many of them have lived for too long, and for a long time they have failed to recognize that the vast lake outside this grove is Lake Lordanmere, which is not too far away from Dalaran.

The items for casting are already in place.

The wizards quickly established the magic circle under the guidance of the dragon secret mystic from the kingdom of Falken.

This is the first time they have seen the dragon, but the dragon's superb professional level, as well as the surging magic power and excellent equipment have left a deep impression on them.

After a tense and efficient operation, several teleportation arrays were established and started to operate, and the protective enchantment had a cover effect on this area, including changes in magic flow, which were also taken into account.

As a result, the large-scale troop deployment with Dalaran as a transit point began.

The combat team sent by Clover this time was trained in relevant simulations, performed very professionally, calmly and capable, and immediately assigned work and materials as soon as they were in place, those with assembled hovercraft and those with inspection equipment, organized and busy Chaos.

The smoothness and high efficiency of each link make the entire pre-process completed within 1 hour.

The monitoring system of the Scourge did not find the anomaly in the small forest. They waited until the clover squadron appeared in the lake before they sounded the alarm horn ...

In addition to the power part, the magic-powered hovercraft is very similar to the modern hovercraft in the original world. The four propelling big fans have magic blessings, riding the wind and waves, and the speed is very fast. After landing on the island, the soldiers rushed Cheng successfully completed his mission.

At the same time, the Scourge regrouped in the horn.

Since the exposure of Fenris Island, the Scourge officers and men of the Tyrannus Department have been mentally prepared to be attacked by the coalition forces.

But when something happened, I realized that I was still caught off guard. Unexpectedly, the coalition forces could come so fast with the guarantee of scale. So suddenly, the Lake District and Beach Head, both of which are defensive defense lines, were easily lost.

Even the war was started directly near the gate of the fortress, and it was really deceived by others.

"Guard the city gate!" Commander Karel, the death knight, roared with impatience, and beheaded a ghoul.

The battle of Tyranus is a death knight, and he has a good eye for those who fight with him. The ice front knight he pulled up is the biggest competitor of the knight front knight.

The knight ‘Black Knight’ is the name used by the Scourge Army, such as Mograine, who had betrayed the Lich King, since he became a family.

Under the control of the Lich King, it was called the Dark Blade Knights. Therefore, Tyrannus' "Ice Front" is not specifically named. Instead, most of them are ice DK (abbreviation of death knight), mostly when he served as the sergeant of the Saron mine pit, he took the advantage of his duties to collect the essence of ice, especially the evil ice contaminated by the force of Yogg-Saron Cultivated.

When Tyranus returned to his hometown to pull the team, he thought that there would be many colleagues in the past who hated the various rules and regulations of the Silver Hand and chose to work with him. Unexpectedly, under the influence of the sacred temple, the hands of silver have not been the same as before. They not only have their own territories and industries, but also learn from the sacred temple and made all-round adjustments.

As for the biggest selling point of Tyranus, power, I have to say that the Paladins of the Silver Hand are much happier than the mages of Dalaran, because Kane was the first to establish the Paladin system, and early The industry rules are deliberately regulated, which includes a clear framework of power levels.

Therefore, Paladins are no longer confused. They just need to put the relevant framework on themselves, and they will become clear about their position in the battle and the direction they need to work hard.

In other words, for the Paladins, what restricts the promotion is no longer that they cannot find directions and methods, but that cultivation itself needs to be accumulated over time, and some genius and treasures. Paladins grasp the diligence and practice. Concept, nature can gain strength.

In this context, who would be willing to bear the notoriety, risking huge sequelae, and the possibility of death, to obtain a copy, even if you get it, it will make you become human and ghost, and you have to be a dog for others What about the power?

Therefore, Tyranus's achievements in the recruitment of officers are very different from those in the source of soldiers. To say that it is not very pleasant, ruffians and hooligans are all exported to the remanufactured people by semi-compulsory labor services. The bandits and criminals are sold to Kalimdor through the Resha Group to repair the city for the tribe. Ordinary people do not have the courage and determination to follow the dark and evil forces like Tyranus.

In the end, it can only attract some mediocre people who are so deep in greed and cheapness that they are too deep to go ashore, and there are very few ambitious people who dare to take risks and take unusual paths.

Karel is one such person.

He has been very unhappy in recent days.

The internals of the Tyrannos Scourge are very discordant, full of scams and arrows. But with his outstanding ability and wisdom, he still became the generation leader of the abomination corps.

Know that this position is hot. After all, everyone knows to hate power.

In the words circulating inside: "As long as you are not stupid, wait for promotion."

Karel thinks so too. He feels that it only takes a war of a certain size, and he can remove the word "generation" and become a real leader.

You know that this is a real power to control a thousand abominations. The other three commanders, as well as the higher-level commander, are all the new men who followed Tyranus from Northrend. This alone compares the rest to the others, and also attracts many people's red eyes.

so what? As long as he doesn't make a big mistake, this position will be very stable, and he can stabilize other people's heads. If he is unwilling, he will please him in person. He will not stop here, but will go straight up.

However, a night raid changed everything.

He hated the loss, and after the war concluded that Tyranus was not willing to give up his old men, plus the malicious poisoning of his colleagues, he eventually became a hero.

The status plummeted ~ ~ was sent to the errands guarding the city gate, all kinds of cynicism on the road.

What is even more hateful is that this time the enemy came so suddenly, with a big defeat in front of him, Karel was not reconciled. He considered that the order in which the Northland had been governed by the nations was so easy that the King of the Mountain was easily killed by the veteran paladin to greet his comrades.

Karel feels that investing is also a technical job.

Either hurry up, such as now, the city gate and the lead party should be able to get some practical benefits.

Either play an important role, including but not limited to restraining a strong team from fighting, or selling high-value objects or intelligence.

Karel intends to choose the latter. He thinks he still has some important information, but how to choose depends on the performance of the opponent. After all, he hasn't figured out the identity of the attacker. In addition to having some doubts about his combat ability, it is more important to worry about choosing the wrong thigh.

Karel feels that Garin Torbain is a good thigh, and the information he possesses may be sold at a high price ... ()

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