Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 717: Missing body, echo body

(The text will be updated in the early morning)

The subway relies on inertia, and the momentum is still a mess.

The mass-produced tyrant found that he was not in a hurry to escape, and suddenly turned around with one arm, ‘Boom’! The subway hit it hard, and some parts of the car body shell even appeared slightly depressed, and it also used the claws to lock the car body in time. Glide.

Luo Dong and they basically stood close to the side wall of the tunnel. This section is a single lane. There is only one side of the access road. They are divided into two groups by the sudden subway. The side without the access road is obviously more thrilling. Fortunately, after the subway rushed over, it slipped against the side of the access road. At a critical moment, Luo Dong pulled a handful of Yang Yuxuan with the worst body composite index, otherwise the child was already stuck in the wheel.

"Confirm status!" Luo Dong called.

"1, 2, 3 ..." Everyone reported the number according to the original order of travel. The gray wolf was 1, Luo Dong was 2, Yang Yuxuan was 3, and Luo Dong always paid attention to him.

Click! Not far from Luo Dong, the subway car door was pulled open. A fully armed female soldier rushed out and saw Luo Dong standing in a row standing against the wall. They were stunned. Stay? Flee, the Beast Swarm of the Tamata race is behind! "The female warrior ran away first, followed by two others, both heavily armed warriors.

"What is it?" The gray wolf said he didn't get it.

Yang Yuxuan is very familiar: "StarCraft Zerg Insect Swarm Red Clan Tamat, brain worm Dagos, is characterized by an elite level of enhanced arms, beast bite is an enhanced type of reptile."

"Fuck, run!"

Luo Dong said: "Can't run away, go back."

With that said, he rushed into the car first. The beasts have rushed down the car to a distance of less than 20 meters. They have a blood-red shell coloring, and the shape is similar to that of the common springtail. There are differences between ordinary people and bodybuilders. It looks similar, but this is obviously more powerful and powerful.

Luo Dong used a wheeled grenade launcher, and he went directly to the magnetic storm bomb. This ammunition is the product of the most technology. Despite the simplification, the power is still horrible. After hitting the explosion, there is a lightning that travels, and then it is A spherical plasmon ball rolled along the electromagnetic trajectory formed by the previous lightning, but all the collisions with this plasmon ball were basically melted and scorched. When the energy dissipated, at least 7 beasts died on a line. .

When Luo Dong came out of the research institute, he deliberately buried his foresight and said that he had obtained some experimental special ammunition in the research institute. Therefore, the gray wolf is aware of the existence of magnetic storm bombs. When I saw it, I was taken aback and said, "So sturdy? How much energy is this."

Luo Dong couldn't care much, and went up to continue shooting. The third magnetic storm bomb exploded near the space door. The powerful electromagnetic force destroyed the stability of the space door. A small-scale collapse occurred. Boom! The ray of light burst, and only a little star-shaped light star left in the end, floating in the air, the subway car was cut off in full, and the back has been restored into a dark tunnel.

Luo Dong drew a container from the backpack. After opening the lid, the bracket automatically lifted up and stretched out directly, slowly and stably. Eventually, the light star that collapsed the space door was suspended in the center of the bracket like a magnetic suspension ball. Then close the lid and close it.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Dong took out another container, inside which was a drawer with compartments. When it was opened, it was like opening the refrigerator door. It was also light and air-conditioned, and it was a biological sample container at a glance.

Luo Dong has done a lot of sampling on the jumping insect professionally.

While putting away the container, he said: "In preliminary judgment, the cell activity characteristics are clear and stable. That is to say, no matter what viruses or bacteria exist in another world, they have now successfully entered this world. We are following the prototype of this world's zombie virus Body balance is achieved, but it is not necessarily immune to T viruses. Even cold viruses in another world may make us helpless. "

"A biohazard world that was invaded by the Zerg Swarm of StarCraft World was recently connected to the world of survival road that we were invaded by the Alachite of the Galaxy World. What a ghost place is this, can it be? Any more holes? "

Li You has been very silent since returning to the team, but now she can't bear it anymore, and she starts to vomit again, very angrily corrupt.

Liu Guanglei analyzed: "It is estimated that it is a melee battle between the plug-in party and the bezoar party. Various world technologies and power systems have entered into chaos and continuously influenced the direction of the world. Finally, the timeline has been completely destroyed, making it the most unpredictable collapse. Theater. "

Luo Dong has never been interested in speculating the general trend, he said: "Well, we continue the original plan."

The group walked back. After 4 minutes, Luo Dong shouted, and then everyone began to act according to plan. The specially prepared polymer material is propped up in the form of a cloth wall, sound absorption and sound insulation. At first, it was to prevent the sound of blasting from disturbing the zombies. Although there are no zombies nearby, the sound in the tunnel can spread far, and multiple layers of sound insulation The wall still makes sense.

Laying out, the gray wolf issued a warning, there is a situation.

The crowd waited hard, and then took the subway to the female fighters from the Resident Evil world, as well as two other fighters, as well as the mass-produced tyrants who were released from the shackles, and the tyrants of the mass production appeared in front of the crowd. He had been in the world of biohazard in his novice period. The mature tyrant of mass production of biochemical weapons left a deep impression on him. Now seeing such a situation, he is deeply confused.

The female warrior should speak first: "Are you warriors of this world? I am Claire Redfield, these two are my companions John Burton and Brad Will, and TA04, one with self-awareness Biochemical warrior. "

Yang Yuxuan lost his voice: "Are you Claire? I thought it was ... Forget it, how did you become like this?"

"Huh? Do you know me?"

"This ..." Yang Yuxuan realized that he had made a mistake again. On this occasion, it was his turn to contact him, even if Claire was one of his favorite game characters.

Luo Dong said: "You can tell them the situation, just tell the truth."

"be honest?"

"Of course. According to the current situation, our mission has been upgraded to the series of lifetimes on our own. The boss has run away and only needs to be responsible to us. Claire and they have experienced even the entry of the Zeggo worm swarm, it is not necessary. I ’m worried that our origins are too bizarre and cause their three views to collapse. Well, you entertain them, our progress has fallen behind, hurry. "

Yang Yuxuan first looked weird, then smiled at himself, and then began to approach Claire and his party in accordance with Luo Dong's guiding ideology.

After accepting a series of bizarre messages, Claire raised many questions, one of which made Yang Yuxuan not know how to answer. Claire asked: "As you say, you are all from the same world. For your world, all other worlds are just settings in novels, games, and movies. In addition, the main gods and the masters are all hired. Does the person in your world mean that the world you are in is above other worlds? Or is it a special existence such as a core point, a balance point, a creation point, a freedom point? "

Bang! There was a dull explosion, mud and stone rolled down, and the dust was flying. On the side wall of the subway tunnel, a diagonally upward hole was seen, and the other side of the hole seemed to be a passage.

Yang Yuxuan walked over and informed Luo Dong of the problem thrown by Claire.

Luo Dong said to Claire: "We cannot answer such questions. We do not have enough information to draw conclusions. Forcibly answering is irresponsible. Everyone has their own set of self-consistent theories. Say, I can only represent myself. I have no prejudice against you, I regard the relevant settings as alternative predictions. Our external principles are independence, mutual respect, seeking common ground while reserving differences, equality and mutual benefit. We reject the habitual use of good and evil Look at the problem from an evil perspective, and subconsciously seek moral commanding heights as a guideline for action. "

"You mean that you will guiltlessly do something that is judged to be evil by common sense?"

"It's not wrong to say that, as long as we think we need to do it, then we will do it."

"Don't you think that if there is no moral bottom line, it will adversely affect others and the entire society?"

"No. Any adult with a sound mind knows who has more serious adverse effects on others and society. What we do is reasonable and can withstand investigations. As for lawfulness, we will not abide by the special rules established by the privileged class. Acts that govern humanity except privileged classes. "

"Sir, your concept of stealing and exchanging, our country's laws are not enacted by the privileged class, but by people's representatives ..."

Luo Dong, who never lacks electronic equipment, handed an IPAD to Claire, and then said: "I had expected to meet people like you early in the morning. As I said before, our principle is mutual respect, seeking common ground while reserving differences. So even if I sneer at your set, I am still willing to communicate with you and have limited cooperation. We recognize the necessity of the law, but this does not mean that there are no problems in the formulation and implementation of the law. This It is the information we collected about some organizations and dignitaries in this world, including a lot of detailed evidence. You slowly appreciate it. "

Luo Dong led the team into the external cable channel of the institute. When the institute was originally established, it also made great efforts. The cable channels, sewage channels, and water purification channels were all self-contained systems, and heavy defenses were installed at the terminals. Luo Dong is currently using it as an engineering omission. Even the people in the institute didn't know that their external cable channel was so close to the subway tunnel.

Shave the cable sheath, connect, computer control, start the back door left in the control system ...

"OK, the facilities of the institute are already welcoming us back home." Luo Dong said as he browsed the most situation.

The gray wolf stood aside with his shoulders on his shoulders, and said, "These people can't remember eating or fighting."

"Actually, they still made a lot of hard work in strengthening security." Luo Dong pointed on the screen. "Look, the post is increased, the route is changed, there is an additional contingency team, huh? He also got a police dog as a helper. . This requires the shots of two seniors. "

"Relax, just a few dogs."

"Well, the facilities are on our side now, just pay attention to receiving instant messaging."

Sarah and the Gray Wolf are in charge of each other and are on the road. Before leaving, Luo Dong said to the Gray Wolf: "We are robbing money, not killing us."

"They hate us for dying, and meeting each other mercilessly, look at this weapon, full power."

"Then you see the long ugly torture him."

The gray wolf laughed: "Also, they have to let them remember the majesty of the gray wolf."

The two left, and Claire walked over. "It seems that your style of seeking common ground while reserving differences is deeply rooted in the people."

"There is no way. We are a typical mercenary organization. They are all princes. They have little in common except for their willingness to do something together."

Claire nodded and understood that he handed IPAD to Luo Dong.

"Your reading ability is very amazing ~ ~ Just read a part, I can't stand it anymore."

Luo Dong laughed: "I thought that even the invasion of the Tarmat Swarm happened. This kind of information can't stimulate you at all. It still seems a bit ruined, sorry."

"These people almost violated all the bottom line ..."

"There will always be people who do these things, and there will always be people who will make the world a little better. Although it is likely to be limited by vision, ability, etc., it is simply trying the wrong place."

"What about you? How do you choose."

"Of course it is farming and self-sufficiency. I am a Celestial Man, who has understood that happiness comes from hard work and creation thousands of years ago."

"But you are organizing a robbery now."

"From a legal point of view, I just charged some interest from the descendants of the real sea robbers for my ancestors. We didn't want much, just a **** and a bag of seeds."


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