Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 802: France, what is your morality?

Bordeaux 1982, is not a long time to clear it.

It is not far from the Eiffel Tower and the Mamodan Art Museum. The Bagatel Park is just across the street. It has a great geographical location, beautiful environment, and signature wines, so it is very popular.

Bordeaux is the most famous wine producing area in France and even the world. The 82-year-old Lafite is often used for comparison. It refers to the wine produced by high-quality grapes in Bordeaux in 1982.

The Bordeaux region is obviously not just a Lafite winery. Bordeaux wines and other brands that benefited from the high-quality grapes of that year. Bordeaux 1982 was opened as a gimmick. Although the signature wine is not a famous winery, it tastes really. Not bad, especially with high cost performance. This bar is also famous for selling fine wine with high cost performance.

Bernard was sipping wine while complaining to his good friend Bobile.

This was the third day of Rouen ’s nightmare, and Bernard was from Rouen.

Although his name means ‘brave like a bear’, and people are big, big, and thick, and they do n’t trim, they are very tough, but in fact, their guts are very ordinary, and their skill is the level of fighting the king.

But his friend Bobile is indeed worthy of the name, worthy of the "trash can", patiently listening to friends complain.

"... At that time there was a young man who responded quickly and had a lot of guts. His companion mutated. He picked up an aluminum alloy baseball bat and smashed it. The first time he knocked down his skull, he broke a few sticks after that. The clavicle and the arm bone of the upper left arm were still deformed, but the monster was still deformed. The arm was just flicked and the broken bone was connected. The big claw was like a finger knitting force. The grooves on the baseball bat can be 1 cm deep, which is terrible! Terrible! "

"As the first witness, you chose to hide what you saw and heard from the authorities."

Bernard scoffed: "The other choices reported truthfully are now in temporary settlements in Bourbodouan (a town southeast of Rouen, about 11 kilometers apart). I think they are facing the best results now, but It was an orderly evacuation to a place farther away. The officials even figured out the mode and speed of proliferation, and dared to locate the settlement in a small town outside the incident. Nothing stupid enough to describe their incompetence. "

"As far as I know, the spread of Rouen is not comparable to what happened on the Labrador Sea. Before it happened, no one could accurately predict it."

Bernard did not like to listen to this official bias, he sneered: "Is there no one? I'm here, I can drink a little wine all the time, and let you know the seriousness of the incident. Although you talk to Su Lei separated, but Elena was still my goddess. She made arrangements early and took her far away. "

Bobille shook his head: "Paris is of great significance, not only the capital of France, but also the world's famous city, the pearl of human civilization. Her symbolic significance is extraordinary and will not easily fall."

"Damn it!" Bernard hammered down the table with force, his voice growled, his eyes were red, and then he found that the movement he made was too big, which caused the attention and dissatisfaction of the neighboring table, and then embarrassedly showed a comparison Crying and ugly smile, nodded and apologized.

Afterwards, he gritted his teeth and said: "You would rather wish to speculate on the morals of the official and the transcendental than wish to believe the advice and advice I provided from the experience of the disaster. Is it all muddled in your head? Do you think you The social status and wealth of the country can provide enough shelter for Jelena and yourself? Do you know that the chance of safe escape is decreasing with time, and the cost is turning up and following? "

Bobil was frightened by the sudden outburst of emotion from his friend and hurried to calm down: "Calm down, calm down! Bernard, I know what you are experiencing is deep enough, I know you are sad now, but the more this time, The more you should try to relax and think calmly. A successful person said ... "

Bernard was smirked and interrupted: "Hey! At this age, are you still playing that **** chicken soup?"

Bobille was also a little angry and chuckled: "Then what should we do? We always have to believe something, especially in such difficult times."

"Yes, we have to believe something. But it shouldn't be a self-deception. We can't solve the problem by self-reliance, and we have to make a decision in time and then implement it!"

"Huh! Decision, execution, to put it plainly is to escape as soon as possible !? Do you know that Su Lei's **** doesn't miss the past sentiment, do you know how hard I want to see Elena? Do you know ..."

Bernard interrupted Popill again, "Shit! These are all **** you say! Don't make excuses for yourself, the most important thing now is determination! The determination to pay all you can for a chance! "

At this moment, the bar was vigorously pushed away, and several adult men squeezed in, head to foot, one of them shouted: "International Channel, hurry up! International Channel!"

Seeing that the bartender is a regular customer, plus he also cares about it, he picks up the remote control, switches to the international channel, and turns the sound a little louder.

It turned out that the international channel is reporting the latest Huo Lao News.

Many people in the bar are talking about the current situation. The Huolao collar is a global focus that is closely connected with the current situation. So not only no one objected, but also paid attention to it. Some people even left the seat to look closely for a while. Even the light music stopped.

Like previous reports, because the Kane series always comes with a live broadcast and transparent law enforcement BUFF, and video and audio information are sent free of charge, so there is no need for a dedicated first-line reporter, there are enough materials to use.

So the report is not a blunt conversation between the host and the audience, but a clipped video that exists as an explanation. Every time it is expected to be sufficient, coupled with a lot of magic scenes, it is very enjoyable to watch, and even those who never watch the news, also watch it interestingly, watch it as a film and television drama, and nicknamed 'successful Hollywood production of high-profile commercial Even put '.

This time, it is mainly to introduce newly built important equipment.

Super force field generator!

It was completed a few hours ago and started successfully.

The super force field generator is not pure energy control, but uses carbon monoxide in the air to manually arrange it through energy interference to establish a free extraordinary energy controllable combing pattern that is a network to generate a visible blue The light-emitting veins of color, and the translucent outermost blue light curtain, so this force field is also called the blue field.

The blue field and the energy water curtain at the border of the fire collar organically merge to form a very magnificent rainbow ice wonder. The effect is like the ice ling flowers growing up along the faintly visible veins, the more like the sharper, like dog teeth And, it is like an ice cone. Because of its fine angles and continuous movement, it reflects the colorful light like a dream.

The opening of the blue field is mainly to prevent nightmarish energy seeds from detonating in the fire.

With the opening of the blue field, Kane has, as always, been popularized as a teacher, and the reasons for the spread of the nightmare are:

A large amount of negative emotional energy + the accumulation of dark evil and supernatural power + the source of nightmares will have the opportunity to generate new nightmare diffusion points.

Today, the source of nightmares has inevitably spread globally.

They are like dandelion seeds, spreading everywhere, but it is not an ordinary monsoon spread, air spread, but in the process of nightmare, causing time and space distortion, condensing and forming, and entering the shadow world.

To be more honest, the shadow world is the unfinished body of the variation of the shadow plane of the DND system.

In comparison, because this world is not as perfect as the DND universe, but the magical universe itself has many similarities with the basic laws, so this kind of specious things will happen.

The shadow realm is just the name given by Kane. If the main material plane is the human epidermis, then the shadow realm is a subcutaneous tissue, closely connected, but actually two layers.

The source of the nightmare is the diffusion between the two layers. The specific situation is like the water sandwiched between the glass plate and the steel plate. Under the operation of squeezing vigorously, the gap cavity is used, puff! Spray a relatively long distance to form a new piece.

Therefore, Rouen ’s nightmare spreading point is indeed closely related to the nightmare spreading of Sino Island. It occurs after the total equivalent of the nightmare spreading of Sinoe reaches a certain upper limit, just like a well-fell.

Then, according to this formula, famous cities such as London and Edinburgh in the United Kingdom belong to the high probability trigger point, and then are famous cities in Western Europe, including Paris, which is not far from Rouen.

Flies don't bite seamless eggs. These cities with a long history are in line with the two key elements of ‘a large amount of negative emotional energy + the accumulation of dark evil and extraordinary power’ that are easy to generate. The probability is naturally high, and as soon as new channels appear, it ’s easy to be ‘popped! 'success.

On the contrary, Quebec, Newfoundland, and Greenland, which are closer to Sinoe, are less problematic because of the sparse population.

Of course, these places are not without problems, after all, the nightmare spread of Sino Island has spread to some parts of these provinces.

Although most of the inland areas of these areas are ice sheets, sloughs, and forests, there are still towns along the coast.

In fact, the evacuation of personnel and the transfer of property have already been carried out in these places, but they are relatively low-key and not widely reported.

From this perspective, Kane's performance is a bit bad, pretending to be self-contradictory and taking others as foils is a negative effect.

But in Kane's own opinion, he did more harm than good.

If the new nightmare diffusion point does not appear, he will not be more BB in this regard.

He himself is a lawful camp, and he thinks that even the **** official is better than complete chaos. After all, according to Newton ’s second law, destruction is always easier than creation, and chaos is most likely to breed destruction. Once human society is not organized and lacks order, a lot of wealth will be destroyed quickly.

It is not enough in the first place, and because the destruction of chaos causes wealth to be unreasonably used, then there will be even more shortages, and then a more serious chaos and vicious circle will form.

When he took over the metropolitan area, he would rather show the characteristics of cruel killing and robber-like seizure, and also have to hold a large amount of living materials in hand, and impose capital punishment on anyone who dares to challenge the basic social order. The other party is just a half-old child who is blindly obeying, just because of paying attention to this point.

It is precisely because of this that 3,400 people in the metropolitan area left, but migrated instead of in exile, and there was no riot or riot. Because of the slight signs, they were suppressed by blood.

What's more, the brutal anti-crime operation that Kane started from the beginning, itself hacked down the wave of people who may eventually cause a vicious incident. The 105,000 in 48 hours, the removal is fast, ruthless and clean, even if there are some leaks. The fish was also scared.

For the same reason, Catholicism's "Operation of Poison Tide" has not been able to receive a good effect of creating chaos. Because Kane completed the deterrence step by step, the people were afraid of their prestige, and at the same time they had some confidence in their powerful means.

Such a Kane naturally understands the importance of official cover-up information.

So although he sings high-profile and shows his style, he has never spread the BB nightmare. What happened to Quebec and Greenland.

Although he sings about the future and tells the public that he ca n’t wait for the extraordinary circle to slowly plan and implement slowly, so he jumped out to do it alone, but he never directly advocated how the future is a specific way of decline.

To put it simply, although it is not optimistic, the words are very empty, leaving people with space for speculation and ostrich. At the same time, it also means that there is no demolition of official and higher rulers of various countries.

In fact, according to his estimation, the process of nightmare is like this:

The first stage is the change of the arithmetic sequence (10, 20, 30).

Then the second stage is the proportional sequence change (10, 100, 1000).

Then the third stage is the geometric multiple change (100, 10,000, 100 million).

There will be no fourth stage, because the third stage directly completes the spread of globalization.

In general, because of the nightmare's position as the first source, the first to suffer is Western Europe and the east coast of the Commonwealth, including Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto in Canada.

Then there is the industrial center of the Federation, the Great Lakes region, as well as Sweden and Norway in northern Europe, Germany at the crossroads of Europe, and Spain ’s neighbor, France.

Relatively safe is the Far East, the federal west coast.

The last ones to fall are the Solomon Islands and Hawaii.

But from the second stage to the third stage, the cycle is much faster.

According to this corollary, the first stage to the second stage is more than 4 months, then the second stage to the third stage is more than two months, or even shorter.

Therefore, there is really little time left for people to make effective responses.

Therefore, Kane opened the force field early, and there is no need to risk the nightmare generation of new diffusion points in order to save more energy.

If you want to obtain extraordinary energy, you can go to the sparsely populated place to set up energy gathering equipment. For example, the North and South Arctic, Sahara Desert and so on. He has already started to let people do it. Recently, his main job is to make related instruments, and then make the cards magical, and then imprint and mass-produce them.

Although the product produced in this way will be at least 30% less effective than non-quantitative products after deregulation, it is now the most expensive and the quality is not enough to make up for the quantity. In general, it is more cost-effective.

Compared to combing and standardizing the free extraordinary energy particles to avoid siltation and abnormal blue fields, the energy hood with the magic obelisk as the core is not in a hurry to open.

In other words, the magic obelisk is already in a semi-activated state.

Because in a world where extraordinary power exists, the extraordinary power is not simply wandering in the air, but adding the circulation and transformation sequence between the material and energy of the entire world, that is to say, the earth is constantly consuming the extraordinary energy.

Therefore, it is useless to block airspace, and the ground must be firmly locked.

This is also one of the reasons why the roots and veins of the magic obelisk are used to form a large network to shape a tens of kilometers thick energy rock disk.

It is also the reason why it is easier to sell part of the technology to the Super League and the Blood Witch. Selling is not only secondary but also incomplete. The whole set is for sale? Chaolian and Blood Witch can't afford that price.

Kane gave a purchase plan, that is, the Super League and the blood witch must feed enough mortals, and then continue to export senior technical talents in the future for debt repayment.

Both the Super League and the Blood Witch are hesitating, because according to Kane ’s suggestion, they need to invest a lot of resources, energy, and time, and the last thing they get is the mortals left by Kane ’s constant shearing. But the value is low, and after calculating, I found that in addition to the name of a great righteousness to save humanity, the actual benefits are really not much ...

Leaving aside these specific matters and the interaction between groups, as far as the general situation is concerned, once nightmare enters the second stage, Kane will no longer show mercy to the ruling class.

Because he felt that at this stage, it would be more practical to tell them to be concealed.

In the first stage, for most people, it can be said that it is irrelevant to oneself, and the hang-up is high. At this time, covering up is beneficial to the operation of the rulers. Prepare for war.

Kane can even calmly view the very selfish operations of the privileged class of this period.

For example, understand your ending completely, and then try to understand the endings of your loved ones and those with whom you have a relationship.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with it. For who was in that position, he would be able to protect himself first and then help the world.

Even after the catastrophe, there appeared to be supplies, bullying men and women, claiming to be alone and enslaving others. This is also an order, organized, with rules, and even carrying out production within its power.

Just rushing this point is worth encouraging.

Of course, the premise is that there is no better choice.

As part of the order camp, Kane was most reluctant to see the kind of unorganized, passable, or squandering and wasteful situation.

The so-called troubled life is like a mustard, since even life is worthless, what is counted as being robbed, beaten, beaten, or bullied?

Some people will say that you are standing and talking without backache, your father was beaten, your wife and sister were beaten, you were robbed, can you still be calm?

Kane said no. But on the other hand, it is true that standing is not a backache, standing up means strength, and catastrophe is also a crisis. There are dangers and opportunities. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. They are not prepared on weekdays. The key If you can't seize the opportunity at all times and only endure the danger, you must first review it yourself.

What I said is just a mortal, this is actually an excuse. If you do n’t have a body, you still have a brain. If you have a brain, you still have a determination.

In the days of luck, Kane was not unexperienced. It was because he was so memorable that he had been conscientious and hardworking.

He has passed the stage where he can only meet the storms and waves. He remembers the pains and difficulties of that state, and constantly reminds himself to give birth to diligence.

But on the other hand, the past is not suitable for indulgence, because the way he walks is against the current, and if he does not advance, he will retreat. He must look forward.

Looking at the overall situation is a kind of looking forward. Now that his **** is in this position, he must have the thinking and decisions that people in this position should have. This is called duty.

From this perspective, who's mother-in-law was robbed and whose goodies were robbed is not the most important thing, the most important thing is survival and hope.

Letting more people live is more valuable than letting some people feel relieved and comfortable and live with dignity. This is a problem similar to satisfying food and clothing first, and then speaking of etiquette. You can understand the etiquette in a sufficient manner, and the order can't be wrong.

And Kane is dark in terms of cognition.

This means that, let him choose between Gaddafi and anti-ZF forces, he will choose to support the former.

The former is indeed not a good person, his hands are covered with blood, and there are no bad things to do, and the scum is described as light. But the former is already fatter and has rich experience in domination. With the increase of age, more and more attention is paid to the realization of self-worth and the name behind.

After all, for him, he should play, enjoy, and see, and play, enjoy, and see. Inviting names for doing altruistic things is already a matter of course for him.

What about the anti-ZF army? They are filled with irritability, the upstart's breath is full, and the excitement inspired by pinning their heads on the belts and hitting the mountains and mountains, as well as the depression that can be bought in exchange for the resources of the mountains and rivers.

These are all about venting. They want to drink in large bowls and eat meat in large chunks. They want to be drunk with gold fans and be full of beautiful women. This is venting and an arrogant dream in the depths of human nature. Of course there is the fear of being liquidated. While still alive, Make it hard!

Therefore, in the view of Kane, the former is certainly damn, but there is still some use, the latter is not shit, it is a real unruly gangster who has wronged the country, and it is not a pity to die.

Most of these guys who have not died yet are born of ruffians, rogues, and opportunists.

So when Kane arrived in the metropolis, he directly held up the butcher knife. I do n’t care if you are a tragedy caused by social conflicts, or if you have any bitter or touching chicken soup, such as a baby who is waiting to be fed or an old mother who needs support, or a brother 3. Being pitted ... These are understandable, but not important. The important thing is that I think that your group is the most prone to problems, the most likely to cause bad heads, and the most likely to become pathogens when a major crisis occurs, so you must die first. ! Would rather kill by mistake than let it go!

From the same perspective, if the rulers represented by the official and the transcendental are not acting, then they are not worthy of being embraced and supported by the bottomless line.

Like the second stage now, no matter what the rulers of various countries and regions did in the first stage, it is time for more people to understand the truth.

Because there is no time, even if it is concealed, the ruler will hardly have higher results. On the contrary, the negative effects of ‘unknown’ brought about by concealment will sharply amplify.

Kane believes that by now, people know what they will face, and they can reduce the overall damage more than they don't know and bump like a headless fly.

Because there are too many people involved, too many to be managed by the ruler alone.

In modern society, the fundamental to maintain order is ‘conscious observance’, not ‘law ruling’.

And the core condition of the prerequisite of ‘consciously observing’ is the hope of seeing hope, the hope of social stability, at least a fair existence, and an order that will be sanctioned for breaking the law.

Failure to understand the patterns and harms of the nightmare spreading point will seriously damage the core premise of people, and then "the people do not fear death", "the law does not blame the public", which country can achieve the army to enter the city by city Massacre people? Was n’t the soldier born to the parents or parents?

Once in that state, it is a complete crash.

Relevant information is now revealed. Due to the prestige accumulated in the previous series of events, Kane believes that most people still believe his words more or less, then at least in the Middle East, the Far East, in the Western Federation, in South America, Africa, people The consciousness of survival is not so urgent, and there will not be a large number of people who take risks, and the rulers still have some time to operate.

What he did not expect was that a victimized country like France even broadcast the relevant information almost intact.

In fact, this is not a manifestation of the so-called press freedom in Europe and America, but a decision made after the official emergency consultation.

Europe and the North American Federation are different. There is a new continent. The union of the Federation represents the integration of the extraordinary circle. After all, the extraordinary are the real rulers.

Although 50 states are also divided, each state has its own state laws, which means that the Tiancheng-level forces have their own characteristics, but in general, there is a set of common rules.

That's why after Kane jumped out and pretended to be a maggot, there would be an organization like the Justice League. The federal transcendent group does feel that it has been provoked and betrayed.

This is not the case in Europe.

There is no EU in this world, only **** sticks and never-ending unions.

And, although Kane felt that the extraordinary groups behind the Federation were gloomy, the extraordinary groups in Europe were even more gloomy than the extraordinary groups in the Federation.

Absolute power, absolute corruption, and the peculiarity of the extraordinary group have stripped their subject from the secular world, and there is no need to make too much trouble there, so that the people do not talk about life, because what they really want is that the secular world does not have it and cannot give it.

For example, the secret realm, high-end genius and treasure, such as the top-notch technology, these can only be explored, developed, and researched by themselves, and the mortal ca n’t get in the way, and the sparse number of transcendental people also means eating and drinking Lhasa. 1. The cost of enjoying the status of a rich and powerful person is not far from letting the secular world hurt.

Even in the eyes of Kane ’s deity, the extraordinary groups of this world played almost the role of the super consortium of the source world and the invisible giant crocodile. The secular rich man was just a face-lift, some of it would be fine, and the rest was white. gloves.

It is precisely because of this structure that the extraordinary groups of this world and the secular groups form a relatively stable balance. In recent decades, no major situation has occurred.

However, as the top layer, the extraordinary group still inevitably fell.

Climbing is too difficult, and enjoyment is simple and simple. Enjoy the world's top-level offerings. I'm too bored to go to the secular outfit, or to show off the superiority at the low end.

As for bullying males and females, it's awkward to say anything, just grass, grass is white, illusion + confusion + hypnosis, clean head and tail, chastity fierce women can also become slutty.

This is the origin of absolute power and absolute corruption. After all, the cost of doing one thing is extremely low.

And when a group is full of such **** men and women, when the crisis comes, it is first not ready, and hates the timeless uselessness of the past, and it is them who are unable to cope with it now.

However, people can't do it anymore, at least they still have family members. These ancient families came from hardships and difficulties, and often have their own secret areas and castles.

The mountain gate is closed to avoid the world, not only the nobles of Rouen, but also the true portrayal of most of the extraordinary forces in France. The reason why there are people walking around is nothing more than to prepare when there is never a perfect solution.

The secular French officials are not stupid, on the contrary, they can be politicians, all of whom are good at calculating. When I look at this situation, I naturally understand what is going on.

How to do?

Two legs, one leg, rely on yourself, try your best to play the value of official legitimacy and organization, and unite the low-end transcendents to create a refuge.

On the other leg, relying on others, such as Huo Lao Ling, Huo Lao Ling requires high-end combat power and high-end combat power, and high-end technology and high-end technology. It can be said that there is everything that France needs most.

So put down your body to discuss the possibility of trading, should you do it? Of course, the sooner the better.

Because the most intuitive, the Kane line occupies the leading edge of the transformation of Central California, the most ideal state is not a migrant. In other words, Kane was initially mentally prepared to feed 45 million secular mortals.

So now 34 million has gone, this is the gap.

There are people in France, and even French officials are confident that they will bear the responsibilities of filling the population vacancies, sharing their own pressures, and also protecting the seeds of the nation and the country, with 30 million leftovers. Large groups can inherit cultural customs.

Of course, this idea is too ideal ~ ~ Even if Kane is really open, it is difficult for France to send so many people in a short time.

But first of all, there must be an attitude of ‘what do you want, as long as I have it, I can definitely sell it’, and my wife and daughter are fine!

Compared with these, truthfully reporting the news of the nature of Huo Lao leading the announcement is more the attitude before the attitude.

What's more, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

French officials believe that Kane ’s explanation, together with the correct guidance, can make the public realize that it is useless to escape, and that the ups and downs have lived for more than half a year. At that time, the global nightmare will turn into a knife. Knife.

Only holding a group and relying on the power of the group is the right choice. And when it comes to holding a group, is there any organization that is more suitable to become a dependant than the official? We can even arrange for those who perform well to take refuge in the fire prison, do you say it?

The people said that they were very insincere.

Bernard couldn't help but widen his eyes, grow his mouth, and sighed for a long time: "I'm going! What about the morale !?"

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