Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 812: Alien Digging

No matter what kind of ghostly non-human beings had been in the church of St. Nicholas before, they are now interrupted by Atina's wave of recklessness, and they are also very embarrassed, naturally hateful.


These non-humans raised their hands and fired. It looked like a crossbow-like gadget. It was fired from a tattered robe and long sleeves. It could also vaguely see some equipment features, but the shot was not an arrow, but a dazzling poison. Green beam.

Atina was quite excited, and she wanted to avoid it with a roll.

However, non-humans not only shot beams, but also used their thoughts. Atina suddenly felt like she was stuck in the mud and had difficulty moving. And it is the first bondage, then shooting.

At a critical moment, a explosive bomb exploded between non-human and Atina.

This is the thunder thrown by Constantine.

He was not far from the main entrance of the church, and through the half-open door, he could see the inside. If the dazzling light of the explosion of the sacred ball made people dark for a while, he could still be in time for a second or two.

But it was not too late to throw at this time. His physical fitness was extremely strong, and the force of throwing was naturally very large. The fire thunder was originally fast and fierce.

But the non-human beings already had a very high level of alert, delayed the fire and thunder with their mental power, so they exploded between Atina and the non-human beings.

The fire cloud rolled, the heat wave licked, even if Atina was lying on the ground, her long hair was still burned for more than half.

The only help is that this flame affects the control of non-human mind and a certain degree of the power of the poisonous green beam. Atina took the opportunity to roll hard, and finally was not killed on the spot, but her left shoulder and back , Left upper arm, still shot.

Non-humans are also embarrassed. Pure fire restraints them, second only to the power of the Holy Light, and is rushed by the wave of fire. Not only does the robe burn worse, but the body is injured again.

The black robe itself is a magical protective gear, which was damaged by the light before, so that the fire thunder power can not compare with the sacred ball, but the strike effect is very good.

Constantine took advantage of this opportunity to shoot and rush into the church, grabbing the wounded and comatose Atina's ankle, just like carrying a small package, with one hand, Atina will fly Off the ground.

Constantine caught his body with his shoulder and emptied all the ammunition in the magazine.

The magic bullet of the magic modified pistol is not bad. The wounded non-humans finally no longer support the face, but throw it away.

Constantine opened directly, his eyes burst into flames, and his body was covered with a thin layer of flame. The whole person was like a wild horse, and the fly rushed out.

The fire attribute is inherently explosive, and the career position of the headhunter is to be able to escape and defend against general assaults. The fire elemental energy is burned at all costs, and the body cells are stimulated in an all-round way, so as to obtain excess vitality. A big one.

Despite carrying a person of more than one hundred kilograms, Constantine still ran out of a speed of about 100 seconds and 4 seconds, which is similar to the limit speed of cheetah hunting.

But Cheetah kept this speed for only 3-5 seconds, but Constantine ran for 3 minutes at a stretch. I ran directly out of the south and ran into Naclay Park. To the east of the park is the City Hall.

Atina was awake long ago, but she couldn't even speak, and she spit halfway.

Under a big tree, Constantine stopped, panting and putting down Atina, feeling the powerful wand of the hilt, spitting flames, and with a wave, she cut off a branch.

"Bite, the wound is poisonous and must be treated as soon as possible."

Atina was in a very poor state at this time, and she had little reason left to tell her that Constantine was right.

Just after taking the branch and biting into his mouth, Constantine had already begun to operate.

The strong magic wand shortens the spitting flame, can be used as an energy cone or dagger, and even without tearing the clothes, it can be cut directly.

This is because Constantine can perceive the accumulation of evil energy in the wound area of ​​Atina.

Scrapping off the decayed texture doesn't actually hurt much, because the laser-like energy blade burns the nerves.

The difficulty lies in the next processing.

Under normal circumstances, such a rough operation, the total amount of carrion cut off is so high, and all the wounds are burned to death, and the recipient can explain the last words, and there is no way to survive.

Fortunately, Kane's technical strength is high enough, even if it is a headhunter, it can enjoy a complete set of means. Even if Atina is not a fire attribute, she can still use external force to induce cell growth in the wound area and proliferate at a far more extraordinary rate.

Proliferation is actually not difficult. The difficulty lies in the re-bridging of broken nerves, blood vessels, and texture. This requires a surgical model to adjust, and a deep enough understanding of the physiological structure of the subject.

Therefore, this technique can basically only be used to heal people, not for non-human beings. After all, the technique model is dead, and it is a ready-made product similar to a magic seal, not a technique mastered by headhunters.

The rapid proliferation of flesh cells, including nerves, made Atina desperate, her gums bite out of blood, less than two minutes, a sweat, and her clothes were wet, so she just got out of the water . When the healing was over, the person fainted.

Constantine picked up the dehydrated Artina and ran back.

He is very familiar with this area. The southwest side of the park is a roundabout. There is a pharmacy and a medicinal herbs store along the road less than 100 meters south.

After more than ten minutes, Adina was already delivering normal saline and glucose, and Constantine rushed into the Romanian restaurant on the corner of the roundabout to get some food.

Sure enough, when I went back to the pharmacy, I saw that Adina had been awake, and she was hungry and wanted to scratch the door. When she saw the food in Constantine's hands, her eyes glowed green.

Then he took the food, swallowed invisibly, and bowed left and right.

Constantine experienced this feeling. The cells are accelerating at high speed, consuming human energy, causing severe hunger, and low blood sugar. Dizzy, they can't wait to cram a whole cow into their stomachs.

After a binge, and another bottle of glucose, Atina took a long breath and felt alive.

"If you have any alchemy antidote, it is best to drink a bottle. Your physique does not have the effect of purifying toxins from the extraordinary. Although the wounds are processed in a timely manner, they still partly follow the blood flow."

Atina listened to it, turned over a small bottle from her waist, squeezed her nose with an unpleasant antidote, then nausea and almost spit out the food she just ate.

Constantine was completely reassured at this time, joking around with his waist: "The psychological shadow is coming from you. In the future, I think that when I see the beauty, I will be conditioned and can't love it anymore."

Adina, who was about to thank her, gave Constantine a glance and said, "You have such a good skill, do you want to consider ..."

Constantine interrupted hurriedly: "Anyway, I have saved your life, so did you repay me? Extraordinary power may be awakened under great stimulation, but it does not include technology and equipment. You should be very clear about this. . I can get it, so I have to pay a price, after all, there is no free lunch. "

Adina, who has certain Virgin traits, said unpleasantly: "So what do I have to pay for your life-saving grace?"

Constantine said seriously: "It's already gone. Without you, I'm still in jail. Most of the time I don't have the opportunity to get this job that can save myself and my family."

At this time, a pleasant male voice sounded behind Constantine: "Let me guess that the boss you are working for is the king of salary. The case of the irregular disappearance of the population in the past week is your specific job."

Seeing Constantine didn't look back, but stared at Atina, unpleasantly said: "That's how you do things?"

The newly arrived man argued for Atina: "I ca n’t call for reinforcements. This is normal operation. I also found it based on a special positioning device. Thank you for your help. We will give you what you can, whether you need it or not. Help, this is a question of attitude. "

Constantine looked at the person sideways.

Dressing, dressing, and temperament, it looks like a teacher, wearing black-framed eyes, revealing the gentleness of the scroll, but the blue radiating iris indicates that this is an extraordinary person.

Even though he had n’t discovered its existence before, Constantine did n’t bother him. He said firmly: “If it ’s really out of gratitude, things will stop here. I ’m not interested in you. Helping Adina is completely private. . "

The person smiled and said warmly: "First introduce myself, I am Joseph, from the Special Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of National Security. We have no intention of forcing you to do anything. I just hope you can help match up so that we can reach a dialogue with Salary King. "

"After all, here is your hometown. Apart from immediate family members, familiar neighbors, and good friends, there are still a few? Why can't you take them when you can?"

"Salary King has powerful technology and can tap potential from ordinary people to transform into soldiers of different ranks. This is already an open secret."

"Because of pride, the salary king has principles for doing things, but also because of pride, the salary king is just stunned and self-willed. Like this kind of work you are engaged in, it can be operated in public. The salary king can unearth the pearl from the sand and activate the extraordinary. And to envelop it, that's the skill of the salary king. We are jealous, but we wouldn't rather watch them ruin, nor want the beauty of adults. How can we say that it is also a compatriot. "

"It is a good thing that our compatriots can live a little bit more in the prison of fire, so that they will not be bullied by the French and the federals. And we can always take advantage of the operation of the salary king, which will help maintain stability and resolve the situation. All kinds of extraordinary problems are beneficial. Can't we see such simple things? "

Constantine held his arms and hey laughed: "I admit that you are right. One thing you didn't say, your organization is very chaotic, and you can't interact with Huolao Ling in the name of the organization. You say you It ’s just, but it ’s just a one-sided word. With my ability and the current situation, there is no way to verify the authenticity. Why should I bet on my own reputation and matchmaking outside the branch? Although I also hope that my compatriots can get through the difficulties smoothly, but I know better how many bowls of rice I can eat. "

"Okay, I wo n’t say much. You want to interact with Salary King. You can speak directly from the air. I will not be greedy for the convenience you can give, because the cost behind this convenience is much more complicated than my current job. It ’s much harder. "

After Constantine finished speaking, he did not give the other party the opportunity to continue to flicker.

After a while, Atina reluctantly said: "You didn't use positioning."

Joseph shook his head, "Although it is the periphery, it is clear that he obtained a system of technology and equipment. We must assume that the superior technology of the fire-powered leader has a higher priority than the ordinary superior technology. In this way, the use of positioning technology not only Failure to achieve his goals will also annoy him and outweigh the gains. "

"However, we have no time at all." Artina said with a frown.

"That's no way! Some things, the more anxious, the easier it is to go wrong. Just like your actions in the Church of St. Nicholas, it's too reckless. Your starting point is good, but stay useful. Can do more useful things. The struggle is just beginning! "


Joseph ’s words emphasized: “You have to understand that the holocaust is a holocaust because it is not done well by the relevant departments, it can guarantee the safety of the people and survive the difficulties. It is not a few heroes who can save the people from Fire and water. It requires everyone to work together. So our positioning is the leader and the awakener. What we are doing now is mainly investigation and trial, so that we can guide in the future ... "

Just talking, just listen to ‘Boom! Boom! Boom! "The dull explosion came.

Through the window glass of the pharmacy, you can see the blue and white light that illuminates the sky in the distance, like the shock wave generated by the spherical lightning explosion, the rippling diffuses, and the sound is dull and thunderous.

Artina's face changed color and shivered: "Those guys, succeed!"

Joseph nodded heavily: "Even if St. Nicholas Church is counted, the seal has not been pulled out, there are no more than 3 in total. It is already less than one third, and it is inevitable that the gods will be out of trouble."

"what should we do?"

"Gather comrades first, and then make further plans. I hope the salary king can report this matter in time."

"Salary King will come and help us get rid of the devil?"

Joseph shook his head "Of course not ~ ~ We do n’t want the salute king to be close, after all, there are too many extraordinary things that want him to die. What we need is a strong containment force. You need to know that God is imprisoned It ’s too long, it ’s very weak. In theory, the extraordinary existence is its favorite food, but if it is too difficult to obtain, it may first pick up the easy-to-get slap, that is, treat ordinary people as blood food, accumulate strength, and then deal with it Extraordinary existence. "

Atina heard, naturally understand. The God of Sin is weak, picking up soft persimmons and pinching. If the people have a strong fighting force to protect them, the God of Sin will choose those cool and unrighteous, seemingly embracing groups, but in fact a sand-like extraordinary person, and even will escape into the mountains to obtain the needs Blood food.

"Do you think that the salary king knows the situation, the possibility of intervention is high?"

Joseph nodded firmly. "According to my observation and analysis, Salary King is the most fighting spirit among the forces. With his strength and technology, he can come out later to clean up the mess, which is both pleasing to the people and efficient. But he chose the catastrophe The rise of the great fanfare the night before was to better compete for resources, including population. And this was to lay the foundation for the war after the holocaust opened. Under such a background, killing the evil is to it What is profitable is not only the benefits brought by God ’s sin itself, but also the benefits that our ground snakes can bring. If he is really big enough, there is no reason not to take advantage of it. "

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