Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 815: Net hunt

Although the Mysterious Castle has the ability to teleport and project, it is still not professional enough after all. The upper limit of its function cannot meet Kane ’s long-term goals, and it consumes too much energy.

Therefore, Kane had a plan to build a professional star gate early in the morning.

With the convenience of the super magic environment, Kane completed the construction of the experimental star gate components, assembled and started the practical inspection and data accumulation.

On this trip to Romania, Kane and his team used Stargate for overkill.

The experimental star gate looks like a small red chrysanthemum magnified many times. It has twelve petal-shaped cantilevers. The cantilever is not thin, and it has a sci-fi assembling style with metal parts, that is, tight connection, while ensuring the smoothness of the overall line and industrial aesthetics.

These cantilevers are like spider legs, with joints, and each can be regarded as a complete independent entity, which can be suspended in the air or replaced.

The cantilever is the functional part of the star gate, including determining the coordinates of this end and the other end. Since it is a transition in three-dimensional space, every six cantilevers correspond to six faces to determine the transition coordinates.

When transported, it can be packed in bundles, usually like a fully blooming flower, in the shape of a wheel without an outer edge, a specially etched rune array allows it to absorb extraordinary energy.

Extraordinary energy is like carbohydrates to it, and electrical energy is protein. This design is the result of Kane's adjustment according to the environment here.

After all, the environment here is super magic, and good use is one aspect, but it is also limited by it. In many cases, the problem solved by the super magic environment is also limited by the super magic environment. The typical pros and cons exist on both sides.

The part of the stamen composed of the cantilever, that is, the axis, is hollow, and the star gate refers to it. The inner end of the cantilever of the array forms the circular outline of the star gate, and the energy vortex is generated in this circle.

When the star gate is used, the cantilever is folded, just like the flower that has just begun to bloom, or it can be understood that the reverse bloom is more suitable, forming a trumpet channel with a clear gap between the cantilevers.

Using such star gates, some are like rail gun launches. The spaceship is a projectile. It does not need to have the ability to jump long distances. It only needs to be launched as a projectile.

When the hull passes through the energy vortex, the next moment, a bright and dazzling streamer will be emitted from the trumpet channel, breaking away in an instant.

This scene is naturally full of science fiction and very spectacular. After all, the unit of measurement for the size of the cantilever is kilometers. When it is remotely opposed in the air to form an array, it takes up a lot of space itself.

What's more, no matter it is the energy vortex of the star gate, or the force field area of ​​the trumpet channel, the energy is surging, the former is like a sea, the blue is shiny, the latter is like a river, clear but with a sense of existence, it looks mysterious It is full of sense, and also has the characteristics of civilized order technology.

Kane and a group of fire eaters, both piloting a, flew into the energy vortex efficiently and orderly in the form of a three-machine formation, and then were launched. From a distance, there is a sense of power and rhythm in machine gun shooting.

This scene was naturally seen by intentional people, and it was impossible to avoid it, and Kane did not intend to avoid it.

"Strongly build shelters, integrate the domestic secular industrial system, create giant resource mines, transform ships by magic, transform and arm combatants of various power levels, mass-produce large-scale mobile weapons at high speed, and create such a dream-level Cutting-edge equipment. Does this series of productivity blowouts manifested by the leader of fire, do anyone think that this Kevin Fox is alone? "

The big brothers of Zhenglian can hold holographic meetings anytime and anywhere through extraordinary equipment. This is no longer the first round of discussion. The topics of discussion are also old-fashioned. Basically, any major actions will be attracted by the fire. A wave of discussion, long or short.

"If Kevin Fox is a lost man, and there is indeed a strong force behind him, then some of his practices seem somewhat skeptical. For example, in the previous high-end battles, he always used Limited combat power, or even the alliance of many powerful enemies alone. Why take such a risk? Are you fishing? "

"I think, rather than fishing, it's better to force the facade. From the performance point of view, the taste of the fire and leading the big fan to be a gimmick is still relatively strong. This is not like fishing, but it is like scaring people."

"Frighten people? You might be able to talk to the Hai clan, or you can talk to the individuals and forces who died in the hands of the salary king, or play games with them, and ask if the losses are all blowing water. . "

"Okay, this is another round of meaningless intercourse. Let's discuss some meaningful topics. Kevin? Fox is indeed damn, his behavior has repeatedly provoked our basic rules, let us rule the model Faced with the risk of collapse. But by now, we should have the courage to admit the fact that we have no way to take this guy. We ca n’t risk a life of taking our lives in order to punish a rebellious alien. It may not necessarily be a risk of success. "

Some people echoed: "When we are obsessed with the solemn and solemn nature of re-establishing rules in the hearts of the people in the circle, some people have betrayed us and took advantage of both sides. I think these people are better than Kevin, who stands on the opposite side of us. Fox is even more abominable. If it is not disciplined, more and more people will see it. I suggest that you should either fight against the Super League, or build a positive asylum country to stop the hostility with the fire. "

"No, I think Salary King has always been our enemy of life and death. This is a dispute between dominance and ideology. It is an irreconcilable contradiction. As for the Super League, they are the head of the game. If they defeat the Salary King, most of the Super League I will admit that the benefits obtained by the two sides can be regarded as the interests temporarily deposited with them. "

Such remarks also have supporters: "Salary King's greed has no upper limit, you see it, this time Salary King's big move is that it is not satisfied with the current site, an operation of extending the claw outward. Sit back and watch him. Growing up step by step is cruel to ourselves. "

"But don't forget, the mythical creatures have already launched an action, and our wealth will face a cliff-like shrinkage."

"When you look into the future and worry about tomorrow, you may wish to look at yesterday and today. The salary king is destroying the foundation of our rule. The greedy people are taking advantage of the fire. This is a real meat-cutting behavior, which is more likely to rob us than tomorrow. Mythical creatures are even more painful because they are all losses that have already occurred. "

This is another discussion where each one insists on his own, and no one is willing to give in.

However, the latest performance of the Kane family has made Zhenglian's big brothers feel more pressure. This is a fact.

This fact, together with the core team of Zhenglian Eagle, ultimately contributed to the accelerated completion of the special combat troops.

This unit has been established since the day the Zhenglian Banner was established. It is positioned as a strategic strike unit of Zhenglian and attempts to kill the Kane to fire the first shot and establish an external image.

Because of their own selfishness, the establishment and running of special forces are slow, and the core of Zhenglian is the three most powerful forces in North America. Their presence indicates the development direction of Zhenglian and guarantees the overall forward momentum.

So as time went on, special forces were almost formed after all.

Just as they were about to move, thinking of an opportunity to find Kane's trouble, the shallow sea battle between the sea clan and Kane happened.

This war made Zhenglian's big brothers unable to bear the tightness of the chrysanthemum. After all, the Hai tribe had killed many holy domains and legends in that battle, and Kane's fighting power and fighting skills were powerful and frightening.

Some people are fortunate for this, claiming that the loss of the Hai nationality has become the touchstone, otherwise the losses that occurred to the Hai nationality may have to be borne by Zhenglian.

At the same time, Zhenglian also gained more intelligence, targeted enhancements and tactical supplements.

For example, the Shallow Sea Campaign allowed Zhenglian gangsters to see that Kane ’s high-end combat capabilities were inadequate and had to drag down the sanctuary through the death of the fire eater and exchange for the opportunity to kill the sanctuary.

The fire eater who drives a can indeed cause trouble to the sanctuary, but if prepared, such trouble may not be unbearable. In addition to equipment and technology, tactics can also be used to make up for confrontation capabilities.

In the battle of the shallow sea, the side of the sea clan was frightened by the weak but courageous play of Kane's side. At the same time, the Hai tribe also clearly underestimated their enemies. Their internal sanctuary did not integrate combat power, but believed that relying on the high-end number was enough to crush their opponents.

Because of this, although there are too many sanctuaries on the Hai clan's side, they failed to form a joint force. It was like a piece of sand, and the Kane side's fast, accurate and ruthless tactics disrupted the position, almost fighting each other.

So this lesson, after drawing from Orthodox United, Sanctuary united in a three-person team. Can the fire eater on the Kane side explode still have the effect of the shallow sea battle?

Then, Zhenglian held a steady and steady attitude, first cut the salary Wang Yuyi's attitude, consumed the fire eater, without the help of the fire eater, Kane and the butcher could not exert a high-powered focused attack. Under this background, With more fights and fewer fights, how many can Kane and the Butcher play against each other?

Even if he is worried about his desperation, as long as he drags it down, is the foundation of Huo Lao led by Zhenglian? Many of Huo Lao's skills are eye-catching, and if you can grab it, it will be very profitable.

From this point of view, Kane does not need to rush to kill, but instead beats from time to time, consuming its newly added fire eaters, and at the same time plundering the technology, think it is beautiful.

However, the premise of all this is a more appropriate entry opportunity.

For example, another battle of the scale of the Shallow Sea Campaign.

Many big brothers of the United League regretted not taking the thigh because they failed to seize the opportunity of the shallow sea battle.

However, opportunities are always reserved for prepared people. According to the situation at that time, Zhenglian would dare to be strong, and most of them would be beaten by Kane's victory over Yu Wei. Then Zhenglian would lose the power of being torn against Kane, even because it no longer has enough threats. But was besieged by other forces led by Kane.

But this missed opportunity is enough again, and there is a chance to appear again, Zhenglian is not ready to let it go. After all, the Kane system is developing rapidly, and every day, it is a strong point, and the delay is too long, so that the Kane system grows into a behemoth, Zhenglian really can't eat.

So this time seeing the fire, there are big moves, and the core decision-making layer of Zhenglian has made up his mind to improve the special forces as soon as possible and prepare to take advantage of the fire. Discussing is just a daily operation, noisy and noisy, and it has always been a federal feature.

Kane ’s swarm is characterized by a strong army style. The army has never been a democratic institution. Only the implementation of the order. This time the battleship group was launched into the planet ’s high orbit. On the one hand, it saves its own energy, on the other hand In order to complete the deployment of the global satellite network.

a After entering their respective designated locations, they began to fly against the planet's rotation, dropping satellites from time to time.

A itself has a dexterous robotic arm and can also be equipped with an equipment compartment. It is not difficult to put a satellite in it.

Kane and Butcher did not use the leader machine this time, but a mass-produced ordinary a, but the simple magic was changed and set up as a two-seater.

This two-seater is front and rear, low front and high, front is the driving position, and the rear is the command position, the control console is not complicated, and it can even be said to be simple, because the conventional control is done by the idea, and the manual operation is in the conventional operation A backup method in the event of failure can only be used to complete the most basic level of control, so it seems simple.

As for the driver's field of view, there is no direct view of the outside world, but the window effect is replaced by the camera hole + imaging system. No dead angle at 60 degrees.

Kane and his guard crew did not perform the satellite launch mission, but first penetrated into the atmosphere directly from space to Romania.

The entry method of concrete a is a little special. It is not an ordinary water-entry method, but uses the belly of the machine to expand a high angle of attack, and heads down like a kite to get the maximum friction plane.

This is mainly because the high heat generated by the friction between the body and the air when it bursts into the atmosphere at high speed is beneficial to a, and has quite extraordinary characteristics. Preheating at high temperature can make the state of a better.

This also makes the airborne effect of a particularly eye-catching, especially at night, just like a group of meteorites, the vastness comes from the sky, and the momentum is extraordinary.

Both Joseph and Artina saw the sight. However, the two were busy fighting and did not have time to pay too much attention.

According to the local legend of Brasov, after being defeated by God, God was sealed, and the huge seal nail made God ’s body firmly fixed on the ground, and the body itself became the prisoner of God ’s Spirit. cage.

Later, the earthquake caused the sealing magic nail to break and dislocate, and the seal became loose.

In the millenniums that followed, many tragedies were brought to the world. It was the Orthodox religion that used faith technology to stabilize the further destruction of the magic nail. It is said that as long as the faith continues, the crazy nail can always maintain its state, and the sin can not escape. .

With the development of science and technology, the mystery faded quickly, and fewer and fewer people believed in these legends. In modern times, even the number of people who remember these legends is greatly reduced.

But tonight, mythical creatures proved with facts that the original legend was not groundless.

With the destruction of many churches, the orthodox beliefs and the power of the magic nails exploded, causing the blue and white light bursts that Joseph, Artina, and Constantine all witnessed.

This energy belongs to extraordinary power, in addition to the characteristics of ordinary explosion shock waves, it also has penetrability similar to neutron rays.

The locals affected by this power woke up one after another, feeling restless and faintly ominous, especially when they heard a series of sounds from the ground and felt the vibration. Many people thought it was an earthquake and ran to the streets in anxiety.

After more than half an hour, the police patrol car began to use the loudspeaker to appease the people and persuade the people to return to the house.

However, the situation of global nightmare and extraordinary manifestation has long made people sensitive. Where would they listen? In particular, the bold good guys clicked on the picture and found the explosion point, so that the news and the rapid spread of the ‘explosion are all churches’, people instinctively think of the extraordinary concept.

Unfortunately, people's imagination is still poor, and there is not much experience in dealing with such incidents, so that they missed the last chance to escape from the dangerous place.

By the time Kane and his party arrived, the entire Brasov was messed up. Obviously it was the night, but the voice was full of people, just like a commercial street on the weekend. There are headless flies and screams everywhere.

After the rumbling of rumbling, the mud of the destroyed churches rolled up like a spring, and the color became darker and darker, and finally became black, and it was greasy and shining, and it had a smell.

At the time, the onlookers from the neighborhood had realized that it was not good, but it was still too late. The black particles sprayed out like a powerful blower blowing fine dust and smog.

After the dust was exposed to the air, it quickly absorbed the free extraordinary energy nearby, turning into snow flakes and falling, covering a wide area.

Some stupid and bold people reached out to pick it up.

As a result, it was soon discovered that it was not black snow at all, but living creatures. Once they approached life to a certain range, the speed would suddenly become faster, just like iron scraps under the action of magnets, and the adsorption was completed in a 'swoosh', Immediately afterwards, it disappeared like ice and snow and eroded into the interior of life.

Any life, including but not limited to humans.

Once parasitized by this kind of creature, it will start to cause trouble.

The specific level of trouble depends on how much 'black snow' is eroded. If it is 1-, then at least in the early stage, it will bring pain to the person, and the person can still control the body to do various things. But if there are two digits, there is only convulsions in seconds.

Whatever it is, it will eventually lead to alienation distortion, and this distortion has different performances according to the number of 'black snow', the specific conditions of parasites, and the differences in the external environment, so overall, there is no specific The shape, quite chaotic and arbitrarily, will soon create a horrible scene of strange rampages and groups of demons.

Kane and his party arrived. This kind of "Black Snow" invasion has been happening for a while. It has almost entered the second stage of the hunt for living creatures.

Since they spread out from all areas of Brasov at the same time, the general feeling of the people who fled is that it is not safe to escape in any direction. When running, you can see that there is an oncoming escape ahead. Other humans, and monsters chasing behind.

Faced with this situation, most people will instinctively choose the third direction to flee, but this is not a good idea.

Brasov is also a historic city. Most of the houses are small villa-like squares. Even in the central area, there are few high-rise buildings. Such urban characteristics are often characterized by winding roads, many alleys, and more in the middle of the night. Running around in this environment is simply playing hide-and-seek with group hunters in a maze. There is no way out, and it is not safe at the top.

So all sorts of tragedies were staged in the city of Brasov, just like the big flocks were driven and hunted down by wolves.

Even Joseph and they failed to complete the established confluence of characters, only four or five people gathered, they had to fight and survive all the way to survive.

When Kane and his entourage arrived, they saw such a catastrophic scene that counted on the world of missions, intensity and misery that even his previous life experienced.

"Pull the net to annihilate." After Kane gave the order, he was immersed in the analysis of the giant seal.

The butcher has a specific leadership role.

The first batch of a was not large, and Kane and his guards totaled only 9 a.

But on the other hand, these a are all displacement levels of more than 10,000 tons. The displacement similar to the world's super heavy destroyers, or ordinary cruisers, not only means large, but also fierce firepower.

As you can see from the top of a "Wangba Shell", a hatch similar to a vertical launch cover opens, and then spit out metal **** with a diameter of about ten meters.

There are many concave pits on these balls, and holes at the bottom.

They are called magic mind floating guns, and each is equivalent to a smart energy gunboat.

According to the ability of driving, the number of controllable floating artillery is also small.

Like Kane's guard, the controllable number is generally above 100.

These floating artillery pieces are like the joints and limbs of a, controlled by unobservable power and energy connections. They are arranged around a, and there is no fixed pattern or standard for the arrangement. It depends entirely on the driver's idea.

Taking a as the node and taking the farthest firepower coverage of the floating artillery as the margin, the firepower strike system composed of multiple a is the final net of Kane.

For this sweeping mode, war worms can be described as familiar with light vehicles, so they see the sky as a rolling cloud, and the continuous death rain of lava color is almost every drop of rain, there must be a harvest, sweeping speed, Pretty good.

In this way of striking a face that can't be lived for a second, the wicked creatures have shown great group wisdom and speed of response.

They have a unique method of long-distance communication, and the death of the same kind will generate a warning signal, which is reflected in an intuitive way.

So, the evildoers either drilled the house nearby, or played all-in-one.

They are symbiotes, but they can be grouped together. In the past, they were scattered into a large number of individuals in order to improve efficiency. Now they face a strong enemy and merge into a strong whole.

These indescribable shapes and the polymers that are easy to make nightmares do not have the ability to open the energy cover, but they can apply extraordinary power to themselves.

Originally, the floating artillery was able to ash away the individual evils, but now it can only leave a large penetrating wound on the polymer body. This kind of injury is like poking a stick in the soft mud. , Will soon be bridged.

However, since such a weapon has the quality of a battleship, it naturally has the firepower of a battleship.

If a single floating artillery is the magic version of a Phantom 5 machine gun, then the aggregate strike of multiple floating artillery is the artillery of the battleship, from 125 to 05. The difference is how many floating artillery are aggregated.

To deal with the bulk of the evil, the guards chose an energy aggregation cannon, which had a fast rate of fire and good power. I saw six floating guns turning into six corners of a hexagon in the air, and then the electric current flashed and turned into a plasma ball. Within the hexagon, an energy vortex was formed, and then a bright and dazzling, with obvious diffusion characteristics was ejected. Plasma flow.

The aggregate of sinful objects sprayed by this plasma stream, like the snow irradiated by the strong sun, quickly evaporated and melted. After a wave of blows, most of the body was gone, and the remaining part was re-simulated like a slime. Wanting to escape, he was hit by high-frequency energy beams of other monolithic cannons one after another and shot on the spot.

This scene was seen by humans nearby, and he could not help crying, finally seeing the hope of living.

The second batch and the third batch a arrived one after another.

These a completed satellite launches, projected the external cargo compartment directly into space, and then broke through the atmosphere to be in place.

Those external cargo compartments are equipped with simple detection equipment. They float in space and will return various data collected along the way until they are destroyed or completely out of communication.

As for a, not all of them will come to Romania for the Kane station. Some of them are responsible for other tasks, such as establishing an observatory in the north and south poles, or serving as a temporary space station to manage and maintain the global satellite network.

Others carry high-power monitoring equipment to monitor the Pacific Ocean, especially the west coast of the Americas, from synchronous orbits.

This monitoring is mainly aimed at those large energy units.

The Hai people have not exerted their energy in the field of energy shielding. The more high-end, the more shining like the sun. They seem to still enjoy the surrender of the Wan family (aquarium) brought by the natural spill of energy. The effect of avoidance.

Using this, these high-energy units can be roughly positioned to prepare for them early. As for those low-energy units, to be honest, in the eyes of Kane, if they dare to jump out and sell, it is no different from sending death, the war worms under his command are enough to teach them to learn well.

The newly arrived a naturally joins the queue to form a skynet covering the entire Brasov. At this time, there is basically no need to move and sweep away, and the evildoers are basically seen to die.

The butcher, through numerous a full-range broadcasts ~ ~ requires all residents to take to the streets and retreat along the main road in an orderly manner. Anything exposed by the red light means that there is a parasitic problem and must stand by within 2 seconds. Or you will be shot.

I have to say that this ruthless coping plan is necessary, because the evil looks like low-level creatures, but it actually has a group thinking like a mouse and is very smart.

As soon as they could see nothing, they chose parasitic lurking and wanted to get through.

It is a pity that from the perspective of energy on a, the color of normal people and parasites are different, and they can even be as fine as the specific parts of the limbs that are parasitic and affected.

However, after all, a is not a professional rescue team, and is relatively weak in removing parasites quickly and effectively, so it can only be isolated, and I will talk about it later.

Kane ignored these, his attention was focused on dealing with the sealed god, the "Black Snow" that ravaged Brasov was nothing more than a lice-like thing on the god. There is nothing comparable between the two.

But without waiting for Kane ’s eyebrows, the terror hunters who unblocked the seal suddenly started ...

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