Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 824: Critical change

In fact, the Hai tribe is not afraid of sacrifice. After all, they have the characteristics of ‘holy warriors’, and their doctrines are brainwashed, and they are even afraid of themselves.

But Hai people also hate sacrifices without willingness or low return.

They are very clear about what class of ships the first mixed-made magic-modified fleet is.

It can be said that those weapons are big toys generated by the force of creation leaking from the cracks of the salary king's fingers.

It is not so powerful in itself. What is remarkable is the increasingly perfect war system of Salary King.

Even the sacred area of ​​the sea clan is very limited after jumping, because that is the place dominated by the wind power of Hasta, which is naturally opposed to the place dominated by the power of Cthulhu.

Of course, even in the first place, you can still use coercion to cope with it. The sanctuary can rely on the power of the field to show the unreasonable and powerful effects.

However, the fire eater is only a grade lower than Sanctuary, and with MA, it is a half-leg legend in the field of fire.

So when they are not willing to die and must play hide-and-seek, then the holy land of the sea clan can only fight with the fighter chase or fighter dog fighting.

This itself has the suspicion of being rhythmic, not to mention space and space-based weapons, the sword of Damocles hanging high.

The holy light is a typical non-mainstream for the Cthulhu world. It was originally like a self-luminous creature in the trench, even if it exists, it is not an authentic light source of sunlight, and the amount is low, so it can't do any major things.

But Kane came, and gradually completed the analysis of the extraordinary laws of this world. So the technical difficulties in the quantification of Holy Light were solved. Although Kane was employed as the king of salary and was extremely pure, he was able to borrow foreign objects to achieve the purpose of synthesizing and using the Holy Light.

Holy Light is definitely a new trick to the monsters of the Cthulhu family. It is better than the modern, N-generation flu virus stimulated by antiviral agents to deal with ancient people. The hot knife is butter-like, and it will be transparent immediately after protruding.

Sanctuary is also afraid.

After all, Sanctuary is a super body with a small volume, but a large destructive power, strong maneuverability, and high resistance. It will not be destroyed like a legend.

So if the Sanctuary was cruel and playful, and the ship was destroyed, Kane still had a headache.

The sanctuary of the Hai tribe also does not pay attention to the human moral rules. There is no psychological pressure to rush up, sneak attack, and massacre. Just like when humans hunt wild beasts, patiently lurking and shooting cold guns are called wisdom and skill.

This is also the main reason why Kane respects the ‘non-my family, whose heart must be different’.

In fact, it is not absolutely impossible to talk about love, but there is only one premise, that is, complete control and no suspense. Just like many ordinary people in modern times think that lions, tigers and bears are cute, if they can contact their ancestors hundreds of years ago, what would they say? Or contact ancestors thousands of years ago and listen to their opinions.

Without absolute control, Kane felt shallow and even shameful to talk about love for aliens. If love is really rampant, let ’s first look at the poor and needy, and have nothing to eat. Let ’s talk about it. It really can tolerate people of different nationalities and cultures. It ’s not too late to talk about peace and friendship.

In Kane's view, fraternity is often a frustrating move. What can't be done with the other party, so I chose fraternity, which is often more applicable than hostility and hatred, and can more ease and weaken contradictions.

If it can be absolutely crushed ... 20 million Indians all over the Americas will eventually become more than 300,000 living in the barren reserve of the Midwestern United States, which is a very convincing example. This is still the same kind of different races.

Then, people cannot have two sets of standards. If he thinks this way, he has to allow aliens to think about it.

Therefore, the law of the Universe Black Forest is fine, so there is no need to have any beautiful illusions about aliens.

Pushing yourself and people is the top food chain that has grown up in an environment where resources are always insufficient and exploitation always exists. Why are you carnivores, he is herbivorous?

Even if the other party has the superiority of civilization, it is also omnivorous. Only by confirming that you are harmless, or that he can absolutely control the field, can the benevolence of the strong man appear, otherwise it will be the same as a silly pig. Brutal.

This kind of Kane will naturally not be anxiously corrupted by the rogue style of the Hai Sanctuary, people are strong enough, and they are also taking risks, and they are not allowed to make comparisons?

It's just that ... Kane's lock mode and strike method are a bit tough, and Holy Light empowerment directly disintegrates the hull of the ship, even if the target is inside the ship, it will not be let go!

With the bravery of breaking his wrist, the performance was the most vivid. One of the sea clan sanctuaries was killed because he failed to escape from the 'big coffin' in time, and the other one escaped with wounds.

The first mixed magic modification fleet showed another technical compulsion, replacing the hull with a temporary energy curtain, ensuring the integrity of the hull, so as not to sink into the water, and then supplying the ship with magic modification nano metal materials. Just like rolling the wall with white ash, the material is evenly spread. It naturally integrates with the energy of the energy curtain, and any kind of wound can be bridged. The internal damage can be repaired by magic smelting + device memory magic. The only thing that restricts the repair is cost performance.

If it is a major internal break, it is not worth the full recovery, but to ensure that it does not sink, and tow it back to the dock for overhaul, which saves money than this emergency repair.

Outsiders do not know what is said here, what they saw in their eyes was that the ship of the first mixed magic modification fleet was ruined by the sea clan strongman, but the result was restored soon, and they could still run and fight, Was the magic reform so perverted?

The first mixed magic conversion fleet has inherited the tradition of Huolaihuan who likes live shows, so people who conditionally receive telecommunications worldwide have become witnesses to this battle.

The fleet did not deliberately cover up the loss, but as someone said: This kind of frankness is more like a boast of change of direction.

Because the fleet dialect has the ability to repair, but the cost is expensive and not worth it. If the Hai family is still preparing to play the second round, then it is not too late to repair.

The audience was desperate for the Hai people. After all, Legend and Sanctuary are not Chinese cabbage, and the attacking ability of Huo Lao Ling has always been impressive. Every battle is such a high loss, it hurts so much.

Now that the survivability of the first mixed magic reform fleet is so strong, what cost must the Hai clan have to pay to destroy it? Once the miscellaneous soldiers died a large area, the sanctuary was less, it was harder to use, and more, in case hope suddenly appeared again to play large-scale nuclear fusion, the life of the Hai tribe can not pass?

After the battle, the folk response was very good. Many people are secretly relieved a lot.

In people's opinion, the first mixed magic modified fleet to protect the route, sooner or later it is to tear with the Hai clan. Think about it more.

As a famous commenter said: Perhaps the Sanctuary came out to fight the civilian ship and successfully made the Salary King lose some skin, but he had to take the risk of pairing. With the Salary King's consistent violent wrath, I am afraid that he will not accept the hostage to threaten , And expressed his attitude with fierce revenge.

So, if the two or two ships and the sacred area of ​​the Hai clan are more valuable, the Hai clan would have to seriously think about it. Anyway, from the quantitative point of view, it is the Hai people who can't afford to die.

The fact that the first mixed magic reform fleet can open up the maritime traffic line is of great significance. It does n’t have to be the asylum seekers who join the fire to join the convoy. Other businesses can do the same. Although the risk is still not small, it is no longer the gambling luck of the past. Once encountered, it can only be used by others The tragic situation of happy target shooting, and the operation of logistics, has indeed given many people hope. Many modern people know the importance of logistics, especially those in the city.

Corresponding to this good news, as the harm range of the second round of nightmare spreading points increases, the number of evils and demons increases, leading to **** events.

There are also secondary disasters and **** events caused by mythical creatures looting by fire, such as Bucharest's pit and wolf ghost killing.

As the supernatural world's already fragile balance is broken, there are more and more mythical creatures going from action to action. Humans are no longer pure fat, but wildebeest meat or beef, there is a certain degree of danger, but The ethnic group is huge, and picking up weak ones can still make a good profit.

In addition to the tempting interests, the mysterious manifestation of human beings is what makes these mythical creatures act.

Originally, many mythical creatures felt that the power of human transcendents, supported by 7 billion mortals around the world, is very powerful. Once they die, they will completely hurt their muscles and be picked up by a third party. Among them, the courage and fighting spirit that have been corroded by power and profit have been lost, not to mention any ambition.

Under such a background, even the trembling existence of the paid king cannot provide adequate shelter, so when not to take advantage of this opportunity, when should we wait?

Even mythical creatures that are not interested in human resources are very dark. Like the ancient races that have been torn up by the deep dives and created the Hugues, in the ancient times, they moved into the deep sea to avoid the attack of the evil gods. They themselves can be regarded as uncontested, but the deep dives see them uncomfortable. Both have been cold wars, and the history is ten times longer than the history of human civilization.

Now the deep-divers join other sea tribes to run away from human beings, and the ancient races are also very tacit understanding of no deep-divers. They ca n’t wait for deep dives to fight real fire with humans, so that they can become fishermen.

There are still some ideas similar to ancient races, which also made the tearing between the original mythical creatures suddenly stopped completely, either closed the door and could n’t live a small life, or turned attention to humans and started theft. And plunder.

From the servant's point of view, humans are still good, smart enough to engage in a variety of labors. As for diligence, lazy go to the table, just like some horses are delicious to drink and go to the racetrack show, some horses become braised horse meat The horseboard sausage is on the dining table. This kind of differentiated treatment, classified treatment, and as far as possible profitable play is almost unacceptable to the intelligent race.

So ghouls and vampires also started to jump.

In fact, from the perspective of human transcendence, these two alien species can be distinguished by barbarism and naturalization.

A family like Vlad defeated by Kane is a naturalized citizen of the blood.

Naturalized people are not equals to being obedient, but that they are heavily influenced by human culture, their values ​​have changed, and they are rarely able to enter people's language. For stability, they are willing to accept the rules to a certain extent.

But raw is simple and rough, like a beast. When encountering such unconstrained gadgets, human superpowers are generally capable of killing and killing. After all, letting them develop will destroy their own leeks.

The special departments established by the secular, such as the NGA special department of Kane Zengjiu, the light city special department that Niya worked, and the special service bureau that Atina worked, mainly for the mythical creatures of the wild barbarians, even The mythical creatures of naturalized people often provide clues in a tacit understanding, or send out hunting teams to hunt these aliens.

But in fact, savagery is not a madman among the naturalized people, or a beast that occasionally goes down the mountain. They also have a huge population and organizational forces, but most of them live in other planes or large secret areas, and survive in the wilderness. Small tribes, the positioning is similar to ears and ears sentry.

Therefore, when they really exert their power, their influence is still considerable.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the monsters walked all over the ground. They were unsafe at night and unsafe during the day. The horns, remote alleys, abandoned buildings, etc., needless to say, hunted in a large crowd Attacks have also begun.

The restoration of the militia system and the establishment of community armed patrols have been fully implemented as emergency strategies in many countries. The abnormality of the weapons market and the construction market is also regarded as a unique scenery.

Whether in urban or rural areas, many buildings are fortified, not only for reinforcement, but also for digging secret roads and setting traps. And it's dark, the street is just awkward. After midnight, except for riot vehicle patrols, there will be no militia patrols. The streets are quiet but brightly lit. If someone pretends to be a monster at this time, there is no way out. The street will be shot by a cold gun from a private house.

The urban atmosphere has changed with the lack of people's sense of security, and many quasi-military grades, or simply military grade materials, have flowed into the private sector with official eyes closed.

Officials hope to gather more wealth and use it to pile up important projects, and the civilians use their ideas to arm themselves and gain a sense of security, even if they eat bran.

Both sides worked hard, and as a giant, humans began to wear helmets. Even if the problem of blood loss is still not resolved, the burden of armor will consume the giant's energy faster, but it has done so.

Like the spread of the nightmare spreading area, or the adjacent area, it is basically orange alert level, or simply red level. Simple constructions made of sandbags and barbed wire can be seen everywhere. People's daily clothing has changed into sportswear, denim, or simply military uniforms, and the proportion of traveling with guns is very high. Shooting incidents due to tension and misunderstanding have also skyrocketed.

In this context, the low-intensity tear between ordinary people and mythical creatures was fully opened. After all, ordinary people try to play the victim. Since they are mentally prepared, they can fight for a few rounds. Although most of them are human beings, human wisdom is endless. In the past, they were kept in the dark and did not believe themselves. So it is self-isolated from the extraordinary. Now that I believe it, and there is an urgent need, then all kinds of straight lines or curves of self-saving play begins.

For example, extraordinary technology quickly flows out of loose repairs.

These loose repairs are not very satisfactory, the world is so chaotic, the extraordinary powers are self-confident, and because of their poor performance, the authority in people's hearts has fallen. Many people are gradually not taking the rules they issued seriously, so the price is appropriate. , Technology said to sell.

Then various groups tried to study. Naturally, a lot of contradictory things happened, forcing, bewildering, and voluntarily ... Many people walked on the experimental platform with their own methods and reasons. Although the accidents are high, there are many people. Lies are deceiving, but the extraordinary connection with the world, or the excessive technology, is indeed born and perfected at a speed that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Everyone collects firewood with high flames. Due to the super magic environment of this world, almost everyone has the potential to become a caster. Under such a background, under enough pressure, even from a probabilistic perspective, the ladder technology connecting each other Appearance is not abrupt.

Once the technology appeared, it quickly spread. Because modern people know that knowledge itself is of high value, but from the point of view of interest, it is effective, especially the hot topic that everyone has solved, and it is a step ahead of the money, which must be fast.

Then many people started self-reinforcing regardless of it, and the result was almost overnight, the world evolved into a parallel universe similar to the popular low-level variants of the Marvel universe.

Then many people found out that the entry-level superheroes are the perfect match with the salary king package!

And the extraordinary forces of various countries found that they were annoyed that they missed an important opportunity. In terms of IP visibility, all of their hidden families are tied together, which is not as well-known as the fire. All kinds of domineering, tall, or profound meanings, or rich in philosophy, or catchy organizational forces or family names are spoken in the folk, and most people will only reply: Who?

I missed the best publicity opportunity and accidentally left a negative impression that people were only vampires. I wanted to cut this wave of fresh super leek, but it was too difficult.

Even the official gradually got a second heart. After all, the official power comes from Weihexin. Distrust is often caused by disappointing the dominated people many times. Under such a background, if they lose their authority again, they will really collapse. Farts are not.

The birth of a large number of entry-level casters means that the absolute difference in power is broken. After a large number of new casters grow, it is possible to challenge the veteran transcendents, or at least let them suffer a great loss. And more and more new casters have emerged, which has become a trend and there is no way to stop it ~ ~ This is the root of Wei's loss. Even violent institutions like the military have begun to hesitate about the power of the official and the extraordinary forces behind it. Is it still enough to live in the town? Now it is indeed possible, but can it take a while?

Official decision makers naturally felt the surge pressure from subordinates and folks. They have always been flexible and fickle. Moreover, if they can, no one wants to be a dog. If the extraordinary forces do not shake dry goods, they are ready to be like the past. Control the world at such a low cost. Then this sale cannot continue.

Many officials realize that they are now on the side of the new caster, and they can still get a few cents, at least they can also mix good karma. If they still follow the order, according to the coolness of the extraordinary forces, they may be killed. After all, the extraordinary forces use the official hands to mobilize resources, there are too many holes to make up, this kind of thing will soon be irrepressible and exposed, and then the anger of the people must find a vent, then who will bear the brunt?

Sudden changes in the officialdom took place in a short period of time and became directly heated. This is like a domino. Once the critical force is generated, the linkage and even the snowball effect occurs, and the national political situation changes color instantly. Any individual's power is in front of such changes , It seems insignificant, regardless of whether the final result is good or bad, whether people are ready to meet and bear, it will form a hurricane tornado, affecting everything ...

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