Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 834: Another form of burning

Kane is not a god.

Moreover, even if you believe in a deity, its divine power is not simply transformed by the power of faith.

The power of faith, or a special type of spiritual energy of the same frequency, is always used as a power to control extraordinary powers. God uses it to create divine power, partly for feedback to believers, and partly for personal use. This is also an industrial operation.

Anyway, using divine power consumes extraordinary energy.

So when Kane decided to use the divine power to face the immediate battle situation, Xeon AI directly told him after calculation, if he used it, the reserve of extraordinary power would be lower than the warning value after a few hours. It is dangerous if it is not withdrawn.

To say that Kane's big fleet is still relatively expensive.

Although it was finished in a few days, these days were made in the first 90 days of the third 100-day rest.

The magic industry has not yet begun, and can only produce ordinary energy. If the fleet is destroyed, if he wants to build it again, he has to rest for another hundred days.

The problem is that the legal card system is purely extraordinary power operation, which is very energy consuming. If it is rebuilt, it will inevitably aggravate the problem of extraordinary energy with a large gap.

Conservation of energy determines that if he can't get a blow, or win the Dark Cybertron in a short period of time, then his opponent should be able to collect energy lost in the Dark Cybertron in various ways.

This can be seen from the dark cybernetic with only metal.

Other substances can be converted into energy or useful materials by the other party. Kane guesses that the other party has something like a `` chaos furnace '', which is more like a salary king than him.

Moreover, he ca n’t go back to the main material plane, and the inner plane ca n’t. The astral world is like deep space, but the specifics are different. In general, it is more dangerous. Once lost, it will fall into a similar cluster. In the millions of light years between the void, and not to mention how difficult it is to return without the extraordinary means and energy of the return journey, even if you can come back, the years have passed. I do n’t know how long.

The time velocity of the outer plane is different from the time velocity of the main material plane. It can be said that the more the chaotic side, the greater the difference in time velocity, and sometimes there will be a time dead zone, where time is meaningless, You feel that you have stayed for a little while, but you may be tens of thousands of years on the material plane.

This is another reason why Kane is in love with the dark Cybertron. Here, he has the highest time synchronization rate with the main material plane.

Therefore, the situation facing Kane is also quite embarrassing. Before he came, his abacus was already very loud. Try not to use extraordinary energy, try to use the energy of the science side to bombard, the nuclear fusion is constantly washing, no I think it is still lost in output and quantity. The extraordinary power is mainly used to maintain the equipment. It is really stretched by the other party's infinite puppets. This is really a dog.

However, Kane finally decided to use divine power.

Not to vent, but to completely hammer out the slaughter value of this operation.

Just as he needs extraordinary power, for his enemies, energy is also of high or low grade.

Kane estimated that the evil energy that eroded the mechanical monster was the other party's extraordinary energy.

This kind of energy can only be accumulated naturally, and cannot be converted by general methods. At least the nuclear fusion energy lost on this side cannot be converted into extraordinary energy. Even if the chaotic furnace is out of the sky, it can be synthesized. For other elements, the energy on the optical science side cannot.

Therefore, how many mechanical monsters are killed is not the point, but how much is purified.

He can also take advantage of the opportunity to recover points, and there are also three strange substances on the mechanical monsters. Although they are negligible traces, they can still make up some of them.

In general, he must have heads and tails when he initiates military operations. It is a big deal to fight him for ten or eight years. After all, he will be able to survive the other party. If he has no heads and tails, he will not sweep the battlefield.

After all, he also used extraordinary power in combat. If the expenditure of each war is greater than the harvest, it is likely that the other party will be turned around completely.

The reason for saying this is that Kane believes that because of the strength of the other party, he does not mess around, but always stays in a cold and dead place such as Dark Cybertron. It is not unwilling but impossible, it should be trapped here Now!

If the opponent is in this situation, then it is natural to take advantage of the illness, not one who is inattentive and only cares about killing the hi, and finally helps the other side solve the problem.

To know that the other party is dark, similar to the death painter's trick of drawing special two through killing death, he can't guarantee that the other party will not.

As for how to evolve into a life-and-death enemy with the other party, it is still the choice of the camp. He is order, the other party is chaos, and dark cyberbotan, he is regarded as the foundation of the next step, can not be indisputable.

Kane was standing on the sword throne of the Mysterious Fort, using his divine power. His divine power looks like the light of the furnace, but it also reveals the sacred characteristics of the holy light. This divine power as a whole is like a super huge drop. Water droplets came out from the bottom of the Mystery Battleship and fell.

When it falls, it is like a torch falling into the sea of ​​oil, the blazing flames appear, and then quickly spread, illuminating the interior of the cage made of mechanical puppets in a short time, and turning all eyes into the sea of ​​fire.

Torch, the mechanical monster contaminated with this flame will be ignited, and then frantically chased in the burning, and finally fall into the flames.

More mechanical monsters were ignited, and they were so dense that the passive fire spreading situation became more and more serious.

Looking at the cage, it will collapse into a hot ash pile. The mechanical monsters start to kill each other. Anything that is ignited will become the target of the attack. The mechanical monsters also have long-range strike capabilities. It is a throwing weapon, very powerful, and sometimes it can directly cut the target into two segments.

With the organized and comprehensive slaughter, the fire spread situation was finally pushed down.

At the same time, Kane has let engineering ships and supply ships flow down into the sacred flame sea to collect purified metal.

The ship is facing a metal lake that is smelted at high temperature. Temperature control is a basic ability for these ships and the worker insects on it. After all, they will be Kane's servants from some angle.

The ship was moored in the flaming metal lake water, the liquid metal was extracted, condensed into a standard unit of metal ingot, then packaged, and stuffed into the space folding warehouse.

Not only engineering ships and supply ships, but many other ships can also hold a lot of ammunition, and the space will naturally be available.

And can also be sent to the main material world through the space door in the ship.

As far as the material universe is concerned, metals are generally scarce. Under the background that energy is basically not considered, the resource can still be calculated through the space gate inversion.

The most important thing is that these cleaned metals, if they can't be taken away, will be eroded by evil energy. Considering the opponent's energy absorption and material utilization ability, Kane decided not to leave the opportunity as much as possible. This is his 'tailed'.

There were no miracles in this war, and Kane's fleet eventually retreated due to the lack of extraordinary energy, and the metal transported and taken away was calculated in billions of tons.

Deep in the core of Dark Cybertron, there is someone who seems to be able to see through the thick layers of metal mantle and see the still-burning liquid metal lake.

After a brief calculation, he came to the conclusion that if there were no accidents, within five years, he would exhaust his final power and be killed by the other party.

He smiled, as if death was only a trivial matter to him. In fact, being able to maintain a trace of reason in the face of the end is indeed not a bad ending in his opinion.

His eyes turned to the companions of the dark cybertron, the huge metal objects that were also cold, once a warship, a warship commanded by him.

"It's really nostalgic years. I haven't remembered these memories for a long time. It seems that I am really dying. This is a retrospective." ...

After Kane's large fleet withdrew from the dark Cybertron, he reached the silent wilderness.

If you compare Dark Cybertron to 12 o'clock, the Silent Wilderness is 1 o'clock.

If the dark cybernetic is like a lawful and neutral mechanical environment, then the quiet wilderness is a kind of paradise of lawful neutrality and good kindness.

It's just that the outer plane has been completely eroded, and without the good land, the quiet wilderness will become a ghost.

Kane knows that the outer plane is like human skin. How is a person's physical condition? The color, elasticity, and gloss of the skin are the basis for dominant judgment.

So by looking at the status of the outer planes, you probably know the degree of erosion of the universe.

The Silent Wilderness is not silent, nor peaceful, but at least Kane can understand the things and phenomena here.

First of all it is a platform.

Well, it can only be described as such, you ca n’t see the soil or anything, and it is already occupied by organic roots. These earthworms are sticky and shiny like roots. The number and length of the roots are not measurable. They are just so messy. Stacked there, and the non-stop wriggling makes people feel that the whole earth is alive.

As for the sky, there is a slight haze state. There is even oxygen here, but breathing here will make people feel that they have been smelling farts. The compound odor is not suitable for detailed description, otherwise it will cause discomfort.

When the fleet appeared here, thick plaits were found on the ground, and they were warmly welcomed.

These tentacles, woven by a large number of organic roots, apparently want to take the warship in and then pull it from the air.

Nothing to hesitate, Kane presented a plasma fireball to meet.

The presence of air makes the nuclear explosion shock wave amazingly powerful, and the result of a large number of explosions is that countless feet step into the muddy ground, smelly juice and broken organic roots splash around, and the shock wave looks like a surging wave General diffusion scrolling.

Kane turned black and closed his eyes.

This septic tank + maggot pit is so disgusting that even his well-informed person thinks that he will stay here for a long time, and when the extraordinary energy is added, he will burst into pain.

Those big braid-like root tentacles were blown up and stopped for a while, after which new root tentacles were born and continued to find trouble with ships.

The big fleet can always respond strongly.

In this way, every once in a while, the fleet needs to use nuclear scrubbing to wipe out a wave of organic roots, and these special lifeforms seem to be inexhaustible. The dropped tentacles and juice are also absorbed. Transform into nutrients that cultivate organic roots.

"That's it first." The Fire of the Salary King remained simmering, and then Kane fell asleep.

The light source of the sword throne hall is dim, and there is only limited illumination, and it also releases the quiet and chill.

Correspondingly, the large fleet has also started the rotation system, most of the ships are in a state of silence, leaving only a part to continue to work and fight, but more than half of the combat boats are active, they are busy like hummingbirds, Guard the fleet and attack the tentacles of the Promise Root that will grow up over time.

On the main material plane, terrestrial planet, Kevin Fox, who is accompanying the pregnant Jenny, looked up at the gray-blue sky and smiled slightly.

He was born out of Kane after all, and had a certain connection with Kane. Kane fell asleep, and he felt it.

For this world, Kane has been away for more than two months, and the time enters the second half of December. The winter in the northern hemisphere is frosty and joyous.

Kevin still lives in the Metropolitan Falls Town-in the once metropolitan area where the high-rise buildings were blown up by the Catholic Toxic Operation, only the ruins were removed. Later, the main view of the waterfall town was artificially After imitating it, the tenants were also arranged just to please Jenny and Lana.

Jenny, who is advancing towards 40 years old, insists on having a baby, and now she has, too, 4 months pregnant. Kevin did not participate in any government affairs or wars any more, but lived the lives of ordinary people in the name of a doctor.

Of course, his life in this era is not ordinary at all. Globally, even the families of extraordinary people can live like this, and there will never be more than 30,000 households.

Huo Lao leads the only major event recently, is to stop the absorption of foreign population, the total population has just exceeded 150 million, and has an official name-Investigator.

"Huo Lao Ling" is a nickname given by the world. Kane never said that this is the correct name of this land, and now that it has it, it means officially positioning its nature.

To say that it is a country is better to say that it is a special ark. The name “Investigator” is to commemorate Kane ’s first occupation after he came to this world.

It is almost ready. Before February of the new year, it will go to Lagrange Point to become the first official space city.

As for Hengyue Space City, it is just a functional large-scale space base station.

The time passed quickly, and it seemed that in a blink of an eye, it was the right time. All the twelve star gates created by Kane in the first stage (before the ascension) were in place, and together formed a land capable of holding 200,000 square kilometers Super ring.

Under the effect of the super magic array composed of the magic obelisk system, the investigator pulled up at a speed of 4 meters per second. When it was pulled up to about 15 kilometers from the sea level, the superstructure began to enter the star. The energy curtain of the door was a little faster.

Its final thickness is set at 97 kilometers, which makes the entire investigator look like a thick irregular cake.

When it appeared at Lagrange Point, the bottom was completely cooled. Except for the oversized magic symbol, there was no propulsion device with a star rating.

However, the relevant internal facilities have been reserved for a long time. Lagrange points there, and the super-engineering rack is also on standby. When it arrives, it will climb over like a scaffolding in the building.

These engineering racks are made of metal from Dark Cybertron, and people have given it a more understandable name, Super Dock.

The departure of the Investigator is not the end, it will be the end after the loss of trillions of tons of planets is filled once.

The main thing to fill is the mineral meteorite from the asteroid belt. After being mined, the empty shell collapses and becomes a landfill.

After the investigator left, the border area was still constrained by the super-large magic circle. There was no seawater infusion and mud and stone collapse, but it was watching the huge chilling fire.

Meteorites are constantly invested and melted, which is an unconventional phenomenon. After all, even if a simple fire pit has a temperature and no high pressure, the meteorite does not become lava quickly.

At the end, the barrier on the other side of the sea was finally released. The seawater poured in like a super waterfall, cooling the fire pit, and a lot of water vapor rising, which caused a heavy rain and snow for the world.

At this point, the deepest abyss in the world is formed here, with an average depth of 35,000 kilometers, and the global sea level has dropped by 2.6 centimeters.

The departure of the investigator's number, the formation of the great ocean, is a periodical period under Kane. Later it was called the Torch Age. Those who joined the fire in this era and eventually went to live at Lagrange point were called fire chasers.

For a long time, the fire chasers have been out of the right and wrong pits of the terrestrial world. People do n’t know what the fire chasers are busy with, and do n’t care about them. After all, people are still struggling in the vortex of extraordinary crisis. .

When there was news of the fire chasers again, it was many years later, a big and big move, then at that time they felt more alienated from each other, it felt like watching aliens, some people joked that they were Martians, and then they called Too.

The Investigator is one of the key points of Kane's second phase of the grand plan. The era of the magic industry will be opened by them.

From the personnel training to the sound system, to the stable operation of society, Kane's planned time is 10 years, which is relatively fast, but with a series of advanced magic technology, people can continue to learn and live in the virtual world even if their bodies are resting. The available time is almost double, that is, 20 years, he feels that the problem is not big, diligent, he will not be left behind by too fast changes.

With the investigator in place, the center of gravity of the space industry chain has also shifted to it. On the earth-like planet side, the power system has become increasingly thin. It ca n’t be said to give up. After all, Kane designed a technical connection stage for them from the beginning. This is the end of this time. Even if the extra bonus brought by the extraordinary is put aside, science and technology have at least advanced. 50 years.

A typical representative is the global satellite network system with the Hengyue Space Station as the core. It includes GPS positioning, communication, climate adjustment and other projects. It is regarded as the planet ’s first 'shell' project. Compared with the original world, it is in The prerequisite for the project completed around 2070 is the cooperation of the major powers in the world.

After the investigator left, there was an additional abyss on the west coast of the Federation, or the greater California Bay.

The Great California Bay itself does not have much mysterious foreshadowing, but the three cities that used to be a transit point for population input, San Jose, Tijuana, and the emerging Bryce City, have become cities of a special nature, Called the city of afterglow, or the city of ashes.

The reason why it is called this is naturally because Zhu Zhechi, who has received too much radiation management from Huolao Ling during the period of Huolao Ling ’s population absorption, gradually has the shadow of Huolao Ling ’s management system, combined with local The situation gradually has its own style, which is obviously different from other human cities.

Another important reason is that when the investigator left, he did not take away all the facilities and industries.

For example, the Channel Islands, Saint Nicholas, San Clemente, Santa Catalina, these islands are all built with geothermal metal mixed mines, they extract geothermal heat, used to obtain hydrogen isotope deuterium and hydrogen from seawater Tritium is the earliest nuclear fuel used by Huo Lao Ling.

In addition, the use of electromagnetic equipment to obtain metals from lava is also an important industry, which has solved more than 60% of the metal gaps in the fire.

There is also a mojito dock system originally established in the Metropolitan Port.

This dock can only build some sea-air dual-use ships in the atmosphere, which is useless for the investigator, and it is finally left. Like the super-large oil drilling platform on the sea, it stands on the edge of the abyss and is called Haiyuan Island.

These facilities are already obsolete for Kane ’s system. Three are not worth two, but for this world, there are not many facilities that are still benign under the extraordinary crisis, and continue to produce products. Naturally there is enough influence.

So like some people lamented: "Salary King is gone, the aftermath is still there, including those of the fire camp community, they formed a new coalition government, although it is not like everyone who is pressed by Salary King at the time is overwhelmed, but It ’s not easy ... "

It is indeed not simple, nothing else, just the heart of this organization called the after-fire community, Bryce City.

Kane had planned a long time ago to build a super civilian market with the characteristics of a fire collar as a window for the fire collar to interact with the outside world.

This idea is mainly because he was still some distance away from touching the ceiling of power with the highest tolerance of the material plane. I didn't know the existence of God's Sin, and I didn't expect that I could eat it all at once, so he made plans according to at least another five years and seven years on the main material plane.

Under this background, after Huolao Ling completes the population intake, the reception station will be closed, but there is a need to interact with the outside world, and the window city must appear.

He also knows his peeiness. His management style is too brutal and not suitable for invigorating the market, so his window city is a kind of large free trade city like a flea market, both secular and extraordinary.

This city cannot be placed in his jurisdiction. After all, the system of Huo Lao Ling is like that. He is not prepared to engage in two governances. Then he is a peripheral city. Maintain self-interest.

After the plan was made, it was the site selection, which was originally intended to be arranged in Las Vegas. After all, the Las Vegas city area is 40 kilometers away from the border of Huolai collar, and the terrain there is also good.

After thinking about it for a while, it's still okay. Too greedy for the land will cause a lot of trouble. Although he is not afraid, there is no need to deliberately trouble. In the end he decided to put the future super civilian market in Bryce City.

From the metropolitan area to the east, there are four international highways, from north to south are No. 15 ~ ~, No. 10 and No. 8 in order.

Among them, the No. 10 highway passes through Bryce and is 150+ kilometers east of Phoenix, the famous city of Arizona.

To the east of Bryce is the California border line with the Colorado River as the watershed. The surrounding terrain is open, and it is connected with Ripley and Palo Verde in the south. It is like an oblique sweet potato. Surrounded by mountains and the Gobi, it is nurtured by the Colorado River itself.

Kane finally decided to place Window City here.

But because the plan could not keep up with the changes, this project had not been completed, he flew, and according to his new order, Bryce became the settlement of the new industrial park.

The new industrial park that aggregated and upgraded all the secular industrial systems in the original metropolitan area as a concrete embodiment of the technology connection naturally carried the banner of the industrial center of the Afternoon Community after the investigator's departure.

It ’s not very big by itself, but do n’t forget that more than 70,000 fire camp communities around the world are equivalent to its branch factories. Also, Kane ’s Mossoble City has not left because of technical reasons. Underground in the town of True Falls, less than 70 kilometers from Bryce ...

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