Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 857: From corpse to queen

For C Kane, so many major events happened in 2009.

First of all, feeling that the tight earning of extraordinary energy is not slow enough, he can't help turning on the farming mode after all.

The black leaf hemp created by the deity in the dark HD universe can collect extraordinary energy in the world of micro devil through the natural altar.

The location is still in the Sahara Desert, with strong sunlight, and water comes from deep underground. The natural altar itself can serve as an environmental regulation device, covering the area in a wide range of invisible areas, while also keeping the moisture from evaporating too quickly.

It happened that the new Hydra headed by Alexander Pierce also took root in Africa, letting them divide some people to take care of (mainly to deal with accidental intruders), the problem is not big.

Planting black leaf hemp also involved a person, Kane's peripheral clerk, Carla.

This is another major event in Kane's eyes in 2009. Of course, this line of Kara is more than 09 years, but this year is extremely crucial for it to be the year of the foundation.

Perhaps because of too much experience, Kane's psychology is a bit distorted.

Black Kane and C Kane, who inherited his character, are even more outstanding.

For example, like to pick up the junk.

More specifically, for Kane, picking up the characteristics of a broken mind is much greater than the behavioral characteristics.

He likes the feeling of ‘do n’t want it, say no, I ’ll pick it up, make it work, and surprise you’. It is not just to prove that you have more vision and skills than others, but also includes many complex emotions such as the so-called noble contempt and the pitiful mercy.

It is against this complex emotional background that Kara became a peripheral clerk serving him.

That happened in the summer of 2008, and Iron Man was not long after its birth.

Kara is a mixed race, and the Indo-European people are partial to Europa (Indian and Spanish hybrids represented by Mexicans, Brazilians, etc., and then combined with more pure Europa people). The background is too bad, so the beautiful appearance that combines the advantages of parents Became the original sin.

Carla's 18-year-old life was completely dark gray, accommodating too many ordinary people, only to think about the dirt of fear and nausea. They were violated when they included young girls, etc.

When Kane saw her, she was already in a ragdoll state, and N kinds of viscera diseases were already dominant. Before the morbidity disease killed her, drug addiction was already killing her.

She lay dead under the bridge cave and looked dirtier than the beggars, the kind of flies flying all over her body.

Kane was walking casually while wearing casual clothes, and the whim experience inadvertently found her when she felt the urination and urination in America.

Kane, who has all kinds of memory information of the tragic death, will not be shocked by Kara's tragic situation.

He stepped forward and smiled.

"It's already like this, still want to live !? This world is so worth your nostalgia?"

Kara couldn't speak, but Kane liked it.

"Oh, want to take revenge on this world? In fact, you are a representative of typical social problems, victims of institutionalism. Alas, me too, I don't understand and do not need to tell you what these do. Understand. You already understand that this is a personal cannibalistic society. What you hate is that you never get an opportunity to get out of the mud, no matter how hard you try. "

"I didn't give it to you, I can give it to you. Now, lick my feet." Watching Kane took off his beach shoes and stretched his feet over.

Kara was so dirty that people did not dare to approach easily, fearing the extent of infection, and reaching out, actually took risks. This risk exceeded the pleasure of pretending to be sexually humiliated.

Kara licked, and her cruel life taught her a lot, including knowing people in her own way, and she was willing to grasp any geometry, even if it was just a trivial possibility.

Then she got the evil spirit cell worm, even more, in terms of authority.

"Remember tonight, remember this action, remember this oath." Kane said at the time.

A lower level than kneeling and licking unconditionally, Carla completely sold herself to Kane. What Kane gave back to her was that in addition to being a dog for Kane, she could be king in the face of most people in the world.

Kane doesn't need Cara to be always waiting near him like Baine, but the kind of pet that needs to arrive the first time when he is summoned and play at other times.

So Kara used brutal revenge to torture those who had punished him, and also obtained his own anti-hero IP, roaming spider.

Brazil's roaming spider, Guinness World Records certified as the most poisonous spider in nature, highly toxic and extremely aggressive. What is most impressive is not the respiratory failure and suffocation death caused by its neurotoxin, but another kind of poison, which can make tintinbo for hours or even days, and then permanent impotence.

Carla's background really matches this nickname. She is always on the move, living in no fixed place, no one knows her whereabouts, and the people she is staring at are basically all ruined at home, only tortured to death.

Throughout the second half of 2008, Kara was basically busy with revenge. There were indeed a lot of people who had one leg or even more than one leg with her for any reason.

Of course, Carla didn't delay working for Kane.

For example, the abandoned factory base used for comparison.

Although most of the people who died in Kara ’s hands deserved their crimes, this kind of behavior style that has more ‘abuse’ characteristics than the punisher still makes him notorious.

Kane didn't take it seriously. He felt that Kara still lacked tempering, and that getting things done is a routine way to get tempered.

As for what to kill, he said that Kara ’s kind of thing is nothing. It ’s a matter of ruthlessness and cheapness. The leader of the free world and the President of the United States can be among the best. With a single order, as many people as possible will be destroyed. The reason is that Murray firmly wanted to poke wool, and some sheep were bullying.

So to some extent, Kane understands hegemony better. The concept of absolute arbiter is good.

The law of the world is so binding, not because it is recognized by most people, but because it has enough power behind it to endorse and ensure that the ruling can be implemented.

And the power of endorsement of the law, and how to restrain it, is a big problem.

The tyrant has solved this problem, that is, the length of the planetary ball, the hegemony of the galaxy, and Lao Tzu snapping his fingers, you must die.

It's just that the way to dominate the family planning office is really rough, but the core arbitration power reflects randomness and fairness, regardless of wealth, poverty, heroes and unknown rats.

Kane felt that, after digging deep, it was difficult to say whether those who insisted on finding the tyrants were for the so-called axioms, or because the dead people had their relatives and friends, or was envious of the tyrants who could jump out of the circle and become absolute An arbitrator, not a member subject to arbitration.

Kane, who has a non-mainstream idea, is in good harmony with Carla.

Carla could feel that Kane did not feel unhappy because of his vicious revenge, but agreed with her approach. This made her more and more convinced that all the suffering suffered in the past 18 years was to meet Kane.

She had a morbid attachment to Kane, and she prayed to Kane regularly every day. She knew Kane could hear and she did n’t need Kane to respond. The prayer itself was content for her because it combined Confession and confession, the most private things are not hidden, including the use of utensils to solve the need to fantasize about Kane.

For Kara, this is not vulgar and dirty, but a ritual, a ritual with the nature of abstinence and atonement.

Because the body is easy to heal, but the healing of the soul is very difficult. Fornication and poisoning not only hurt her body, but also hurt her mind, and even formed a bad habit.

It was not easy to overcome these and get rid of the scorn, cheapness, and rottenness that were looked down upon by others, so she thought of alternative methods.

Kane also valued Kara more and more. In his opinion, Kara is not bad, in stark contrast to those who are of poor quality and have not been reduced to a street drug poison because of a good cast.

The power given to Carla by Kane opened up the authority to develop offline. In other words, Carla can develop his own pyramid system like Alexander Pierce.

Of course, Carla's starting point is lower. Her eighteen years of social circles and even professional expertise have limited her pattern. The first line she developed was a street girl.

There was a time when she planned to walk alone. Because she feels that her approach will inevitably lead to official siege, it is difficult for the world, and eventually it will not escape.

Even if you didn't end, why bother others?

Then she found that the world was more tolerant than she thought. Officials and the public are accustomed to superheroes and various related lies, they can be self-consistent, so the active roaming spider Carla in Los Angeles is quickly adapted by people. Anti-heroes, there are already uncles, deadpools, nights The devil is also quite dark, no more than one.

Of course, the most important thing is to have the ability and to be a man. Officials sometimes need this kind of wicked people to grind other wicked people, so the dark heroes also have room to live. The point of being a human being is here. If you ca n’t grasp the scale and play too hi, then it will really be treated as a scourge.

The success of the revenge gave Kara gradually confidence in herself, and after dealing with the official violent institutions several times, she tasted something more and more until she had to mix with the society.

Soon after, she got another new name, Standing Queen.

In the United States of America, there is only one type of practice that is illegal and does not pay taxes.

Station Street is such a business.

So they couldn't justify themselves and shouted that they were taxpayers, so they asked the police for help. Because police intervention usually has only one result, fined a large sum of money.

Of course, some people will pay for this money. Americans have a strong sense of law, and lawyers are constantly covering it down. Some of the swill lawyers who specialize in serving villains and Liuying are.

It's just that in the end, the cost must be borne by yourself.

Many stations become well-behaved after tasting the brutal beating during the debt repayment period, as well as the taste of being dried to death, and many so-called ‘little horses’ are so treated.

Kara knows this business very well. After all, she was a practitioner in the past, and because she has a young and beautiful face, even if she is a senior poisonous Ji, she still has a fascination and is willing to be fortunate.

Carla ’s idea is also simple, cooked not raw, since the skin and meat business is the only industry she understands, then after completing the revenge, she naturally took the line again.

In fact, strictly speaking, it has already begun without waiting for revenge.

Who doesn't have a good friend who is a gangster with three melons and two dates?

Kara also has it, although she experienced the tragic unpleasant smell under the bridge.

But that's not all because the sisters don't stand up for justice. In this respect, it's also about ability. In order to help, Mao has exhausted his blood, can he ask for more? Kara is also interested, unwilling to die herself, and drags her sisters off the building. So in fact she later fled alone, and soon she fell into poverty and could only wait to die ...

So now that the brocade is back home, it is natural not to forget to repay the sisters one or two.

The specific story is very vulgar, that is, the sisters get angry and help out.

The business of operating the flesh and meat is not all about one leg, and the money is made. Some people's patronage focuses on venting, and characterizes Ji as a low-lying existence. There are no psychological barriers to beating and scolding. Many stingy characters who are not good at adjusting their mentality through normal channels will play emotional transfer, such as finding Ji to vent. This is very common in the United States, a country that is a fan of paper, and a typical consumer city in Los Angeles.

Carla, with her simple grievances, must report her grievances, and repaired those unworthy customers. In one or two visits, they enveloped a few people.

Then, because of her own revenge, a group of snake heads and rotten ones died one after another, and the fierce name became known. This is the most basic appeal.

More ‘sisters’ who knew her and did not know her, begged her.

Standing on the street is also quite helpless, with snake heads and rotten cubs, they will be exploited and bullied; if not, they will still be bullied, or even play without paying.

The professional skills of standing on the street are called-bed and scare Kaizi, and it is really not good to fight.

Coupled with the smoky place like Luocheng, men who beat women without psychological barriers are really not lacking. So he ran to Kara, hoping that the newly-emerging Huajie heroine would be able to follow the rules.

Of course, there must be other gangs and forces in it.

Many profitable oil puddles were killed by Carla and left vacant. These forces were forced by Carla ’s fierce prestige and did not dare to take it up easily. They wanted to explore the wind and see what Carra meant. If she was bored, then These people are disrespectful.

Kara was really boring, she actually wanted to be a pet dog for Kane, surrounded by the owner every day, selling cute and coquettish kind. However, Kane means stocking. When you need it, you need to be there. No, no matter how you want to play, don't shake it in front of me. It gives you the strength to kill even a lion, but it is not impossible to live, what cute?

It happened that these people were fans, Cara realized that she was indeed a personal thing unconsciously.

If you think about it again, it's really a personal thing, not to mention ordinary people, she doesn't even pay attention to the ordinary super heroes, she has played with several variants, and she has taken orders (with certain rules) Continue to torn as a mercenary's deadpool, and finally cut the deadpool into a person and threw it into the sea to feed the fish. There are really not many people who are worthy of her fear.

So she thundered on the ground and offered herself to be a mother.

And it also uses a very ideal way to rectify the industry. When a typical employee is a CEO, he takes his brain for granted.

For example, she stipulates that it is not allowed to frighten Kaizi while standing on the street.

Because Kaizi is mostly Xiaobai, although there are not many rewards, but that is because of limited ability, waiting for it will become a long-term.

Unlike those old color sticks, there are many fault-finding problems, and the requirements of hippie smiles are discounted, and the emotions are not moving, what old customers are ...

What emotions do you sell? Why don't you have a relationship with the public toilet? Are the two very different?

Kara also stipulates that the management fee should be reduced, so that the street can get more, and there is a reward and punishment mechanism to mobilize the enthusiasm of the street, so that they have more ownership. In the past, the pumping was too ruthless, and the vicious circle, and the street was too easy to wither. This kind of exhausting behavior is very bad.

In addition, the health problem of standing on the street, this other people can't play, Kara can.

She made such a whirlwind that suddenly caused a whirlwind in the industry, and the momentum became stronger and stronger, and finally became a tornado.

As the saying goes, it is like killing your parents. Kara let others hurt the money, and naturally it was a **** storm.

Kara has the characteristics of a woman's ruthlessness, not to mention that she has been seriously injured, and she has psychological illness, and she has to repay her tenfold resentment. She uses her ability to pry open the mouth of the troublemaker. . In fact, women are not light-hearted, and a considerable part of them are taken to stand on the street. This punishment is quite vicious.

As the saying goes, even a modern family of officials and bandits, behind many underworlds, are standing officials, either as night pots or as evil dogs.

Carla didn't care about it, and went all the way.

But Carla also has his own wisdom. 1. She has never been caught with a handle, and even has sufficient proof of absence (some are the down-line dead men developed by Evil God cells). 2. The person who was killed by her must have her mouth fully pryed open. There are a lot of evidence, which is exhausted, and even implicated. She has all kinds of black materials.

In this case, even the official is numb. Obviously, it ’s not enough, the evidence is not enough; if it ’s not, it ’s over, and all kinds of agents, even those from SHIELD, are too shallow and useless. If they go deeper, they will evaporate. If you want to play horizontally, you have to bear the risk of the entire dirty blanket being lifted and the ugly faces of countless upper-class people exposed to the public.

In this case, the official has no way to take Kara. Tossing a nuclear bomb had to be done without anyone's prior notice, smashing it according to the area, hoping to kill it. Because there is no wrong nickname, wandering spider Kara, whereabouts are secret, and never stay in a place for a long time.

Either gather high-end super-British play battles, but unfortunately Thor has not yet appeared, the US team is still frozen, Hulk has not been conquered, and Iron Man ’s sense of mission is not enough. Even if it is enough, if it can be suppressed, it must be torn down. Know.

At first glance, this is the case. Some people said that "politics is actually the art of compromise. Since violence does not work, then be friends!"

"High, really high! Real politicians!"

Then there can be talked about it.

As a result, Kara said he wanted to seize the stand on the street first, and I will talk about it later.

The representative went back to the American parliamentarians to say something, and a group of people patted the thighs: "Grass! Say it early, like this kind of ambitious, willing to work hard to correct the gray industry's unhealthy trends, an industry red flag that is conducive to regional security and social atmosphere. Hand, please give me a dozen! "

"It's you, and in the future you will be the handle of the girl standing in the street, the person of the meat seller in Luocheng, the gold medal of the Yuci, the root of the Miaohong, the hereditary succession, who will not let him come to me!"

That's how the storm passed, not only the past, but Kara also washed up.

Service companies pay taxes. This is a performance. The women who stand on the street have paid taxes.

Carla started to do corporate culture, the core is harmony and win-win, people-oriented.

Kara said that he is well aware of the "consumables with shelf life" characteristic of standing on the street. She wants to change the current status in this regard. This is not a fake speech. Please wait and see.

Kara of course dares to let this wolf speak harshly. She has evil spirit cells, and she can spread the fire with power and develop a lower level of downline.

Who said that a girl standing on the street has no brains? After social scouring and beatings, nothing else can do, and the world is very easy to catch. what are these? These are all psychological applications.

There are even natural associations that envelop sisters, those who have no tutors and have talents for leadership, and those with organization.

These powerful and intelligent, she used a big stick and a sweet jujube in one hand, controlled by the evil spirit cell insects, and let them die.

Follow the old lady, you can stay young forever, pinching your face and shaping is just a matter of piggybacking. It will always be beautiful, may I ask, which woman can block this temptation?

No, it can be said that the more cities in Los Angeles and New York have the characteristics of selling gold caves, the lower the immunity of women living in this period to such temptations.

Carla soon had a group of professional backbones, and soon not only limited to the happy background, what kind of international superstars, socialites, professional elites, and even female doctors, all kinds of come from, they Finally formed a class, Transfiguration!

S.H.I.E.L.D. was alarmed, and Natasha Romanov also tried to break into this group.

When this happened, it was already the second half of 2009. Kara has already organized a secret sect-the black god.

The nuns are willing to dedicate their mind and body to God, and have a clear heart and desire for life. This is a way of expressing faith and a way of life.

And Kara did not deliberately restrain their desires, but they could achieve a similar lifestyle by attaching a goal to their hearts.

It's like some poison people's description of poison: that feeling is really good, what do you want?

When truth and illusion cannot be clearly distinguished, then thinking about it is indeed almost enough.

Cara cuts in from her body control, and then changes to spiritual control, specifically by the belief in darkness.

The core of the so-called dark belief is that the doctrine itself has the characteristics of a cult doctrine, which does not promote truth, goodness and beauty, but emphasizes individual worship. A simple summary of specific teachings is: God is omnipotent, and we have enough God.

In a certain way, Kara spontaneously opened a dark harem for Kane.

Dark places are naturally its cult characteristics, including taking advantage of people's dangers and brainwashing. What is different about the harem is that it mainly pursues spiritual fanatical worship and dedication, but the physical aspect is secondary.

Of course, any religious theory that refuses to face up to the five basic needs of mankind is tantamount to begging for fish.

Orthodoxy advocates restraint, while cults tend to indulge.

Kara ’s black **** is the latter, they solve the needs through lace edge + hallucinogen + individual worship.

The evil spirit cell itself is very good at creating illusion. As a extraordinary species, black leaf hemp is also a first-class hallucinogenic effect. The combination of the two can make the illusion further refined and organized.

Coupled with the characteristics of the cluster thinking of the Kane family of blood worms, a common, uninterrupted illusion maintained by everyone and in a stable state was born.

This illusory space is called "pure love paradise" by the black gods.

There, they can do many things just like living in a panoramic virtual world.

With Carla ’s repeated perseverance, Kane became the only man in pure love for heaven, or a male god, who always stayed young, eats no matter how greasy, and never loses shape, these are all given by the male **** of.

In fact, it is indeed understandable. It's just that Kane himself won't be so boring, and using the evil **** cells for these is too small for him.

But women don't think so. So Kane also became a totem and witnessed the whole process of how a cult was born.

However, he did not put his consciousness into it. Instead of refusing to play happily with all kinds of true and false beauties, he felt that the hallowed evil spirit had become a stallion and was played by everyone, which was a bit of a shame.

Women are sometimes more terrible than men. Pure love of how the actual activities of paradise are ruined is not good for outsiders. The taste is too heavy. He still has to live a warm and small life, so as not to rot quickly, and he can no longer enjoy normal life .

As the saying goes, many people lose their secrets, especially women ’s emotional emotions come up, regardless of their heart and soul, and like men, vanity and love show off, and the secrets of black gods and pure love of heaven flow out.

Most people do n’t believe this, staying young, pinching faces, shaping, and having a strange space that is as real as the real world, as well as the most beautiful and handsome male gods. I'm afraid it's an illusion of overdose, right?

But some people believe, SHIELD believes. They knew that Kara had an extraordinary existence, and they might not be able to achieve these effects with extraordinary abilities.

SHIELD even secretly kidnapped a transfiguration girl and quickly and effectively inspected it personally.

Although nothing abnormal can be found ~ ~ but it proves that there is indeed a problem, because the other party's body is too healthy, it should not be an unchecked and irregular 30-year-old Huajie woman. status.

At the same time, S.H.I.E.D.D. also found that the women were really beautiful, no matter what their skin texture or facial features, they have changed dramatically from the past. It is simply not what the current beauty technology can solve. It is not an exaggeration.

The height and bust of some actresses have always been secrets, suddenly high and low, big and small, now it ’s no longer, at least a few suspected of being a black god, it ’s all wrong, one by one, the devil is big. The long legs are too long to meet the normal proportion of the human body.

Moreover, the private lives of these people suddenly became a checkpoint. Everyone was pretty, not to mention the smoky wine party, even if they were seriously entertained, they could even be pushed. Even two of them were blocked because they did not give the big face. not give a **** about.

This is clearly wrong. The outlook on life and values ​​have been distorted, and the sway-women have become chaste maidens, but they do n’t look like they are lacking in moisture. Is n’t this a dog? Or the five gods?

Nick Fury found the black widow: "The situation is a bit wrong. The hand has reached into the celebrity circle where the public figures are infested. It feels like something is going wrong, you go to investigate."

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