Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 874: Invading the Tomb

Agents of SHIELD have the power to match guns.

However, the m500 is not in the list, and the guns are generally of the self-defense type.

In fact, the regulations are not too strict, and some people have their own habits, so like the Colt python or something, you can register.

But Rennes are newly recruited and will not enjoy this old bird preferential treatment, but reflect discipline in all aspects.

So Kane chose the hkp30l (p30 extended barrel and sleeve version, the Norwegian police used a gun, and quickly pursued the protagonist's pistol, but the authentic muzzle compensator is more appropriate, the lower part is fixed on the track and locked ).

Although this little biubiu is only a toy for Rennes he controls, it is not for others, especially if some interesting special bullets are used.

This is another thing to do in the process-equipment stereotypes.

Whether it is capital or technology, SHIELD allows it to equip first-line members with at least experimental weapons.

Kane was assigned to the fast reaction force, which was the team system where the crossbones used to be the captain.

The quick reaction force is the Swat of SHIELD. Once they are dispatched, it is basically a violent attack.

Therefore, they are not the same as the agent department represented by Mayor Coleson.

In addition, the guard department on duty with the defensive is not all the way.

The technical personnel of SHIELD first conducted a series of tests on Kane.

The technicians were slightly disappointed. The reason is that even if they can't get the secret to make more "perspective eyes", at least they can find some chewy features. It turns out that this soldier named Alex Reyn is similar to Captain America. Disposable products.

The superheroes in Marvel 199999, in addition to the Hulk, generally have other characteristics that cannot be copied, so no one in the US team is worried about his blood. Kane also let Renn show this feature. In addition to perspective, the other aspects are It is slightly stronger than the human limit, and the genetic structure is stable, just like Spider-Man, it is impossible to cause trouble.

The "Super Warrior" project of Beacon Country has never been completely stopped, but after a period of time, because of technological breakthroughs, I felt that I was OK, and then I went to the project, and then issued it, and stopped the project. The most representative nature is Ross. General.

But in fact, General Ross has all of S.H.I.E.L.D., and it can even be said that what General Ross has done is the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, Howard Stark was one of the members of the research team of the "Super Warrior" project, and he was so smart that it was possible to prove some wrong directions.

For a long period of time, people thought that the problem of being a "super fighter" was that Dr. Abraham Erskine was killed early by the spy, and the serum for the American team was destroyed. Even the formula was brought to the grave by Erskine. , So the US team became awesome.

This is not the case.

Anyone who has a certain understanding of scientific experiments will know that it is very organized, for example, the previous batch is to add element a, different fine-tuning schemes, to experiment on a batch of mice, the next batch is element b, different fine-tuning Scheme, experiment on mice.

So if it's a formula problem, you only need to get Erskine's experiment records, and you can quickly deduce what the elements are, and then continue the experiment to get the correct formula is not difficult.

The reason why the U.S. team became the U.S. team is because his genes are sometimes unusually thin like him, which represents a special. This special is probably a negative factor that is complementary to the super fighter serum. In order to overcome the difficulty, it is a pity that the "Super Warrior" wants versatility, so it is not particularly meticulous. At that time, the technology did not reach the genetic level. Even if genetics came to Zola, it is probably not enough to look at.

The second, also considered to be the more important reason, is will. From a certain perspective, all the birth of Chaoying is satisfied first and foremost with an extraordinary soul.

This is not a perfect interpretation of the phrase "I can fight like this for a day."

If you want to discuss the problem, you must first think about the ancient and modern humans. Why do the stars in the chaotic world always shine?

The special environment, which breeds a special personality, is far more complex than the structure of the original forest.

Howard was also aware of the genetic probabilities and the causes of beliefs. He realized that the American team like Napoleon and Lincoln are the only existence with times, so he resolutely gave up this project.

In modern times, with the development of micro-technologies, gene-targeted operations similar to spy shadows have become popular. They also play with serum. The accuracy is too low, and there are too many uncontrollable factors, which is simply non-mainstream.

Therefore, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't envy General Rose at all. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s semi-mature products can strengthen ordinary people to the extent that Emir Bronsky's second soldier's serum is enhanced. The problem is that the sequelae are huge, so it is used as a desperate use. For example, human beings in the world are at war with another world, and the cannon fodder is not enough ...

Kane let Rennes perform better than this kind of cannon fodder, but it is a stable version with no side effects. Therefore, neither SHIELD and the research team are particularly concerned about him, so he uses his special team double bonus red stick. .

It is also that Kane did not feel any dark side. On the contrary, it seems that the treatment is quite good. After comprehensive testing, it is tailor-made equipment. Whether it is armor or firearms, it is experimental. The biggest feature is the need for blessing energy. So there is a bag like a large mountaineering bag, which weighs less than the battery of the cart.

This is a decision made after measuring Rennes' strength, endurance, etc. It can be said that Rennes is fully armed, and then put this bag on its back, the overall performance can still rank in the ranks of top mortal special forces.

Rennes also has a new code name for this. It is no longer ‘pioneer’ but ‘strike’. It means that as soon as he plays, everyone will be hit hard, including himself.

This large set can be completed in the afternoon. It is already prepared by S.H.I.E.L.D., many of them are ready-made, only the result of Rennes. A few sandwiches for dinner, a small pot of Sarah, plus some milk to deal with it.

Then Kane saw the other members of the Special Operations Squad. He looked at the big bear's hand, the mandala's face, the knight's chest, and said: "It seems that SHIELD has put a lot of money on us! "

The big bear shook his right hand, which turned into a metallic color, and said dumbly: "Revenge for the shark!"

The assassins are not as cold as they seem: "Also for ourselves!"

The rest also seemed very motivated.

After going through a mission, people got a lot closer and were talking about what fun killing toys they got this time. Sharon came in and raised the USB stick in his hand: "The mission is down."

This is a safe house at SHIELD with all the equipment. Use the optical projector to read the U disk data, and everyone listens to the task briefing.

The core of this mission is to grab things, that is, the suitcase that was robbed when the last operation was counterattacked.

Of course, the suitcase is not the point, the things inside are.

As for the specifics, I ’m sorry, S.H.I.E.L.D. is also unclear, but it ’s important to know.

In other words, you have to scratch your tongue again, and you have to figure out what you are fighting for.

Another troublesome thing is that S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know whether the thing is in the secret stronghold that the Special Forces will be targeting. It can only be said that it has a high probability of passing.

Kane said: "This is the SHIELD, and it is replaced by other departments. Dare to use this incomplete information as a briefing for operations. It is estimated that it will be sprayed to death by the person responsible for the operation. What is the difficulty of Nima? "

This time the group was fully armed and took a Kun-type transport plane to fly directly from New York to Portland.

The landing point is Portland International Jetport.

After waiting for the plane, the special car was already waiting, a camouflaged medium-sized box truck.

In fact, the destination is not far away. It is just over a kilometer in the tomb area a little north of the west side of the waiting hall. However, the dress of the pedestrian was too dazzling, it was better to cover up.

Vehicles follow the road outside the airport fence to the parking lot on the south side of the cemetery. This is a landscaping supply store and a seafood market. It's already past 23 o'clock, and there is basically no one.

A group of people got out of the car and walked northwest along the road, through the east of the bridge under the expressway, and into the Ximu area separated by the expressway. There is a naturally growing forest here. The destination is in the forest glade, where there is a mausoleum, a gateway to a secret stronghold.

This time everyone in the Special Forces changed their shotguns to guns. In addition, the discipline is obviously much better. No one is deliberately showing his skills. The knights are commanding.

Kane is naturally the leader. He is the live radar of the whole team, which is better than night vision and thermal imaging.

Sharon followed him, also in big bags, with primary exoskeleton module armor, which looked quite bluffing. She is an electronic warfare expert in the team, carrying advanced equipment to discover and destroy electronic equipment.

Sure enough, the enemies they deal with are not short of money, and the far-infrared monitoring equipment is also installed very well, and there is at the bottom of the bird ’s nest on the tree. If Sharon ’s equipment can track the electrical signal source, the special team will be discovered by the other party without knowing .

Solving these devices this time is not as rough as the last action. People go up and set up, not only blinding each other, but also anti-use.

Both the mandala and the priest showed superb climbing skills. The mandala is just that. The priest is still a rock climber. Kane feels that this tm must be a false priest.

A group of people spent more than 30 minutes before and after entering the mausoleum.

The mausoleum also had eyes, but Sharon broke them.

The new trouble is that opening the secret door without being discovered needs to destroy the outer periphery of the door, allowing Sharon to penetrate the octopus-like mechanical tentacles. But there is probably a vibration alarm set here, so ...

Kane thought that this time it was the priest who configured the chemicals to solve the problem. Unexpectedly, a special explosive was used in the bottom fire.

The guy used the ingredients on the spot. The usage of explosives was like igniting gunpowder powder, and the ground turned into a pot of good eight-treasure porridge.

Sharon manipulated the mechanical tentacles to find the key points. It didn't take long for the secret door to open silently.

The next thing is Kane's performance, he is a live radar, and he knows where there are people.

The members of the Special Forces wear a special fully enclosed helmet, speak inside, and there is no sound outside.

Kane took the lead, telling everyone the structure inside, and where there were people, the focus was about.

Sharon continued to destroy the surveillance system of the secret base.

In fact, the end of the long channel behind the secret door is directly facing the secret door, and there are monitoring devices. However, Sharon ’s equipment is very sharp, even if it is not connected, as long as there are electronic components, signal receiving and sending devices, she can use it. The radio signal is forcibly controlled and cracked.

Even shortly after entering the stronghold, she was connected to the stronghold's monitoring room, allowing the monitoring system to serve the special forces, plus Kane's perspective perception, it can be said that the special forces took the initiative this time.

In this case, Kane simply hung the big gun in the special gun slot on the side of the backpack and pulled out the mountain knife to fight.

The shape of this mountain knife is the Ontario mountain knife, but the material is still very high quality, second only to Zhenjin, it is sharp and heavy, and it is matte.

Outside a lounge, several people negotiated the tactics. Kane opened the door violently and threw himself in, behind him was the assassin, and then behind the mandala.

After entering the door, Kane jumped directly to the left, wiped the knife, cut the neck of a thug, then turned his wrist, cut the knife diagonally, and cut the head of a thug with a coffee cup in hand, slanting into two The film also took the coffee cup and put it on the side case.

At the same time, after the assassin entered the door, he dashed straight, gliding on his knees, slid while killing three people in a row with a pistol with a silencer.

When the mandala entered the door, he turned right and threw a flying knife to kill one person. The other person was close, and she used the flying knife to directly insert it into the eye socket.

At this point, all 7 people in the lounge were killed.

A glance at it confirms that everything has hung up, leaving, and the next one.

Just about to enter the door, Kane said: "Wait, someone will come out."

After 2 seconds, as expected, someone went out, but before he could figure out what was going on, he was pummeled by the big bear. When he just wanted to call it, he broke his neck.

"Two people, one left and one right."

So the assassin and the mandala entered. One shot in three shots, typical Mozambique shooting, two shots in the chest. In game jargon, the shot was stiff and the reaction failed, and the third shot was killed.

The other is the two swords in the mandala, which is also newly provided by S.H.I.E.L.D., and the blades with sharp and abnormal fingers are all submerged.

In this way, the upper level of the secret stronghold was silently obliterated by the special operations team. The last person who died was the person on duty in the monitoring room. Until the time of death, the two guys were drinking shochu and eating shrimp strips.

"What's the situation at the bottom?" The knight asked.

"It's deep, and it should be a protective layer of lead material, which can't be perceived."

So the knight asked Sharon again, Sharon, who was playing with the equipment, replied: "Another system, it has nothing to do with the above, there are two sets of monitoring."

"It's kind of interesting." The knight touched the stubble of his jaw. "It seems that we have to interrogate our tongue. Who will come?" Said the crowd.

Kane didn't want to expose too much and didn't say anything, and finally the priest said: "I'll come."

Kane said, "You are really complicated."

Tongue was grabbed from a single room, I do n’t know if it was the boss, but I can have my own room with a lounge, let ’s just let him be.

Only after this interrogation did I know that there was a testing ground below the relationship.

Everyone, including Kane, wondered, when did drug dealers act like this, and there was a proving ground, you are going to heaven!

Again, feelings are a base abandoned by Hydra in the early years.

The new question is coming again. Hydra is not a fool, but has distinctive military characteristics. Even if the base is abandoned, it is very secret. How did a group of drug dealers find it?

The interesting part came, according to the tongue, a person code-named the Black Emperor directed them to find out.

Once the name "Black Emperor" came out, Kane's first reaction was Sebastian Shaw of Hellfire Club.

In terms of ability, the Black Emperor is a mutant version of the Black Panther, absorbing energy and releasing energy.

To be honest, Kane did not want things to be involved with this person. Because the Black Emperor is a predecessor among mutants, if he really appears, it may mean that the line of mutants is activated.

In any case, we have reached this point, the proving ground must be explored, because the goal of the operation is a suitcase, just below.

As for what is in the suitcase, what experiments are being carried out next? I do n’t know what the tongue is. The organization is quite formal, and you should n’t ask indiscriminately if you do n’t ask.

However, after all, it is the backbone of the organization. Even if you do n’t ask, you can make a rough guess by observing. According to this guy, they are making super soldiers.

Kane said: "Why is it related to the super fighter again, so addicted to becoming a cannon fodder with huge adverse side effects?"

The operation started again, and after a little discussion, it was still ready to copy the previous tactics, while blinding the opponent, while making the map bright for himself, and breaking each one by virtue of the first hand advantage.

In order to avoid the grass and snakes, the special team did not use the lift this time, but made holes at its place and then descended along the cable.

This is just a basic operation for the special forces. Even the big bear and the bottom fire can play flexibly under high load.

The hoistway is indeed quite deep, it is more than 50 meters away, and Kane is the vanguard again. After going down, he felt that there were people outside the hoistway door. There were two people on the passageway, facing the hoistway door. There was no communication, and they were quite responsible. .

After discussing with a few people, it was decided that Sharon would get the surveillance camera at the end of the channel. Then start the raid again.

Sharon said no. The other party built a Faraday cage with metal materials such as lead. The camera is inside and the radio signal cannot penetrate.

Well, as long as it is willing to spend money, the technology is not advanced enough, it can still be clever, and high technology is not omnipotent, at least SHIELD is not enough.

Then do it hard.

Kane and the knight divided into two sides, and shot at the same time, suddenly vigorously, separated the shaft door, the big bear stood in the shaft, the mandala sat on his shoulder, so as to have a good attack vision, and the assassin was coiled like a monkey On the rope, the door opened and he and Datura attacked at the same time.

The two guards were really taken aback, and both of them were hit before they tried to shoot.

However, it was obviously a fatal injury, and one of the flying knives almost disappeared into the eye socket.

At this time, it was the turn of the special team. The big bear squatted, the assassin slid, and the mandala leaned back. Even so, the bear's head, mandala's leg, and the assassin's body were one to two each The gun, thanks to the fact that this time the equipment is really powerful, otherwise it is very likely that it will be directly killed and injured.

Kane and the Cavaliers were both opening the door, and the reaction was a bit unsuccessful. Finally, they shot.

No one else noticed that he orientated the supplementary shooting role on his own. As soon as the opposite wave of shooting stopped, he used a multi-purpose projection crossbow to shoot out explosives.

The speed of this explosive is not much faster than the stone shot by the slingshot, but the power is amazing. Together with the walls, ground, and roof around the two guard belts, they are melted in a high-temperature flame and burned directly like magma. In this instantaneous high-temperature flame with limited range, the guard was burned to the scorched bone as soon as possible. This time it was really impossible to live.

As soon as the guard died, everyone rushed out of the well.

Kane ran sideways, generally warning someone to approach at high speed from the left and right sides of the end of the passage.

Immediately afterwards, he and the knight slid to the ground, facing the enemies in the left and right corridors, firing again and again, killing two or three people, and then retracted to the corner.

Then Dangdang, saw the grenade thrown over, both sides.

At this time, the big bear caught up, and the man squatted, his hands flicked, and opened a T-shaped armor plate. This thing usually looked like a small suitcase, and when it was unfolded, it was a protective shield, and they quickly shrank behind the big bear.

The bottom fire, assassin, mandala and priest are light armor. Although Sharon has an exoskeleton, the equipment he carries is also heavy. The equipment is afraid of damage and walks at the end.

Both Cavaliers and Kane were reloaded, and at the sight of the grenade, they made a tiger rush towards the door of the well almost at the same time.

As soon as he fell, the grenade exploded one after another.

The grenades in reality are more powerful than the grenades in most movies, and similar to this relatively closed environment, the power is still a bonus.

Although the facilities here are at the level of civil defense fortifications, everyone in the special forces team must also be disgraced ~ ~ The thugs are also more brave. The bomb rushed over within 5 seconds of the explosion, and two of them were previously The knight hit with a gun, but he can still fight.

Kane has no problem here. His shooting level cattle only hit two positions. The heart, the head, and the gun are also powerful. If you want to open a big hole in the heart, or the head is gone, such a fatal injury Being able to fight is haunted.

The two sides met really narrowly this time. There were no rooms on either side of this passage. Kane and they were relying on the thick skin, while the mob were on the basis of fearless death and delayed death due to serious injuries?

Anyway, until now, the physical conditions of these thugs have not been fully understood.

The guns were banging, the bullets were flying, and both sides were head-to-head, rolling around, or even crawling. It lasted about 15 seconds before the battle ended. Naturally it was Kane that they won, but they all felt a little bit tired and paralyzed. They were tired and holding this bowl of rice to today. It was the first time such a fierce and tough play.

Even the assassin who was paralyzed and cold couldn't help but spit: "This is a bragging when talking in the bar."

Kane hummed: "I think S.H.I.E.L.D. equips us with this powerful outfit, which means that things like this will become the norm in the future."

The mandala and the bottom fire unanimously said: "It is best not to!"

Chatting back to the chat, the action continued, and it was not when the guns were put into the warehouse, the knights and Kane, one left and one right, once again guarded the corner position at the end of the corridor, this time it will not shrink, hard to keep it. . The knight also pulled three bodies one after another as sandbags.

But the situation is that the mob is this riot, and there are no more.

Afterwards, they quickly confirmed the situation, and by the way, they also made up the knife for the thugs who were not very stable. No matter what ghosts are here, it's time for stud!

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