Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 881: Domineering, Destruction Express is on the way

Looking at the crisis is obvious, Nick also accompanied Tony and they walked on the moon, naturally has a profound intention.

"What do we need to do?" Bruce was more straightforward and basically agreed.

"The main thing is to use your strengths, study and analyze and track and locate. Kane played trumpet, and those of the Hydra naturally failed to run away and were caught alive."

"Confirmed Hydra?" Tony interjected.

"I'm not sure. I didn't see any of the Hydra's famous places. They may be posing, but they are really strong in brainwashing. Kane confirmed that there is one of them in their core team. The identity of the transcendent has not yet been revealed, and it uses transcendent power. "

"So we need to prevent the little magic fairy who is damaged by the curse, right?" Tony asked.

"Well, I have contacted the Master of the Mystic Master Gu Yi in this regard. I hope that the Mystic Masters can give us some help. In addition, the Mystic Masters provide the world of mirrors. It is also necessary to keep the violent conflict away from this world as much as possible. The situation of the Portland Mausoleum stronghold is terrible, and the blockade area has exceeded 20 square kilometers. "

"Hmm, thoughtful, what can we do specifically?"

Nick said: "In addition to possessing extraordinary skills, this time's opponent is also very powerful in technology. Kane told me about a technology. I probably remember that the right side of the brain's nerve node was stripped, causing a wrong pathway. So that the emotions disappeared. The specific method is high-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation, part of the brain's temporal lobe was removed. "

"Kane said that this kind of technology is completely done for Wakanda. He found traces of similar techniques on those fortified fighters."

Tony is more sensitive to the concept of "reinforced warrior" and asks: "Like super warrior plan?"

"Similar, but more extreme. Those warriors basically have no emotional fluctuations, no guilt, and can accept the killing of others or even their own death."

"This is a pure killing machine." Bruce sighed.

"The mystics said that this technology side damage, they have no good way, so it is up to you."

Nick added: "In addition, I planted the energy of the cosmic cube on the captives. I hope you can invent an algorithm or something to track the targets of these special energy sources at these moments."

"Are you going to let them go?"

"No, most of them will be rescued. The inside of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been seriously infiltrated."

Tony pouted: "So, bureaucracy is so unreliable."

Nick answered: "Then the Avengers will have to make up for this shortcoming, and someone will always do things." ...

Indeed, things have to be done by someone, and Kane is not someone who likes to blame when something goes wrong.

However, he agreed to stop Nick ’s actions so that he could not be completely swept away in the event of insufficient intelligence, so that his opponent would engage in a large-scale terrorist attack. During this time, he would not act indiscriminately, but believed that Nick had a comprehensive plan.

Of course, as an old beep, he and Nick can think of something together at some point. For example, the use of evil spirit cell worms on those captured, including the fake American team and the guy who does not know the number of the black panther, can be tracked, and even play advent.

This is what Kane thought about early in the morning. Didn't he like playing Infernal Affairs? He also let the other party feel the feeling of his teammates becoming enemies in seconds.

What should I do in my free time?

Kane naturally thought of the mission to travel to this universe again.

He came for the infinite gem, of which the soul gem and the soul gem are the key points.

Looking at the history line under his influence, it has become crooked. Although it does not seem to affect the occurrence of Fulian 1, Dr. Eric Schweiger has seriously developed the universe cube under his instruction. The usage of energy, the manufacture of the space door has been put on the agenda, but who can guarantee how much Loki has eyeliner on the earth?

Kane felt that it was better to take the initiative to attack now and then, while waiting.

When I thought about it, Kane sent it directly to the world of flames in the world tree system, Musbelheim, which is almost parallel to the bottom of Nifurheim, affected by the power of the underworld, and the flames are quenched day and night It produces a kind of extraordinary metal with dead and destructive properties. The black blades of Hella are the metals used.

Just above the sea of ​​lava fire, Kane extracted this material called dark metal. The liquid metal flowed into the lake like a stream, and gathered in the air. Kane was further refined to make it more pure.

And it is always dark in color, and is full of a smell of fishy rust, which looks like blood.

After obtaining enough dark metal, Kane teleported to Swatefheim.

The matter here is also affected by the power of the underworld, and a certain metal matches the dark metal.

Kane directly arrived at the dark elf's battleship cemetery, which was the place where the war was originally. From the last time he returned to the war period from here, he knew the whereabouts of the real gem, so the coordinates were accurate enough.

Upon arrival, he extracted the materials he needed from the wreckage of those warships. After hundreds of thousands of years, the bright outer shell of the ship's hull finally showed obvious corrosion pits and quickly expanded into holes. The sky was full of black iron filings.

They eventually merged into the dark metal liquid that kept the temperature, and a large amount of green smoke rose, that is, the impurities in the substance were refined.

The next step is shaping.

It is faster than holographic printing. From inside to outside, each part is formed at once.

In addition to the use of dark alloys, a large number of evil spirit cells are also used, and different properties of evil spirit cell tissues replace the role of resin, dermis, rubber and other materials.

It can be said that this small ship is a mixture of organic and inorganic materials.

It is small, and the total length is close to 300 meters. The full width and height are 73 meters and 55 meters. The external shape is a crystal-like hexagonal prism with a sharp front and back, like a giant black stalagmite. Concise.

After thinking about it, Kane felt that this appearance was too non-mainstream, so he added a shell, which seemed to have the shape of a common ship. In fact, there are many "pockets" in this "coat", but it can be used as a weapon. For platforms and warehouses.

With realistic gems, creation has become a lot easier, and since he went to Asgard and Sundar, he has added a lot of miscellaneous information in his memory, including the design of the starship or the aircraft. Just like when it first arrived, the only starship program that was formed was a constellation-level battleship.

When it comes to starships and aircrafts, Kane feels that he has time to go to the Sakaxing controlled by Gaotianzun, which is known as the Wanjie Junkyard, which is extremely rich in garbage, and the starships and aircrafts are also universal brands. Once there, it is equivalent to visiting all the smart planets of Marvel 199999 universe.

But now, what Kane is going to is ‘Ignorance’, where Gao Tianzun ’s brother, collector Talia Diwan, is.

Both of them are characters who can live together with the universe. They are bored because they live too long, so they each find a hobby to pass the time. Compared with Gao Tianzun, who is familiar with countless game knowledge and loves gambling, in order to collect rare things, he does not hesitate to sell his brother Diwan, which is more in line with his needs.

Kane took his newly built ship that lacked a power system and sent it directly several times. During this period, he collected some materials, such as ice cubes, silicon elements, etc., and then found a star one level smaller than the sun and began to cultivate Special evil spirit cells.

When the resources collected along the road were basically exhausted, a super huge organic curtain was generated.

The curtain is large enough to wrap Jupiter in two or three layers, but for the star in front of it, it can form a Dyson ball. This makes its inner layer too close to the surface of the star, and it scorches it at extremely high temperatures.

But this thin organic screen like gauze has withstood the test of high temperature, and its energy is used to help it grow. The quality and density of the screen continue to increase, and finally no light can pass through.

But as of this time, the star's gravity is still there.

C Kane began to apply more operations on the Dyson ball.

He is not in the same domain as Black Kane. Black Kane is dark, and his field is a variant of space.

That is to say, the space gem is the most suitable for him, and what he is best at is the technique of sealing.

Now, the power of the realm, or the **** realm, coupled with the power of space gems, gives the organic curtain more extraordinary characteristics.

Absolute isolation was achieved.

The two asteroids that orbited the star before, like the water droplets thrown off the spinning top, flew again into the deep space of the universe.

Kane continued to operate and fold the space.

Internally, the specifications are dead. But for the outside, the constant folding makes the shape shrink geometrically.

The experimental operation was successful at one time.

In fact, when the gravitational pull of the star was isolated, Kane knew that success was inevitable, but the specific process was smooth and still somewhat beyond his imagination.

From a certain point of view, his operation is the independent small universe to which the Soul Gem leads, and the application of the gate technology of the sentinel system.

There are even some characteristics of Hulk cells. After all, Hulk cells have a first-class strength for the containment of gamma rays. Integrating this part of the technology can better absorb the power of the sun.

With the isolation of gravity and the folding of space, for this universe, the original star has become a portable device that can be packed away.

C Kane named it as a stellar furnace. In fact, he originally mastered a similar device called a solar furnace, but that is to simulate the stellar fusion artificially. Compared with this, choosing a star as an energy treasure More compelling.

In this way, his new spaceship has a power system, and the name was born, the Black Sun.

Of course, this kind of plasma jet power using fusion core as energy is only needed to provide spacecraft with energy consumption such as cruising, energy weapons, internal power consumption, etc. energy.

In this regard, Kane uses the transition technology used by the Nova Army with the Sundar star as the capital star. In fact, the Cree's transition technology is slightly higher, but Kane has not yet collected it.

In addition, Kane learned from the first surprise captain, Mai Weir, and gave the transition system the power of space gems.

Immediately, the system is upgraded from ordinary equipment to advanced equipment, and the performance improvement is still obvious.

Kane enjoyed the flying ability of the Black Sun for the first time, driving him to directly reach the airspace near the ignorance according to the relevant coordinates obtained from the Sundar star.

Looking at the sky closer and closer, like a dwarf planet, a huge **** head, Kane thought a little, and according to the inherent template, generated more than ten colonies.

These devices have so-called auxiliary brains, which actually support independent actions. They are AI puppets that can imitate the independent activities of free individuals, and are controlled by the Black Sun ’s shipborne intelligent brain.

It can be said that the captain of the Black Sun is actually a wise brain, and the crew is in these cloaks, and Kane is not the commander of the fleet or a passenger.

In these respects, Kane has formed templates on hand, and the manufacture is not laborious. It is nothing more than to pay some extraordinary energy and mindfulness. Compared with it, it is even higher than the specifications of Black Kane to manufacture evil gold.

The power system expressed by the gene technology system is the ability of C Kane. The framework is mainly built on this. Others such as energy release are just application methods.

The Black Sun entered the sky from the eyes of Tenjin's head, and the mining industry of Diwan Group here can be said to be in the ascendant.

Compared to Kane ’s deity, C Kane ’s slum-like style, which is full of “unauthorized buildings” here, is much stronger in acceptance. He can appreciate the beauty of industrial punk, even willing to be dirty, but Wandering around the most popular streets, only after you get the soul gem.

And dealing with the quasi-official officials here, it will be free, which is also the main reason why he temporarily made crews for the Black Sun.

Xinggang's shift schedule heard that Di Wanlai had cherished the collectibles, and he let it go.

Kane did bring Diwan a collectible, a horror beast made with evil **** cells as its core.

Fear beasts mostly appear in the Ozaki biological system of the Magical Universe, regarded as the soldiers of the old dominators.

They have the typical characteristics of a line of old dominators, of course not tentacles, but divine qualities that affect the San value.

Even if there is only a little, it will surely scare people, especially when they meet for the first time.

Although their appearance is not terrible, their divine qualities allow them to always poke the fear point in the mind of intelligent creatures, perhaps because of teeth, perhaps because of claws, or skin folds or something.

I was handed in when I requested to meet, and there was an additional word: I do n’t like to wait. If there is no one to receive in 10 minutes, I will not invite you in.

From a certain point of view, this is also regarded as a test of Kane, he wants to know to what extent Diwan's extraordinary.

In fact, Dewan did not meet him for the first time, and his points were already reduced in his heart. Whether the opponent did not have divine instincts or ability to predict, or pretend to be bigger, all points were reduced.

And if he didn't know the current affairs after he delivered the message, he would be too lazy to give him a face.

In fact, he gave the other person's face, and he wasn't rushing him. Those people's actions were nothing to him, he respected the years.

Not much effort, Diwan's maid appeared, the pink-skinned Quiroan star, but not the one who touched the power gem with his hand in Chapter 1 of Yin Hu, but the one who was caged at that time.

Before getting acquainted with Kamora, Xingjue had flowers and grass everywhere, and when she went to Morag to get the cosmic spirit ball, there was a girl named Queloan on the car. The planet is a well-known beauty of the Milky Way. .

The eight cloaks opened the way, and Kane walked in the middle. In front of Diwan's residence, he saw Tanya Diwan.

After Diwan saw Kane, his body could not help shaking slightly, just like when he saw the Asgard send real gems later in Thor 2 chapter.

But that time was because of excitement, this time because of fear.

In Dewan ’s eyes, Kane is more brilliant than the sun, and his body is shining with bright blind eyes. Each cell seems to be a complex magic array. At a glance, it is composed of billions of mysterious magic circles. Occlusal operation, thus accommodating an indescribable massive energy polymer.

If Kane would explode and form a new universe, Diwan is willing to believe that a kind of creation is an incarnation of hundreds of millions, such as a guy named Pangu.

"Diwan, even in the multiverse, can hear your reputation. You are a business card of this universe."

Diwan greeted the Asgard warrior and gave Kane a complete courtesy. Similarly, to give a gift to the Asgard people, to a certain extent, is to see that the other party took the initiative to bring the real gems, without asking him to return, only needs his proper collection, and now it is a respect for the power.

Diwan naturally has a hall dedicated to receiving VIPs. In front of Kane, he does not think it is a wise move to pretend to show off his collections, but responds according to the most formal reception etiquette.

However, Diwan was still satisfied with the horror beast sent by Kane, even though the gadget looked scary and even made people nightmare.

Kane did not conceal that he came to this universe, bound by laws, and things are not easy to carry, so he squeezed this gift, not the original horror beast.

"The disadvantage is unnatural, not pure, the advantage is that it is controllable, and even a good watchdog, you can slowly understand the specifics." Then he handed a box containing the control light ball to Diwan.

Divan is well-informed and naturally knows that this thing is one-off. Once he uses it, then only he can control this horror beast. When he thinks this thing comes from other universes, it is absolutely unique in this universe. Extraordinary satisfaction.

In order not to die in the silence, Diwan and Gao Tianzun are fully devoted to the hobbies of their choice. Over time, they have reached a morbid level.

But while enjoying it, he knew that the other party could not have made a special gift, and he didn't have that face yet.

Sure enough, Kane asked about the whereabouts of the bully.

Diwan breathed a sigh of relief. The dead friends were not poor, not to mention the things he did. The people who feared their prestige were mostly present, but the people who felt their kindness were few. .

As for Diwan, the feeling of guilt has almost disappeared. In addition to collecting addiction, his other emotions have been very weak, even fear of death, all pretend.

Including the fear of Kane, a detailed analysis will find that the composition is very complex, including a strong curiosity, but this powerful existence from other universes, just opened a window for him to peep into the multiverse.

It is a pity that Kane was not interested in talking to him, and after learning the position of the bully, he greeted and left.

Diwan sent Kane all the way to Xinggang, and repeatedly expressed earnestly that he hoped that Kane would come over and sit down, of course, send a position, he can also visit.

Kane said: "Maybe, maybe you can take a vacation to complete the infinite gem mission?"

Of course, he knew that the greatest possibility was that he would reintegrate with Black Kane only, so that there was a lot of nonsense left, and everyone who knew should know, and all who experienced should also experience.

Black Kane is not like the deity, pays more attention, worrying about the personality is affected, and refuses to easily play soul fusion with the secondary avatars returning. Black Kane is not so much rules.

On the way to the location of the bully, C Kane once again recalled the process of the bully obtaining the soul gem.

Before the extermination, the soul gem was in the hands of a person named Lo Spek. This is a transliterated name, and it is still a substitute name, because this creature is an independent existence like Igor's father Igor.

It may not be as high as Igo, but the essence is the same.

And because he was the first to tell the existence of Infinite Gems, even the approximate location, to the existence of Tyrant, so he had the name of a knowledge narrator.

The knowledge narrator was trapped in an unknown dimension because of the soul gem, and then he discovered the tyrant.

Whether it is talent, talent, or will, Tyrant is extremely high. Although it does not have the exclusive extraordinary strength as the Asgard cultivator, its own position is almost equivalent to the peak of Hella, and it is even slightly stronger.

Therefore, hegemony is not only capable of controlling artifacts, but also possesses some other divine abilities, such as whim, or induction of artifacts.

The knowledge narrator was once like the Lich King of the WOW universe, releasing a specific frequency of mind waves, looking for a suitable person to help him out of trouble.

The Lich King found Kel'Thuzad, and the knowledge narrator found Tyrant.

The Lich King got a loyal and well-executed servant, but the knowledge narrator was defeated in the battle for seizure.

Soul gems fell into the hands of tyrants.

Kane speculates that, theoretically, the current bully has not fully realized the value of infinite gems.

The first is that he does not believe the information said by the knowledge narrator. Although the soul gem has already started, there are a few points that hinder the cognition of the bully.

First of all, hegemony is a very arrogant person. He has also lived for many years. Fighting in many world battles, he has never heard of infinite gems.

Secondly, the knowledge narrator is a defeated dog in his name, and hegemony is not modest enough to ask an underhand to be open-minded. Not to mention that knowledge narrators are trapped in a certain dimension for a long time, even if they are not crazy, it is not surprising to have illusions.

Third, the infinite gem is not revealed in its true colors. Its power is too amazing, and ordinary life is unbearable. The first step required by successive winners to use this power is control.

So with the cosmic cube, cosmic spirit ball, ether particles and other encapsulation modes, it is difficult to believe that they are actually a set before they reveal their true contents.

In the first chapter of the reunification, the commander of the Qitarui once said: "The Rubik's Cube has been awakened. It is now in the insignificant world of human beings. Humans are coveting its power, but only our allies know it ...

This statement also indirectly proves that the tyrants and commanders of the Qitarui lack a deep understanding of the original face of the universe cube.

Many years ago, hegemony attacked Asgard. At that time, he had just become famous. He did not have the Chitarians to serve, but followed several small partners to form an elite team like the Avengers.

Attacking Asgard is on the one hand for prestige, on the other hand is for Asgard's artifact collection, eternal fire, frost treasure box, and the universe Rubik's cube, these are more famous artifact treasures.

Hegemony is also the way to fight for war. Aside from the idea of ​​family planning, other aspects are no different from robbers, that is, burning and looting.

In fact, the reason for the destruction of Damanwei's multiverse is that the reason for killing people in the universe is more vulgar. It is to please the goddess of death. A strong villain.

In any case, Marvel ’s 199999 domineering is indeed more thoughtful, and has the achievements and heights that ordinary people need to look forward to in the realization of self-worth.

The long years of killing gradually made the Tyrant obsessed. The killing and robbery could no longer excite him, and only pure ambition remained in his mind.

Then more and more it was found that the efficiency is not high enough, and the killing is not slow enough, let alone those races with breeding expertise. In terms of humans, how many years has it taken from 100 million to 1 billion people? How many years did it take from 1 billion to 7 billion?

In the face of this kind of killing situation that is not as fast as normal, it is too difficult and too difficult to achieve the dream of destroying the whole universe by half, so he began to pay attention to the solution to the problem.

Infinite gems, infinite gloves, it is against this background that the ideas have gradually become clear and mature ~ ~ Kane thought, according to the original historical process, now even if the concept of bullying has not yet formed, it is fast.

Asgard is a banner of this universe, and hegemony has been frustrated there again, so he always keeps a secret note that the universe's Rubik's cube, ether particles, these extraordinarily magical things, inevitably make him imagination, and the eye of Agomo, One chapter after the reunification, as Nick said when reporting to the International Security Council: "Now the whole universe knows the earth and the Avengers ..."

The earth is no longer prying eyes, so torn to such a large amount of movement with Dormam, the news cannot be kept tightly closed, so many magical things come on the scene, the domineering mind is on this again, and it is easy to be related .

So taking advantage of Asgard's gods at dusk, he killed Nidavellir (Nidavellir, some translated as Nedwijar) dwarf, forcing the dwarf to build infinite gloves ...

Just when Kane was thinking, the infinite distance had been crossed, and the Black Sun had already arrived somewhere in the universe according to the coordinates provided by Diwan.

This is a forward base for the Chetari people. For the past two years, the Chetari regiment has been recuperating here, including training soldiers and cultivating Leviathan monsters.

As for the tyrant, in recent years, with the rise of General Obsidian and the gradual maturity of the “Pioneer Guards” (complex creatures with four arms in 3 and 4), the tyrant no longer needs everything in order, but often only You need to show your face during the decisive battle.

So Temple 2, General Obsidian, and Vanguard are all fighting somewhere at the moment.

Sanctuary 1, the ship that was eventually destroyed by the Iron Man's nuclear bomb in the chapter of the reunification, is now docked at this forward base.

Kane glanced at the big guy and whispered: "It's ugly, but this thing was sold to Diwan, I don't know if he wants ..."

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