Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 884: All rely on peers

While Kane ran to the Qitarui's forward base to find the hegemony to obtain the soul gem, Nick Fury's series of insidious secret operations had achieved results.

The first is that Bruce Banner and Iron Man have achieved great results.

Bruce is a very good scientist, and he is also in line with Iron Man. This can be seen from the two people who have developed Ultron together.

And this time, under the prompt of Nick Fury, the two developed products with clear goals.

The first operation is to use the advanced technology of Stark Industries, and from Iron Man to part of the technology from the Tianma star ship, to create a ‘global satellite network’ system at an ultra-efficient speed.

With a vehicle like the Pegasus, Avengers is fully capable of creating an exclusive satellite network system that monitors the world.

But time is not enough.

Therefore, a compromise was adopted, that is, through the use of needles and leads, all the satellites currently used by countries around the world are efficiently connected to form this ‘global satellite network’ system.

In this matter, Nick Fury gave full play to the ‘do it before talk’ trait.

When the invisible state of the Tianma is like laying a mine in the earth's orbit; when Iron Man and others privately fly the aircraft, control the equipment, add accessories to the satellites of other countries, so that they can obtain networking capabilities, Nick? Frye reported this to the International Security Council.

Nick Fury said that with the help of intelligent creatures outside of a certain place, we have temporarily obtained the ability to walk and operate in space at an extremely low price. With this opportunity, we have built a "global satellite network" system to facilitate the current Increasingly serious terrorist rages are effectively tracked and monitored.

This operation is naturally very humiliating. After all, most of the satellites are private, and there are even military satellites and spy satellites with high confidentiality levels. This time, it was a panacea for S.H.I.E.L.D., which was not simply a violation of rights and interests. This involved national security.

Regarding this issue, Nick Fury took out the usual ruffian style and stated that dealing with very enemies would require extraordinary means. This time the enemy not only has stealth aircraft, mature energy weapons, powerful biochemical weapons, but even dirty bombs have been regularized by them.

In addition to the brutal killings directly caused by ionizing radiation, nearly two hundred ordinary people in the vicinity of the mausoleum strongholds suffered various degrees of radiation erosion. Such enemies are not something that can be done by ordinary means.

"Should the SHIELD be supervised by the International Security Council, should it still be trusted? The big deal is to dismantle the global satellite network afterwards ..."

The members of the International Security Council snorted.

Is it that simple?

Almost all the satellites in the world have been connected in series, which means that the offensive and defensive systems of various countries at the space level have been lost, and then they can be restored to their former state.

In any case, S.H.I.E.L.D. is such an organization that often challenges the sensitive nerves of various countries. In S.H.I.E.D.L.K., Nick Fury is the best trick to die.

Under the pressure of reality, the International Security Council has to pinch its nose again and again. After all, Nick Fury can do it. From another perspective, there is a way to change it. There is no way of thinking in my head, and the problem cannot be solved. It's useful to just be obedient without causing trouble.

Having solved the hodgepodge version of the global satellite network system, the cosmic cube energy tracking system jointly developed by Iron Man and Bruce was soon released.

At this point, to some extent, the map is completely bright, and those marked prisoners will be found no matter where they go.

But this is only the first step, and it is relatively passive. After all, even if these captives are rescued, it is impossible to dig out all the secret strongholds of Hydra (so called temporarily).

Therefore, Iron Man and Bruce continue to work hard, they feel that they can start from the perspective of black leaves.

Black leaf hemp has certain extraordinary properties. After using it, there are still some abnormal signs, especially those who received the enhanced warrior program, the characteristics are more obvious, provided that they are checked with special instruments.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is Wakanda's enhanced technology, which is a mix of extraordinary and technology. After the transformation, it has already been regarded as an artificial extraordinary.

Although in a micro-magic world, extraordinary power is difficult to release outside the body, but using a device similar to a far-infrared thermal sensor can still distinguish them from ordinary people, just like the difference in body temperature between vampires and humans.

However, it was difficult to make light and portable observation equipment for a while, so Iron Man and Bruce thought of a compromise.

The first is to separate the devices, configure the wearable device for data collection, and then upload to a dedicated data processing device for comparison and feedback.

Due to the establishment of a global satellite network, although real-time calculus feedback is not available, it is basically practical, with results within 5 seconds.

But the power of the portable equipment is still a little bit worse, and it would be hard to expect the agents to wear them to find the target in the vast crowd.

Therefore, a drone system was added. The drone scanned the area and scrutinized the area. If there was a suspicious target, the agent would stare.

At present, it is such a technical level.

Nick Fury is very satisfied with this. After all, because the situation is not trivial, it can get the support of the state, and it should be rewarding to spread the net.

In addition, this device can also be used as a procedure for security identification. Although the Hydra spy may not necessarily be a transcendent person, the transcendent person is undoubtedly more dangerous. If it is just an ordinary person, even elite has its upper limit, not even if it is exposed , Can kill a **** road, causing huge damage and bad influence.

Speaking of this bad influence, one must mention the morale of the field staff of SHIELD.

The field is also human. This time the opponent is so powerful that it really bluffed the field staff of SHIELD.

In addition to the trust crisis caused by spies, it can be said that the team management within SHIELD has encountered unprecedented challenges.

Against this background, Nick Fury's 'B Block Agent' (informal internal title), is a standout. With the hard work of the interested person, he finally pried open the mouth of an agent and learned that the parasite and black Ye Ma, and even the existence of cloaks.

It ’s not a matter of oligarchism but unevenness. This information is naturally an uproar, and not only the Director, but also the International Security Council have personally checked the situation.

There is no other reason. The parasite system can be said to be a biochemical extraordinary technology. In another way, the "Super Warrior" plan has been reached, which has been batched. The earliest batch of users have used it for a year. There are no side effects, indicating that the technology is very mature.

Not to mention the cloak, the achievements of genetic and bioengineering technologies such as high-mountain supremacy. Nick Fury has already used it, and he still owes it even when he mentions it. How can he not be jealous?

Of course, Nick Fury dared to play like this, and had long thought about the reasons for the response. The specifics are nothing more than urgency and risk control. These are supported by the provisions found in the relevant regulations of SHIELD.

Especially those who are in charge of the outside of the ground, there is a supplementary regulation, which roughly means that the work that is torn apart from the life outside the ground is not easy to do. Sometimes it has to be handled flexibly, including some of the disaster treatment processes like Chernobyl Behavior-knowing that it is dead, someone must take it.

This kind of clear-cut operation that allows individuals to sacrifice for the sake of the regiment is more difficult to achieve under the ideological system of the free world, but it must be done by someone, then more restrictive provisions are given in the binding rules , Has become a means and compensation.

After Nick Fury's rebellion, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Security Council couldn't find enough reason to arrange Nick Fury. They also tried to negotiate. Can they further generalize related technologies and products?

Sure enough, Nick, as they know, can make a three-pointer without reason, even with reason, he finds a lot of reasons to say no.

In the end Nick won, but also planted the seeds of the break.

Nick himself felt it, knowing that it was because of the crisis of the Hydra (a new terrorist force that distinguished the true Hydra from the Hydra), and there was no way to change temporarily. When the incident subsided, he estimated that he would have to go to class.

Even if the position of the director is climbed up, it is necessary to completely part ways with the SHIELD Bureau. Why is this so?

Nick Fury has also considered this issue himself, and the ultimate reason for it is power.

Through Kane, Nick knew what he had done in his original history. He felt that he had made politician-style compromises and concessions in many choices in order to achieve some goals.

He even discussed with Kane about this. Just after Kane handed over the Pegasus Starship, the two accidentally talked about the reasons why he let the Avengers organization, which is still in its embryonic stage, become independent early.

He said: "I can understand the mysterious operations of the original history. SHIELD needs leadership like me. Humans need me to do the dirty work. I go in vain. I just fulfill myself. You can do things better in your position. "

Now that Fang Qi has not been reprimanded in the position of director, it shows signs of severance, because the Avengers have already matured in advance. Although this organization has not had a screaming operation, although both its headquarters and the starship are traded, power is power.

Nick now also has a certain prophetic advantage, knowing that after the original history of S.H.I.E.L.D. disintegrated due to Hydra's insight plan, the Avengers took over and replaced the S.H.I.E.L.D. role.

So now that the Avengers have power, Nick naturally does not want to be like the original history, not only the problem of suffocation, but also the difference in efficiency and even the results. For example, he prefers to choose once and for all to deal with the evil and evil. Instead of paying expensive fees to imprison it.

Soon after Kane left Earth, Nick knew from Maria Hill. Nick successfully convinced Hill that Kane was actually his most powerful trump card. There is a big difference in whether or not this trump card is played.

So when Kane is not there, Hill will notify Nick. That means, take it easy. The strongest person in the bottom pocket will not be able to return for a while, and it is too big to end properly.

Nick did slow down the pace of action for this, worrying that premature piercing of the pustule could not be dealt with. It was not because he changed his counsel, but because he had a better choice, he was unwilling to just play revenge. , But said that before the fire, the Thunder was extinguished, and he thought he could still look forward to it.

After all, the multi-headed snake couldn't help but jump out and make trouble. It's not difficult to imagine, how many people can grievance themselves willingly with that skill? Happiness and enmity is definitely a refreshing point for most human beings.

Nick Fury did not deliberately remind the relevant departments, he felt that there was no need to. There is no need to talk about the severity of the situation anymore, and you still make low-level mistakes, so there is no complaint to pay the price of life.

The result was a prison escape on the fourth day after Kane left.

It is not the people below that make the junior mistakes, but the management.

The management underestimated the fierceness and power of the enemy.

To be fair, the SHIELD internal guards responsible for the guards did not lose their duties from top to bottom. They were not as conscientious as above, but they were above the standard.

It's just that the enemies facing this time are not enough to deal with above-level operations.

It can even be said that even if 120% of the mental head is used to deal with it, the probability that the fake American team and others will escape from prison is still extremely high, but there are only fewer casualties.

The performance of the management was mediocre, so that there was no commendable performance on the side of SHIELD before, during and after the incident, and dozens of people were killed or injured.

But this is only superficial data, and the truth is even more dangerous. This operation of the Hydra is more a rescue operation than a rescue operation. The whole operation is divided into two parts.

The most important thing is not to save people, but to cooperate inside and outside, and capture the prison.

Speaking of this prison, it is also a big name, code-named isolated island, with the same name as the mansion, the dome and the cube.

The four prisons, each with its own target, like a dome, are mainly used to hold technology villains, such as Spider-Man ’s opponent Dr. Octopus and Hydra ’s Dr. Zola.

On isolated islands, criminals with particularly high levels of danger are held. Like King Wanli and Baron Zemo.

In Marvel 199999, the other three prisons only heard their names, but did not see them. There are only isolated islands, and once appeared in three chapters of the US team. Tony Stark once visited there by helicopter. After the civil war, the crimson witch, falcon, and eagle eye were all held there, and the warden was General Ross. .

Marvel ’s 199999 Gudao prison is slightly different from the one in Marvel ’s universe, one of which is a big change in shape, and the other is that the detainees are not strong enough.

But even so, there are many murderers in the world.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. felt that the detention should be insured enough. Although General Rose's military style is suspected of ill-treatment of prisoners, it must be said that the control is still relatively effective.

As a result, Ross once again paid a heavy price for his arrogance and arrogance. If Nick Fury arranged Agent Phil Coleson to assist, it was not as simple as the prisoner was rescued, but the island fell and became a bull. Snake assets.

From the beginning, Rose had seen Coleson and others discomfort. He felt that the isolated island was his one-third of an acre, and SHIELD had such an auxiliary team, which was obviously contempt for him.

It was also due to Coulson's good temper and tenacity, and he had been upset with Rose for others. Especially with the use of demons and continuous growth, Coulson's current combat strength does not dare to say that the American team who slammed the original history can definitely press the opponent's hammer. This kind of combat power, supplemented by equipment, can overturn all the guards of the island.

Correspondingly, Coulson can also estimate the approximate combat strength of the Hydra personnel such as the fake US team, so he made several remarks.

However, General Rose took it as a deaf ear, and later even unabashedly expressed disgust.

It is also the lack of strength of the management. At the critical moment, Coulson and his team can only choose one. They ca n’t let the Hydra people slaughter the guards of the isolated island and give this extremely special super giant submarine fortress to the robbery. Gone.

As a result, the Hydra's seizure operation failed, but the rescue operation was very smooth. Not only did the Hydra's person escape, but he also abducted several well-known criminals.

In addition, they released the prisoners to create chaos, so that several women belonging to the prison communications department and the compulsory department were inhumanly murdered.

After the incident, General Rose habitually took a rake, saying that it was precisely because of the uniqueness of the Coulson team that affected the normal operation of the isolated island prison, so that the enemy had an opportunity.

Fortunately, Coulson, as the general of Nick Fury, has many years of preaching and teaching, and is also a qualified old beep. He secretly copied the monitoring. The Hydra attack basically has audio and video materials, which did not provoke the upper body.

The director of SHIELD, who specifically arranged the containment, shelled Coulson. They used high-end equipment, but did not undertake first-line tasks, but hid in a dark place with an auxiliary appearance.

Devil insects, black leaf hemp, and cloaks were also triggered by the breach of jail. Although I vaguely knew it before, it lacked good excuses. This time, in order to lighten responsibilities, I bite the issue and divert my attention.

It was indeed a flurry of jumps within SHIELD, but the supervisor, and the SHIELD director behind him, failed to escape sanctions and was forced to resign.

Since Alexander Pearce stepped down, the new director has not been able to take action when he took office.

Kane played the trumpet, one was the New York drug lord ’s lair, and the other was the Portland Mausoleum. They all won first and lost, and suffered heavy casualties. The person in charge of SHIELD was the supervisor who was brought up by the new director. .

If it ’s all such waste, whoever makes the opponent too sturdy. But Nick Fury can still do it. Although it's not flattering, he can really do things. The people he associates with are awesome. He can also instruct him at critical moments.

Since taking over the Hydra business, the results can be said to be very effective. The global satellite system is uncomfortable for all countries, but no one can say that this is not good, and this system is pinned in the hands of SHIELD, and countries can barely recognize it, at least the general message It is more convenient to inquire what to collect ~ ~ SHIELD has opened the relevant authority as soon as possible. In addition, there is a mutual supervision management system. It is quite thoughtful.

In addition, Nick Fury also blocked the source of black leaf hemp, and reached an agreement with the black **** religion, all black leaf hemp, Aegis Bureau eat all, of course, the price is not cheap.

In this way, the flow of black leaf hemp has become much more controllable, and there is still room for profit. After all, it is an exclusive sales monopoly.

On these two matters, the International Security Council must admit that Nick Fury is a capable person.

Looking further away, there is also the handling of the Thor event, the handling of the event between Ivan and Iron Man, the collaboration with the mystics, etc. It can be said that Nick Fury is excellent, Absolutely worthy of the glory and power of the one-handed trident B, if it is added to the peers, it will seem more patient.

If the character of this guy is not flattering, he can even be said to be inferior, and he has taken over as the director of the SHIELD Bureau.

It is precisely because the International Security Council has seen that SHIELD can have no director, but it cannot be without the fact that Nick Fury has dared to change the director at this time.

Before the new director took office, Nick Fury had actually obtained 85% of the authority of S.H.I.E.L.D., it can be said that he did not have the name of the director, but he did the job of the director. It was really flowers and fire.

Nick Fury also knows that this is about his last show at SHIELD. Unless he is officially in charge of SHIELD next, the new director will arrive when he is gone. It's no longer a common problem. If he doesn't leave, the new director will be a puppet.

Kane did n’t know these stories and did n’t have much interest. He returned quickly and greeted Nick Fury as soon as possible: “My mission to the universe is complete, and one of the rewards is complete freedom.”

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