Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 889: Fish Touch Force is in place

Things in this world often seem ironic. It sounds like a joke, but it is actually the truth.

For example, sometimes, the focus is not on the presence or absence of something, but on what others think you have or do not have.

This time the Hydra faced such a problem.

It is difficult to give people intuitive concepts by declaring directly how many nuclear weapons there are on earth.

But if it is announced that the Hydra has acquired most of the nuclear weapons of the Beacon State, even if it is not propagated, global humans will still be panic-stricken all day long, worrying that the loss of nuclear weapons will cause global catastrophe.

Of course, direct throwing is also more convincing.

But nuclear weapons are not such a game.

Sitting in the silo is the most deterrent, and its essence is nothing more than a big bomb.

C Kane remembered a related statement from the deity: "I have witnessed nuclear war. It turns out that humans are more tenacious than they expected. Of course, this is not necessarily a good thing. The ongoing war makes nuclear weapons routine and more sinister. Projectiles, as well as smaller nuclear artillery shells and rockets, quickly appeared, and then the world turned into hell. The real mass extinction appeared. Humanity may continue to survive, but civilization has basically disappeared. "

The Hydra also understands the truth. They can build but do not use nuclear weapons. They even worry that the politicians and capitals of the lighthouse nation without limits must use nuclear bombs first.

After all, in the eyes of the Hydra ’s leadership, it ’s necessary to lose the trapping of the five great powers by playing routine, and the hooligans are not screaming, those guys are not gentlemanly, and they can use any dirty methods after losing their eyes. Come out, and will use their own so-called legitimacy and credibility and control that has not yet bankruptcy, use public opinion to buck the pot, the blame of the thief to catch the thief is that the multi-headed snake uses nuclear weapons.

The leader of the Hydra said in an internal meeting: "There are only fool people who feel that these guys are amiable, respectable, or have illusions about their conscience. In fact, they will only be worse than us, There is no lower limit ... "

There is also internal brainwashing in the leadership of the Hydra, of course, there is a tall saying, ideological and political work, grab it from time to time, read together the bad things done by the ruling countries of various countries, comment on the bad spots, unity Thought, to confirm that one's own side stands at the moral high ground, and now the rulers of various countries, just by doing bad things, while using the existing organizations to cover up, whitewash, and dress up as a dedicated public servant.

It must be said that it is always easy to pick up problems. Any organization that has existed for a long time will have corruption and other problems, and the new team has fewer problems in this regard.

When people ignore such observable phenomena, but blindly emphasize who is better, more clean, and more energetic than others, then most of the existing ruling system is indeed a group of **** plus three levels.

The Hydra is based on this line of thought, standing at the commanding heights of morality, and has a clear conscience for his actions.

"Change will always be painful, just like in the process of cutting off the rotten tissue, part of the good meat will be cut off, and it will bleed. But it is worth paying the price ..."

If Kane knew what was happening inside the Hydra, he would most likely sneer: "Another cycle begins."

This is the case of human civilization. When waging war, always doctrine is above everything else, and the original intention is also beautiful. But in the end, life will be above everything else, nothing is more valuable than life, and nothing is more worthy of maintenance than peace.

For those initiators, in this transformation process, success is the most important thing for them.

At the same time, who died, who suffered, and who died who suffered, naturally are ordinary people with lower resistance. Start with vulnerable groups such as homeless people and poor people.

That's why there is a classic saying: War, war has never changed.

"Fight, without the iron curtain, the new slave era will be completely formed." C Kane commented rather coldly.

In fact, the Iron Curtain has long been formed, and the heavy machine gun has no life after the heavy machine gun, but it is not just a talk.

In the eyes of Kane, this is nothing more than a fleeing battle between sheep and sheep. The power of the organization theory of the Hydra is definitely a professional sheep. It is normal to fight for power and status that matches the strength.

Kane watched the excitement while pulling down his own fighting strength.

He is a typical third party, but he estimates that it is difficult to stay out of this time, so proper preparation should be.

Let me talk about direct power first.

The most formal, of course, is the red-yellow-green supreme (gemstone power) evil **** insect swarm that was opened not long ago. Unless it is the earth ’s humans in this universe who fought for a long time, otherwise the Divine Insect Swarm cannot be expected.

Then there is the Black Caesar Guard.

Although the Black Sun is significantly higher than the largest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier on earth, in terms of size and tonnage, it is a starship, after all, it compresses conventional propulsion power facilities, as well as transition engines and related facility. The pod area between the ship's body and the hull was not seen by him, so it did not raise more than 3,000 people like an aircraft carrier.

Black Sun ’s current crew is only more than 300 people, and the Black Caesar Guard does not exceed 700. Although he is sure that his guards are all one hundred, sometimes the disadvantage of a small number is very intuitive. This crisis really needs To escalate into a global war, his guard will inevitably have limited influence due to lack of avatars.

In addition to the direct guards, the Hill is also considered to be a fighting force. Although there are few living people inside, the number of colonies has exceeded 1,000. Together with the role of the battleship itself, it is a dry cargo.

Then there is the black **** led by Kara, and the Hydra led by Pierce.

Although these two forces haven't been established for a long time, and they are basically stocking, they are still developing well. I really want to pull out to win many consecutive battles. The loss may be very heavy, but when I am a defender, It is definitely enough to maintain a law and order.

After such a calculation, Kane suddenly discovered that he unknowingly had the armed capital of the founding country.

Of course, he didn't count himself.

After all, for him, Jianguo or something is just a chance to play two games without the chance to catch up with the game. Too much investment, to put his own net worth into it, it would be too cost-effective.

Without Infinite Gems, his main development idea is to highlight the word "Yang" first, and can no longer use the power casually, pretending to be more obvious, like the operation of Asgard, there will be no second time in theory. .

So he sent messages to Carla and Pierce separately, so that they can make some proper preparations, lest they have the opportunity to take advantage of the cheap, but missed because of insufficient preparation.

In fact, this kind of worry is simply superfluous. Carla and Pierce are much more vulgar than C. Kane. They do n’t have Kane ’s past. They do n’t need to fight to know that they are good. Both of them are full of self. I have already secretly engaged in various small actions before, and now I have won the approval of Kane. I am more and more energetic and have been drafting a series of action plans.

The top executives of these two organizations know each other. After all, the seller of black leaf hemp is black god, and the hydra is planted to see the market, and the profit is also divided in half.

However, this time, the two sides have no intention of cooperation for the time being, and they feel that the power they hold in their hands is more incomparable, and they have a certain competing heart.

The two knew very well that it would be better to please Kane's favor no matter how much the world was fishing.

To say that both of them are quite stressful, because Kane reorganized the two, and both of them sensed the birth of the first insect, knowing that their ranking in the system is B, not A, which is seen by the two. Coming is a drop in status.

Both of them want to perform well and enter the first echelon to become the commander under one person and stand alone, instead of suddenly the sky comes down to the boss.

For the same purpose, the starting point is different. Kara is worried that she is gradually alienated by Kane after she is not the first echelon. The core reason for her efforts is to maintain a better position in Kane's life circle, just like another meaning. Concubine on the road.

And Pierce is the high mountain of Kane's strength, holding this thigh, so longevity or something, but it is incidental. So proving himself and satisfying Kane is his political correctness and a new goal in life.

Hydra headquarters deep in a mine in West Africa.

Hydra had mastered many advanced technologies. Kane returned from Sundar Star for the first time and supported another wave. Therefore, Hydra has far exceeded the current level of human civilization on the road of science and technology.

These technologies are reflected in all aspects of the Hydra headquarters.

This is no longer a shabby mine, but a dungeon. Hydra can now even build an air-to-sky battleship by itself, and just over a year after the S.H.I.E.L.D., Pierce has self-reliantly completed the preparatory work for the insight plan. He is naturally proud.

But compared to this, the bigger result is on Dr. Zola's side.

Zola, who is now the standard Aryan handsome guy, has a new research direction, the Evil God Cell Worm.

Because Pierce ’s Evil Cell Worm is highly controllable and can cooperate with various researches, Zola has achieved amazing results in application research and development.

Zola has always been focused on genetics. In the Marvel Universe, he has done a big data copy of the soul like {Sixth Day} and transferred his body. This technology once served cadres such as the Red Skull The team-leading Chaoying often complained that the Hydra people were always dead!

Originally in Marvel 199999, a universe in which all the powers and abilities of the strong were severely weakened, Zola could not do this.

But Kane ’s cult cell worm is hanging from top to ceiling. Zola said to Pierce: "Even if you get the upper limit, there will be no shortage of research and development issues within a thousand years."

When the black gods used evil **** cells to generate warcraft such as war bats and war honey badgers, Zola sneered. He said to Pierce: "We don't play with beasts, we only play with people, and play with people to the extreme!"

Zola did it, he got the task of soul backup and transfer, got the limited resurrection technology, and got the evil **** biochemical weapon project.

So Pierce can administer Brock (crossbones), Jack (former captain of the Aegis internal guard, which appeared in the Winter Soldier Research Institute of the United States and the shipjacking rescue operation), George (American team) Chapter 2 The villain who fought with the US team during the ship-robbing operation) and others said solemnly: "Work hard and be loyal to the Hydra with all your heart. You will get ever-increasing gifts!"

Of course, this is an advanced application, and the productivity of Hydra cannot provide such guarantee for every member.

But there is no difference, there is really a big difference. When this technology is implemented repeatedly in the face of all members, and then introduces a reward and punishment mechanism, it can be said that all the members of Hydra have become fanatics.

They are loyal and fearless to death. The only thing they pursue is whether they perform well enough in their actions!

There is no doubt that this kind of individual spontaneous organization that does its best to reflect value is very, very terrible.

And Pierce also introduced a elimination mechanism. Anyway, wars in West Africa are frequent. No one pays attention to the specific population data. Hydra will continue to plunder the population and obtain soldiers.

In addition, although they have been secretly developing, their intelligence work has never been relaxed. At the same time, we also pay attention to attracting elite personnel. Many dead people to the outside world survived here, and then became a member of the Hydra, desperately selling their lives.

The dungeon named Hydera has a family area, not just a large barracks.

Hydra not only absorbs men who meet the standard in the world, but also arranges eyeliners like Henry Cullen in key departments such as SHIELD. It also uses cloning and soul transfer technology to attract certain powerful big men and reach a secret agreement with it. .

It can be said that as long as Pierce and Zola are given a few more years, relying on life-sustaining technology, Hydra can definitely become the most powerful and powerful organization on this planet.

Therefore, with Kane's permission, the new plan made by Hydra is not about whether to take advantage of the opportunity, but how much to grab.

Nuclear bombs are also their target, but unlike the Hydra, they are hitting the 2050 ideas in the lighthouse country warehouse!

Compared with the Hydra, the military organization of the Black God is not so rich. It is more like a religious corps.

The soul of the organization ’s military is naturally Frank?

Whether it is Carla or Frank, their three views and cognitions cannot be compared with Pierce and Zola, and there is a big gap in vision, skill, pattern, depth of thought, and darkness.

However, the growth rate of the two is very amazing, and the Black God has its own advantages.

The way in which extraordinary power is used is a key point in the difference between Black God and Hydra.

Neither Pierce nor Zola had given up their own set because of the power of the evil spirit cell worm.

They are all successful people, with their own expertise and pride, such as Pierce's Hydra brainwashing, Zola's genetics.

Therefore, they use the evil spirits as a super boost to their respective professional fields.

For Carla, Kane gave her the evil spirit cell worm is almost all rely on. Therefore, she pays more attention to the income and expenditure of extraordinary power.

So she established the Demon Worm System, and Black Leaf Hemp added icing on the cake.

The essence of the magic insect is actually to raise the Gu, and the quality of the parasite is improved, which is far less than the value of the magic insect after fattening.

But because of its miraculousness, it has become a business that earns two fortunes. How many people cry and shout that they are willing to spend money and are parasitized.

Relying on such a sale, the Black God Religion is developing rapidly, and at the same time, it has enough wealth to be elitist.

Demon worms give strength and strengthen control. Demon worms used by members of the Black Gods do not need to be replaced frequently, but as the integration deepens, users will gradually change from physiological to psychological, and become a qualified member of the swarm.

For example, Frank Custer, this guy's temperament is notoriously difficult to deal with.

And like most beauties, he hated black-hearted capitalists and shameless politicians, scolded the ruling party as usual, but loved the country and was proud of it.

It is for this reason that although he is an anti-hero, the emphasis is on cruel and **** means. Apart from this, his concept of right and wrong is not much different from other superheroes.

This kind of Frank Custer has a very high probability of coming forward in the face of this major event where the country may be completely subverted.

But now he has changed, becoming more obedient to Kara's orders.

Kara has no sense of identity with this country. She is a descendant of stowaways and a black household. Before Kane reached out to her, the three most striking keywords of her life were suffering, torture, and decadence. For her The lighthouse country is hell. Only demons can live comfortably in hell, and the degree of comfort is proportional to the degree of evil.

Now that she is a demon herself, she doesn't mind at all taking advantage of the fire to rob other devil's **** wealth.

Kane ’s latest order has restored the courage to get things done by the cautious Kara who was originally engaged in the order of Kane who ‘stop expanding and wantonly sell black leaf hemp’.

After consulting with Frank, the strategy formulated by the Black God is to watch the Hydra organization and play black and eat black.

"Let the Hydra Action Team with preparations and plans go to the official state of the lighthouse country, they lose, they take the opportunity to fall into the rocks, they win, we win!"

As Kane reminded ~ ~ The Hydra organization's nuclear weapons target is likely to be the three air bases working together, so the Black God chose Andrews Air Force Base, and Whiteman Air Force Base, one carried by Kara The fighting nuns are in charge, one is led by Frank with the priests.

When the Hydra organization forcibly broadcasted the destruction program of the Beacon State's Third Aircraft Carrier Fleet to the world, the SHIELD Special Forces coach had arrived at Minot Air Force Base.

The base is not as rigid as ordinary people think. At least it looks like an ordinary air force base and a town born from its existence. There is a junior high school, two primary schools, and other functional facilities like department stores. Pharmacies, fire stations, or shops such as pizzerias and thrift stores are also readily available.

The S.H.I.E.L.D.Squadron started fighting with the Hydra personnel on the edge of the town.

It turned out that with the monitoring system invented by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, the mob mob had been monitored when they left their den.

At that time, the S.H.I.E.L.D. special team started to board the plane, and the Kun-type transport plane also started the engine, which could take off at any time.

Soon afterwards, the SHIELD think tank, through a comprehensive deduction, basically determined that the mob's destination was Minot Air Force Base, so SHIELD used its own channel efficiency arrangements.

Eventually, without disturbing the Minot Air Force Base, it came first and succeeded in blocking the mob around the Air Force Base.

When the Special Forces personnel used a grenade to blow up the head of the mob convoy, SHIELD informed the Pentagon and Minot Air Force Base.

Both expressed serious concern about this. The Air Force Base even quickly dispatched Wuzhi to assist the battle. However, what surprised the SHIELD, the Avengers and the Pentagon was that the armed helicopters attacked not the mob, but the SHIELD side. !

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