Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 894: How long can the lighthouse stay on

Cara ’s tentacles of light are not just for playing cool. When she chooses to advance, each tentacle becomes a force point and becomes a slingshot, which makes her burst out of incredible super high speed in a flash, fast It seems to use teleport.

And this time her opponent is a member of the sentinel family. Like the fake American team in the Portland Mausoleum, he was given the Sun Gate, which can explode with majestic power by opening the door.

This gift within the Hydra is not aimed at a certain type of existence, but according to its position or responsibility.

Like the one who fought Kara this time, code-named unicorn, he is not a clone of the US team, nor does he have a high position, but in this operation, he is responsible for attacking and dealing with strong enemies, so he was given the sun. The door.

He is a failure of a series of genetic experiments on the Hydra.

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 of which are shared by men and women, and the remaining one, if it is a man, then it is xy, and it is **** for a woman.

The multi-headed snake tried to create a life with 24 pairs of chromosomes, and the extra one was made by the unique chromosomes of men and women, because the legend is that angels are asexual ...

Whether a unicorn is an angel is not so easy to say. After all, no one knows what an angel should look like, but the fact that a unicorn is not a human has been basically determined.

He is different from Thailand's shemales, who are transgendered by female **** hormones and medical methods, and they are different in nature.

The unicorn is the only survivor of the seventh batch of his series. The multi-headed snake is not satisfied with this fruit because the cost is high and it is not universal enough.

It can make the multi-headed snake feel painful, and the cost of raising the unicorn can be imagined.

However, from another perspective, he really can afford this expensive fee.

The super-British-level biological weapon has a fast reaction speed, and its extraordinary power can also keep up with his reaction. His eyes glared, and the high-energy energy beam was sprayed out, instantly hitting Kara.

Then I saw Kara's "Om" sound, making a twisted haze of light and mist.

The unicorn felt something, suddenly a swinging back leg, and the right leg was like a steel stick, which generally carried a residual image and swept and slammed.

But he still slowed down Carla's half shot. Carla appeared behind him first. What's more rare is that the high speed of the previous rush was not lost because of the teleportation, so he fiercely hit the unicorn.

The unicorn was ejected as if it was an excited shell, letting his hands and feet radiate light, inserting it into the wall like an iron hook, plowing out a long and deep ditch, and the momentum of hitting and flying still failed to resolve much.

The passage of tens of meters ended in an instant, and on the top wall that the unicorn was about to hit, suddenly eight light tentacles were protruded like spears!

The unicorn saw the tentacles with the afterglow of his eyes, but at this time he had no more choices. When his teeth were bitten, he suddenly released hundreds of millions of lights. The armor was burned into fly ash instantly, and he turned himself into one. A plasma fireball with a height as its diameter.

This is an application of the power of the sun, the name is called the Son of the Sun, but Kane prefers to call it a fusion fireball.

The unicorn counts on the fusion of high temperatures waiting to destroy Kara's tentacles in a flash.

Facts have proved that he thinks too much. Although it causes serious energy consumption, the tentacle of light still pierces the unicorn like a sharp iron.

"Oh ..." the unicorn screamed, and Carla's tentacles hit him hard.

Only then did he see clearly that Kara's tentacles of light traversed the distance through the 'chaotic passage'.

One end of the chaotic channel was opened near Karachi, looking like a haze of purple and black light.

At the other end, at the wall, it is like opening a hole in the wall, from which tentacles of light extend into and out from the other end.

"Dead together!" The unicorn faced with seven emotions and a distorted face. He used his arms and legs to wrap his tentacles backwards. During the period, he could not let go, and then released the power of the sun with all his strength.

‘Ka La La! ’The sound of masonry cracking sounded, the dust turned into smoky blue smoke in the air before the ground fell. In the long aisle, the temperature soared in an instant, and the floor and wall tiles were crisply peeled off, and the inner wall quickly lavaded.

'call! 'Carla's legs and arms are like unbonded rattan, turning into hundreds of tentacles. These tentacles glow and grow continuously, although the high temperature makes the skin of these tentacles quickly burn and dry, but it can Like molting, exposing the delicate new skin inside.

And, around the tentacles, an obvious energy absorption phenomenon has formed. At first glance, it seems to be participating in the glow.

Kara's hair, like Medusa's snake hair, turned into a long snake-like tentacle, which looks too strange and terrifying, and can be called a monster among monsters, but no one at the scene cares about this .

"Burn you, demon! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?? With with with with withered out with the sun, the unicorn howled like a sunspot, forming a surging heat wave.

The whole channel is like oil wax in high temperature, while burning, while flowing liquid thick juice.

Farther away from the passage, the two warring parties could only avoid the fire waves that licked and licked like a lava flow.

"Master!" Carla could not help but call out loudly.

The crazy burning of the unicorn caused her serious burns, and her skin was burnt, shed skin, and burnt. If that was the case, she would be able to sustain it. The problem is that it is not far from the storage place of the nuclear bomb. She was worried about causing a nuclear leak.

The unicorn thought Kara could n’t hold it anymore, and was about to be burned to death, and he became even harder. At the same time, he laughed loudly: "Your master can't save you!"

"Who said !?" Kane's voice came from Kara's mouth.

Looking at Kara, the temperament has changed obviously, especially the eyes, no longer the scarlet light, but the color of shining ice chips.

Kane uses the special behavior of the swarm system to occupy the ultra-long-range soul, playing with the upper body of the ghost, and at the same time, unlocking, adjusting and optimizing the evil spirit cells in his body to a certain extent.

Now, it is not Carla, but Kane, against the unicorn.

Just as he spoke, the tentacles of the hair's changing tentacles entrapped the unicorn's head, propped up its eyelids, and forced it to face the eyes emitting blue light.

The unicorn's eyes seemed to be caught in an endless vortex, his expression gradually lost, and his eyes were finally dull and empty.

More tentacles sprang from Kara's body, as if she themselves were made up of numerous thorns and vines. These tentacles are dark and oily, and the energy intake effect is stronger. They are not entangled with the unicorn's body, but they are woven continuously, and the knitting is not big.

With a flash of light, Carla even disappeared with the cage, and then appeared in a laboratory already on the Hill.

Earlier, Kane had captured a fake American team with the Sun Gate at Portland Mausoleum as a soldier.

Unfortunately, at that time, he didn't know much about the principle of using the Sun Gate. As for the dissection, he could not open the door.

This time Carla caught an open door. Kane saw it as tinder and guided the Hill.

Sure enough, another door to the sun was opened soon after.

This door is more vivid, that is, a plasma fireball that appears out of thin air does not have a so-called core that is based on people.

"Good job." Kane praised Kara.

His Evil God Cell itself is not afraid of stellar flames. After all, he used the Evil God Cell as a material to build a star furnace including the sun.

However, a considerable part of the function of the evil **** cells in Kara is blocked, not just Kane stingy, but also some practical considerations, such as control, and energy consumption.

Now, Kane not only partially unlocked it to have high temperature resistance, but also used divine art to pull the unicorn's consciousness into the endless corridor, making it an energy source that continuously releases the power of the sun.

As a result, Carla's newly-grown flesh and tissue can already cope with the unicorn's power of the sun.

The bio-like fusion reactor was born. The energy gained is greater than the energy spent. This trade can be done. Kara can not only repair the damage and make up for the consumption, but also have a lot of extraordinary power balance for self-reinforcement.

The external manifestation is that, after the tentacles, the eyes of one rune after another are opened, and the light gradually illuminates. After every hundred luminous eyes, after aggregation, a standard unit of energy crystals can be condensed and appear on the limbs. on.

These crystals, like large gems inlaid, are also called extraordinary neurons, or energy nodules, which can not only store extraordinary power, but also have great benefits for controlling power.

This design is derived from the beast **** who strongly colonized the armored universe.

It's just that the crystal that will be used by the beast gods of the strong armored universe is called the **** crystal. The source is the first beast **** made by the advent of the ancient times. The Akafil is produced by the division and cultivation of the **** crystal embryo. of.

In addition to the divine crystal, there is also an energy crystal that is embedded throughout the body.

Black Kane combined the technology of the old dominators and combined the two functions to produce extraordinary neurons.

Following the arrest of the unicorn, the Hydra's operation at Andrews Air Force Base basically failed.

Whether it is a fake American team or a mass-produced Black Panther, its fighting style is full of juggling flavor, which is naturally very powerful against ordinary people, but it is not good when it encounters opponents who have also received reinforcements and have extraordinary armed sideways. Woke up.

The longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation is for them. Seeing more and more soldiers join the battle, they chose to retreat without much hesitation.

However, at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, the Hydra succeeded. Although Frank Custer is not the same as before under the influence of the Demon Worm, he is obviously unable to catch up with the two strong sentinel families.

He originally did not take melee combat as his strength, relying more on weapons. When the weapon can't bite his opponent, he has some claws. Of course, as a master of tactics, under his command, the armed priests exploded into a fighting force far beyond the general army, and the action personnel of the Hydra were also beaten up in embarrassment.

But after all, the multi-headed snake relied on high-end personnel, and gradually gained the upper hand. The two members of the sentinel family are twins, and their strength is expressed in terms of high strength, high protection, high regeneration, and the manufacture of biochemical bombs.

This kind of bomb can be fired like the "ex-wife" mini missile made by Hanmer Industries, and then cause an explosion that is not as inferior as the equivalent amount of metal hydrogen. That is to say, a long and thin section of the warhead is enough to tear the main Frontal armor of the battle tank.

The twin brothers and sisters are like super-era heavy artillery tanks, as long as they are not fatally hit by a single blow, they can quickly recover, but they are extremely capable of covering each other. Frank relied on tactical skills several times and wounded one of them. It was covered by another and his previous achievements were abandoned.

In the end, he had to admit that the probability of getting two guys into the pit in a very short period of time was too low, mainly because of the weapons he and the priests used. Greatly increased the difficulty of killing.

After all, the other party is not just two people, but has a fake US team and mass production Panther collaboration.

In the end, Frank and his priest squad secured time for the personnel of the Air Force Base, let them perform safe operations, and locked the nuclear detonation system.

But in the face of high-tech organizations like the Hydra, such operations are of little significance.

The Hydra started the lighthouse country's nuclear arsenal for two reasons.

One is to reduce the number of nuclear weapons held by the beacon country. Whether from a practical or public opinion perspective, whether a large country possesses nuclear weapons is of great significance.

The second is that it requires a lot of manpower, material resources and energy to produce nuclear weapons. It can be said that in the current information age, it is clear at a glance whether nuclear weapons are being produced, and it is difficult to hide them. The Hydra can't wait to get a ready-made one.

Therefore, this time the highly enriched weapon-grade nuclear fuel at Whiteman Air Force Base was robbed by the Hydra, and it was already lost.

TNT nuclear bombs with a total equivalent of more than 15 million tons were sent to stealth aircraft. Such aircraft are not only light weapons, but also rockets and missiles. They can be positive. Vibrating gold armor is really a mainstream weapon for active countries today. Is quite unsolvable.

No matter the background or the time of existence, the black gods ca n’t be compared with the old Hydra, they do n’t have their own weapons.

The so-called non-mainstream high-power weapons used are actually only laboratory-grade weapons. To some extent, they are unqualified products that cannot solve critical problems, such as being too heavy and having too much recoil.

These problems, which do not sound like much, often just contradict the concept of great power, but the Black God relies on alienation, and his physique is beyond ordinary people.

The most important thing is that they have more gold and open the price. For the purpose of properly recovering development capital, weapon developers sold them with one eye closed, as if they were stealing.

As a result, the chain fell off at a critical moment, and the extraordinary attributes of the offensive failed to be put in place.

Kala was also temporarily relied on by Kane, so he did n’t become a barbecue octopus whisker, and also played a blessing due to misfortune, but such a good thing could not happen again and again. Frank was unable to summon the boss directly, although he is also an evil spirit cell It is not a parasite, but it is also a fact that its level is lower than Kara.

After learning about what happened at Whiteman Air Force Base, the President of the Lighthouse State still managed to calm down. Hearing that the nuclear arsenal was stolen, he completely fainted.

2050 nuclear bombs were placed in six warehouses and stolen. The first loss report was discovered by the security inspection system more than an hour after the theft.

The lighthouse has a special department that ‘signs’ every two hours to ensure that everything in the nuclear defense is normal.

It was this program that failed to get a response, and then triggered a security check, and then found that the personnel were overturned, the nuclear bombs were all lost, and the traces were wiped clean. The professionalism is like a legend.

This is the handwriting of Hydra.

Alexandre Pierce had started the idea of ​​nuclear bombs long ago. And the layout is early, a little penetration, no lack of internal response.

The only problem is that the Hydra in the past was just to help mortals. It was too difficult and too difficult to create a miracle project. It also had to rely on a singular object like the Universe Cube, and then had enough manpower, material resources, funds, venues, etc. Only after the support can we make a big move. In the past, like the Hydra Corps during World War II, now, for example, the Insight Planned Sky and Space Warships, this kind of support can only be used. Otherwise, it will not rely on conspiracy and tricks. .

But this problem has basically been solved since it was incorporated by Kane. The personnel are concentrated, extraordinary, the pyramid system is established, there is no shortage of funds, the backbone is returning one by one, and there are super-technical foreign aid from Kane. It can be said that except for time, Hydra is short of everything, and the rise is already inevitable.

This time it was nothing more than trying to fish in muddy water and using a sabre. They used advanced regional information signal masking technology and full control of the target information to pretend to be an inspector, and easily deceived the door.

Then with the elite wearing the invisible equipment, both light and dark, and the inner ghost participation, directly take the key points such as the central control room, and the guard system collapsed.

They also have professional hypnotic masters, cooperate with drugs and equipment, obtain key information, respond to a round of nuclear weapons safety inspection, and then calmly transport the nuclear weapons away. When the real verification team arrives, they see a group of sleepy guards, even There is no trace of fighting.

After hearing the news, the President of the Lighthouse State has almost collapsed. What he is considering now is not whether he can save the situation ~ ~ but whether he will become the first public hanger or fire hanger in the history of the Lighthouse State. The president.

"President, president?"


"People have arrived and the meeting can be held."

"Oh." The President responded absently, and walked toward the meeting room in a trance.

"President, you should pass by your office." The secret service reminded.


In the emergency meeting, the important personnel such as the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Energy, the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and so on were all present. It is difficult to get such a table together in a short period of time. After all, the big brothers of this level have their own affairs. It is impossible to carry over at any time like a clerical clerk.

However, this time the matter is really too big. One hundred thousand people are in a hurry and must arrive!

Now that everyone is here, the president does not know what to say.

Yeah, say something? All the participants, including him, did not think that the only superpower in the world had such a weak side before today.

Like a beaten man who fought for his rice bowl and always won, he was beaten up by fat in a sudden contest. A series of losses has made him doubt his life.

These people don't know what to do.

Just in the office of the president, the chief of staff had handed him a note, and the flight of assets started now!

The president really wanted to yell at the capital that had suffered a thousand knives, and then personally took someone to his home to tie up a ticket to one of his family members, but then there was nothing left.

He is afraid that there is no such appeal now, and not many people will listen to him. The reason why he is still in this seat is not even because of the corresponding legal procedures, but whether it is capital, country, or people. Need such a thunderbolt, after all, the disaster is not over.

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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